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BF5 Tezz


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This is a battle Force 5 fanfic.. for those of you who do not know who these people are.... They are like superheroes and the main people are: Agura (girl) Zoom, Spinner, Sherman, Vert, Stanford, AJ, Tezz, and a blue sentient named Sage. Spinner and Sherman are twins, spinner is a hacker and Sherman is like a freakin genius/engineer. Agura is from Africa and is a hunter (helps animals not hurts), Vert is the leader, Stanford is from England and is 189th to the throne.... (pretend to be inpressed to save his ego), AJ is from Canada and is a winter sports awesome guy, Tezz is another genius from Russia who got stuck in a storm shock a long time ago and was recently found by BF5 (yes he has an accent and it is beautiful) and Sage is a blue sentient (last one of her kind, at the moment).


Tezz woke up to Sage's 'storm shock' alert system. "augh... great" Tezz had a splitting headache and when he stood up his legs felt slightly sore.

"Battle Force 5! suit up!" Vert yelled while running to his car and the rest of the team followed. "Tezz, I need you instead of Stanford. We are headed to the Vandal home world."

"Fine with me, I HATE THAT PLANET!" Stanford exclaimed before heading back to his room.

Everyone got into their cars and left for the storm shock. The Vandals apparently had some kind of blue sentient data that Sage needed to help rebuild her home and create peace with the red sentients. "Split up guys. they have to be hiding it somewhere. Agura with me (east). Cortez brothers and Zoom go to the left (west)and Tezz go south."

everyone went separate ways leaving Tezz alone, but the coms where still up. Tezz lowered his microphone so they wouldn't hear him let out some short coughs.

He looked around for anything that looked like it could belong to the blue sentients, but regretted not taking Advil before leaving. His head was killing him. "We could have really used Stanford, he could locate the data."

"what was that Tezz? I can't hear you" Vert called over the intercom. Tezz forgot that he lowered his volume.

"I said, we need Stanford."

"I would have brought him but he has really bad luck with this planet."

Tezz cleared his throat forgetting about the intercom.

"Tezz? you feelin okay?" Vert wasn't really paying that much attention to what Tezz was doing but since Vert is the leader, he takes his teams health very seriously.

"Why do you ask such a question? Of course I'm fine. I have not seen any Vandals or Zark."

"Never mind, We haven't seen anything either. This doesn't feel right... lets just find this, whatever it is, and get back to Earth."

"Vert?" Sherman's voice entered the intercom "We got it!"

"Great job Sherman, come on guys lets get back to the portal."

Tezz was elated that they where going back but all of a sudden his nose started to feeling itchy. He needed to sneeze but he didn't need the team to hear him, that would be embarrassing. (not implying anything.... thats just the way Tezz is)

Tezz lowered the intercom volume to as low as it would go, which isn't rather that low. "Augh-choo" Hopefully no one noticed.

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Hiding sickness, yes continue smile.png

YAY!! someone likes this! i was afraid that no one would pay attention to this because its an old show... have you ever watched it?

((BTW you are seriously my favorite person on this site!! you always comment and i read you stories! they are amazing! :) ))

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Stanford and Agura where arguing over the intercom when Tezz sneezed so it was almost impossible to hear, especially when his volume was so low. Tezz sighed when he heard the arguing and leaned back thinking no one heard.

Sherman never really says anything over the intercom unless he is asked a question or he found something but otherwise he just listens. So of course Sherman picked up the little noise coming from Tezz's intercom. Sherman new something wasn't 100% with Tezz today, he new something was off. He didn't want to say anything so he decided to just let everything play out and when Tezz is ready to admit something is up he will tell the team.

"Hey guys! Portals open, lets go home. Try not to kill each other before we get there." Vert hit the accelerator and was the first to drive into the portal. Agura and Stanford where bumping cars but where the 2nd and 3rd car followed by the buster (Cortez brothers aka Sherman and Spinner) and Split wire (Tezz).

When Tezz drove into the portal all the spinning from the tornado storm shock was making him dizzy and made the tickle in his nose a lot harder to keep at bay. "hih.." Tezz was glad his Intercom volume was still low when, "Augh-choo...ugh" *sniff* "Ayshoo...Gchoo"

"Did you say something Tezz? I think there is something wrong with your intercom." Vert's voice came through.

