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Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming (F/F Glee Faberry)-- completed 3/30


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Hi guys! Time for some new Faberry, and you are very welcome, lol. This is a new idea that just occurred to me recently; takes place post-accident in S3, while Quinn's in the wheelchair. Obviously, Rachel is going to be like ten times more protective than usual in her quest to keep her poor baby from suffering any more than she already has. Fluffy (as if you'd expect anything else from me)! Enjoy smile.png



Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

A Faberry Fic for SFF

Part 1


“Rise and shine, angelfish,” Rachel cooed sweetly, moving the empty wheelchair aside and sitting on the edge of the bed, wafting the fresh cup of coffee in front of Quinn's pillow. “Come on, honey. Are you awake...?” The dark-haired girl put her offering of coffee down on the bedside table and gently swept her girlfriend's blonde hair back, as Quinn flung an arm over her face and mumbled something inaudible. “I can't hear you, sleepyhead,” Rachel sighed, pulling the blonde girl's arm away from her face. Quinn whined grumpily.

“Five more minutes, Rach,” She mumbled, still not opening her eyes. She'd never been a morning person the way Rachel was, but three years of early morning Cheerios practices had made her extremely disciplined about certain things, being on time among them. Usually.

“Quinn, you can't have five more minutes, we're already gonna be late,” Rachel sighed, scratching her nails lightly up and down her girlfriend's back under the sheets now in hopes of rousing her faster. It had been just over a month since the blonde girl came back to school following her car accident; since that time, the little starlet had done everything humanly possible to help her blonde angel adjust, including coming over to the Fabrays' house every morning to help Quinn dress for school.

Usually, though, the other girl was already awake and washed up before Rachel arrived—unlike today. They were definitely going to be at least 15 minutes late now, a notion that would normally have sent the dark-haired girl into a neurotic tailspin of anxiety—before the accident, that is. Now, well, the little starlet had a much narrower view of what was anxiety-worthy on a day-to-day basis. She was just so happy that Quinn hadn't been taken from her, it was easy not to sweat the small stuff. So they'd miss homeroom, big whoop. School would still be there in fifteen minutes.

“I don't wanna get up,” the blonde girl grumbled into her pillow; but she was rubbing her eyes and stretching her back now, the way she always did when she first started to wake up, so Rachel knew she was on her way.

“Aww, poor little kitten,” the little starlet giggled, leaning down and kissing the sleepy girl all over her face. “Come on Quinnie, drink your coffee. I'll pick out your clothes today, okay? Just sit here and reboot for a couple of minutes, and I'll take care of everything.” Rachel grabbed the little remote off the bedside table, and raised her girlfriend's rented hospital bed into a sitting position. It had taken a month of physical therapy just to get her to the point where she could sit up in her wheelchair for a full school day; but she was still a ways away from being able to sit up on her own from a flat-out position.

“Okay,” Quinn yawned softly, rubbing her eyes absently as she reached for her coffee and took a sip. “Ahhh. Thanks, starfish. You're super-awesome.”

“Yes, I know,” Rachel winked, smiling as she disappeared into Quinn's closet.


They were, in fact, twenty minutes late to school; but Rachel didn't even have to open her mouth to get them out of detention, as Figgins waved them off without even an argument. For some reason, this annoyed Quinn, even though she knew it ought to cheer her up. She deserved to be marked tardy. She overslept. That was her tardy! She was tired of getting special treatment; all it did was remind her of how different things were now. How different she was.

But, she kept her mouth shut and let Rachel wheel her to first period, only half-listening as the little starlet chattered excitedly about their glee assignment and whether having a bubble machine on stage would be going too far. It wasn't until they'd arrived at their first period American History class that Quinn realized how groggy she still felt; like she'd only just woken up, even though she was sitting at her desk with an open notebook in front of her. This is gonna be a shitty day, she thought to herself glumly as she rubbed her eyes again. As if to prove her right, her nose twitched with an itchy tickle that bloomed out of nowhere; she barely had time to drop her hands from her eyes to cup her nose and mouth before a soft, helplessly hitching breath caught in the center of her chest.

