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lazy days skyward sword


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i'm sorry about this xD i really am

i wont say more xD except again that this was a drabble that ran a bit too long xD

here you go XD its skyward sword!

It was a warm summers day in Skyloft. Link glided lazily through the sky on his crimson Loftwing, enjoying the cool breeze with half closed eyes. He looked content and relaxed, and like he wasn’t really paying attention to his training, but it didn’t really matter. The sky knight competition wasn’t for another 3 months, so he had plenty of time for training.

Zelda spotted the crimson Loftwing soaring through the sky and followed after it on her own, trying to catch up with her childhood friend. When she pulled alongside it, she saw that Link was lying clumsily on his stomach, with his face buried in the Loftwing’s feathers and he was snoring contentedly. She looked at his sleeping face for a moment and then started to laugh.

“Link! Liiiiiink!” The soon to be sky knight opened his bleary eyes to the sound of her call and started to sit up, one of the Loftwing feathers brushed against the underside of his sensitive nose as he did.

“Oh…Zel…HuuKTChuu!” He doubled over into his cupped hands with a deep forceful sneeze, the type that came out when he was half asleep and not expecting it. Zelda’s eyes softened as he looked up at her sniffling and gave her a dazed grin.

“Bless you, Link,” She called over as he sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up, “still as lazy as ever, I see? The competition’s coming up soon, you should really be training for it.”

Link didn’t respond, and circled his Loftwing around to the left, landing it on the hands of the Goddess statue. He got off slowly and steadied himself on his feet, then stretched his arms high above his head. Zelda got off after him and the two Loftwings flew back into the sky.

“Mmm, Zelda, are you gonna join me for a nap today?” He smiled, sitting down and basking in the warm sun, reluctantly Zelda sat down beside him.

“Weren’t you napping on the Loftwing?”

“It was getting cold up there.”

Zelda shook her head.

“Link, you’re too easygoing sometimes, you know?” she jumped slightly as the Skyloft boy laid down with his head on her knees, his smiling face looking up at her from below.

“Hehe, isn’t that the best way to be?” He grinned, a happy blush decorated his cheeks, Zelda instinctively stroked her fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes. They sat together in the silence for a moment as Zelda thought about what he had said, then she picked up a Loftwing feather that had been dropped on the ground beside her. She twirled it around in her fingers for a moment, then she experimentally brushed it against the underside of Link’s nose.

“Oi, Zelda, what are yuhhh…” Link opened his eyes slowly only to have them flutter shut immediately, his chest heaved up and is mouth opened wide like his was yawning, then he let out a quick dry sneeze freely into the air, his body automatically sitting him up slightly.

“Haa-Ktch!” He blinked up at Zelda with confused eyes after the tickle had left him, it was difficult to sneeze in this position, so it had come out a lot softer than his usual sneezes, she grinned down at him. Link stared at her blankly for a moment, then he slowly lowered his head back onto her lap and relaxed.

Again the feather stroked against his sensitive nose.

It tickled, but it wasn’t a deep or particularly uncomfortable tickle, just enough to make his chest quiver with a light shivering breath and his eyelids flutter. He didn’t try to fight the urge to sneeze, actually he welcomed it, he loved to sneeze and thought that it was relaxing, so as the tip of the red feather gently squirmed around the entrance to his left nostril he took a big slightly dramatic gasp through his wide open mouth and quickly succumbed to another uncharacteristically quiet sneeze.

“Heh-Tchu! Ksh!” This time Link immediately collapsed back onto Zelda’s lap with a contented smile on his lips, his eyes half closed and his nose slightly pink around the edges, as though his was asking her to continue.

Zelda lightly traced the feather across his slightly flushed cheeks and down his neck, eliciting ticklish laughs from the young hero, before focusing on his nose again. The feather wiggled slowly up his septum and along the bridge, which felt really itchy, but not in a way that would make him sneeze, after a few seconds of this touch he lightly brushed her hand away. He scrubbed frantically at the tip of his nose with the palm of his hand for almost a full minute, then he titled his head back and frowned up at Zelda.

“Zel, don’t make me itchy,” he whined playfully and stuck out his tongue, to which Zelda laughed, but when she tried to put down the feather he quickly jumped in to correct himself, “ahh, but you can…make me sneeze again…if you want to,” he started to blush slightly with embarrassment, but didn’t regret taking the risk as the feather once again slowly twirled against the entrance to his right nostril.

“Ahhh, were you enjoying it?” Zelda grinned as she expertly teased the walls of the boy’s sensitive nose, quickly coaxing another dry sneeze out of her friend.

“Yehhh…feels good to…hehh…to sneeze…Huuuhh…like…it gets all the tension out…Heh-Kshu!” This time the feather didn’t move away as he sneezed, and instead continued to swish around against his sensitive nostrils, Link’s chest shivered as he automatically started to build up again, his mouth hung permanently open and his breath hitching loudly. “Hehh…Hehh-Tchu! Hah…Haa-Tchu! Heh…Heehh-Kshuu!

“What tensions?” Zelda laughed as she pulled away the feather and Link quickly sat up so that he could sneeze more forcefully, thinking that that might relieve him. He knelt, facing Zelda, scrubbing gently at his nose with his knuckles to try and coax the impending sneeze along, his long eyelashes shuddered and his chest heaved, his mouth hung open limply. A slightly feverish looking blush has stained his cheeks, Zelda edged forwards and put her hands on his shoulders to steady him as his head started to tilt back slightly.

“Huhh…Huhhh…HuuKgtchuu! He snapped forward into his cupped hands, doubling over so far that he almost hit his head on the floor. Then he sat up slowly, looking dazed and blurry eyed. “That felt…really good!” He sniffled thickly and Zelda offered him her handkerchief, holding it against his nose for him as he gave a quiet blow.

As though he couldn’t hold himself up any longer, Link collapsed forward onto Zelda’s lap, snuggling his face into her dress and closing his eyes.

“Time for that nap,” he commented mostly to himself and then he fell quiet, blushing and smiling happily.

Zelda watched him sleep for a moment, then she gently started to stroke his hair, making him purr quietly.

“You were right, Link, I guess lazy days really are the best.”

i love this senario xD <3

bye bye

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Awwwwh I love this. I think I love when you sneeze almost as much as you do Link ;):P

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You will diiiiiiiiiiie!!! >:-((((((

(Actually no cuz if I killed you then you wouldn't be able to make anymore Linky stories, so...)

Anyways good job :D :D :D

Edited by Not_Telling
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You will diiiiiiiiiiie!!! >:-((((((

(Actually no cuz if I killed you then you wouldn't be able to make anymore Linky stories, so...)

Anyways good job biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

ooopise <3 im sorry <3<3<3<3<3 i will make sure to tell you from now on!!! <3

do you want me to upload my new butterfly link drabble to make it up to you? <3

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You will diiiiiiiiiiie!!! >:-((((((

(Actually no cuz if I killed you then you wouldn't be able to make anymore Linky stories, so...)

Anyways good job biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

ooopise <3 im sorry <3<3<3<3<3 i will make sure to tell you from now on!!! <3

do you want me to upload my new butterfly link drabble to make it up to you? <3

Yayyy!! Thank u <3


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