"I did not say anything ad my intercom is finde" Tezz's voice was a little congested from the sneezes.

"uh... okay?"

Everyone finally arrived back to the base safely and with the blue sentient data.

"Sage! we got it!" Sage was more than happy to receive the data log from Spinner and quickly went to download the information.

Vert signaled Sherman to meet him outside.

"Hey Sherm, did you notice anything different about Tezz? His Intercom was fine last night."

"He turned his volume down"

"Why? its not like its that loud."

"I don't know what to tell you Vert, why don't you ask him." Sherman was trying to keep Tezz's little secret as best as he could. If he told Vert who knows what stupid thing Tezz will do to prove he's fine.

"ugh.. its probably nothing, just never mind, If his com isn't working he'll figure it out." with that Vert left to go find out what Sage learned from her new data log.


Tezz walked to his room right after getting out of his car and hearing all about what data Sage received. Usually Tezz loves to learn more about this kind of stuff but it was getting harder and harder for him to focus on what she was saying. From the corner of his eye he could see Sherman periodically glance at him, as if he was checking on him.

Tezz was trying to figure out why Sherman was looking at him when the incessant tickled was back. 'ah great' Tezz rubbed his nose with the back of his right hand to try to stall the tickle until he could get a safe distance away from the team. Fortunately for him it worked.

Sage finished and everyone went there separate ways, except for the cortez brothers who went to go get pizza for everyone. Tezz hurried up to his room and closed the door. Once he was in his room he headed straight for the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. Looking up at the mirror, Tezz was glad that he didn't look noticeably sick except for his semi-watery eyes. Tezz groaned at the pain in his head which then lead to some chest rattling coughs.

During the coughing fit Tezz hit his head on the mirror and stumbled back a little. "agh... that hurt.." Tezz massaged the spot on his head where he hit the mirror and quickly went to change into more comfortable cloths. When Tezz got his cloths on he heard a knock at his door.

"the door is open" Tezz fell into a sitting position on his bed not caring if he looked weak, his head hurt too much to care. Thankfully it was Sherman, the one on the team Tezz actually felt comfortable with.

"hey? are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine. I just hit my head."

"Let me see" Sherman closed the door and kneeled in-front of Tezz. "your going to have slight bruising but other than that your fine. Besides your head how are you feeling?"

Tezz sighed knowing there was no way he could hide being ill from Sherman. That guy notices everything, sometimes he is too tentative, Tezz respected that.

"I believe I have a slight cold, it is really nothing to worry ab...about.. Augh-choo" Tezz turned away from Sherman so he did not sneeze on him.

"If it was nothing to worry about then why didn't you tell Vert?"

*sniff* "He never asked." *smirk*

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Hiding sickness, yes continue smile.png

YAY!! someone likes this! i was afraid that no one would pay attention to this because its an old show... have you ever watched it?

((BTW you are seriously my favorite person on this site!! you always comment and i read you stories! they are amazing! :) ))

. Awh dude Awh *blushing* err thanks for the favorite person thing.. Thanks for reading my stories and uhm yeh I try to encourage everyone, especially those threads who have none or few comments because everyone deserves a chance to write and have readers :) . Your second part was really good :D and uhm no I havnt seen The show sorry.
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Hiding sickness, yes continue smile.png

YAY!! someone likes this! i was afraid that no one would pay attention to this because its an old show... have you ever watched it?

((BTW you are seriously my favorite person on this site!! you always comment and i read you stories! they are amazing! smile.png ))

. Awh dude Awh *blushing* err thanks for the favorite person thing.. Thanks for reading my stories and uhm yeh I try to encourage everyone, especially those threads who have none or few comments because everyone deserves a chance to write and have readers smile.png . Your second part was really good biggrin.png and uhm no I havnt seen The show sorry.

Thanks!!!!! thumbup1.gifbiggrinsmiley.gif thats really cool and nice of you biggrinsmiley.gif and don't worry about watching the show, but if you want to check it out it really is a pretty cool show biggrinsmiley.gifwolverine.gifspidy.gif

here is a link to the first episode, if you interested.

