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Out of the Water (Teen Wolf)


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I've been lurking around here for years and decided to start my own story. This is my first time writing so I'm sorry if this is terrible. Teen Wolf is my new obsession and I pretty much ship everyone with everyone but this is going to be pre-sterek. Spoilers up to season 2 after Abomination. I hope you enjoy biggrinsmiley.gif


Stiles trudged through the crowded hall as he made his way to his locker. He could think of ten thousand four hundred and sixty one other places he would rather be right now, like maybe asleep in his bed. With the night he had yesterday, he could already feel that today was going to suck. He didn't think he had ever been so tired in his life, but that is bound to happen when you hold a two-hundred and something pound werewolf above water for over two hours. Plus dreams, well nightmares really, of lizard people mauling you to death did nothing to help his tiredness either. When he got to his locker Scott was already there waiting for him with a guilty look on his face.

"Hey, man," Scott said to him as he walked up. Stiles felt a little bad for he had been ignoring Scott's texts and calls all yesterday night and this morning. "Look I know you're pissed at me, which you have a totally good reason to be. I would be too if you left me to drown in a pool with Derek. I feel terrible about and I'm sorry."

Stiles sighed and damn those puppy dog eyes, "It's fine dude. I'm already over it."

"So, we're all good?"

Stiles rubbed his wrist under his nose to quell the sudden itch in his nose. "Yeah man we're fah.....fah....Hetchoo! He...Hitchew! sorry, fine."

"Bless you. Are you okay? You look a little tired," concern leaked into Scott's voice.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired from saving a certain sourwolf from death," Stiles said before coughing into his fist. He glared at Scott as if to dare him to say anything. Scott sighed as the two of them walked to class.


God, Stiles hated Finstock right now. If he had to hear that damn whistle blow one more damn time his head was going to explode. He hated Finstock more for making him be partners with Erica. His train of thought was interrupted by the itch in his nose again. He scrubbed his wrist against it in hopes to make the itch go away. If anything it made it worse. "Atchhoo!...Hetchoo! Hetchoo!..Hi..hi..Hitshew!"

Erica smirked at him, "Does Batman have the sniffles?"

Stiles just glared at her because he would not give her the satisfaction of him answering. Plus, he could feel the congestion start to enter his sinuses and really didn't want to hear it in his voice. Thankfully the bell rang and Scott was busy making eyes at Allison so he hurried to the bathroom to clear his nose and his head.

Once he was in there he grabbed a handful of toilet paper and harshly blew his nose. This only caused his nose to itch like crazy. "Hathcoo! Hetchoo!....Hi..hi...Hitshew! Choo! Choo! Choo! Ha...Ha...ha..Hatchew!" That left Stiles' head pounding and the sudden urge to take a nap. He blew his nose one last time and looked in the mirror. He really did look awful. There were dark circles under his eyes, his skin was pale, and his nose was starting to turn red. 'Great. Just what I needed,' Stiles thought bitterly as he left the bathroom.


Scott and Allison were waiting when Stiles walked up to them. Allison shot him a concerned smile which he tried and failed at giving her one back. "Are you feeling alright, Stiles?" at the same time Scott blurted, "You look terrible."

"Thagks, Scott. I really appreciate that. I see how you scored a lovely girl like Allisod. You just have the bost thoughtful thiggs to say."

"You know that's not how I meant it. You don't sound very good."

"It's well Scott, he doesn't sound very well," Allison corrected.

Stiles sniffled, rolled his eyes, and replied, "Thagks for the grabbar lessod, but I'b fide." As soon as he said that he raised the crook of his arm to his face and exploded three sneezes out of him, "Hitchew!...Hitchew! He..Hetchew!"

Allison and Scott both blessed him and Allison handed him a tissue so he could blow his nose. "Go home, Stiles. You're sick and need to be resting."

"Scott, I told you I'b fide," Stiles whined which turned into painful coughing. Scott lead Stiles into the chair while rubbing his back. Allison thought it was cute how the boys took care of each other. She got up to go get a bottle of water from the vending machine.

"Going hobe sounds good right about dow," Stiles croaked. He now felt like a zombie and didn't even feel like moving to drive himself home. Allison came back with a bottle of water, which he gratefully accepted.

