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Overworked (Prentiss, Rossi) (F)


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A/N: Hi guys, I have a surprise for you (hint hint; it's this story!) and I think all you guys would like it to! It's Criminal Minds and it includes a lot of Care taking of Prentiss from Rossi, also some from Hotch, maybe even a little bit from Morgan to. There's not much sneezing at the beginning I stink at writing intros like this, let's just get to the story!

No one's p.o.v.

Emily tiredly walked into the BAU office, trying to stand up a little straighter as she strolled to the conference room. Choosing to ignore the concerned stares she earned from the team for being a total fifteen minutes late, she sat down.

"Sorry I'm late, you can begin Garcia."

"Yes well this is sixteen year old Chase Anderson, found last month in a snow bank. He was stabbed eighty one times in the chest and shot once in the head. It's unclear wether he was shot or stabbed first, but had been missing for under five days when he was found, less than five miles from the school where he was last seen. Now this is thirteen year old Billy Downs, found three days after he was last seen, the same school, and had been drowned. And finally this is ten year old Ashley Paige, she was reported missing after not coming home from again, that same school, twelve hours ago."

"He's experimenting," Reid observed "The first murder shows obvious overkill, yet the second one being completely different."

"There's a thousand different directions he could go until he chooses his one way of killing." David Rossi added

"Which makes him that harder to profile." Arron frowned "Wheels up in thirty." Taking that as a dismissal, Everyone except Prentiss walked out of the conference room. Under the assumption she was now alone, Emily let the fierce tickle in her nose take over, sitting back down, she let it out.

"Heh...haa oh n-NACHI! Heh-hah'tishaa! Hektoo!"

"Emily?" Morgan asked, emerging from the doorway, "Are you alright?"

Startled and knowing she had been caught, she looked down.

"I'm, I'll be fine." She locked eyes with him, "Just please don't tell Hotch or the others."

"If you ever need anything, just tell me."

"I HTCHI! I will." She nodded as he turned to walk away

< 3< 3< 3< 3< 3 <3 < 3 < 3

Emily Prentiss's p.o.v.

A shiver goes through me as I step on the plane.

"HihhSNSHHEW!" Perfect, I'm the second one to get on the plane. I just sneezed in front of none other than Dave Rossi,great.


"I'm fine." I shrugged. That was actually just about the complete opposite of how I was feeling. My nose was stuffed and runny, I had the worst migraine ever, and, "HihhSNSHHEW!"well tha.

"Emily, you-"

"What did I say about 'Emily-ing' me!?!" I yelled, making my dry throat ache even more than it had before, I went into one of the most painful coughing fits I had ever endured. I immediately felt soft circles being rubbed on my back until the coughing subsided.

"You can't pretend your fine." Rossi insisted, clearly concerned

"I'm not pretending. I know I'm at my best performance level, I'm saying I can preform. I'll be fine Dave, I'll just, I'd feel better if I could come."

"Alright, but, if I or Hotch says your going back to the hotel, your going back to the hotel, no arguments."

"Your going to tell him?" I winced knowing I was done for if he found out

"It won't take much for him to realize, but I'll keep my mouth shut." I smiled at this, as we chatted for a few more minuets before the team arrived. Morgan with his headphones on, Reid and JJ falling asleep in the couch, and Hotch going over the case in a chair next to Morgan. I didn't even notice my eyes drooping until I involuntarily fell asleep on Rossi's shoulder.

David Rossi's p.o.v.

I was worried about Emily, no questions about it. Hotch had noticed she was asleep and leaning against me. Him flashing me a worried look, I nodded. For the next two hours I let her sleep until about five minuets before we were going to land.

"Prentiss, we're almost there." I whispered in her ear, carefully shaking her shoulder.

"Mmm," she groaned, simply falling back asleep, this would be one long case. "Come on Emily, you can go straight to the hotel if you want when we land, but you need to get up."

Emily Prentiss's p.o.v.

"Prentiss, we're almost there." I heard a whisper "Come on Emily, you can go straight to the hotel if you want when we land, but you need to get up." This made me wake up out of the previous peace I had had only to have it replaced with a pounding migraine, a runny nose and a silent sneeze, I looked up to see Dave's concerned eyes staring down at me.