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Oh okay smile.png

can't wait for the next part of the fic c:

oh by the way... the big guy in my picture is Sherman and the little guy is Spinner...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my god I hate my life.... I wrote an entire thing on this stupid iPad this iPad decided to delete the entire thing! This cruise sucks!!!! Need my computer!!!!!!

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Sherman rolled his eyes at tags and stood up to go get something from the bathroom.

"what are you doing?" Text cocked his head to the right.

Sherman came out with a cloth that had been soak in some water. "Put this on your head. It will help with the bump"

"Thank you Sherman. Would you mind not allowing the team to know about this..."

"Don't worry I won't tell." Sherman smiled and started to walk to the door.

"Does this mean I uh.. 'Owe you one'?"

Sherman smiled, "don't worry about it." He chuckled and left the room, "if you need me I'll be working on the buster."

Tezz nodded and laid down on his bed, applying the cloth to the bump on his head.

After Sherman had left Tezz felt his nose begin to tickle again.. "Augh-choo!" He coughed a couple times before, "augh-choo!" Tezz sniffed and walked into the bathroom to blow his nose.


Sherman went down stair to work on changing the oil in the Buster.. He had changed into a old T-Shirt and jeans so he didn't get his uniform dirty.

Sherman went under the buster and started to take out the oil filter when spinner silently started to walk towards the buster.

Sherman cleared his throat, the car was a little dusty, he thought. Spinner knew Sherman didn't know he was there so he decided to yell "hey little bro!" Right next to him.

Sherman jumped a little, hitting his head under the car and spilling the oil filter all over himself.

Spinner was on the floor laughing his heart out while Sherman winced at his head and realized he spilled the oil.

"SPINNER!!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Vert and the team came running when Sherman came out from under the car coughing and trying to maintain balance.

"Sherman are you ok man?" Vert helped Sherman get out and saw that he had a small cut on his forehead.

Spinner stopped laughing seeing that Sherman might have gotten hurt. "You ok little bro?"

Sherman clearing his throat said, "I'm fine.. But my shirt isn't."

Tezz knelt beside Sherman, grabbed the filter and changed the oil for him. Sherman thanked him with a nod and Tezz winked.

Agura was yelling at Spinner and handing him a mop to clean the oil up.

Very turned to Agura to punish Spinner. Sherman took the opertunity to attempt to stand up but his mind was a little fuzzy so he swayed... Tezz grabbed Sherman to steady him and helped him sit on the buster.

Tezz knew that Sherman would not want them to know that he might have a slight concussion because Sherman's eyes said that he felt bad for spinner right now.

Tezz was right, "guys! bro it's fine. No harm no foul right!" Sherman faked a smile, but Tezz knew he wasnt alright...

Of course Tezz's nose picked the worst time to need to sneeze... He stifled them into his sleeve hiding behind Sherman.

Good thing the team didn't notice. The team was occupied trying to get Spinner to say sorry and clean this place up.

"Sherman hand me your shirt, I'll wash it before it's perminitaly stained."

Sherman blushed, he was really self-conscious with his body and taking his shirt off in front of the team was weird.

"Come on Sherm, hand it over." Tezz nudged him and Sherman finally took his shirt off.

Agura started to blush at Sherman's amazing abs and muscles, but of course Stanford had to comment,"Woah mate! Where did that come from? Who knew you where so wrecked"

Agura jabbed him in the gutts and Sherman blushed more. He really wanted to get out of there but if he stood he might fall. Sherman looked at Tezz for help but Tezz looked in pain from his own headache.

"You guys didn't know he was a health nut? At school all the girls would swoon..."

Sherman cut him off, "SPINNER!"

"What? Why are you so self consciously?! Geez."

Sherman barried his face in his hands. Finally Tezz stepped in, "why are you all so interested in his rectus abdominis muscle?(abs)" Tezz rolled his eyes. Tezz grabbed Sherman by the arm and pulled him towards the elevator. "You all act like little children!" The elevator closed and the team looked confused.

While in the elicator Tezz let out his sneezes he had been suppressing, "augh-choo! Choo! hatcho!" Tezz sniffed and weakly leaned against the wall.

"Bless you" Sherman said, "and thanks for that."

