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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Johndave Drabblefic (homestuck, M, M/m)


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File this under things I think about way, way too often. :blush: /shot




You wake because the sun is in your eyes, slanting through the window at the head of the bed at just the right angle to get in under the shade and cook your ocular organs in your skull. You wouldn’t usually have this problem, since the window is at the head of the bed, but sometime last night you got turned around. Also, John doesn’t keep his shades drawn like you do, so good morning, Mr. Sun.


You close your eyes and turn your head to the side, trying to dissipate the colors dancing behind your eyelids with the power of your mind. A couple of things become obvious to you as you wait: you’re really warm, your left leg is asleep, and you have to pee. It becomes obvious that the first two are due to the sleeping form of John Egbert, your boyfriend and friendleader, getting all cozy on top of you like he belongs there (he does), and the third isn’t being helped much by this situation. You try to wiggle a bit to get more comfortable, but only succeed in awakening a stab of pins and needles in your shin, and nope. You don’t want to deal with that.


John is totally out, haha. His cheek is pressed to your collar bone, a hand curled in your shirt, and you could just die of the adorable fluff, even if he is drooling on you a bit. You lift a hand to rub his back, gently. He has a bad cold and is snoring just slightly, and that’s cute, too. You try not to blush, thinking about it, since you came over last night to make him feel better, not you, though you guess it had both effects. You lift your head, hoping like a grade A creeper that you’ll be able to see his nose running, but the angle is unhelpful, so you drop your head back to the mattress.


Last night he’d texted you to ask if you could get him some cold medicine, since your dorm is nearer to the convenience store, and you had, of course, complied with alacrity. John doesn’t get sick very often, but when he does, it’s usually pretty bad. Cliché but true. Obviously you had wanted to help alleviate his suffering as quickly as possible, so you loaded up on Aleve, Vicks, and tissues for his benefit and presented them like it was Christmas… in late November. You’d been rewarded for your efforts with a brief kiss on the cheek and a polite, but firm insistence that you return home and write whatever essay you were putting off that week instead of hanging around to catch the demon cold he had managed to incubate like Rosemary’s fucking baby.


You had firmly waved off his objections and let yourself in, despite the undeniable facts that you do have an essay to write and you are also prone to catching whatever is going around. Sometimes it’s so bad your friends use you as an early warning system, like a canary in a plague mine. Your kinks are sometimes mindblowingly inconvenient and terrible. But you just have to wrap John up in a blanket and fetch things for him or you will want to punch yourself in the face later. And if you happen to share the same airspace as your unfortunately sneezy boyfriend, well you are willing to take one for the proverbial team.


You let your hand still on his back with a contented sigh. The two of you had crashed pretty early last night, unsurprisingly, but you’d managed to get in some sniffly cuddling. You’d gotten to take his temperature, too, though he’d rolled his eyes when you’d insisted. You really just want to baby him mercilessly.


You do kind of need to get up, though, if not immediately then within the next half hour, so you move your hand to his head and gently start petting his sleep-mussed noggin. “Hey John,” you murmur. “Time to wake up, but just enough so that I don’t piss you off when I move, okay?” You keep your voice soothing, which is probably counter-productive, but you don’t really care. He looks so cute and you can hear him snuffling through his congestion as he sleeps, which is turning you on. “Come on, babe…” Pet pet.


It’s another minute or two before you feel him stir and you smile when he turns to look at you, eyes heavy-lidded, cheeks and nose a bit pink, obviously still mostly asleep. Fucking adorable. “Morning, babe.”


He doesn’t reply, just yawns tiredly. Then his eyes fall shut, his nostrils flare, and he ducks forward with a sudden sneeze. “Huh-upptssch!”


God. You feel the spray misting your face and neck, hear tiny droplets landing on your chest and the blanket by your head. It should disgust you, send you running for the hills, shoving him off of you like a heavy jacket in a Texan summer, but it doesn’t. It will never have that effect on you. Instead, your stomach tightens, your face flushes, and your pants become suddenly too tight for comfort.


“Bless you,” you huff out, blinking up at him.


John sniffles, dazed, his upper lip now rather slick with a clear trail, then blushes to the roots of his hair, pulling away from you with haste. “Oh my God. Dave! I am so sorry. Fuck.” He gropes for a corner of the blanket and starts dabbing your face with it, a bit uncoordinated still from sleep. “I’m sorry. Shit. Please don’t hate me. Oh fuck, now you’re going to get sick…” He looks horrified, and the next time he has to sneeze, he buries his face in both hands for maximum protection. “Hh-uttschh!”


You should be angry, but you’re not, just massively turned on, so the only thing you do is shift him off of you and stand up, wiping at your forehead with your sleeve. “It’s okay, John, don’t flip out. You’re sick, I get that, and I submitted myself to the consequences when I chose to sleep over. Relax.” You stretch, then have to acknowledge your bladder through the throbbing downstairs. You pat John’s knee under the blanket, then withdraw. “I’m going to pee and then take a shower. No worries. And if I do get sick, you’ll just have to suck it up and take care of me, that’s all.”


He nods, mutely, like you wouldn’t enjoy that just as much, and pulls the blanket around his shoulders as you grab his spare towel and leave the room. You have some business to attend to. And after that, maybe you’ll come nap with him and it will happen again.


You cross your fingers.

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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Uwweeeeee!! I have to say, I never read Homestuck stuff. But I always want to read what you write, LYK <3. You're a fantastic writer, and you always provide such specific, wonderful details >w<~~ I love how this is written in second person too! <3

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Awww, thank you so much! I know Homestuck isn't for everyone, so it means a lot to me that you want to read my stuff anyway! *hugs*

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OH MY GOD THIS IS ADORABLE!!! *tiny voice whispers mooooore~* <3 <3

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I'm not familiar with Homestuck, but I love these fics and drabbles you've been putting up! And I'm with BlackScatter, the second person narrative is working so hard for me :D

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Thank you everyone, so much!

@Akahana: I'm almost out on spring break, so there's a good chance that I'll write a little something! I've actually been working on and off on a non-fetish fic that's taking up a lot of my time, though. :)

@serotonin: Homestuck is written in the second person, since it's meant to be a parody of an old text-based adventure game, so I have to write these in 2nd person! It would feel really alien not to. I'm glad it's working for people who don't read the comic, though, since it's a really fun writing exercise, too!

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AHHH, this is wonderful! Dave with the fetish GAAH I am unable to.

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Thank you! :D I have a real thing about writing characters with the fetish I guess. It started with my Inception ficcage. I just think it's more fun, in some ways? Like you get to write all the stuff that makes you happy as a forum-goer... and then describe why it's so exciting to you, all in the context of a pairing you really enjoy! I think that's fab. :3

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  • 1 month later...

This was a delightful read! I, like many others who have replied to this thread, have to say that I enjoy A. The second-person point of view, and B. The fact that you made Dave have the fetish. It certainly puts an interesting twist to the piece and changes it pretty dramatically as a whole. Your characterization is very good and I must say that I enjoy how you wrote this like it would appear in the comic. Overall, I've got to say that I think your writing style is definitely an interesting one!

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Oh my gosh this was. Really fucking great holy shit.

Thank you you deserve so many cookies (or sweets of your choice.)

Edited by Parksborn
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Cookies are an entirely acceptable sacrifice. twisted.gif I'm glad you enjoyed it! Really, I still think about this too often. blush.png I should write out some of my other favorite scenarios...

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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