"We're here?" He nodded in answer

"How did w-"

"You fell asleep." My eyes widened in realization as I looked around. Thankfully Morgan, JJ, and Reid were all asleep, but I turned just in time to see Hotch turn away from my direction. He knew. I glared at Rossi who ignored me, it was all I could do not to yell at him again. I had never really yelled at him before, or anyone else in the team, but I guess it's the fever that's messing with me. Wait, I just admitted to myself I have a fever, great.

"If you feel that bad, the option of the hotel is still there." You've got to be kidding me, I said everything out loud?

"Ok." I agreed "I'll go to the hotel." I heard him mutter a few words in Italian. We walked from the plane to the car, my teeth chattering the whole time as he draped his arm around my shoulder, trying to get to the car as fast as possible to get me out if the rain.

Was it to long? Did you like it? Do you want more? TBC? :)

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David Rossi's p.o.v.

She was that sick? Sick enough to just give up the act that quickly and go to the hotel? That wasn't the Emily I knew and cared a lot for, and that worried me.

"Your sure you want to go to the hotel?" I asked parking in the lot and sitting in the car

"You trying to talk me out of it?" Ok-Really worried.

"I'm just asking, this is so unlike you Kiddo."

"You were right, ok?"

"Right about what exactly?"

"Me being sick, and I don't need any of you sick either."

"I know, but, it's just, before you were so determined to work the case and everything."

"And I will work the case, I just need another nap." She opened her door and stepped out, knees buckling and falling into a huge puddle as soon as she let go of the car door

"Emily!" I was at her side in a second, helping her up and noticing she was now completely soaked, and it was still raining.

"Im fine,"

"Cara Mia, your Anything but fine." I frowned as I helped her walk into the hotel room and helped her onto the bed "How do you feel?" She stayed silent, of course, stubborn Emily was back now...

"Emily?" I asked my voice softening even more than before,tears started running down her face, as she choked back a sob "Kiddo, what's wrong?"

"I-Ishoo! Choo!"


I can g-go to the sce-scene. I-I'll be f-f-f-fine." She started shaking and I quickly grabbed a thermometer from my suitcase that I had bought after Prentiss being late this morning, just in case. I ripped open the box, placing the device in her mouth and just hugging her, before reAlizing how damp her clothes were.

"You need to change into something more comfortable and warmer."

"Lue dackback." I quickly interpreted this as 'blue backpack' and was right. For when I opened it it there was purple and white fuzzy pj pants, a long sleeved shirt, and a water bottle. Hearing the thermometer go off, I did a double take. 103.5; not good

"103.5, your not going anywhere for a few days." She continued to cry from the bathroom where she changed, then came back to the bed.

"What's wrong?" I had never seen her like this, and I hated it.

"I c-can't do this!"

"Shh, you need to relax Kiddo."

"It's all my fault!" She whimpered, hugging me as I sat up on the bed with her, trying to comfort her as best I could.

"A-all my f-fault!" She repeated

"What's you fault?"

"I-I haven't s-slept for d-da-days!" My jaw dropped, days? I just held her tiny figure in my arms as she started to calm down.

"I'm sorry," she sniffed, turning away

"Emily," I was so surprised she didn't even comment on me calling her by her first name but I kept going

"None of this is your fault, if anything, it's mine." She looked up at this, confusion in her eyes

"How id dis you falbt?" I grabbed one of my handkerchiefs and handed it to her

"Blow," she blew her nose as quietly as possible before looking up at me again, still awaiting an answer.

"You didn't get so sick so fast. How long have you been feeling bad, a few days?" She muttered something I couldn't make out


"Since Monday."

"Emily, Monday? We were out at a crime scene on Tuesday, in the pouring rain, freezing. You must have been suffering out there." I looked down to see her eyes closed, mouth parted slightly. I slipped my arm out from under her and stepped out in the hallway, dialing Hotch's number and putting the phone to my ear.


"Arron, she's got a fever of 103.5, been sick since Monday!"

"But Tuesday we,"

"I know." I whispered, hearing a loud sneeze echo through the hallway,

"That was her, wasn't it?"

"Very possibly,"

"I'm coming over there, they'll need you at the case today."


"Dave, you can stay with her tomorrow. They need you today."

"I'll be ready In five minuets."

"I'll be there in twenty, the station's a little farther than usual." With that I hung up, going back to the room. I was worried when I didn't see her in bed, but the terrace door was open. I rushed over there, knowing it was still raining out. Surprisingly, I saw her outside with a coat and umbrella, wiping her nose with the handkerchief I had given her.