“Aah-iiishht!! *Snfl,*” The blonde girl bent over in her wheelchair and sneezed dazedly into her hands, not moving them as she straightened up sniffling.

“Bless you, honey,” Rachel murmured from the next seat over, frowning as she watched her girlfriend sniffle and sigh behind her hands. “Do you need a tissue?”

“Uh-huh,” Quinn sniffled softly, blushing and mortified. But before Rachel was even out of her chair, Mr. Schue beat them both to it, picking up the box of tissues from the front of the room and depositing it on Quinn's desk without breaking his lecture on the Louisiana Purchase.

“Thadks,” Quinn mumbled, awkwardly snatching a tissue and cupping it hastily to her face before anyone could see her runny nose. She sniffled again as she wiped her nose roughly in the cheap school-issued tissues, then hastily grabbed another, cupping it over the first as a fresh tickle teased the back of her nostrils. “Aht'cheww!!! *Snfl*...” This time, the injured girl's soft, stuffy sneeze was followed by a few congested coughs, and she knew before she even opened her eyes that people were looking at her. And not in the admiring way she generally preferred.

A few more people besides Rachel blessed her this time, and Mr. Schue even stopped lecturing and looked at her with that infuriating, concerned adult look that only made her feel like more of an outsider.

“Quinn, do you want to go see the nurse?” Mr. Schue asked kindly; but his well-intentioned concern only served to annoy her. It was just two stupid sneezes, for fuck's sake. She was sick of everyone treating her like she was made of glass lately. She wasn't going to die from two sneezes.

“No, I'm fine,” she mumbled, feeling a warm blush rise in her cheeks as she stared determinedly down at her textbook.

Mr. Schue went back to his lecture, but Rachel scooted her chair a little closer to Quinn's, and whispered, “Are you sure you don't feel sick, baby? You sound a little wheezy.”

“Rach, I'm fine,” Quinn whispered back huffily, giving her irritated nose one last rub before shoving the crumpled tissue in her pocket. “Don't look at me, just look at the board, okay?” The blonde girl felt a twinge of regret when she saw the flash of hurt travel across her girlfriend's dark eyes; but it only lasted a second. Then Rachel gave her a shy smile, and Quinn smiled back, even if it was a little forced. Just because she was feeling miserable, didn't mean Rachel should have to, too. They both returned their attention to the lecture; but it didn't escape Rachel's attention that her normally studious girlfriend had stopped taking notes, and was now just staring blankly at the board.


In second period, Quinn went to French while Rachel went to Spanish, and the blonde girl made a fresh attempt to throw off the groggy, stuffy feeling floating around inside her head and pay attention to her schoolwork. Unfortunately, sitting next to Santana made that difficult even on a good day; lately, the irreverent Latina had made a game of re-writing the sample dialogues in their workbook to be dirty and then passing them to Quinn to fill in the blanks. It was hilarious, and, ultimately, educational, so Quinn hadn't tried very hard to say no to her best friend's shenanigans; but today, she was just so tired.

“Geez, Q. Wake up on the wrong side of the Craftmatic adjustable bed today?” Santana whispered when she had her x-rated French exercises shoved back at her by the cranky blonde.

“Shut up, San,” Quinn grumbled back, with a raspy cough into her sleeve. Santana raised an eyebrow. “Please do not ask me if I'm all right,” the blonde girl added petulantly, pulling a crumpled tissue from her pocket and holding it a few inches from her face, with a blank, vaguely expectant expression like she might sneeze any second. But, she didn't. After a long moment, she just sniffled and sighed, rubbing her nose roughly back and forth in the crumpled tissue.

“Oh-kaaaay,” Santana hummed softly, in a childishly superior voice that said she wasn't fooled one bit. Quinn rolled her eyes and went back to her non-x-rated workbook.


