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Just This Once, Shevine Fic, The Voice


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Mess warning. I know this is really raunchy and just for my own pleasures, but Shevine tho! I think I have a problem :/ I know it's a total bromance but I'm an author and a FanFic one at that and this is what we do! :)


Leaving The Voice stage after a successful night, Adam and Blake headed out with their backs to the wind. The younger man had a bit of a bad cold and was sniffling and sneezing through the show. All Blake could do was shoot him nervous looks when it got too bad. But now he could do something about it.

It looked like the younger man was about to sneeze. He had that look on his face. Blake turned around to get a better look at the sickly man and discovered this fact.

Adam's sneezes were known for being rather large, so the first instinct Mr. Shelton got was to cover his ears. And he did.

"HEH'GNZTSHUHH!" He doubled over with the force, rocketing splattering spray towards the asphalt.

"Bless you, man."

"Guh," Adam looked up. "Anyway, as I was saying... I think she really needs to work... To work..." Levine trailed off. He had that look on his face again.

"Golly," Blake remarked. "Sneeze much?"

"Shut up man," Adam breathed, rubbing a finger under his nose. "HEH'ZZZTCH!"

"Take this," Blake reached into his pocket and pulled out a plaid hanky. Adam snorted but took it anyway. He stopped before blowing his nose, muttering something inaudible. "What was that?" Blake asked.

"Nothing," Adam averted his eyes and blew as they continued to walk. "Nothing at all."

Blake opened the door to his car. "Are you sure?"


"Do you have a ride home?"


"Come with me. Your health has gone to hell anyway."

Adam blinked for a second but then dismissed this thought. "What about Miranda?"

"She's touring."

"Oh, so I'll be going to your place. Alone. With you."

"So?" Blake raised an eyebrow. "You've been to my house before."

"I know, but this time it will be without Miranda."

"So? Relax, man." Blake started up his car and they began their drive home.


"Geez, you nearly scared the shit out of me, man." Blake muttered.


TBC. The reason I think this ship will work is because they're gonna be very shy about it. Gay ships are yay ships, you know? "But only this once, Adam!"

Edited by tma
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I might delete this. I mean, I feel AWFUL. :(

If I may make a suggestion? Just delete that one line (or ask a mod to do it for you if you don't have high enough editing capabilities). I don't know the characters, but the line doesn't seem to be that important, and I think it would make everyone feel a lot better. :hug:

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I might delete this. I mean, I feel AWFUL. :(

If I may make a suggestion? Just delete that one line (or ask a mod to do it for you if you don't have high enough editing capabilities). I don't know the characters, but the line doesn't seem to be that important, and I think it would make everyone feel a lot better. :hug:

Trust me, Blake would never... He's too awesome!

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Continuing on with this, after much deliberation, here am I, Nerd the Awko Super (yeah I said it backwards) to begin the next part. 


Adam had blacked out. 

The last thing he remembered was the bright lights outside of the window and then he had woken up on Blake's couch.

It smelled like him. He guessed he got sent down there a lot at nights. Speaking of Blake, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. However, his answer came in the form of several loud snores. It was early morning outside. He placed his head face down in the couch and took a deep sniff. Like, pine and... Mint? Yeah. Mint. 

His head ached as if it were pounded with a hammer. His nose wasn't completely stuffed yet, but he could feel it coming on. 

He turned over in the blankets and noticed a note at his bedside. 


If you're reading this you've already fell asleep. Duh. 

You know where we keep the food.


He laughed a little at the note and then pulled himself out of the thick blanket he was under. He went into the kitchen and fixed a bowl of cereal. He came out, sitting down at the table. He could hear a soft grunt coming from the top of the stairs. 

"I kdow you're out there." Adam was taken aback at the congestion in his voice. He hadn't really realized how bad it was getting. Plus, talking had stirred up something deep in his nose that was going to cause him to sneeze. "Heh...h-RASSSHOO!" It sent him rocketing forward with an explosion of spray. He took in a deep breath through his mouth and looked around hastily for a tissue. His nose was running like a tap. 

"Relax," he heard a familiar southern drawl, and a box of tissues appeared at the table. He got a pat on the back and a kiss pressed in to his cheek. 

"You do the weirdest shit," Adam whispered under his breath, when truly he had liked the act of kindness and even (though may all hell freeze over before he admit it) liked the kiss. 

"Someone has to take care of you," Blake remarked, waddling into the kitchen to get his own breakfast. 

"HEH'ZTCHN!" He had found a tissue to press over his nose before that one. It was a doozy. His head throbbed afterwards. 

"Bless you!" Called Blake with a sing-song voice. 

"Fuck you!" Adam called back, mimicking. 

"Go ahead," Blake laughed a bit, but you could hear the air crackle around them. 