"Your welcobe." Tezz coughed "what happended exadly? (Exactly)"

"Spinner scared me so I hit my head on the car and spilled the filter."

"How I'd your head?"

"I'll be fine."

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If anyone wants to make another Tezz fanfic and tag me in it that would be really cool! Or they could draw a picture :) that would make my year!

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The elivator stopped on the floor where their bedrooms where. Tezz and Sherman stepped our and went to their bedrooms.

Sherman headed straight for the bathroom and turned on the water. Sherman undressed and stepped into the shower. The water felt nice on his head, that still hurt from hitting the car. He closed his eyes and let the warm water entrance him.

He washed all the oil off of his hair and his skin. It took a lot of scrubbing but it eventually went down the drain. Finally, Sherman turned off the water and dried himself off. Wrapping the towel around his waste he looked in the mirror and stared at the bumb and little cut that was visibile on his forehead.

His first aid kit was under the sink; he grabbed it and started to assess the wound. He was pretty sure he did not have a concussion but he really wanted a second opinion and the only one capable of that was none other than Tezz Volitov.

Sherman quickly put on some clothes and headed over to Tezz's room.


Tezz went straight to his room after the elivator opened up. His head was swimmy and his nose was annoying him. "Aughcho! Shoo! Ugh.." Coughs "hatcho!" Tezz coughed all the way to his room. His cold seemed to get worse by the minute. Once Tezz got back to his room he closed the door and found some medicine on his nightstand.

"Huh?" He went over to his night stand and smiled and the little note Sherman left that read 'thought you might need these, feel better soon'

Tezz sighed and took some of the medicine before laying on his bed.

He turned his music on and just breathed. It's was getting harder and harder for him to breathe through his nose and now he was beginning to feel nauseous. If course to add on to that the sneezing would not stop, "AUGHCHOO! Ah... AHXCHO!" He didn't even want to try to stifle. Maybe that was a mistake after hearing someone yell out,

"bless you!"

It sounded like AJ but it could have been Vert. Tezz was startled when he heard a knock at his door. Coughing, Tezz responded with "come in" somewhat hoarsely.

"Hey, sorry about this... But can I ask a favor?" Sherman was leaning against the door frame and tezz was worried that Sherman might fall over.

"Sherman, come sit" Tezz got up and went to the door. "Are you alright?" Tezz looked really concerned and this was strange even for Tezz.

"I'm ok... I don't think I have a concussion but can you double check for me?" Sherman looked at the floor and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Of course" Tezz closed the door and knelt in front of Sherman and began to ask really easy questions. "What's your name"

"Sherman Cortez"

"What's your twins name"

"Spinner Cortez"

Tezz coughed before asking the next question, "name the members of battle force 5"

"Me, you, spinner, Vert,

Zoom, Stanford, Sage, Aj and Agura"

"Good" Tezz's question began to get more in depth and every question Sherman answered correctly. Sherman never missed a beat, except that last question.

"Explain to me how you hit your head and what where you doing."

"Uh..." Sherman looked to his right thinking then finally answered, "I was changing the oil in the buster.... Spinner yelled... I spilled the oil on me and hit my head on the car."

Tezz looked at Sherman for a bit then finally looked away. "You do not have a concussion but you are suffering head trauma so uh.. 'Take it easy'. I believe that's what you use.."

"Ya... I thought English was easy for you?" Sherman was messing with Tezz but Tezz looked in pain.

"My apologies. The cold is uh.. Scrambling my head, it is hard to translate from Russian to English.."

"You mean messing? Not scrambling" Sherman smiled and checked Tezz's temperature. "Your a little warm, why don't you lay down. I'll get you something for that."

"Your supposed to be resting to Sherman."

"You said yourself, I don't have a concussion. Ill Be fine." Sherman smiled.

Tezz was going to argue when he was caught with a sneezing fit, "AUGHCHOO! HATCHOO!" During the fit Sherman was getting a wet cloths and tissues. "Aughcho! cho! Heh... augh!" Tezz started coughing and fell into his pillows.

"Geez, bless" Sherman put down the tissues and placed the cloths on Tezz's forehead. "Leave it on, I want that fever to go down."

Tezz nodded and fell asleep while Sherman tucked him in. "Get well buddy"

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