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Jet Set Radio - Bedded Wheels


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I'm really surprised nobody has done this yet!

About a week ago, I made a story based on two characters: Gum and Beat from Jet Set Radio. Ever since I got the game on my Xbox 360 about a year ago, I've pretty much fallen in love with Gum--I mean, how could you not? Just look at that picture; tell me that isn't gorgeous!


Anyway, here's my story about Gum and her allergy. Hope you enjoy ;)

The wheels beneath my feet are my wheels of transportation, of style, of motivation. Even as they get older and slowly wear down, I feel those yellow-green skates will be with me for a very, very long time.

Today I skate with Beat by my side. We're practically holding hands; our fingertips are mere inches apart. It's almost enough to make me blush.
I wonder if he knows,
I hear myself asking. Does he know how I truly feel about him? What I see on those rare occasions when he takes his goggles off? I guess that's a question for a later time.

Right now I feel us meeting the edge of Tokyo-to—a strange feeling for somebody who hasn't ever left their home, but normal for somebody like me. The only thing weird about this is that we're doing this in broad daylight, only a few minutes before noon. It makes me wonder just where Beat is planning to take me.

As the wheels on our skates roll along the road, I finally speak to Beat for the first time in what felt like half an hour. "Hey Beat?" I begin. "Where are we going?"

"Just a sec, Gum!" he replies. "It's gonna be a surprise. Just you wait 'n' see!"

I surprise?
I think to myself, the besting if my heart increasing by ten. Why would he want to show me a surprise? It's not my birthday, so I'm just plain confused right now.

We now skate at the edge of Tokyo-to—and no towers are to be seen. All I see in front of me are a few roads and a bunch of grass.
Are we going to another city?

It's at that moment when Beat comes to a skid; such a sudden move nearly makes me fall over him. Thankfully, there are no cars nearby, though.

"Umm—Beat? What're we doing here, dude?"

"I'll show you," he begins with a smile. "But first—we gotta take our skates off."

My nose wrinkles at that.
Is that really necessary?
I want to protest, but don't feel like arguing—so I do as I'm told and, with a shrug, take my skates off. Revealed are my lime-green socks—the kind that show you each of the individual toes.

Before I can even open my mouth in an attempt to ask what is going on, my friend explains, "The thing I wanna show you is just over this little hill, but the best way to see it is on the grass, without your skates on."

I nod my head in understanding, still feeling slightly confused.

"Come on," Beat says with a beckon. "Just a few steps and we'll be there." And with that, he started going off toward the top of a small hill.

What could he possibly want to show me?
Just when I start to think of something, I approach the top of the hill—where I see Beat taking off his goggles, revealing those emerald-green eyes of his. Such a sight makes me shiver—not in disgust, but in...well, I can't really explain why I shivered. Some stuff just

As Beat closes his eyes and inhales, I turn my head away from him and down below. A king-sized flowerbed appears before my eyes; its aroma overwhelms my nose. "Whoa," I whisper. Daffodils, petunias, tulips, and roses are scattered across the flatland, making for a beautiful sight. I barely even care that I can feel mud beneath the soles of my feet. I also hardly care that I can feel a tickle in the back of my nose.

Wait, what?!

Uh oh,
I think to myself.
I'm gonna sneeze. Oh, come on—not in front of Beat!
The thoughts in my head, my breath hitches and my nose begins to flare—but I manage to keep myself from sneezing by pinching my nostrils shut. With an I audible sigh of relief escaping me, the sneeze goes away.

With a sniffle, I turn my head back toward Beat and wonder, "So, uh—why did you Bring me here, Beat?"

At that, my friend sighs and closes his eyes. "Don't tell anyone this," he begins. "But beneath my hard exterior is a really soft, sensitive guy."

Oh, believe me,
I want to reply.
I know.
Of all the GG's, Beat has been the most personal—the most
—when around me. But I let him continue.

"I found this flowerbed about a week back, and I wanted to show it to somebody. You were the only one who I could trust, Gum."

