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Sherlock Fanfic


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Hi! smile.png So I haven't contributed to the forum in years, but I frequent it often and love reading all of the wonderful fanfiction and original fiction on here. This idea popped into my head this morning, so I figured I'd write it out and share it with you lovely people! It's set just after S2 Ep 2. I'm hoping to continue it as I have a vague idea of what I want to happen next. Anyways,enjoy! smile.png


John Watson sat up in bed, suddenly wide away. He was sure he’d heard something. There is was again, faint but distinctly hurried noises were coming from downstairs.

His first instinct was to reach for his gun, currently residing his in nightstand, but remembering the wrath that Sherlock had incurred from Mrs.Hudson when he used the wall for target practice, John decided that an intruder was less intimidating and slid a baseball bat out from under his bed. Forgetting to close his bedroom door properly before turning in that night allowed him to easily slip into the hall –it was probably what had allowed him to hear the intruder in the first place.

Keeping to the wall, he moved quietly but purposefully down the stairs, straining to hear what was happening. Drawers were being opened and shut, their contents being hastily pushed around. Someone was clearly looking for something.

Having reached the bottom of the stairs, cautiously he peered around the door frame. He could see the outline of a figure - tall, male, no visible weapon. He was holding a small box and pile of newspapers that had been stacked on the table near John’s armchair in one hand and poking through the contents of said box with the other.

The light in the room was poor, and the figure was so absorbed in this task that John was able to quickly cover the distance between them. John slowed and raised the bat to shoulder height, tightening his grip nervously. He watched as the figure’s movements slowed and its head rose. It was now or never! Bracing himself, John swung.

He barely had time to register what was happening. Just as he swung, the figure bend at the waist with a forceful “Ei’Isshh!” and the bat, which John had been entirely sure would make contact, continued sailing unchecked through the air. Caught off guard, John spun slightly before the bat collided with the chair tucked at the table behind him.

Luckily for John, the intruder was presently incapacitated. “Eh’ISSShh!” John raised the bat again ready to strike when a lamp clicked on and “John! ” John found himself face to face with none other than his flat mate.

“Sherlock!” John wasn’t sure if his voice was more relief or surprise. “What on Earth are you doing?”

“Need a cigarette…nice bat” and without another word, he turned his focus back to the pile he was holding.

John rubbed at his eyes. “A cigarette,” he repeated. “ At…” he squinted at the clock on the mantle. “At 4:08 in the morning?”

“Eh’shu!” Sherlock sneezed lightly against his shoulder as he unceremoniously heaped the pile he’d been holding back onto the side table. “Couldn’t sleep.”

“Why didn’t you turn on a bloody light or something?” John was still trying to get his heart to stop pounding.

Sherlock straightened up and nodded his head towards the stairs. “Your door was open.”

He then turned his focus away from John, now that the light was on his eyes swept over the room for likely cigarette hiding places. “Sherlock," John began, "we’ve been over this. Yo-”

“The possibility of you moving them to a place that I recently searched is quite high.” Sherlock interrupted as he pushed past John and threw himself upon the floor at the foot of the sofa.

“But Sherlock, you’ve been doing really well.” He wished he could have said something more. It was pretty much the same thing he had said to Sherlock the previous week when he had begged for his stash and tore the place apart.

John watched as his friend felt around desperately under the sofa, checking for any sign that could lead him to his precious nicotine. John wondered what could have gotten Sherlock so riled up in the middle of the night. “Sherlock, you just a solved case. We only got back from Darthmoor yesterday.”

All of a sudden Sherlock’s frantic search attempts stopped. Sherlock’s entire body shuddered with a forceful “Ee’Eishh!” John raised an eyebrow at his friend’s back. “Heh’ Issshu!”

“Are- Are you OK?” John began.

“No! No, I am obviously not ‘OK!’” Sherlock said the last word in a somewhat mocking tone as he unsuccessfully concluded his search under the sofa. “I need a cigarette.”

John sighed as his friend brushed past him again this time to search the table. “No, I mean, the sneezing. Are you coming down with something?”

“Nicotine withdraw,” Sherlock replied without looking up.

John rolled his eyes. He looked back on their busy week in Darthmoor: running around at all hours of the night on the moor, being scared out of their wits –not to mention that god forsaken Baskerville facility lab. The sign “Keep out…unless you want a cold!” taped to one of the lap doors floated passed his mind’s eye. Of course! Baskerville was probably full of all kinds of viral experiments and with the amount of time that they’d spent there it would be no surprise if one of them had picked something up.

“Right.” John said to himself nodding. “Sherlock, c’mere and let me take a look at you.”

tbc (?!)

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Oh gosh, this is fantastic. Icky is right; this has been crying out for sick!fic. I look forward to reading more. I love the way you write the characters!

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Oohh, this is lovely. That "Keep out unless you want a cold"-sign was just begging to inspire something like this. <3

Very excited for more. :bounce:

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Agreeing with everyone else: please continue, and that sign just begs for this! :)

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Oh my Gosh! I love it! John with the bat! And Sherlock saved by a sneeze! Brilliant! Bring it on!

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Thanks for the sweet comments you guys! biggrin.png

AdrianMarx: Really?! Aw,I'm so happy you like the character writing.

Here's the next part! Enjoy!


“Right.” John said to himself nodding. “Sherlock, c’mere and let me take a look at you.”