"It's freezing out here, why don't you go back inside?"

"I thought you left me, I wouldn't have blamed you."

"Emily," I started, feeling bad she still felt this was

"I didn't mean it." She quickly added turning to me, she was crying again

"Yes, you really did." I objected

"I know, this is all so hard Dave. I'm not supposed to be weak like this."

"Cara Mia, your not weak. After all you've been through, and how you still do your job perfectly,Emily I don't even think I would be able to do that."

"Your never sick either."

"We're all human. Come on, we need you to be back in bed before Hotch has a fit of you catching pneumonia." She smiled at this, waking back in, handing me her coat and the umbrella before she collapsed back on the bed, taking out her phone.

Emily Prentiss's p.o.v.

"Your not even going to try and sleep?" Rossi asked raising his eyebrows

"You saw how fast I woke up before, no use." He gave a concerned frown before checking his watch.

"I forgot!"

"Headache." I murmured "Whats wrong?"

"Hotch is making me down to the station, only for today. I Need to go, but he'll be here with you." He promised

"Ok." was all I could say as he ran out the door

Next part will have Hotch/Prentiss!!!!

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Emily Prentiss's p.o.v.

It was still pouring rain out at eight pm when Rossi left, and very dark out. I had all the lamps turned off so I could try to get some rest, half asleep when the door creaked open, the lights flickering on. Not now. Not now I silently willed myself, trying not to sneeze from my photic reflex.

"Prentiss?" I heard Hotch call

"Eh-en-in ha-Hakeeshoo!" Stupid nose "In here."

"How're you feeling?"

"Neber bedder." I grumbled "Just want bo go bo bhe bation." I reminded him blowing my nose once again into Rossi's soft handkerchief

"Emily," he warned in a soft yet stern tone "Rossi told me everything, your not leaving this bed."

"Everything?" I grimaced

"Everything." Little did I know all Rossi had told him was that I had a very high fever, and hadn't slept, not the fact that I had been crying, but since he didn't know, Hotch assumed it was indeed everything

"When was the last time you had medicine?"

"I don't need medicine." I muttered turning over, mad at everyone. Mad at Dave for leaving me and telling Hotch everything. Mad at Hotch for I honestly don't know why. Mad at everything.


"I'm fine." I said flatly turning back over, "Please just let me handle all this myself?"


"Hotch, please."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Hotch, I'm telling you, I want to go to work."

"Prentiss," Is this all he can say?

"Heeshoo! What?" I snap, slowly swinging my legs over the bed, using the dresser to help me stand.

"Get back in bed,you can hardly stand."

"On the contrary, I can walk fine." I was a little stubborn, especially because he was bossing me around so much, and because I couldn't go to the case cause of him.

"Emily, you don't need to prove anything to me. I'm worried about you. I'm sorry. If you want to go work on the case I won't stop you, unless you get worse and you have to tell me if you do. And you need to take all the necessary medications. Then rest when you get back here."

"Thank you, Hotch, really, just let me change and brush my hair."


Hotch's p.o.v.

Once she had gone into the bathroom, I called Dave to have him pick us up.

"Please tell me Emily's alright?"

"She's got me worried, but I'm letting her go in. Can you pick us up?"

"You've got to be kidding me. She's Sick Arron! She won't make it fifteen minuets there without passing out!"

"I'm ready." I heard Prentiss cough

"Listen to her Arron, she can barley talk, and refuses to take medicine."

"Well if she doesn't she can't go in."

"That's beside the point! Home is where she should be right now, resting in bed, eating ice cream, and watching the bad daytime television shows."

"I'll be down in the lobby in twenty."



"I took the medicine Hotch, and you said I could go!"

"But you can hardly stand!"

"I'm going to a car then to sit in a police station, I'll live."

"Prentiss," I groaned "It's almost midnight."

"So, they're all still working hard."

"Your overworking yourself and you know it, just go In first thing tomorrow." I argued

"Fine." she groaned, hitting he elevator button and still barley standing. I should've known better Than to think she could go in and work. She barley made it to the lobby... With my help.

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I don't know whether to yell at or clap for Hotch for allowing Prentiss to go in...this is so well written!!!!