“Aahhh...*snfl*...eht'chxiew!!! *Snf, snfl.*” Quinn took one hand off her wheelchair to pinch her runny nose as she sneezed dazedly, veering off course and slamming into a row of lockers. At least she couldn't feel the bruise that was probably already forming on her knee.

“Bless you, Q!” Santana exclaimed, wheeling her away from the lockers and turning to face her with a wry smile. “Don't shoot the messenger, but I think you're catching a cold, dude.” She handed the sniffling blonde a pocket-pack of tissues from her makeup bag. Quinn snatched it crankily.

“Thadks, Captain Obvious,” the blonde girl grumbled, pulling one out and blowing her nose as softly as she could. “I guess that explains the snot.”

“Want me to take you to the nurse, querida?” The Latina asked, far more gently than she normally spoke to anyone, other than Brittany. “We could get you some happy pills before third period.”

“Doe, I'mb...*snfl*...I'm okay,” Quinn sighed, pinching her nose a little more firmly in the cotton tissue. “Let's just...go to class...*snfl*...” She closed her eyes as her head fell back slightly, tissue pinched snugly to her runny nose. Santana waited patiently. “Hhtshheww!! Hhhih...*snfl*...hheh'iiishu!!!” The blonde girl shivered weakly in her wheelchair, sneezing and sniffling into the soft tissues. “Uhhh...egscuse be,” she sighed miserably, giving her damp nose another ginger wipe.

“Damn. Bless you,” Santana sighed, rubbing her best friend's shoulder consolingly. “You sure you don't wanna swing by the nurse's office? You don't have to feel this crappy all day, you know.”

“It's fine, okay? I really don't feel that bad. It's just a runny nose,” Quinn grumbled, shoving the damp tissues back into her pocket and grabbing her wheels to continue their journey down the hall to AP Bio. “Come on, Grandma Snix.”

“Okay,” Santana shrugged, frowning in mild confusion. She couldn't understand why Quinn didn't want the cold medicine that would unquestionably make her feel better; but she wasn't about to make a fuss about it, either. That was a girlfriend's job, not a BFF's.

The truth was, Quinn had a very good (or very bad, depending on how you looked at it) reason for avoiding the nurse's office. She'd only just gotten back from a two-month leave of absence from school following her car accident, and she had no intention of missing any more days before graduation. Certainly not for a stupid cold. But, she could feel the telltale hot and cold flashes beginning under her skin, and she knew she was starting to get a little bit of a fever. If she went to the nurse now, she would almost certainly be sent home. Especially in light of the copious notes that had been added to her medical file since the accident, citing a litany of internal injuries including a ruptured spleen and a punctured lung—basically a whole stack of reasons for everyone to keep treating her like a porcelain doll, even two months after being released from the hospital.

Quinn was over it. She had six weeks left of high school, and she wasn't going to miss another minute of it. Certainly not for a stupid cold, even if it was her first post-accident-gimpy-lungs cold. She wasn't an AIDS patient, for God's sake. She just wanted to go to third period. With a soft, congested sniffle, she wheeled herself down the hall beside Santana, muffling another cold-stuffed sneeze into her sleeve. At least she didn't crash her wheelchair into anything this time.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Holy...... I think this might be my favorite fic of yours ever!! This is absolutely SPECTACULAR!! I LOVE IT!!! I love everything about it! Can't wait for the next part! :D

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This story is very good, it's literally perfect actually. The idea and the way you are writting it is amazing! I saw the others on fanfiction and you sure have a talent, not just to write sneeze fiction (it doesn't mean that it's bad to share them I think that we are lucky to have you on this forum)wink.png but even if I am not a reading person (I don't even know if you can say that this way) I am never tired of reading you! Did I say that this story is good?! PLEASE KEEP GOING:) xxx

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This. Is. Epic. I don't know how you do it. I'm in love! I'd love to see you continue this! I love how you write Quinn and Rachel. You've completely spoiled me when it comes to Faberry!

