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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Melody's First Halloween (Doctor Who)


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This chapter was mostly written by MoonDuck, but I helped a little. This is part of a fanfiction I’m working on called “The New Life of Melody Pond” which is basically about how Melody would grow up if the Doctor had been able to save her at Demon’s run. We wanted to add sneezing into some chapters and write more detailed illnesses into some of them, so we are posting those chapters on this forum. Since the chapters with sneezing are sparse and far apart in Melody’s ages we are posting them as separate stories for the forum. If you want to read the whole thing so far (minus most of the sneezing) here is a link:
. Enjoy!
P.S. I don't own DW or its' characters!


Rory straightened out Melody’s costume. He and Amy had decided that it would be fun if they dressed their daughter up as an archaeologist. She had a tan shirt and khaki pants, complete with a brown fedora and messenger bag, and she looked cute as a button. Rory glanced outside and could see the sun beginning to set, the sky turning a beautiful shade of purple and orange.

“All right, Melody, are you ready to go trick-or-treating?” He handed her a pumpkin-shaped bucket to hold her candy just as Amy walked into the room.

Her eyes lit up when she saw her daughter dressed up in her Halloween costume. “Who’s my little sweetie pie?” She cooed, sweeping Melody up in her arms. “Are we ready to go?”

Rory paused, feeling his pockets to make sure he had everything. Keys, phone, wallet. “Um, yeah, I think so. Just a mo.” He picked up a bowl filled with fun size chocolate bars and opened the front door, setting it on the front step for trick-or-treaters who came while they weren’t home. “All right, let’s go!”

They stepped outside into the cool, evening air. They could hear other children talking and laughing in the streets. They had Melody stand outside and pose in her costume, so they could take pictures. They walked down the sidewalk, each parent holding a hand, until they reached the first house. Melody eagerly rang the doorbell. “Twrick or twreat!” She called out.

After hearing the clicks of a few locks unlock, the door opened to reveal an old lady. She had grey hair and was probably in her 70’s or 80’s. Her eyes sparkled, and the corners were crinkled from smiling. “Aren’t you the sweetest thing! Here you go, darling.” The lady handed her a few handfuls of candy. “Cheers!”

Melody just nodded shyly before walking away.

“Thank you!” Amy called back before following after her. “Melody, you have to thank them for the candy next time, okay?” She taught her daughter proper trick-or-treat etiquette as they walked down the sidewalk to the next house.

She nodded, ducking her head bashfully. She looked up, startled by the sudden ah’NGXXT that came from her father. “Bwess you!” She chirped.

He rubbed his nose, which was beginning to turn pink. “Thanks, honey.” He ruffled her hair, stepping up the couple steps leading to the porch of the next house. Melody eagerly rang the doorbell, holding it down for a prolonged diiiiiing doooooonnnggg and waited a few moments.

“Go away! No candy for you kids! Can’t you see the lights are off?” Melody jumped back, startled by the grumpy voice that came from the house. She started to cry, but the person inside paid no attention.

Amy gently pulled her away from the house. “Come along, Melody. It’s okay.” She picked her up, carrying her and rubbing her back. “I forgot that most people who have candy leave the lights on, at least at their porch or inside,” She said to Rory, sighing.

“Yeah, I guess we forgot.” Rory said, only to pause to turn his head to stifle another sneeze into his shoulder. Ngxt’choo!

By now, Melody had stopped crying and was able to manage another “Bwess you, Daddy!”

Amy frowned. He’d sneezed twice in the last five minutes, and she could recall hearing a few more throughout the day. She set Melody down. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He didn’t look too “fine.” His nose was red, and he looked tired.

Amy put a hand to his forehead before he could protest. “You’re warm. Come on, Melody. Let’s take Daddy home.”

Melody pouted. “Why?”

“Because Daddy isn’t feeling good and shouldn’t be in the cold at night.”

“I’m fine! It’s just a cold. Nothing bad, or I’d be at home.”

“Home. Now.” Amy held her daughter’s hand, walking the two houses back home before he could protest further.

“I’ll get you some candy!” Melody called back. Rory sighed, following his wife and daughter back to their warm home.

“Melody, stay downstairs while I get Daddy settled in bed, okay?” Amy ordered as she led Rory up the steps and into their room.

Melody walked into the living room and saw the familiar blue TARDIS box outside her window. She opened the door, bucket in hand, ran up to the doors and knocked three times.

The Doctor opened and immediately heard a hyper, “Twrick or twreat!”

He grinned and dumped an entire bag of candy into her bucket, after he saw that the bucket was mostly empty. “Happy Halloween, Melody! Where’s the rest of your candy?”

“Daddy’s sick. We had to go home.” Melody pouted slightly.

The Doctor frowned and grabbed one of Melody’s hands. “Take me to your Mummy and Daddy, Mel.”

Melody led him back inside, up the steps, and down the hall to her parent’s bedroom. Amy and Rory were shocked to say the least to see Melody holding a full bucket of candy in one hand and the Doctor’s hand in the other.

“Doctor?” Amy and Rory both said confused.

“Yep! Here I am, and I heard one of you called for a Doctor?” He grinned, always wanting to use that line.

Rory sneezed. “No, I’b fide. It’s jusd a little cold.”

The Doctor quickly whipped out his sonic scanned him. “38.2 degrees celsius, sneezing, congestion, sore throat, and headache. Your typical human cold.”

“I told you, nothing to worry about!” Rory said as he tried to get back up.

“You are running a fever, and you are staying right here!” Amy stubbornly countered.

Rory sighed, knowing he wouldn’t get anywhere arguing with his wife and layed back down.

“Now, I understand Melody didn’t get to go trick-or-treating. Is that correct?” Amy, Rory, and even Melody all nodded their heads “yes.” “Right now, Amy, while you look after Rory I am going to take little Melody here trick-or-treating. And yes, I promise to take lots of pictures.”

Amy and Rory just nodded their agreement and the Doctor grabbed Melody’s hand again and took off through the neighborhood. Using the Doctor’s “bigger on the inside” coat pockets to hide Melody’s candy, they were able to scrounge up almost three buckets worth of candy.

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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THIS IS SO CUTE I SWEAR ITS GIVING ME DIABETES <3 i just love how the Doctor was kind enough to take Melody Treak or Treating :))) and and and and and and adorable Rory and Amy fluff :>

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