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i dont even know what happened with this one xD again it started off as a drabble, but its super long xD

its midnight here and ive been writing this for 4 hours xD so i was desperate to upload it before i go to bed, so if there are and mistakes or it doesnt make sense it was because i was rushing and i cut and pasted a lot xD

have fun ^0^

“Ugh! I can’t believe Kaito is doing a rip off version of world is mine, that is MY song!” Miku complained to her alcoholic vocaloid friend Meiko as they lounged around in the otherwise quiet vocaloid house, the others were already in bed.

“I know! But get this, Gakupo, he drank all my sake, MY. SAKE!”

“Hey, you know what? We should teach them a lesson…”

“Huhh…wh-where am I?” Kaito woke up feeling considerably more uncomfortable than he had when he had fallen asleep, he tried to sit up, but his body wouldn’t move. Slowly he opened his eyes and found that he was already sitting up, in an uncomfortable wooden chair none the less, not the warm bed he had fallen asleep in. He looked down and found that his arms and legs were tied firmly to the sides of the chair.

“What’s going on?” A familiar deep voice came from beside him and he looked around, then he noticed the purple haired vocaloid Gakupo was also tied up next to him, looking groggily around with half lidded eyes as though he had just woken up as well.

“Ahh… look, they’ve woke up!” Kaito recognised Miku’s voice, and a second later the twin tailed girl stepped out of the shadows, along with another, less obvious culprit.

“Meiko!?” Kaito shouted up at his girlfriend, who smiled devilishly down at him, “why are you doing this?”

“We have a bone to pick with you, so consider this revenge.” She grinned, though what she’d said didn’t really make any sense to either of the dazed looking vocaloids, then she added, “sorry sweetie, my beef’s with Gaku, but since we’re together and all, I thought it was only fair that I get you, besides, torture is torture, so I don’t really mind who does it.”

The two girls approached the prisoners simultaneously and crouched down in front of them. Kaito clenched his eyes shut and waited, then he felt something soft brushing against the edge of his nostrils, he breathed in with surprise and a teasing tickle wafted up into his nose. He looked down.”

“Huh…is that…ragweed?” He sniffled wetly, “Huh…is that…ragweed?” He sniffled wetly, his words becoming gradually more spaced apart as the tickle invaded his nose.

“Of course it is, you two are both badly allergic to this, aren’t you?” After only a few seconds of the contact Kaito’s breath had started to hitch so badly that he could no longer speak, his nose squirmed and twitched desperately, the edge of his nostrils started to redden.

Miku grinned to herself as she rubbed the pollen infested blossoms against the inside of Gakupo’s nose, his eyelids fluttered delicately in response to the tickle and his head started to tilt back, but he didn’t give in.

“K-Kaito…do…hehh…don’t sneeze… that’s what they…wahhhh…want…”

Kaito made some vague irritated sounding noise that he agreed, but his sensitive nose couldn’t handle the pressure for much longer.

“I…I’m try hahh…trying…ehhhh…but I cahhh…can’t hold ihhhht,” he squirmed frantically against his restraints as the urge to sneeze spiked in the back of his sinuses, his bleary eyes became lidded and watery, while allergic tears dripped down his cheeks.

“Hxngt! Ngtchu! Kchu!” Unable to bear it any longer Kaito had no choice but to let go with a triple of restrained, stifled sneezes, satisfied, Meiko put down the blossom and sat back to look at her work of art. The sneezy, flushed teary Kaito that stared back at her was delicious.

“HaaaHashoo!” Just the sound of Kaito letting go made Gakupo unable to hold out any longer and he let out a loud, masculine sneeze that snapped him forward at the waist, his long purple hair splayed all around his shoulders with the movement. He slowly sat back up gasping for breath and sniffling thickly, then Miku too put down her blossom.

Ready for round two, Kai?

Miku slowly pulled out a pair of long white feathers from her pocket and handed one to Meiko slowly. Kaito’s nose twitched reflexively when he saw it, and as she slowly traced it down the length of his nose, a series of soft sneezes escaped him.

“He-Kshu! Kshu! Heptchu!”

“Oooh, I haven’t even gotten it in yet and you’re having this kind of reaction, Kaito really does have a sensitive nose. Tell me how it feels and I’ll give you a reward when we’re done. Ok?”

Between itchy sounding sniffled Kaito nodded and braced himself, then slowly the soft feather dived inside his nostril, making his gasp sharply with the shock.

“Gahh…Meikooo…Tihh…tickles…Kshu! *sniff* it makes be…feel like…I’b going to…Hatchoo! Hashoo! To sdeeze.” He gabbled desperately, hoping that if he followed her instructions she would let him go, but the urge to sneeze was so bad that he couldn’t form his thoughts properly.

“How bad is it?” Seeing his predicament, Meiko gently prompted him, then twirled the feather around deeper into his nostril, making him squirm slightly.