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So good!! Ahhh please continue soon! I can't wait :)

I adore your writing style and how you stick with such a consistent personality with everyone. It's great.

For some reason I adore your word choice of "school-issued tissues" lol. It's so catchy, and true, they suck :P

Can't wait to read more!

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thx you guys!!! it's always nice to hear some lavish praise, lol. and I'm also really glad to know I'm not the only one who could NEVER EVER EVER get sick of faberry. here's another part for you to enjoy! ;)



Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

Part 2


Rachel heard her girlfriend's raspy cough across the lunch room before she actually saw her. It was as innate now as the smell of her grandma's kitchen or the timbre of her dads' voices from down the hall as she was falling asleep at night. She knew her girlfriend's voice like she knew her own; and after more than two years together, she damn well knew the sound of Quinn's I'm-coming-down-with-a-cold cough, too. It certainly explained why she'd been so sluggish about getting out of bed that morning.

“Heyyy, my little croaky frog,” the little starlet sighed as she reached the lunch table where Quinn, Santana and Brittany were seated across from Kurt and Blaine. “Poor baby, you don't sound so good. I knew something was up this morning. We'll go see the nurse right after lunch, okay?” She sat herself in the empty seat beside Quinn's wheelchair, reaching out and tucking a lock of blonde hair back behind her girlfriend's ear. Santana chuckled. Quinn groaned.

“Told ya Thumbelina wasn't gonna let you get away with this shit, Q,” the Latina shrugged, smirking as she nibbled on a baby carrot.

“Bite me, Santi,” the cranky blonde girl grumbled, swirling her spoon around absentmindedly in the cafeteria applesauce. Rachel raised an eyebrow in obvious confusion.

“Repeated offers of trips to the nurse's office have already been suggested and declined, rather vehemently,” Kurt supplied helpfully, glaring at Quinn pointedly even though she was staring obstinately down at her lunch tray. “If she were any more stubborn, she'd be you.”

“Thanks, Kurt. Thanks a lot. Now in addition to not being able to decide for myself when I need medical attention, I'm obviously incapable of speaking for myself, too,” Quinn huffed, finally looking up and glaring back at him. Rachel couldn't help noticing the pallor in her girlfriend's face, and the light purple shadows forming under her eyes. If nothing else, she looked exhausted. Then her eyes narrowed, and she grabbed a cheap paper napkin off her lunch tray, pressing it urgently to her slightly pink nose. “Aahxchew!!! *Snfl*...ughh, 'scuse be,” the blonde girl sighed miserably, sniffling and scrubbing the underside of her nose through the scratchy crumpled napkin.

“Bless you, baby. Let's just take a time-out, okay?” The dark-haired girl frowned, throwing Kurt an apologetic look before turning to face her girlfriend. “You know everyone here loves you, Quinnie. No one's trying to patronize you,” she murmured, putting a gentle hand on the blonde girl's arm and rubbing her thumb lightly across the soft skin there. Quinn's shoulders slumped in defeat.

“I know. I'm sorry,” she sighed wearily, looking up at Kurt, who smiled and winked at her as if to say it was nothing. “I just...*snfl*...” Quinn fumbled for the tissues in her pocket as a soft, shallow breath caught in her lungs. “Uht'chheww!! Ughh...*snfl.*” She bowed forward helplessly over her lunch tray with the force of the congested sneeze, tissues cupped snugly to her stuffy nose. It was simply impossible to resist the forward tug of an itchy sneeze when it came over her; mainly because her abdominal muscles were still too weak to allow her to even sit up on her own, without help. Every time she sneezed, she doubled over like a swinging metronome. Her forehead didn't touch the lunch tray; but it came close.

“Bless you,” everyone murmured sympathetically.

“Uhh...*snfl*...thag you,” Quinn sighed, pinching her nose a little tighter in the damp tissue and blowing softly, embarrassed by her running nose. “But I don't wanna go to the nurse, okay? I know you all mean well, but I'm sick of everyone treating me like one of those Make-A-Wish cancer kids. I'm not dying. I just want things to be normal again...is that so much to ask?”

