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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Harry's Allergies (Larry Stylinson, One Direction)


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Hiiii! This is my first time posting my own fic (I'm super new to the forum but I've been lurking for aaaages)


Disclaimer: I don't own these people, though I wish I did. I'm not sure how to do a disclaimer with real people... ooops.

Fandom: One Direction

Um, I'm open to constructive critisism because this is the first time I've really written out sneezes tonguesmiley.gif

Not much sneezing in this part because it's mainly background stuff but there's loads more to come!


It was the middle of the spring and Harry's allergies had been acting up for ages. He’d been able to hide it quite effectively from Louis over the past couple of weeks through Skype (Louis was in Doncaster with his family and Harry in the apartment the two shared), telling Louis that he was busy if he asked to video chat when Harry was in the middle of a bad fit or it was a bad day, and because Harry arranged most calls beforehand, he was able to dose himself up on the medicine before facing his boyfriend. He had known Louis for around 8 months and had been dating for three, and Harry had never told Louis anything so he didn’t know the younger boy had allergies. Harry had only kept them a secret because he didn’t want them to put Louis of him, because they could get quite bad if the pollen count became higher than normal.

Louis was set to come back to the apartment in a week, and Harry knew he couldn't hide it much longer unless he kept it under control. He’d been to the doctors and the nurse said that she could only prescribe medication to stop the symptoms and not fix the problem, though this had to be taken regularly.

A week later and Harry had been on the medication for that time, testing it out and making sure he took it at the right intervals to be able to seem normal for as long as possible. He met Louis at the train station and both boys shed a few tears – much to the delight of the Larry shippers – because they hadn’t seen each other for almost a month now, and quickly headed back home. It was raining and because of the late journey, Louis was tired and out cold as soon as he hit the pillow. Harry snuggled up to Louis and in no time he was the same as the older boy.

In the middle of the night, Harry suddenly woke up. He didn't know why he had woken up so randomly... but then he felt his allergies. His mind took him back to this time last year when he had woken up in the middle of the night, similar to this situation (minus Louis and the band), and started sneezing, and the attack got so bad that he hadn't stopped until the sun broke through the clouds, his mother by his side the whole way. From what he could recall, not even his medicine at the time could help.

On top of that, Harry quickly realised that he'd forgotten to take his allergy medication for the night, and cursed almost inaudibly.

He quickly but carefully manoeuvred himself around Louis and out of bed, slipping into a pair of Louis’ oldest pyjamas (they were the closest item to him) and slowly opened and closed the door behind him. He headed to the bathroom because that was the only room in the house which had a lock, and all of the toilet roll was kept in there which he knew he’d need.

Harry had barely shut the door when his nose started going crazy.

“Hat’ixtch!” Harry stifled the first but it was his mistake; he could feel them becoming stronger. “Haa...aah...aah..ahCHXTch! Oh n-no hehh...het’iXNt! Het’SCcht!!"

He tried to keep as quiet as possible but it just wasn't happening, no matter what he did, and he knew Louis would quickly awaken from his light slumber.



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Larry 4ever <3<3<3<3<3

Yeees. go . write.


please :)

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Thank you all so much!! This is so much more than I ever thought I'd get just with my first part, ahah.

Well, here's the second! :)


“Harry? What’s wrong?” Louis asked. Harry couldn't answer; he had burning tears streaming down his face and he was struggling to breathe between sneezes. He stumbled to the door and unlocked it, for a split second not caring if Louis saw and only wanting help.

"Lou…huuhh..louisCHO" he wasn’t able to talk, only reaching out to Louis. He looked clueless, not knowing what to do so he went to the cupboard and looked through the medical stuff.

“Harry, I don’t know what to do!” Louis started to panic and Harry shook his head.

“Can..can…hnnsXCHU! can’t brehhh…brehh…ehhep’cHOO! Breathe," Harry choked out, finally being able to take a few well-needed breaths in before going into his next fit.

“Why didn't you tell me about this...” Louis whispered, still searching through the cupboards.

“L-louis,” he half choked, half cried out. Harry’s words made him spin around and take in his boyfriend’s appearance fully, and he came right back over to him with an assortment of medicine in his hands.

“Shhh, H, it's going to be okay,” he tried to comfort Harry. “Maybe if you try holding them in, it'll stop them?”

Harry nodded.

“Hehh…hheeehhh…hiiiiii…heehh…” Harry sniffed, a fatal mistake. "it ti…tiii…tiiiihh…hihhhitCHEIWWW! As soon as he started again, he couldn't stop. “Heh..heHCHIIUU! hepCHUU!! ESHOO!! Louis…leaahh, liiih, ihHCHII, leave, please…”

“Seriously?! No way Harry, no way,” Louis looked over with wild worried eyes. Harry nodded his head.

“G…g…isshhhii! Go,” Louis looked horrified. “I don’t want you to see meehhh…eehh…ehhTIISHUU!! Me like this,” he tried to hold them back again to be able to get an actual sentence out. “Please, Lou, please.”

“Babe, are you actually insane?” Louis stared at Harry with wide eyes. “How could you even think about me leaving you in this state?”

“I jus…juhhh…uhhhthISCHOO!!” Harry gave up trying to talk and slid down against the edge of the bath, head rested on his forearms against his knees. He sat like that for another five minutes before he finally got a break in sneezing, and Louis helped him up.

“You feeling better now?” Louis asked as they walked through to the kitchenette and front room of their apartment, and Harry nodded. “Why so bad? Are you sick? What’s happened?”

“I have allergies,” he said, looking down at his feet with a sniffle, suddenly embarrassed. “They get really bad around this time of year, it wasn’t unexpected...”

