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the making of hakshon communication- vocaloid


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some ridiculous 'this was supposed to be a drabble but ran a bit long fluffy vocaloid crap' xD

hope you like it xD

“Right, for the filming of hakshon communication I’m going to need you to fake a sneeze for me, ok?” Kaito nodded excitedly, it had been a while since master had last asked him to do a song and he was eager to please him, “I need you to build up for two breaths and then sneeze, now, give me your best shot.” Master switched on the recording machine and counted Kaito in.

“Ahh Ahh choo!” Kaito fake sneezed robotically, then looked over at his master with shining eyes, looking for praise.

“Ermm… let’s try that again.”

45 minutes later

“I’m sorry master, I’ve never had to do it before, so I’m not very good,” Kaito said, looking like he was on the verge of tears. Master sighed.

“It’s alright, but I do need to get this right for my song. Hmm, would you mind if, since you can’t fake sneeze, if we could use a real one?” Kaito looked at him wide eyed for a moment, still feeling mad with himself, then he shook his head slowly.

“But… I don’t need to at the moment,” Master smiled at Kaito’s naivety and the blue haired vocaloid blushed, thinking that Mater was making fun of him.

“Oh I have my ways of making you sneeze,” he smiled, pulling out a feather from his coat pocket and twirling it between his index finger and thumb, “I had a feeling you’d struggle, so I came prepared. I hope you don’t mind me doing this, don’t feel like you have to agree to this if you don’t want to. Kaito considered it for a moment, but he was worried that if he didn’t do it then Master wouldn’t call for him any more, so after a moment he shyly nodded his head.

“Ok, remember, build up for two breaths before you sneeze, ok?” Another nod from Kaito. He slowly approached the blue haired vocaloid boy and slipped the feather delicately into his right nostril. Kaito felt the soft tickly tip of the feather brush slowly against the inside of his nose and he flinched. His sensitive noses reacted to the intrusion too quickly for him to try and control it.

“Hatchoo!” He barely managed to turn away from Master before letting out a ticklish sneeze freely into the air, bending forward at the waist slightly. He stood up sniffling wetly and looking slightly dazed, his eyes watering slightly from the pressure and slightly from embarassment, “Ahhh Master, I’m sorry!”

“Bless you! Don’t worry about it, I didn’t think you’d get it first time round.” He smiled kindly and Kaito blushed in response, scratching the back of his head nervously.

“Ehe, sorry. It tickled more than I thought it would,” He laughed sweetly, “Ok, I’m ready to do it again now.” Master patted his head gently and then readied the feather once more. Slowly he pushed it inside Kaito’s left nostril and wiggled it around slowly, the blue haired vocaloid scrunched up his nose and tried to deal with it, but his breath was already starting to hitch quietly.

“That’s good, Kaito, now, give me two loud breaths and then you can let it go,” Master whispered in his ear, trying not to let his voice get picked up by the microphone. Kaito’s eyes had gone lidded and his head was starting to tilt back, but he still tried to nod.

“Hahh, Hahh…”

There was a silence, then he let out a deep sigh.

“Ahhh, I’m sorry, Master, I lost it.” He rubbed at his ticklish nose with the back of his wrist shyly and gave a wet sniffle, Master blinked a few times and then started to laugh.

“Stop apologising, silly Kaito. I’m the one that’s making you do this, I should be the one apologising.” He offered Kaito a tissue and he blew his nose wetly, then scrubbed at his septum with his index finger.

“We’ll give it one more try and then leave it for today, if your nose gets any more sensitive you won’t be able to hold back any longer.”

“Ok, do the right side again this time, it tickled more on that side,” He shoved the crumpled up tissue in his pocket and signalled that he was ready to try again, Master readied the feather, “ahh, my nose tickles.”

“I haven’t even started yet,” he laughed as the feather slowly disappeared into Kaito’s right nostril, the vocaloid’s face immediately contorted and he threw up his hands to try and bat it away, but he stopped himself at the last second.

“Hahhh… Mahhster! Slow dahh… down…I ca…can’t hold it if you…you dohhhn’t slow down.”

The ticklish tip of the feather squirmed around against the sensitive inside of Kaito’s nose and his whole body tensed, his nostrils quivered with the irritation and started to redden, he didn’t even dare to take a breath in case he lost it.

“Kaito, you need to relax, don’t try to hold it back, just build up naturally and you’ll nail it I’m sure. I did write the tune of this section to match your natural sneeze pattern, after all.”

The vocaloid blushed, his lidded blue eyes watering as the unbearable itch crept right up into the back of his sinuses. He tried to relax and let the tickle flood his nose.

“Kchu!” Master quickly pulled out the feather and Kaito let out a small sneeze in reflex, but immediately he started to build up again without help, his small nose twitched. He sniffled as the small tickle blossomed up into a desperately sneezy sensation, teasing his septum with his knuckle to try and coax it along.


He turned to the side and sneezing freely into the air, Master grinned happily and pulled Kaito into a tight hug, which he struggled wildly against as he continued to sneeze.

“Mahh…Ktch! Master stop it, Kshuu! I’m… Hekchuu, going to…hahh…snee…Hekshuu! Sneeze on you…Hepshuu!” He pushed him away, blushing shyly, not wanting to sneeze on the person he admired most. Master just laughed.

“Don’t worry, Kaito,” he gently ruffled the sniffling boy’s hair, who pulled out the crumpled up tissue from his pocket and blew his nose firmly, “ right, now I just need to bring Rin in to do the vocals.

“Eh??” Kaito cried out in shock, “I thought this was my song!”

“Ahh… did I not say that before? Sorry.” He smiled at the vocaloid, who was pouting and close to tears, “don’t worry though, I have a great series of songs lined up for you that we’re going to start on tomorrow, I haven’t forgotten about my favourite, after all, it just took me a while because I wanted to make these songs perfect for you.”

Kaito looked blank for a moment, then his eyes started to sparkle.

“Really!? Thank you Master!”


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Awwwh this is adorable ! :D

so well written

beyond perfection :)

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As soon as I read the title, I had a feeling of what it was gonna be about. You never fail to write good stories!

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