“Cigarettes, John! I want you to tell me where the cigarettes are, not that I have a head cold. That much is obvious. ” He peered intently between file stacks as he spoke, congestion becoming detectable in his voice.

John thought again of Baskerville. “Just a head cold?”

“Runny nose, sneezing, headache,” he listed without looking up. “Yes, John, I’m pretty sure it’s a head cold and not some new strain of Ebola.”

John nodded. He did have to admit that such symptoms appearing two days after having been in the Baskerville lab did sound like just an ordinary head cold. He inwardly gave a sign of relief.

“Hi’Eissh!” Sherlock sneezed against his wrist for the sake of the laptops on the table. His expression crumbled again almost immediately as his head bobbed down forcefully with another sneeze. “ Hi’ISSSHHu” Sniff! “Ugh!” He pinched the bridge of his nose then fixed John with a pleading look. “I can’t sleep because of the headache. Please tell me where they are. I just need one.”

“Sorry, can’t help you that way.” He said it firmly, but not unsympathetically. Sherlock made to return to his search but John continued. “But I can get you something for the headache.”

. . .

Ten minutes later, having retrieved the box of pills from the bathroom cabinet, making Sherlock agree to give up the hunt -even if just for the night, and bidding him goodnight for the second time that evening, John laid down and closed his eyes. The last thing he heard as he drifted back to sleep was a muffled sneeze from the hall. Certainly was never a dull moment with Sherlock Holmes.


John left for the hospital before Sherlock had come downstairs the following morning. He hoped his flat mate would be feeling better and not need the pills today, but if he did, John prayed that they would last until he got back and that he wouldn’t come home to find the flat in ruins.

Clutching the bag from the chemists and his coat in one hand, he opened the door to 221b. So far so good; it looked as it had when he’d left. There was however, one rather distinct difference. Still dressed in his robe, socks, and pajamas, Sherlock lay asleep on the sofa. As quietly as he could, John set about putting the kettle on and preparing two mugs. Though apparently he wasn’t quiet enough.

“Why are you being so noisy at this hour?” grumbled a voice rough with sleep half muffled by sofa and pillow.

“’At this hour?’ Sherlock, it’s not even quarter past 6.”

“Today has felt like an eternity.” Congestion clearly evident in his voice now, he drew his robe more tightly around himself and rolled over, sulking.

“You have a bedroom you can sleep in, you know.”

“Eh’Issh!....Huh’ ISSSHH!” was his only reply. Though after a few only slightly successful sniffles, Sherlock crossed the room and sat down dramatically in his arm chair, appearing to want company.

“Not much improvement since last night then,” John observed offering Sherlock a mug.

“Quite the contrary,” he said after a sip. “I’ve deduced where you have hidden my cigarettes.”

“Wha-? How did you…?” John half turned round in his chair and arched his neck to look back into the kitchen at the paper bag sitting on the floor near the waste bin containing Sherlock’s stash. ‘That’s odd,’ he thought. ‘It’s still exactly where I left it….’

He heard Sherlock chuckle; his eyes following John’s gaze. “Not on top of your game today, John.” he chided. “I am actually a tad surprised that you fell for that.” To John’s mild surprise, Sherlock made no move to get up. Instead, he directed a cough into his shoulder before settling back into his chair and taking a long sip of tea, eyes closing.

“Actually, I was referring to how you are feeling,” he probed taking a sip of tea himself. “I picked up some more Paracetamol since we didn’t have much left. “

“I feel dreadful. “ He pulled his legs up onto the chair, clasping his hands around them in an impatient jittery fashion. “If only I had a case –something to do and think about other than my own misery.”

“And I’ll wager you didn’t use any of that time to eat anything substantial today to try and cure said misery.” John stood and headed back into the kitchen.


“My point exactly. I’m talking about food, Sherlock.” He opened the cabinets. Not too promising.

“Huh huh Hi’Isssh!...Huh’Esssh!” he sneezed to the side of his knees. “I dod’t deed food. Sniff! I deed bedicide. Oh for Gods-!” he withdrew a handkerchief from his robe pocket and blew his nose roughly. “Don’t you have something?” his voice not entirely rid of congestion or annoyance.

“Sherlock, I work at a hospital, you could have texted if you needed something.”

“Left the phone upstairs.”

“Uh-huh. And since I wasn’t here to bring it to you, you couldn-”

“Huh’Rrssshhu!” the sneeze ripped out of him so forcefully he leaned back in his chair with a dramatic groan, eyes closed.

John’s annoyance at his flat mate’s laziness was forgotten, replaced instead with sympathy. His already pale skin seemed even more so in contrast to his flushed cheeks and nose, which was quickly taking on a pinkish hue. “Should add fever to your list of symptoms…” John observed. “I’ll be back in 20.”

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Your writing is so, so lovely, so in-character, and their banter is just... *happy sigh* :wub:

Grumpy Sherlock. <3

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Love it! The whole cigarette thing. Awesome!

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I'm sad that I only found this now. It seems so... accurate, like everything Sherlock and John say are what they would say, if that made sense.

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Yes, I definitely love the character writing. They just bounce off each other like they do in the show and it's just great. I can read everything in their voices. Ahh, I'm so glad you wrote more!

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Omg, this is perfect and so amazingly spot-on, like I could see it happening in an actual episode! And I enjoy the spellings.

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