“Of course not, sweetie. I totally get it,” Kurt smiled at her and reached across the table to squeeze her hand. Quinn smiled half-heartedly back. Everyone else went back to their lunch, but Rachel continued to frown. She was very aware of the internal injuries that made this cold a bit more worrisome than average; particularly the scarring across Quinn's lungs. She'd had a nasty lung infection for the first few days after the accident, too, and it had really slowed down her initial recovery period in the hospital.There were a lot of potential complications to worry about; Rachel certainly understood why her girlfriend didn't want to think about yet another layer of undue complication in her life these days. But, that didn't mean Rachel was going to forget about it as easily. She'd just have to wait and see...and keep watching her little snifflebug like a hawk for the rest of the day.

“Rach? Are you mad?” Quinn asked quietly, shaking the dark-haired girl out of her frowny-face daze.

“Hmm? No, angel, of course I'm not mad,” Rachel sighed, shaking her head with a sweet smile that was just for Quinn, and no one else. “I just don't like to see you suffer, especially when it's unnecessary. You'll let me know if you change your mind?”

“Yes, dear,” the blonde girl murmured teasingly, a smile creeping across her face in response to Rachel's. It was hard to stay cranky when you had a thousand-watt Rachel Berry smile being pointed right at you.

“Good,” the tiny diva nodded, leaning in and dropping a soft kiss on her girlfriend's warm lips. “Now eat your lunch.”

Quinn nodded; but the truth was, she really didn't feel like eating a thing. Her throat was raw, her chest ached every time she coughed, and her sinuses were pounding. She felt like closing her eyes and going to sleep right in the middle of the cafeteria. But, she was determined to make it through the day, so she picked up her spoon and forced herself to eat. Just three more hours. She could get through three more hours.


“Hhuh...*snfl*...hht'chxiuh!!! *Snf, snfffl.*” Quinn's face flushed pink with embarrassment as she muffled another sneeze into her crumpled tissue, breaking the silence of the math quiz yet again.

“Bless you,” Rachel whispered beside her; but Quinn was too busy coughing to respond.

“Sorry,” the blonde girl whispered back miserably when she had straightened up again, giving her pink nose one last sideways-wipe in the damp tissue.

“Honey...” Rachel gave her a sad-eyed puppy dog pout, but Quinn ignored it, resolutely continuing her math quiz with a few stuffy sniffles interspersed. After a minute Rachel sighed and went back to her own quiz, and tried not to be too distracted by the miserably congested sounds coming from her girlfriend. It proved to be extremely difficult. Part of Rachel wanted to be mad at Quinn for being so goddam stubborn, when there were plenty of things they could do to make her feel better. But, even though the little starlet really did try, she just couldn't be mad at her baby when she looked so miserable. With a supreme force of willpower, the dark-haired girl forced her attention back on her quiz. For a few more minutes, they worked in silence.

“Hhh...*snfl*...” Quinn dropped her pencil yet again, fumbling for a tissue as a fresh tickle swirled around the back of her head. Rachel felt another pang of tender protectiveness as she looked up and saw the utterly helpless expression on her girlfriend's face, a thin dribble of snot sliding slowly from from her pink nose a second before she pinched it in a fresh tissue. She sniffled as she rubbed and pinched her nose lightly up and down in the soft cotton tissue; it felt good, but it didn't go deep enough to quell the itchy tickle blossoming deep inside her head.

“Hht'iiishu!! *Snfl*...'Iiishhxuh!!!” Quinn's snuffly sneezes were starting to really wear her out now; her stomach muscles were sore from bobbing forward and straightening up again so often, something she could hardly do these days even when she wanted to. There was a wheezy tightness in her chest after she coughed, and she felt chilly and feverish all over.