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I don't know whether to yell at or clap for Hotch for allowing Prentiss to go in...this is so well written!!!!

THank you so much! This means so much to me!!!

Dave Rossi's p.o.v.

I parked the car then ran inside, ready to give Arron as many reasons as I could to have him change his mind about letting Emily go to the station. It was almost midnight for crying out loud. I walked into the lobby after seeing the elevator doors shut, but still went and pushed the button, waiting. It took a minute, but eventually arrived and I pressed for floor eight. Once I got up to Prentiss's room, I saw the door close. I think Hotch shut it, hopefully after changing his mind.

"Htoosh! Choosh! Hetktchoo!" I heard nose blowing as I knocked on the door.

"I can get it." Hotch said before opening the door.

"Please tell me you changed your mind about all this?"

"She's not going in tonight, all I'm promising."

"So I can go tomorrow morning?" Emily asked hopefully

"Possibly. Dave, you look drained.Stay here with Prentiss, the team may work overnight. I'll call you If we get anything."

"Alright." I agreed. I was more than happy to be here and care for Emily.

"I'll probably see you two in the morning. Rossi, if she gets worse overnight and can't go in tommorow, call me and let me know." He ordered setting back out to the station.

"Catch any sleep while I was gone, Kiddo?" I asked hopefully

"Not really."

"Well, you've got to be tired at least?"

"I'm fine." She waved the idea off unlocking her phone

"No phone until you get some rest." I ordered



"Don't Emily me!" She hissed

"You need rest."

"I've had enough rest to last a lifetime."

"Please, try for me?"

"I can't."


"Be-Because, I don't know!"

"It'll be fine, I'll shut off the lights and try to get some rest myself, ok?"

"Alright." She nodded shutting off the lamp on her bedside. I felt her forehead once again, but it was just as warm as before. I reluctantly changed into pajamas and got into the other bed after Emily had fallen asleep. I didn't want to, but I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

-----four hours later-------

"Hetshh! Hetshh! Hesio! Dave! Dave wake up!" Emily urged me as I turned to face her, opening my eyes to see her fully dressed, wearing everything including her bullet proof vest.

"What's going on?"

"They think they know where he's keeping the girl, hurry, Morgans waiting outside for us.

"I'll be ready in three!" I dashed to the bathroom, taking my clothes with me and coming out in three minuets like I promised.

"Come on!" She threw me my gun and I put it in its special place, before running out the door with her to the car.

"Where is he?" I asked Morgan, getting in the back so Emily could have the front where all the heating vents were. I might be focused in finding this guy, but I was NOT forgetting about Emily.

"Basement of a nearby hotel." He answered. He was right when he said nearby, it was a five minute car ride and we were there, being prepped by Hotch.

"Alright, this place has a huge basement. It will take all of you to go through every corridor and every room. It is important you are silent and remember, retrieving the girl is the main target. Dismissed."

Emily's p.o.v.

I turned to leave, before Hotch took a hold of my shoulder. I spun around, watching him look me over.

"Prentiss, are you sure you can do this?"

"I need to Hotch."

"You don't if your not up for it. That's why I'm asking."

"I can do it.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive." With that I turned back around

"And Emily?" He never called me that "Make sure your safe." I gave a nod, running into the basement with my gun drawn. I continued down one of the coridors, until I couldn't believe it, I saw the girl with Rossi! He looked up and saw me with disbelief in my eyes.

"He knew we were coming for him, he jumped." Rossi answered

(In the car back to the hotel with Morgan, Rossi, and Emily.)

Derek Morgan's p.o.v.

"How you feeling?" I asked as I tapped on the steering wheel, waiting for the light to turn green.

"Some what better, just a headache and the... Heh... Hetchoo! That."

"You'll get plenty of rest when we get home." I answered as the light turned green

"I don't know so much about that." She objected

"I know you may not, but I do." Rossi smirked.

(On the plane, sorry I keep having timeskips!)

Rossi's p.o.v.

I was relieved when Emily quickly fell asleep on the plane. I took my usual seat next to Arron, who was being oddly quiet.

"Arron, your never this quiet." I commented "Your not even working on your report."

"It's nothing." Both of us knew there was a sore roughness in his voice.

"Catch Emily's cold?" I guessed


"I'll fetch you a blanket." I sighed

The end of this story, but I'll write a sequel if you want one!!!


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