I raise an eyebrow. "The only one you can trust with what?"

"With keeping my soft interior a secret."

"Aww, Beat," I chuckle. "You shouldn't worry about the other GG's laughing at you."

My words hitting his ears, Beat replies with sigh and a nod of his head. At the same time, he looks down at the ground and takes a seat, causing pollen to float up in the air.

Oh, damn!
I swear. Not only did Beat just suffocate a few flowers, but he managed to indirectly tickle my nose. In response, my nose begins to scrunch up and my breath starts to hitch. "Haa...ahhh.."
The silent voice screaming in my head makes me put a finger under my nose, sparing me another sneeze. And, once again, Beat doesn't notice.

Speaking of Beat....

He chuckles and reaches over to a daffodil. "My mom used to like daffodils," he begins with a sigh. The boy picks his daffodil from the ground and buries his nose in its petals. "Ahh..it smells so sweet." It is almost immediately after uttering those words when he looks up at me and hands me the flower. "Wanna sniff?"

I want to say no, but I simply can't say anything but, "Sure," to this boy. God, what is wrong with me?

Regardless of my fears and tendency to feel tickles in my nose whenever pollen gets in it, I take the flower from Beat, pull it to my nose, and give a great whiff. I may as well have dumped pepper down my nose.

Almost immediately, I feel a fiery, burning sensation in the back of my nose. It's almost like I had just shoved a spicy cinnamon candy up my nose. My first reaction is to sniff, but that only turns the burn into more of a tickle.


"You okay, Gum?" asks Beat. "You look like you're gonna sneeze or something."

Probably cause I am!
I can feel my already large nostrils flaring and hear my breath hitching as those words ravage within my head.
Please don't sneeze!
I tell myself.
Yes in front of family; yes in private; no in front of Beat!


Tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes. I completely forget to put a finger under my nose, forget to pinch my nostrils; it's too late now.

"Haaahh-chhhUUUUOOOooohhh!" Thankfully, I manage to cover my sneeze with the crook of my elbow. Thank goodness I didn't get any snot on Beat!

"Bless you!" Beat exclaims. "Are you allergic to flowers?"

I want to say no, but a nagging voice in the back of my head says yes.

I respond by rubbing my nose furiously and saying, "I—I don't think so." I sniffle. "Well, I'm just glad I—oh, wait, I feel another sneeze coming on!" Indeed I do. The sneezy sensation—the sensation of having somebody tickling the walls of your nostrils with pepper-drenched feathers—comes back to me.

My nostrils start to twitch; first the left nostril, then the right, then both. "HuaaaaAAAHHH—CHOOOOOooo!!! Heaa-choo!! Hi-chmph!" I stifle my last sneeze, already feeling like a sneezy idiot in front of Beat. "I—I'm sorry, Beat. I didn't think I'd—CHOO!"

I kinda wish I had a tissue to blow my nose right now. "Oh boy," I begin. "My ndose—I think it's dodally glogged up."

Beat looks like he's gonna laugh, but instead matches my sympathy by smiling, standing up, and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Comr on, Gum," he murmurs. "Let's get back to the city. I think it's—"

In the middle of his sentence, I hold up a finger, turn my head away, and let out one big sneeze—one which I'm sure has just covered all the flowers in front of me with a light spray.

Rubbing my nose, I turn around, facing Beat, and reply, "I agree. Led's ged thde hell oudda here!" At least in Tokyo-to, there aren't any sneeze-inducing flowers to irritate my nose.
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Nice story! Sneezes from allergies are my favorite type, and I love that you included a picture as well - not familiar with character or game but after a quick google search I agree she is rather gorgeous :)

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Oh my goodness, I love Jet Set Radio! I've got it on Dreamcast, and I'm stuck at a part at the moment, but it's really great!

Love the fic as well, there's no denying that Gum is gorgeous. <3

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Awh cute. REALLY well decribed. Wonderful fic :) really no words for such brilliance :)

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