Scott gave him a sympathetic look and said, "Come on, I'll take you. No, don't give me that look. There is no way I'm letting you drive in this condition."

Stiles stopped protesting and allowed Scott to haul him to the Jeep. He muttered a goodbye to Allison and got in the passenger side of his car. Shortly after getting, Stiles was out like a light.

To Be Continued ?


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Hell yes continue!! I've been wanting to read a Stiles sickfic for a while, and this fic is really well written too. Oh and welcome to the forum by the way.

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Awww, cute! Stiles (and Derek :P) are my favorite! This is adorably written so far and I am looking forward to more if you choose to continue! <3

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StilesAndDerek are my favorites <3 I mean.. Yeh. So cute,continue :D

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Thank you so much for the great feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed this.


Scott looked over at Stiles who was snoring loudly in the passenger seat. He felt awful knowing this was his fault. He should never had ignored him in favor for Allison. It didn't matter that she was so pretty and had gorgeous eyes and a beautiful smile, not to mention her hair was so--

"Hatchew! Hi...Hisshew!" That followed by a long sniffle broke him out of his daydream. "Bless you. We're almost to your place."

"Ugh. Thagks," Stiles said before bursting into a harsh coughing fit. Scott shot him a worried look before planting his hand on Stiles' forehead. If Stiles had been feeling better he probably would have been able to dodge it. But because he felt like a pile of wet rags, all he managed to do was flail a little.

"Holy shit man, you're burning up!" Scott exclaimed.

"Scott, is it really the tibe for you to declare your obvious attractiod to be?" Stiles said. Now seemed like a perfect time to deflect from the problem by using sarcasm. He smirked when he saw Scott roll his eyes.

"You are such an idiot," Scott said as he turned into the Stilinski driveway. "We're here," Scott glanced over at Stiles to see his breath start to hitch. Stiles cupped his hands over his mouth and nose "Hatschoo! 'Ishoo! Hi...hi...hi damb id. I lost id."

Scott sighed, "Bless you. Now let's get you inside."

"You dod't have to walk be in. I'b dot a child. Plus, I dod't wand to ged you sick."

Scott pulled Stiles out of the Jeep, "First off, I know you're not a child. I just want to make sure you get in without dying. Second, I'm a werewolf, I don't even think I can get sick. And lastly, you need to blow your nose I can't even make out what you are trying to say."

Stiles just groaned and let Scott lead him to the house.


Stiles almost moaned in relief when everyone had left him alone. Scott didn't leave until after he made sure Stiles took some medicine, put some pajamas on, and told him to go to sleep and NOT research kanima lore. Then after Scott left, his father came home to check on him because the school had called him. The Sheriff quickly made sure his son was in no need of immediate medical attention, told him he was working late due to all the recent deaths, and then left. Stiles decided to ignore Scott and started to research. As he was working the persistent itch entered his nose again. "Hah'shoo! He'kitchoo! h'tchoo!" Stiles grabbed a handful of tissues and blew his nose. He went back to work and shortly after the words started to blur and he fell asleep.


Stiles was so out of it he didn't hear his window slide open, nor did he hear a broody werewolf slip inside of his bedroom barely making a sound. So when a giant hand shook his shoulder, it shouldn't have surprised anyone that it would scare the living shit out of him.

"Holy Bother of God! Are you trying to kill be?" he shouted and then winced because it triggered a coughing fit that left him struggling to catch his breath. So now he was on the floor, wheezing, and glaring at Derek who was also glaring at him.

"Are you sick?"

"Do. I'b just peachy. What do you wand?" Stiles asked. He was so not in the mood to deal with the very attractive alpha who he couldn't stand.

Derek rolled his eyes at the obvious congestion in Stiles' voice. "You find anything on the Kanima?"

Stiles pushed himself off the floor and pretended he didn't see Derek's calculating glance when he swayed a little. "Yeah, I just found sobe stu...Ngxxt! Ngxxt!," Stiles stifled to save himself from humiliating himself but that just made his head pound and he decided he wouldn't be doing that again. He sniffled, "Sorry. I found some stuff about masters and all that but I'b dot sure how much of it is true. Hetchoo!"

