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cause you make me strong (Harry Styles/One Direction)


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Heeey guys . It's me and I'm kinda new here but who cares ? biggrin.png So this idea just like poped in head and i have to share it with you. So here we go. It's about Harry Styles from one Direction who gets a visit from his german girlfriend Ella , when he starts getting sick.

(I'm not a native english speaker , so i hope you don't mind and can understand what i want to write smile.png


Chapter 1

( No sneezing yet, sorry ;/ )

Excitedly i went backstage , where my best friend Ed was already waiting for me. Next to him stood a boy with wild brown curls on his head. I smiled and huged Ed.

"It was a great concert Ed. I'm so proud of you. "

"Thanks", he smiled. "Ella, i want you to meet my male best friend. This is Harry , you may know him from One Direction."

Of course i knew One Direction even if I've never been a big fan of them. "Hey , nice to meet. Ed told me a lot about you", a shy grin appeard on his face as he hugged me. "But he never mentioned how beautiful you are."

I blushed and looked down. Fortunately Ed decided that it was time to change the topic and told us to wait here , while he was going to order a cab to the after show party.

It was a awkward feeling standig there next to Harry. My heart beated as loud and fast as never. What was this guy doing to me. I looked up, straight in Harry's green eyes, which were gazingat me. "What's wrong? ", I asked and blushed.

"It's just... I don't know. I've never had this feeling before. You booyfriend must be really proud to have such a amazing girlfriend.

"I..I don't have a boyfriend", i stuttered.

Harry smiled:" Then he won't mind if I'd take on a date. Would you accept my invitation."

"Sure", I beamed with joy.

I was still non-stop smiling when Ed returned. He gave me a confused look and i winked to Harry.

This was the begining of the best relationship I've ever had.


Sorry that this is so short , but i will update as soon as possibld :D

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Great idea for a story!! Wait- scratch that- AMAZAYN idea!! (get it :3 ) continue soon, I can't wait to see how this plays out!!

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Thanks for all your comments :* here we go:

Chapter 2

( 5 months later)

Bored i look out of the window of the plane to London. Everything seems so small compared to me in this amount. It was quiet silent on the plane , because many people are asleep and so is my neighbour, It's a old man with a long white beard , looking a bit like a younger version of Dumbledore.

I continue looking out of the window, still smiling , because I can see Harry after what felt like ages , evenif it were only seven weeks.

The plane arrives in London and I make my way through the crowed to find Harry and my suitcase. Suddenly a big man in a security uniform tabs me on my shoulder.

I wince, but start smiling when I realize it was Cal, Harry's favourite security man.

"Hey , Darling. How are you?", he asks politely.

"I'm good. What about you? And where's Harry?"

"He's waiting in the car. The whole airport is surrouded by thousands of fans.We've got a few fences around Harry's car to keep them away. It's crazy.", he laughed, but I can see in his eyes, that it's hard work for him and not as funny as it seems.

Cal already collected my suitcase and I take a last look on my phone. One new message from Ed:

Hey , my love :)

I've already talked to Harry and it's ok,

that I'm coming over tonight.

I'm really looking forward to see you again :D

Big Love


I smile. Happy to have the chance to see my best friend again.

Together with Cal , we try our best to get through the crowed of fans.

Finally we arrive at Harry's deep black Range Rover. He sits on the driver seat , waiting for me. As he sees me he formally jumps out of his car, to help me with my suitcase.

We don't speak, both knowing it would be impossible to understand anything than the shouting of the girls.

I climb on my seat , while Harry decides to take a few picutres and sign a few things. I'm used to it and I have really no problems with waiting for him. The oppisite : I'm happy that he spends so much time with the fans and I know he cares a lot of them.

After what felt like hours, he climbs to me in the drivers seat and starts the car.

"Hey", I buzz. "No kiss for me? Like always? What's wrong? What've i done? Aren't you happy that I'm here?"

"No, I'm really happy, I swear." , he says with a tired voice. " But I'm not feeling very well. Sorry", he coughs slightly in his fist.

I look at him. He really looks a bit pale.

"Then it will be the best when I cancel my date with Ed tonight and we spend the evening on the sofa. How does that sound?"

"No, it's ok. I know that you haven't seen him for months. Besides, I have a meeting with boys and after it we planned to go in a pub. I hope that's okay for you?"

"Sure, but... You said you're not feeling very well. I could take care of you and..."