“S-so bahhh…Hakshuu! So bad. F-feels like…Kshu…like I can’t hold it…Kchuu! HaaHaaaKshew!”

Slowly, Meiko withdrew the feather, tickling the tip of Kaito’s rounded nose with it as she did. He twitched slightly with the sudden itch, squirming to try and scratch his nose against his shoulder, but he couldn’t quite reach. Overwhelmed by the itch, the blue haired vocaloid was left straining against his ropes, aching for relief. He looked up at Meiko through watering eyes, wiggling his nose as though that might somehow help to relieve the itch.

“Meikoo, scratch my nose!” He pleaded desperately, and shuddered nervously as his girlfriend grinned.

“Do you want that as your reward?” She asked cruelly, and the blue haired boy nodded so violently his entire body shook.

“Please, Please! I need really bad!” Unable to resist his plea she reached down and rubbed an index finger slowly under his trembling nostrils, coaxing a lidded, relaxed grin and desperate relief from the icecream loving boy.

“That was your reward, love, worth it?” Meiko almost laughed when she saw his expression.

“Mmm, I needed that! Thanks.”

Gakupo instinctively tried to back away as Miku approached him on her knees, reaching out the ticklish tool towards his tortured nose, pushing it slowly inside. As soon as the soft plumage grazed his raw nasal passage the ponytail vocaloid gave a shivering breath, since it was all he could do to cope with the unbearable ticklishness. He had thought that after the pollen his situation couldn’t get any worse, but the feather took his poor tortured nose to new ticklish heights. Seeing Miku smile with pleasure at his suffering, Gakupo struggled desperately to hold back the urge to sneeze, hoping that she might finally give up if he stopped reacting to her tickles. Lightly the feather swished around, eliciting a series of deep hitching breaths from the exhausted boy, who was starting to droop over, weak from all the teasing.

“Hahh…Ehh…Hehhh…” He tightly clamped his jaw together in a desperate attempt

to hold them in, but Miku wasn’t giving up, and with her free hand she took a thin

piece of hair from her left pigtail and gently pushed it inside Gakupo’s free nostril, twirling the two stimulants simultaneously. The unbearable tickle filled up his nose entirely and he couldn’t escape from it.

“Hahh…Hahhhhh…HaaHaashoo!! Kashoo! Kachoo!” Gakupo snapped forward against his restraints with each powerful, explosive sneeze, misting the air in front of him with spray. Miku laughed as his face contorted as he started to build up again, lightly pressing the back of her index finger beneath his twitching nostrils and following him through a second fit of sneezes, which, due to the slight pressure of her finger, came out softer and slightly more restrained.

“HehhHekshu, HuhhChoo! Chuu! HuuKtchhu!” He sniffled deeply and then gave a deep sigh, smiling slightly, “Hahhh, thanks Miku, that helped.”

He grinned sweetly and Miku gently ruffled his already messy looking fringe.

“Aww, your voice sounds so adorable, is your nose all stuffed up darling?” Meiko cooed to her sniffling boyfriend and he looked up at her with watery eyes, nodding, “before round three starts, do you want me to give you a little relief?” Another nod.

Gently, she held something familiar up to his nose and Kaito blinked a few times as his bleary eyes tried to focus, then his face contorted with horror.

“Meikooooo!” he whined as his eyes recognised the sight of his favourite blue scarf behind held tenderly against his quivering nostrils, “not my scarf, please, I…haaaah!” His eyes widened as Meiko started to massage his sensitive septum through the thick fabric, triggering an uncontrollable urge to sneeze.

"Oh no, you wouldn't want to ruin your scarf now would you, you'd better not sneeze then," Meiko grinned as she tortuously teased his sensitive nose, "but i bet you really need to, can you hold it back, I wonder?"

"Ahhh! Mehhh Meikoo...Ehhh...Hahh...please don't...make me... Hahh...snehhh...hehh..." he squirmed frantically, his blue eyes growing lidded as his body started to build up to a sneeze against his will, his breath shuddered, "not my scuhh...scarf...Ehh...i...i won't...i...Wohhhn't..." Desperate not to ruin his favourite scarf, since it was his most precious possession, he tried to hold back with all his might, but his nose was still feeing too sensitive from all the torture, he scrunched up his nose, willing himself to hold it in with all his might, but only a second later a thick congested sneeze burst out of his trembling nose.

“HaaaaaaaahHaakshew!” With no other choice he buried his tortured nose into the soft material, a thick embarrassed blush decorating his cheeks, “HaaHaaashoo! KshuKshuKshu! Hekshu! Pshuu!” He sat up, sniffling back the congestion, and looked up at Meiko with tearful eyes, "my scarf..."