Adam swallowed, though his throat was raw. He finished his cereal and cleaned up his area. Blake was eating leftover breakfast casserole in the kitchen. 

"You don't have anything today, do you?" He asked his friend. 

He said between bites, "Nothing at all."

"Oh," Adam said. "Ohh-aah'h'ASSSSHHHHH!" He had turned away from Blake, bending over at the hip and exploding into a messy sneeze. 

"Bless!" Blake laughed a little as Adam turned around, his nose a raw, chapped red and a string of snot attached to his lip. Correction: He laughed a lot. "You look hilarious!"

Adam shot him an incredulous look. "I refuse to believe tha-OH!" He had looked in the mirror. "HUH'RUSSSH! AH'ACCCHHH!"

"My ears!" Blake teased, poking Adam on his stomach. 

Adam swore, picking up his shirt and wiping his nose on the corner.

"That's a word that can make a sailor blush," Blake remarked. 

"Would you STOP-HUHAASSSSHUUUI!" Adam had sneezed monumentally messy into his shirt, frowning and sniffling. "Stop teasing."

"That makes me sound like a playground bully."

"You ARE a playground bully."

"And YOU'RE sneezing, so who's winning?" Blake did his signature finger point. 

Adam rolled his eyes. "CHISSH! HAHASSHT!" He sneezed again into his shirt. 

"You need to lie down." Before he finished saying that, he was up and carrying Mr. Levine bridal-style back to the couch. "You're really messy." He held a tissue up to Adam's nose. "Blow."

"I'b dot three!"

"And yet, here you are. Blow."


"Disgusting," Blake had gotten a handful of mess. 

"Sorry," Adam blinked. 

"It's okay buddy." 

Adam blew his own nose. "It HURTSSS..." He whined. 

"Want to watch TV?"

"I'm not watching Reba or whatever shit you like."

"Son of a bitch!" Blake exclaimed.

"I don't think that movie starts until three."

"Lame," muttered Blake. 

"You're lame."


TBC, and things get fluffier. 

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Awwwwwwwh so cute :) really Awh. Congrats on starting up again on this fic, that takes a lot of courage sweetie . :hug: proud of you Super Awko :) . ^-^ continue on this wonderful fic of yours :)

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Adam had fallen asleep again, his arm draped over Blake's hip. His elbow was...ahem... And Blake was super cautious as to what he did. But since he was asleep, Blake decided to rant.

"Hey Adam. I know we've been friends since The Voice started and we've been joking about being gay...

Well, the thing is...

I might be a bit bisexual.

Don't tell Miranda.

And your cute little self, with that big hair and nice voice and guh you've got everyone fallin' for you.

You might never know.

No one might ever know.

But I love you."

"Aww..." Adam lifted his head up and applauded. "That was beautiful."

"You heard that?"

"Dude. It's light outside and you started yappin' and my alarms went off."

"This is awkward," Blake pushed Adam aside.

"It doesn't have to be," Adam smiled. That smile, Blake thought.

"I don't know why, but guys have this...irresistibility." Blake traced Adam's jaw with his finger. "But just this once, Adam!"

"Can't have either of us cheatin'!" Adam grabbed Blake's hand. "You're my temporary boyfriend."

They kissed. It was wonderful, but not unlike every other kiss. It was...familiar. Loving but friendly. Blake placed angular kisses around Adam's mouth, teasing until Adam had to take him full on the lips. Until, a nose wiggle...a release, and a sneeze. "RASSSSHOO!"

"Bless you," Blake kissed Adam's nose. "Darlin..."

Adam pressed a finger to Blake's mouth. "Less talking, more... Uh... Whatever we were doing. ASSSHHHHOOO!"

"Say it, don't spray it."

"You are one bicurious smartass son of a bitch."

"Right back atcha, sweet thing."

"Golly... You've made an Oklahoman blush!"

"And I'm about to do it again."

And that was a once-in-a-lifetime, friendly sleepover between two bicurious individuals. Doesn't happen a lot. It's like an albino deer sighting in New York City.

Rare, mystical, and hella confusing.

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Awwwwwwwh so cute :) really Awh. Congrats on starting up again on this fic, that takes a lot of courage sweetie . :hug: proud of you Super Awko :) . ^-^ continue on this wonderful fic of yours :)

Thanks DNO! I know it caused a lot of controversy but as they say the past is in the past.

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Awh really cute :D

awh breaking a kiss cuz of sneezies, cute.


~The past is in the past~~~ let it go~~ let it go~~~

ehem excuse my frozen obssesion

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~The past is in the past~~~ let it go~~ let it go~~~

ehem excuse my frozen obssesion

That's what I was quoting! Great minds think alike!

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