Derek shot Stiles a look, "Bless you."

Stiles was surprised. The ultimate sourwolf had manners? Who would've known? "Thagks."

"Go to bed, Stiles. I can sort through all this myself."

"Whad? Hell do! I'b fide, I dod't want you going through by stuff. Do you even dow how to use a computer?"

That last statement earned him a glare. "I can sense your fever from over here. Get in bed before I rip your throat out with my teeth," Derek growled.

"Okay. Okay. Dod't be such a sourwolf."

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"The ultimate sourwolf had manners?" I lost it ahahahahahhahahahahah oh my. Yes . That part aha. I love this chapter ! :) more please

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you so much for the feedback! Sorry I've been so late but I've been sick, school has been crazy, and the last couple Teen Wolf episodes left me a little crazy but I hope you still enjoy!


A few hours later Stiles awoke to the feeling of his chest tightening up. Harsh coughs burst out of him as he tried to catch his breath. After what felt like forever he felt a hand start to awkwardly pat his back. It took him a minute to figure out who it was. It wasn't his father, he was at work still, and it wasn't Scott because he was working with Deaton. That left Derek.

"Derek, whad the hell are you still doing here?" Stiles croaked when he finally was able to catch his breath.

"It was easier to do research here with your information than at the subway station with Isaac, Boyd, and Erica looking over my shoulder," Derek lied. It probably would have been easier to do the research with the help of his betas, but Stiles' temperature was rising and Derek wouldn't feel right leaving him alone. Technically, it was his fault Stiles was sick. He was the reason Stiles had to stay in the freezing pool for hours.

"Okay," Stiles eyed him suspiciously, "well I'b awake dow so you cad leave. I got this from he-he h'Utcchshew! h'Utcchshew!" Stiles groaned and grabbed a tissue to blow his nose. He didn't even bother to be embarrassed.

"Bless you. Now where do you keep your thermometer and your medicine?" Derek asked.

"Wha-Why?-What?" Stiles stammered.

"Your thermometer and your medicine, you idiot. Your fever has risen and you look like shit. Did you think I was asking for myself? Did you hit your head in that pool, too?" the werewolf glared.

"Derek, I'b fide. Seriously, it's jusd a cold. I'll live," Stiles said before sneezing a quick double. "H'itsch! H'itsch!"

"Bless you, again," Derek sighed, "You still haven't answered my question."

Stiles grumbled a little before replying, "In the bathroom cupboard, down the hall and to the left." Stiles glared at Derek's retreating form. He was perfectly able to take care of himself and he didn't understand why no one thought he could. The tickle in his sinuses soon came back. Scrubbing his wrist against his nose proved to be useless in getting rid of the itch. "Hetchoo! Hesheeww! h'Utcchshew! H'itsch! H'itsch!"

"Jesus, you don't do anything half-way do you?" Derek asked as he entered. Stiles only made a pathetic sound and wiped off his face which had been severely dampened by his fit. Derek then shoved the thermometer into Stiles' mouth.

"Argh! Whad the hell?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Shut up and keep your mouth closed so I can take your temperature," was the growled response.

Stiles pouted as he waited impatiently for the beep. Derek just smirked at him, the annoying bastard. When the beep came, Derek ripped the thermometer out of his hands before he could even see what the numbers were.

"102.4, that's too high. Here take some of this and take a blanket off before you die of heat stroke," Derek told him. If Stiles didn't know any better he'd think there was concern in his voice.

"Whadever you say Dr. Hale," Stiles remarked but kicked off a blanket. Then he grabbed the bottle of Nyquil and took a couple of gulps which caused him to grimace. "Thad was dot a good idea."

Derek rolled his eyes before lightly pushing Stiles back down on his bed. "Get some sleep. I'll come back when you're feeling better."

Stiles burrowed under his covers and mumbled a sleepy, "G'night sourwolf."

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This is beautiful. You're beautiful. Life. Is. Beautiful. >.< I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I CANT TAKE ALL THE LOVE! ITS KILLIN ME! AND I-I ... Don't know the rest of the words...

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Very very cute, I like your style! I'm mourning over the end of the season and... you know... them. - But this is lovely. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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