"Oh no! I guess you just couldn't hold it back, did it just tickle to much?" she flicked his nose from beneath the material, and another soft sneeze followed her touch, Kaito's eyes were solemn and ashamed, "Come on, blow.” He didn’t want to, but his nose felt so stuffy that he could hardly breath and his scarf was already ruined, so reluctantly he pressed his nose into his scarf and gave a shamefully satisfying blow.

Once he was finished he sat up, sniffling experimentally. His nose still felt ticklish, but it was much clearer now.

“Right, time for round three, and since we’re not together I have no obligation to comfort you, so sorry there, Gaku,” Miku smiled somewhat sadistically and massaged the bridge of the samurai boy’s nose.

“Hehh…HaaaaaaaaahHakshoo!!” He snapped forward into his knees, expelling the tickle in his sinuses with a pleasant feeling sneeze.

Next the two girls readies their feathers once more and twirled them around in their fingers, the two twitchy boys gulped nervously.

Meiko slowly tipped back her lovers head and inserted the tip of the long feather into his right nostril, which flared slightly at the slightest contact. Slowly, so as not to bring on the tickle too quickly, she brushed the feathery tip of the sneeze inducing utensil against the sensitive inner walls of his nose and watched as Kaito’s eyes started to water with itchy tears. His cheeks reddened with a strained blush and his scarlet nose danced as a new urge to sneeze blossomed in his sinuses.

Just as Kaito thought he was reaching his limit Meiko reached out with her free hand and started to tap gently on the bridge of his nose. The vibrations matched with the feather squirming about in the back of his sensitive sneezy nasal passage made him dissolve into a frantic fit of hitching breaths.

“Hahh…Hahhh…Haaaaaaahhhh…” Kaito’s head tilted back, then the feather was quickly withdrawn, leaving him gasping desperately in frustration.

“Meikooo…whaa…haaahh…what are yuhh…you doinggg…hehhh…” he choked out, his mouth hanging open slack jawed in presneeze torture, his flushed cheeks heating up further if that was even possible, sneezy tears dripped down his cheeks from his glazed eyes.

“Ahh, not yet sweetie, I’ll tell you when you can sneeze,” Miku grinned, gently squishing her boyfriends nose between her fingers, both lessening and increasing the tickle at the same time. Kaito let out an involuntary squeak in frustration, “want me to let you?”

Kaito gave a frantic nod.

The feather returned, dancing and twirling around his septum first, then pushing back into his nostril, Kaito squirmed desperately as he started to build up, then at the last second the feather was taken away again, leaving him lingering in sneezy torture.

He looked weakly out of the corner of his eye as he heard Gakupo give a similar series of hitching breaths and saw he was in a similar predicament. Miku was hovering over him devilishly with her feather in hand, twitching the tip against his septum and laughing as it quivered in response to the touch. Kaito’s own nose tickled more in sympathy for his friend.

Then the two girls leaned in close and looked at their prisoners straight in the eye with a poker faced smile, and placed a soft kiss right on the tip of their victims noses. The sensation was overwhelming, and the pair snapped forward with a backlog of slightly hoarse, tired sounding sneezes.

“HaaahKtshu! Hashoo! Haptchuu! Kushuu! HeKshu! KtshKtshKtsh HuuChuu! Hektchu ChuuChuu! Ptshu!”

“Wow, Bless you, guys!” The two sadistic girls put down their feathers and stood up, smiling, “We’ve had our fun with you, so I guess that will do for your punishment.” Both Miku and Meiko took out a soft silk handkerchief and pressed it to the boys still tickling, twitching nostrils, wiping delicately round the red, sensitive flesh. The pressure elicited a few more tired sneezes from the two boys, but other than that they just sat limply in their chairs, lolling back as far as their restraints would allow, relaxing to the cool, gentle touch of the fabric as it soothed their trembling noses. Meiko rubbed her palm backwards and forwards across the rounded tip of her boyfriends nose on his request, dabbed at the damp skin around his nostrils and massaged the bridge to try and ease the tickle that had wedged deep inside his sinuses. Miku tenderly coaxed Gakupo to blow his nose into the soft fabric, clearing out one nostril at a time, massaged his septum and caught the quiet sneezes that her touches caused. Then the ropes around their arms were loosened and the two boys climbed stiffly out of their chairs, sniffling and rubbing weakly at their noses. With Miku and Meiko’s help they staggered tiredly over to the bed and collapsed down with exhaustion, snuggling up into the thick pillows and blankets with a contented sigh. Kaito looked up at the two girls as he started to drift off into a warm sleep, with Gakupo laying behind him with his back to him, snoring quietly.

“You just wait, I’m going to get my revenge,” he smiled, but his expression was blank and lidded. Meiko smiled.

“Yeah yeah, goodnight, sneezy boy.”

again...i dont actually know xD

sorry about this xD <3

Edited by Animania
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  • 3 weeks later...

This is one of the hottest things I have ever read. Gaku is my favorite vocaloid and he doesn't have any fics, so this mad me so happy!! <3

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