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Quantum Leap sneezing


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This is a fanfic based on the television show Quantum Leap. I own nothing I just happen to be a huge fan of this show! This is just the beginning so tell me what you think! I haven't figured out what Sam's mission will be but this is going to take place in 1965 and he is living with a man, so if you don't like reading about a homosexual couple you shouldn't read this :)

Sam awoke in a strange bed, in an unfamiliar room, and beside a cat. He reached over and petted the cat which was probably a mistake. The cat hissed at him, and leapt away from Sam and off of the bed. Sam was used to waking up in strange places since that has been his life ever since he started quantum leaping. Slowly he got up out of the warm bed and began to inspect his new bedroom. The bed happened to be a large and antique sleigh bed, and the furniture matched the classic oak wood that made up the bed. There were pictures of many people, who Sam assumed must be of family. The more he looked around the more he noticed that the room was very clean and he liked that. “Well, at least I don’t have to clean up in here”, Sam thought to himself. Sam opened up some of the drawers looking for clothes to put on instead of the silk pajamas he was currently wearing. He found a pair of jean pants and a red polo shirt and put the pants on first. Then he walked over to the bathroom door and went in.

The first thing he did was to inspect himself in the mirror. Since the nature of leaping around is that he always has a new body, he liked to try and familiarize himself with his new body. The face that looked back at him was a middle age man with black hair that was just beginning to show signs of grey. He had green eyes, and a beard too. Sam began to wonder if he had ever had a beard before, but his swiss-cheese brain wouldn’t let him. Sam began to look in the medicine cabinet too. He noticed all the typical stuff, such as bandaids, tweezers, two bottles of shaving cream, two different bottles of aftershave, and four boxes of allergy medicine which looked like it had recently been opened.

“Love! Are you up yet sleepy head?! I’ve made lunch!!” A male voice called up to Sam. “I guess he’s talking to me” Sam thought. “Yeah I’m up! Give me just a few minutes to finish up in the bathroom.” Sam called back down. “Where is Al at? I really need him right now!” Sam thought. As if Al could hear his best friend, he appeared in his holographic doorway. Sam didn’t hear the door like he normally did, he was too busy combing his hair. “HHUSSSHHOOO!!” Al sneezed harshly. Sam jumped, and spun around looking at Al like he had just shot a gun instead of sneezed. “What the hell was that?!” Sam asked in disbelief. In all the years of leaping, Sam had never heard Al sneeze. He was pretty sure that in all the years of their friendship Al had never sneezed.

“That was me sneezing, what did you think it was?” His friend asked irritated. Al brought out a tissue and blew his nose quietly. “Damn allergies.” Al said. “You have allergies?” Sam asked him. “To what?” “ Well, apparently to Gooshie’s new dog. Gooshie brought him in to the project today and I haven’t stopped sneezing since.” “Well, you sound better now!” Sam told him. “Yeah I just ho…hope it la..la….AHSSSHOOOO!! AAHSSSHOOOO!” Al sneezed loudly, not bothering to cover his mouth. “Bless you! And cover your mouth, were you raised in a barn?” Sam snickered at his poor friend. “What difference does it make?” Al asked tiredly. “Yeah I guess you’re right, but it is a little gross.” Sam told him. Al shrugged and said “Okay, I’ll do better next time.”

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"Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Doctor Sam Beckett led an elite group of scientists into the desert to develop a top secret project, known as QUANTUM LEAP. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Doctor Beckett, prematurely stepped into the Project Accelerator and vanished. He awoke to find himself in the past, suffering from partial amnesia and facing a mirror image that was not his own. Fortunately, contact with his own time was made through brainwave transmissions, with Al, the Project Observer, who appeared in the form of a hologram that only Doctor Beckett could see and hear. Trapped in the past, Doctor Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, putting things right, that once went wrong and hoping each time, that his next leap will be the leap home."

This is the opening lines from the show Quantum Leap, I copied this from imdb.com. This is a good reference in case you don't know much about Quantum Leap (it is an older tv show).

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I don't have a lot of time right now to post but I wanted to get this part written down before I forgot it lol.

Sam shook his head, but he did feel bad for his best friend. He suffered from allergies as a young child but since he started leaping he had never experienced any allergic issues. "What am I here for Al?" Sam asked. Al pulled out his handlink, which was surprisingly quiet today. "According to Ziggy, there is a 87% chance you are here to save Tim Graw, who is your...lover." Al paused for a moment to wipe his nose, and looked up at Sam. Sam looked back at Al and he looked a little worried. "So, wait, I have to pretend to be...gay?" Sam asked. "Yes, yes you do. And Tim knows you, I mean Rob, better than we ever will. By the way, you're name is Robert Shan. You are 32 years old and in two days you and Tim will be going to a concert. According to Ziggy, a riot breaks out at the concert and it turns ugly. Like homophobia ugly. And Tim attempts to save someone in the crowd and takes a... ahh...HSSHHOOOO! HHIISHHOO! Gooshie!! Get that damn dog away from me!! HIISHHOOO! HII...HIISHHOOOO!!" Al was sneezing his head off in his handkerchief, and was yelling up at the ceiling, which looked pretty funny to Sam. Finally, Al was able to stop sneezing and focus on Sam. "Okay, Al I think that you should go and lay down. I'm going to go downstairs and meet Tim and start the day. I hope you feel better!" Sam told him. "Yeah, a nap sounds great. And medicine." Al said, and opened up the Imaging Chamber door. "I'll be back soon. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Al said, managing a smile. Sam waved back at his friend. And then Al was gone.

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