"No. I'm just a bit exhausted. It will be better by tomorrow and then we start our time together." He gives me a little kiss on my forehead , while we're standing in front of a red light.


aaaaaargh I know it's still very very boring :( But I swear it will be better

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I get very confused with so many charecters.

But cool, continue it.

I'm just really stupid, i'll catch on soon :)

It's good :)

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I get very confused with so many charecters.

But cool, continue it.

I'm just really stupid, i'll catch on soon smile.png

It's good smile.png

Its not so hard but i can make a short list for you :)


Ella ---- main character, girlfriend of Harry

Harry ---- ok , you know him :D

Ed ----- Ed Sheeran , best friend of Ella

Cal---- security man

that's it :) thanks, but I'm not really sure if it's good :/

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I get very confused with so many charecters.

But cool, continue it.

I'm just really stupid, i'll catch on soon smile.png

It's good smile.png

Its not so hard but i can make a short list for you smile.png


Ella ---- main character, girlfriend of Harry

Harry ---- ok , you know him biggrin.png

Ed ----- Ed Sheeran , best friend of Ella

Cal---- security man

that's it smile.png thanks, but I'm not really sure if it's good :/

I get it now ! :)

Yeh it's really good :)

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So i just decides that i will write this story in the past, i know it's a bit confusing becaus the first chapter was in the past and the second in the present, I hope your not getting so confused and it's okay for you. :)

Chapter 3

As I stepped into Harry's house, it was like coming back to home. This is the place where i did belong, I smiled and turned to Harry. At first he did't see that i was looking at him and cought slightley in his fist. Then he felt my look on him and covered his feelings behind his bright , typical Harry smlie , showing me his dimples.

"Harry, I'm so happy that I'm back", i squealed and kissd him before he could turn away.

I could feel him hesitate under my lips and he tried to escaped, but i kept his lips on mine. After that kiss he sighed.

"You should go take a shower. Ed will be here really soon and i want to see you again before i leave for the meeting" I nodded and tried to hide my sadness. I turned to the stairs to get up to where one of his bathrooms was.

"Ella", Harry called after me. I looked at him. "I love you so much and I'm so fucking happy that you're finaly here." He grined and I couldn't do anything different than smiling back to him.

After my shower, Harry left and Ed arrived. We spent the whole evening with making music and talking about everything.

It was 11.00 pm when I heard how someone shut the door. "Harry", asked loudly.

A tired looking Harry entered the living room. His brown curls were messy and his face was pale, besides his cheeks , which shone a light red. Worried as hell I stood up and walked over to him:"Harry, are you okay"

He nodded in response:"Yeahr, everything's fine. Just a bit tired. "

I looked to Ed, who also has a really concerned look on his face. He stood :" Maybe I should leave now. Good night , Ella. Sleep well. Harry, be careful and listen to your boyfriend", then he turned on his heels and went outside.

"So darling. You're going to go to bed now." Harry gave me a puppy look, but did what I said.

He cuddled himself into his blankets and looked to me.: "It's hot in here but at the other hand I'm freezing."

Carefully I put my hand on his forehead. "I think you have a little fever. Maybe you should stay in bed tomorrow." I supposed. But he shook his head. "Doe, we're going shopping toborrow and I have a interview in the borning" , the sudden congestion in his voice left me worried, while Harry turned around and was asleep in just a second.

I shook my head and went in the bathroom to clean my teeth and wash my face. Then I pressed the feverish curky boy against my chest.


Ok, i swear the next chaoters will be better:/ pleae don't stop reading :*

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hEEEY; i'm baaack :) sorry that i haven't updated :( But finally : here we go :

Chapter 3

As the sunlight streamed through the open curtains , I woke up and as alsways,I turned to Harry. But the place beside me was empty. Confused I stood up and looked at the alarm next to the bed. It was already 10.30 am , which probably means that Harry has already left for his interview.

I made myself a cuo of tea and took a look in the newpaper. As it was nothing interesting in it , I stood uo to throw it away. I opened the trash can and sighed. It was full of used tissues. "Why is he so stupid? He should stay in bed if he's sick", I murmured to myself, as i searched my phone.

As fast as I could I'd dialed Harry's number. After a few minutes it went to his answering machine. Annoyed by this childish boy I dialed the number of my best friend.

"Ella ? Is it you?", he asked , soundig really exhausted.

