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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Freakin' Cats! SPN

Lace Butterfly

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Hey guys, I got a bit bored waiting for my laptop to be fixed so I can finish the Sick!Cas fic I'm working on, but in the mean time I decided to do a little one shot Dean!Allergy fic, this is my first allergy fic so yeah, I hope it doesn't suck. Anyway, hope you guys like it even if it is all fluff. :)

"H'EIiiShhhiiieuuh!" Dean sneezed desperately into the crook of his elbow, he groaned with frustration, this case was getting on his nerves. He and Sam were working on a case involving the one thing he hated more than demons, ghosts, vampires or even dickbag angels, they were working on a case that involved cats.

"Hey Dean you okay over there?" Sam asked from across the dander filled apartment room.

Dean swiped at his nose and sniffled, "Yeah, I'm awesome, just peachy, I mean c'mon Sam! Do I sound okay? hhh... H'Ktchhiiew! Ugh, son of a bitch!" the older Winchester snapped as he sneezed again. Sam's eyes widened and he put up his hands in mock surrender.

"First of all, bless you and second; seriously dude suck it up, we just have to protect Mrs. Wilson until morning, then we can find out where the ghost's remains are buried and you can take a long shower and get high on Benadryl," Sam reasoned. Truthfully, he wasn't all that sorry for Dean, Dean never had to worry about an allergy attack while hunting or not being able to walk out of the door without carrying a Kleenex pack all day like the younger Winchester had, had to do all his life and Dean had always poked fun at sam for it, so sam didn't mind seeing his brother suffer the way he had in the past all that much.

"Wh- hhh... what time... hhhh... is- HehKsshhh, HeehhIsshhew! What time is it?" Dean asked roughly, his voice all but destroyed from the never ending sneezes.

"Bless you, it's about three a.m," Sam answered his sniffling brother.

Suddenly the lights began to flicker and the air became cold.

"HeehhIisshhuh!" Dean sneezed again, "Ugh, I'm gonna fry this bitch extra crispy for this, the spirit couldn't have picked a hot blonde as a victim instead of an old lady with a million cats so I wouldn't have to breathe cat hair all night?" Dean muttered, but there was no time for Sam to roll his eyes and tell Dean that there was only one ugly fluff ball in the house because the ghost chose that minute to show up.

She chuckled evilly and tried to fight Sam and Dean, luckily they were ready with salt guns and iron rods, at least Mrs. Wilson was safe in her salt ringed bedroom. They fought her away until six a.m, until she dissapeared.

As they approached the grave yard where the ghost's body was Dean was still sneezing and Sam was actually starting to feel sorry for his afflicted brother.

"H'Tchhhiuu Heeehhssshiew AhtChhiiew H'kTch Ksshhh HahTkKsshhiew HeIsshhuh!!!"

"Wow, bless you, how are you still this sneezy?" Sam asked as Dean tried to find some tissues in his glove compartment.

"HESSHHOOO!! I..uhh...heehhhIsshh...don't Hhhhh... know... At-Chhuuiuh! Freakin' cats man, the damn hair is still stuck to my clothes," Dean replied through sneezes, his throat was killing him and his head felt foggy, his eyes stung and he was so congested Sam could barely understand him. Sam did most of the digging as Dean couldn't stop sneezing long enough to hold the shovel.

"Just take the Impala and go to the drug store already, I can do this and you need to breathe so go." sam said, almost begging, Dean's sneezes were really starting to bother him now, not only his brother's complaining was getting on his nerves but the fact that Dean was constantly sniffling and wiping his nose with his jacket. Gross.

"Hhh...hhh...hh..H'Tisshhuh! No way Sam, this ghost is gonna pay for this," Dean replied, hw wasn't going to stop working because of his allergies, even if he did complain every ten seconds but he did walk back to the car to get some more Kleenex.

As Dean reached the car, he noticed something on the back seat, what was it? Then he saw a furry face and two glowing green eyes, a cat.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cried and pulled out his gun, he opened the door and the cat ran out, it ran back toward the grave site. Dean ran after it, trying to hold back the sneezes as he ran.

"What's going on?" Sam yelled as he saw Dean running toward him, then he noticed the cat. Instantly sam broke into a fit of laughter, Dean could handle demons, ghosts, vampires, dickbag angels but a little cat brought him to his knees.

Dean fired his weapon but the little cat dodged every time. "H'Itchhuh Esshhiuu.. It's not funny Sam Hekkkshhiuuew!!" It was funny, well to sam it was at least. The cat ran off into the breaking day and Dean collapsed onto the ground. Sam lit a match and threw it onto the gasoline and salt covered corpse causing it to go up in flames. Sam walked over to his brother, who was laying on the ground sniffling helplessly.

"C'mon man, lets get you some allergy pills," he said as he helped pick Dean up off the ground.

"Thanks," Dean said with another sniffle, "Hey Sam?" Dean said as they got to the Impala.

"Yeah Dean," Sam said as he opened the door to the drivers side.

"I promise I'll never make fun of your allergies again, I mean, I don't know how you do it," Dean said triedly, "Hhh...AiiTchhuuh!"

"Bless you Dean, and don't worry about it, I think you've probably made up for that by now," Sam laughed, at the very least Dean might have learned a lesson from all this, and that was enough for Sam.

Well I hope you guys liked it. :)

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I loved it <3 oh yes oh yes sneezy Dean cat allergys <3 Yessssssssss :D Thanks so much for writing this, I can't put into words how much I love this ;o the brotherly teasing, mentions of Sam's allergys, sneezy stubborn venerable Dean <3 You're spoiling us ! :)

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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I loved it <3 oh yes oh yes sneezy Dean cat allergys <3 Yessssssssss :D Thanks so much for writing this, I can't put into words how much I love this ;o the brotherly teasing, mentions of Sam's allergys, sneezy stubborn venerable Dean <3 You're spoiling us ! :)

Aw thanks for that lovely comment :)

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Oh gosh, I could totally imagine Dean firing his gun at that poor cat! I loved this so much.

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I laughed at this one - Dean chasing the cat was cute. I wish the show would use the allergy, but we know they won't. At least it gives us something canon to work with!

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I wish the show would use the allergy, but we know they won't.

I know, I wish they'd use it just once for something major in the show, but at least this way we can make him sneeze however we want because Jensen Ackles real sneeze is just so much better.

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