“Why didn’t you tell me you wally? I could’ve helped,” Louis put his gentle hand under Harry chin and raised his head to meet his eyes.

“I didn’t want-”

"Wait, hold that thought,” Louis said quickly, dashing off back into the bathroom and coming out with the bottle of pills the doctor subscribed Harry. “These might help.”

“How did you-” Harry asked, but shook his head and dropped it. “Thanks. I didn’t tell you because I was scared that if you knew, you would leave me, because... well I don’t know why. I’m sorry," he blushed bright red as he took two of the pills and grabbed a glass, filling it up with water and gulping them down quickly.

“C’mere,” Louis pulled Harry into a hug, being careful not to touch his nose. “Let's head to the couch. The bed probably won’t do much help, judging by what just happened."

Harry nodded in agreement and headed towards the fluffy sofa.


Again thank you so much and tell me if you want more! :)

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Thank you everyone for the response!

Sorry this part is so short, I think the next part will be the last one but will be much longer :)


“Anything you need? I can go now, while you’re calm, and then if you get bad again you can call me and I promise I’ll come straight back.” Louis looked apprehensively at Harry, full of love in his eyes.

“Well, there’s this iced tea stuff that mum got me sometimes...” Harry trailed off, looking at the clock. “It’s 5am Louis,” he raised his eyebrows.

“So? There's a 24 hour place just opposite here,” he smiled lovingly. “What flavour?”

“Strawberry,” Harry replied, not really wanting him to leave but the longing to have something cold, other than water, overpowered that.

“I’ll get lots of different kinds because I’ve never tried it before,” Louis shot Harry a grin. “Just text me or call me if you get bad again, okay babe?”

Harry nodded.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, don’t get run over,” he joked.

Harry could feel his nose becoming tickly again but he didn’t say a word, allowing Louis to get out of this apartment for a bit.


Half an hour later, Louis returned to the apartment (with iced tea, milk, bread, cookies and ice cream) to find Harry laid out on the sofa sneezing into the fabric. Each sneeze was as powerful as the last and Louis could almost feel the pain Harry was in just because of the sound the sneezes were making, without even having to take a glance at the youngest boy.

Harry gave out a heart-wrenching sob in a ten second break between fits as Louis walked through, dropping everything quickly on the counter and rushing over to Harry's side. His eyes were red, puffy and squeezed shut in pain and discomfort.

“Shh Haz...” Louis tried to comfort Harry by running his hand through Harry’s curls, but Harry swatted Louis' hand away.

“G-go,” Harry's voice was raspy and he coughed, which started him off again.

Hehh…heh…hepTISSHHHUU! ISSHHU! Not agai…agaiiii…aaahhHTICHEEWW!! TSHHIIIWW! No please sto..oo…ohhhHTCHOO! I’m so sorr…yyyYHISCHII!

His voice became higher and more desperate as he tried to talk between sneezes, and Harry began to see black spots in his vision, not being able to get enough oxygen into his body.

Louis could see how tired Harry was becoming and increasingly became more worried as Harry fell further and further back into the couch after each desperate sneeze, trying to work out a way to comfort the younger boy effectively.

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I'm sorry I haven't had time to update in the past few days! Hopefully if everything goes well, I can update later today :) I'm on mobile right now so I can't write a chapter just yet :/

Again, sorry!

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Okay so this is the last part and not as long as I'd hoped but I hope you like it!

“Come on Harry, shh, you’re okay, you’re okay...” Louis traced circles over Harry's back, which would usually calm him down in minutes, but to no avail. “Did you take the meds?”

Harry nodded. "Doesn't w…work when I…I…iiihhh…ihhhihhTIISSHHU! IHSTHUU! I’m in full swi..iiihh…ISHUUU! swing,”

“Shh, Harry, don’t try to talk,” Louis murmured. He had no idea what to do in this situation, so just took to trying to comfort Harry as best as possible.

“Rain make’s th..hhh…HETCHUU!! CHUUU! sneezing worse when the p…p..pollen’s hiiii….hiiii…ihhh…HIISHUU!!”

“Didn’t I just tell you to not talk?” Louis tried to be stern but couldn’t when looking at helpless Harry. “Do you want me to call Anne? Or my mum?”

Harry shook his head, tapping his wrist.

“Wait it out?” Harry nodded at Louis.

“Okay...” Louis knew this would be a long day – and night – but as long as Harry was okay at the end of it, Louis didn’t care.

Tears began to fall from Harry's eyes and he buried his head into the arm of the couch. His body shook and Louis was there, trying to calm him down, everything else forgotten.

“Hey now, it’s okay, it’ll be over soon...”

“I hate this Lou… I hate that you ha…haa…haaaTCHUUU! CHUU! I hate that you have to see me like this,” Harry admitted, still not looking up at Louis, his head still sat firmly in the couch.

“Don’t be silly Harry, I love you no matter what and I wouldn’t change you for the world – though maybe I’d make these stop,” he smiled, and Harry smiled into the fabric before two sneezes suddenly caught him by surprise.

HeptiSHU! HepCHUU! Ugh! Make it stop Louis, please make it stop!”

“I don't know how Harry, I’m sorry baby I’m so sorry,” Louis’ emotion flipped and he was on the verge of tears watching Harry go through torture.

“Don’t leave me Louis, I love you, don’t leave me,” Harry whispered, raising his head and looked into Louis’ blue eyes. “Please.”

“Oh Haz, I could never,” Louis replied, cupping the left side of Harry's face with one hand. "I could never leave you, even if you paid me, I could never.”

"I love you," Harry looked up with red bloodshot eyes, watering in tiredness and happiness.

"I love you too," Louis smiled wide, and Harry did the same, for the first time that day.

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