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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My Own Various Mini-Fics


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I'm sure there are other threads where I could write these, but I wanted my own little corner just for me since writing is a personal passion of mine.

I think I'll start with a short story starring a certain fan-created pony who has become the subject of many a fic of this type. Hope you enjoy. :)


Snips and Snails arrived at Button Mash's house. Knocking on the door, they were ready to kick his flank at whatever game he had planned to challenge them at.

And then, when the door opened, she appeared. The most gorgeous mare either of them had ever seen. Her silky caramel-colored mane, her sparkling sky blue eyes, her perfectly toned rounded flank. Mrs. Mash was every adolescent colt's fantasy.

To put it simply, Button's Mom had it goin' on.

"Hi, boys." She greeted them with a smile. "How are you today?"

Snips and Snails snapped out of their trance. "Oh hi, Mrs. Mash." Snips replied. "We're doing good."

"Is Button Mash home?" Snails asked.

"Sure. He's right upstairs in his room." She responded. "Come on in." And with that, the two young unicorn colts entered the house and started to head upstairs. "I'll be just be doing some chores down here, so you boys just go ahead play your little games."

"Thanks, Mrs. Mash." Snails called back down to her as the two of them entered Button's room.

Mrs. Mash could hear Button greeting his friends and mention something about playing some new video game she had gotten him for his birthday. She would probably bring them up some snacks later on, after she had finished her first chore. Dusting the living room.

Dusting was a chore she wasn't particularly a fan of. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she could buy a new feather duster. The old one she had always blew the dust all over the place and she had a serious dust allergy. Nevertheless, the job had to be done. Normally, this would be a chore for her son, but she knew how much he had been looking forward to playing with his friends and she didn't want to ruin it for him.

So Mrs. Mash picked up her shoddy old feather duster in her mouth and got started. Just as she did, Snails peeked his head around the corner eager to catch another glimpse of his friend's incredibly sexy mother. Snails enjoyed playing video games with Button, but the main reason he loved coming over to his house so much was standing right there in the living room, her flank bouncing with every step she took. He had told Snips and Button that he had to go to the bathroom and that they should start without him.

Mrs. Mash began dusting the mantlepiece with her feather duster in her mouth (what she wouldn't give for a magical horn right now), which sent the dust flying everywhere. All that airborne dust flew into her nostrils and irritated her nose something fierce. As much as she tried to stifle, the tickling sensation was too much and the maternal mare erupted into a massive sneezing fit.


It was torture for the poor mare, but for young Snails, it was strangely fascinating. He had never seen anypony like her just burst into a rage of sneezes one after the other before and something about it made his jaw drop.

Just when Mrs. Mash thought it was all over, the tickle in her muzzle came right back with full force and she was at it again. She couldn't help bending over forward hard with every single sneeze, giving the young colt a full view of her perfect flank every time. Of course, she had no idea he was there, but that just made it even harder for Snails to contain himself.

I won't go into too much detail, but Snails then decided that he had seen enough as soon as Mrs. Mash finally stopped her fit. She could hear hoof-steps, so she turned around and caught the unicorn colt dead in his tracks.

"Snails?" she said, causing him to freeze wear he stood embarrassedly. "What are you doing down here?"

Snails thought quickly to come up with an excuse. "W-Well, I... uh... I heard you sneezing a lot down here and, uh, I just... wanted to... make sure you were okay." he fibbed, chuckling through his teeth. "You know, not sick or anything." He grinned sheepishly, hoping that his little story would sell.

"Aw, how sweet." The nice mare giggled under her breath. Snails breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't worry. I'm fine. It's just allergies. But they're still murder on me, let me tell ya."

"Hehe, yeah." Snails chuckled awkwardly. Maybe her allergies were murder for her, but personally, he could hardly wait to come over for the next dusting day.

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  • 1 month later...

I was able to tell you like Button's Mom before this--and this just proves it!! :D

But seriously though, this was awesome! You should make more pony sneezefics :)

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I was able to tell you like Button's Mom before this--and this just proves it!! biggrin.png

But seriously though, this was awesome! You should make more pony sneezefics smile.png

I probably will.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Looks like I'm finally back with another one of these. AND it's another MLP story. Enjoy.


It was a bright and sunny day in Canterlot. The new Dragon Lord, Ember, had finally taken Spike up on his invitation to hang out together for a day. Unfortunately, the little dragon came down with a nasty case of the dragon flu at the last minute and couldn't make it, so Twilight volunteered to go in his place. It seemed only right to her, seeing as how Ember was technically a visiting dignitary. Plus, she wanted the chance to show Ember her favorite things to do in Canterlot, mainly visit the library.

Honestly, being used to the rough and tumble activities that dragons typically did for fun, Ember found much of what ponies considered fun to be a little boring. Still, it wasn't all bad. At least she finally got a chance to relax since coming into her new position of power.

"So what do you think of Canterlot, Ember?" Twilight asked with a slight Twinkle in her eye.

"Eh, it's alright," the sapphire dragon replied unimpressed. "Books and museums aren't exactly my idea of fun. I am getting kinda hungry though."

"Well, lucky for you, I know the perfect place to grab a snack. The best donut shop in Equestria is right around the corner."

"Uh, okay. What's a donut?"

As the two friends walked through the front door, they were greeted by Donut Joe himself. "Princess Twilight!" he greeted. "Afternoon. How ya doin'?"

"Hi, Joe. I'm doing great."

Suddenly, Ember noticed a strange aroma and it was really starting to irritate her sinuses. "Ugh! What is that smell?" She asked, rubbing her nose.

"Oh, well, I wanted to give the place a bit more class, so I put these orange flowers on every table," Joe responded proudly. "What do ya think?"

Twilight began to panic as she recognized the flowers. They were the ones known as Dragon Sneeze and they had that name for a good reason. She looked back at Ember, whose eyes were turning red and starting to water as she held her claw up to her nose. 

"Twilight," Ember said between sniffs. "I think I'm gonna... gonna..." She really didn't want to burn the place down by accident, so she hurried back outside, fighting to hold back the oncoming sneeze until she found a safe place to let it out.

Just as she flew out the door, she came across a mare pushing a stroller with a baby in it. She backed away slowly and turned around, only to come face to face with an elderly stallion in a wheelchair. Ember was getting more and more worried as it was getting even harder to contain the brewing eruption in her nose. She flew higher up to find a safe altitude.

On the way, she passed a couple of foals playing with a puppy on a terrace. Not there! She kept on flying higher and higher until the sneeze reached the point where she simply couldn't hold it in any longer. Finally, Ember stopped at what seemed to be a safe spot away from all ponies and let it loose at last.


The sneeze came out with a huge burst of fire. Ember wiped her nose, so relieved to finally be rid of it and glad that nopony got hurt because of it.

"HEY!" an angry voice shouted from a nearby window. "You just incinerated my laundry!" Ember then noticed the burning clothes hanging from the wire right next to her. Her faced turned red with embarrassment. 

From below, Twilight put a hoof to her face. Ember's first visit to Canterlot was sure to be a memorable one now.

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