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Gratuitous Clinic (SPN)


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This story is so amazing! I read the entire thing and I just want you to know how awesome this story is!

Edited by TheCakeIsALie
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Oh Anikex, I've been wanting to write a comment on this for so long, and I don't even know where to start. This is just my absolute dream fic. Such a sexy scenario, but (in spite of the title) you didn't make it too gratuitous - which can sometimes be off-putting. Everything felt believable. And the case was just genius. Also, I love the way that they interact together, even when they're miserable they still have that lighthearted banter that I really miss in the more recent serieses? (serii?) of the actual programme. And that unspoken, italicised, all-in-a-look communication is just to die for. I love the monsters that you used, and I can just imagine them existing, I love their feelings when the tablets actually worked - the longing for it just to all be a legitimate treatment. And the end gave me shivers. This whole thing is just amazing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I know I'm late to the party but holy shit that was amazing. Honestly. Just. Wow. I loved that they could communicate without speaking and the whole idea was just so cool. You kept surprising me. Especially at the end. It literally felt like the end of an actual episode and I had the same reaction of "oh my god oh my god what oh my god" and gosh it was just fantastic. It genuinely was so so good. I don't even know how to explain it. I just keep repeating that it was good. But it was. It was freaking amazing. Okay. Yes. Ahhhh.

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I loved this so much! It's so brilliant and well-written! I love how you have an actual plot as well as the sneezing! It made it that much better! I enjoyed every part of it and I've reread it at least four times!

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  • 3 months later...

I just found this story and decided to bump it up because it's so fantastically amazing! Dude. You. Are. The. Bomb. This is a work of pure genius!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so...I've been wanting to comment on this for sooooo long. I first ran across it back in my lurking days, and it is one of my absolute favorite fics of all time. Definitely my favorite sneezefic. Shame on me for not commenting sooner.

Here's my list of things, and mind you, it's just the highlights, because the whole damn thing was freaking amazing, and I'd just be quoting the whole story otherwise:

-First of all, the premise is absolutely fantastic. Allergies are my absolute favorite, and I love when both the boys have allergies....this scenerio was just the perfect storm, and you executed it so well, it was seriously an epic ride to go on.

-I love how there are all these different allergens setting them off... I also loved how the boys each had some shared allergies, but also their own unique allergies as well..it was quite fun to see not only the varying degrees of reactions for both, but the boy's unique reactions to the allergens (like Dean's headaches). And watching the progression as they were exposed to the allergens...I have no words, it was just amazing.

-The case fic is so interesting in itself. I would have been intrigued enough with this story even without the sneezing but...guh. And everything and everyone was very believable and in character, from beginning to end. I love when the characterization is so good, I can visualize everthing that is happening as if I'm actually watching an episode of Supernatural. Dean was sooo funny in this as well. smile.png I love your humor in this.

-I absolutely loved this exchange:

“Oh, this bag is filled with cat hair, from an Angora my associate owns.”

“An angry what?”

The doctor closed his eyes for a second before responding. “An Angora,” he enunciated slowly. “It’s a special breed of cat with especially long, fine hair.”

Picturing this response from the Doc made me laugh out loud.

And this:

“Alright, fine. Look, it depends on what’s bothering me. Okay? I mean, when it’s something like regular cat hair…” He cast a nasty look at Dr, Kline, who was too absorbed in his writing to notice. “...it’s like a sharp itch, and then the sneezing is just harsh, like I just can’t get that hair out of my nose fast enough. If I’m not ready for it, I can’t control it. At all. It’s one after the other, and they’re rough.”

Um, yeah. That line made me weak at the knees, not gonna lie. (did I mention I love Dean's cat allergies?)

-The exhange when the boys are in the hall of the clinic, confused as to why still they are sneezing, and they are so frustrated and cursing up a storm...ha! So funny, and so cute. And Dean's silent stifling, and Sam just not having the control to do so...unf.

-Dean's cold chills. Yum.

-Dean's buildup to his epic sneezing fit:

It was almost as if time stood still for a minute...just waiting for Dean to completely lose it. His face remained hidden behind a cloud of Kleenex, his whole body tense with anticipation of a fit way beyond his control.
...And then Sam trying to take care of him in the aftermath. (Yeah I know I keep talking about Dean. I really did love the Sammy stuff too, but ya know I love Deano.)

-The Rosy Starburst. Best name ever.

-Dean coaching Sam on how to stifle...omg.

-Sam shirtless and sneezing on the floor. Um, yes please.

-Oh, and the chupacabra ('goat') story that Dean tells Dr. Kline:

“I know, right? So I grab the fucker by the neck, and I’m wrestling with it. He’s spitting in my face, I’m shaking him, fur is flying every which way, and the next thing I know, I’m on the ground sneezing so bad, I just curled into this ball and let loose. Sam had to take over. I don’t know what he did, I was just glad he got it away from me. Took days for all the goat hair to get out of my clothes, even though we washed everything, like a dozen times. I think I sneezed for like, a week.”

I am completely convinced that this scenerio needs to be written as it's own fic. It really does. Just saying... wink.png

Good God, I could go on and on, but I'll just close by saying this is really a masterful piece of work. Amazing job on this!!!

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