"It is. Is it possible that you can pick me up and drive me to the next store?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Because of Harry. He's coming down with something but he went to his interview this morning anyway. So I want to make him fell better when he's coming back"

I could hear Ed laugh slightly before he answered:" That sounds like Harry. Give me five minutes and then I'm there. See ya."

It wasn't even five minutes later, when I heard his car rolling on the court.

When I came home from the store , Harry was still at his work. So I started making his favourite tea and baking some muffins. Suddenly I felt large hands around my waist. Then I was picked up and put on the top of the kitchen counter. Now Harry and I were on the height and within seconds out lips connected.

But before his tongue could reach my mouth I stopped him. "Harry, you're sick." I mumbled. "No. I'm not" He shook his head like a little child. "Really? So the used tissues in the trash , are our nighbour's. Admit it , Harry, please." I looked at him with big eyes, to underline how serious this was for me.

"Maybe I've catched a little cold...Huh-Etchooh-hu" The sudden sneeze made me wince a bit, but then I couldn't hold my laughter back. Harry , how he stood there, looking more miserable than ever.

"Ok, M. Let's go to the sofa." Harry sniffed and did what I've told him.

As I came into the living room, Harry was laying there, his nose a light pink and his eyes closed. "Harry..? Darling...?" Directly his eyes were opened. "I've made you a cup of your favourite tea." "Thang you so buch" the slight congestion in his voice made me smile. This was too cute.

He grabed the cup , but I shook my head. "At first we have t take your temperature. So open up your mouth."

I pulled out the thermometer I've bpught in the store before and put it under Harry's tongue. Suddenly his nose twitched. "Babe, don't sneeze ok? Do it for me , please. " He nodded and tried to hold the sneeze back. "he ....hehe.... he "


"Hehe... ok , it's gone."

"Shut up and stop talking, Harry"

Finally the thermometer was finished and Harry let out a loud and wet:" He-he- Atchoo"

"Can you gibe be a tissue , babe" , he said, holding his large hand in front of his nose. I nodded and grabbed one, which was fast filled with Harry's snot.

"Harry, I don't care what you say , but I would feel much better if you would go to check at the doctor.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

sorry that i hadn't continued for ages :( i wasn't sure about this story, but now i'm going to write more

here we go :D


Chapter 5

I woke up to melody of Harry's alarm clock. I turned to him , but he wasn't next to me anymore. I groaned in annoyance .but got up to look for him.

I found him in the kitchen , sneezing his head off :" He-Atchoo , Achoo.. He-he-he-Atchooo"

"Good morning, sneezy " , i laughed and he hugged me closely. "How are you feeling?"

He smiled."Much better. How I've said, it was just a little sniffle , nothing to worry about. "

I looked distrustfully at him. "aha , and what about the sneezing?"

"Oh just....hang on....he-he-Atchoo.Achoo..sorry. That's just high fever . and now, i have to get ready for studio.

I rolled my eyes, while Harry left the kitchen. I have to go with him , i thought, So i've changed into some jeans and a t-shirt and went to the bathroom.

"See you tonight", i heard Harry's voice from downstairs, ten seconds later: "He-he- Heatchoooo ... Shoo "

"Wait, Harry." I ran downstairs and took on my shoes.

Harry looked at me confused: " What are you doin?

I sighed : "I'm coming with you. "


"Why not?" , I asked and climbed into his car.


"HeAshoooo.....Heashii.....Ashooo.....tschu..." Harry sneezed wetly into his already used tissue.

"Are you okay , Harry ", and asked Zayn him worriedly.

" tschoo, Ashoo ....It's ....He-he-he.....hay-hay feverachooo..sniff..." I sighed and grabbed a new tissue for him.

" sniff ...Thang you...."

We spent the last half an hour at the studio. While the other boys recorded their parts for the new album. While I sat on the black sofa, a sneezing Harry right next to me.

" Huh-Etchooh-hu...Etchoooh ...Ashooo....tshuu...sniff....sniff ...Atchooo." Harry blew his nose , his nosetrils were shining in a light red. I put my hand on his forehead.

"Harry your burning up. That's it. " I stood up and grabbed his hand.

"Do.....I...sniff... i have to record our new song..."

"Harry.. Ella is right. You can record your part by tomorrow. " Zayn agreed.

"Thank you Zayn. Would you drive us home?"

" I can drive by mys....huh-uh- by myself Etchoooh."

Zayn just ignored his comment. "Sure, I'll bring you your car maybe this evening", He nodded.


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  • 2 years later...

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