“Bless you, Quinnie-pie,” Rachel murmured, scratching her nails lightly up and down the blonde girl's arm while she coughed. Every particle in the tiny diva's body was screaming at her to get up and physically grab the handlebars on Quinn's wheelchair, and just force her to the nurse's office. But, some tiny instinct told her to wait just a little while longer. Wait for Quinn to decide.

“Thag you,” the sniffling blonde girl croaked when she finally stopped coughing. Her nose felt itchy and full, and she really wanted to blow it; but the little pocket pack of tissues Santana had given her before lunch was empty now, and the crumpled ones she had left wouldn't stand up to a wet, snotty blow anymore. She sniffled softly, sparking a twinge in her sore throat along with the ticklish one in the back of her nose. Worst of all, the sore muscles in her abdomen were starting to cramp; and she knew, finally, that she wasn't going to make it through the school day after all. She just wasn't.

“Rach?” Quinn whispered miserably, wiping her runny nose methodically in the crumpled tissue.

“Yeah, angelfish?” Rachel cooed, math quiz completely forgotten as she pulled her desk a little closer to Quinn's and gently stroked her girlfriend's hair.

“Will you please take mbe to the...*snfl*...the nurse...? Hhuh'chshxt!!! *Snf, snffl.*” Quinn doubled over in her wheelchair with another hitching, stuffed up sneeze; and it did not escape Rachel's attention that this time, the blonde girl pressed one hand below her ribs, while the other held a tissue to her nose. By that one simple gesture, Rachel understood. Because the spot that Quinn was grabbing was the same spot where the still-healing scar lay under her shirt.

“Bless you, baby,” The dark-haired girl murmured soothingly, leaning in and kissing the blonde girl's warm forehead. “Come on, I'll push you, okay?” Quinn just nodded, which was a testament all by itself to how crappy she must be feeling. Usually, she was incredibly stubborn about doing everything for herself when she was in the wheelchair.

“Mr. Martin? I'm taking Quinn to the nurse.” Rachel got up form her desk without waiting for a reply from the teacher, shoving her book and Quinn's into the backpack strapped to the back of her girlfriend's chair before grabbing the handlebars and rolling her expediently from the room.

“Thadks, babe,” Quinn sighed woozily when they were out in the hallway, finally allowing herself to slump back against her chair and close her eyes as a mild dizzy spell rolled over her.

“Of course, my sweet angel girl,” Rachel tutted protectively, leaning down and kissing the top of Quinn's head as she wheeled her girlfriend down the hall. “Anyway, I just did it to get out of the math quiz,” she teased, making the blonde girl giggle weakly. Then she coughed and winced again, holding her ribs.

“Owww, fuck,” she groaned softly, closing her eyes again.

“Poor baby. We're gonna get you home and get some of that super-powered cough syrup with codeine into you, does that sound good?” Rachel cooed sweetly, leaning down low over Quinn's wheelchair to whisper in her ear. “Then I'll make some hibiscus tea and we can cuddle up with a movie. Hmm, my love?”

“Yes, please,” Quinn agreed sheepishly, wiping her nose in the crumpled tissue with a fresh sniffle, incredibly grateful that her girlfriend wasn't lecturing her or saying I told you so. She probably would at some point; but not today, while Quinn was hurt and sick and miserable. Today, it was all cuddles and tea and pampering. And once she got those prescription painkillers in her, Quinn knew she wouldn't have anything else to worry about, anyway. Rachel would take care of her. Rachel would take care of everything.

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hahahaha no I could never get sick of Faberry... haha sick.. haha get it.. no? Just me? alright arrowheadsmiley.png So this is perfect. I love everything about this! I love how stubborn Quinn is in this chapter. Can't wait to read more!

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hey guys! sorry it's been a while since I updated, just been busy. hope it's worth the wait! enjoy :)


Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming

Part 3


“I need to lie down now,” Quinn announced miserably when they arrived at the nurse's office, her face ashen pale and shining with sweat. Rachel hated seeing that look on her sweet girl's face; that look that showed the intensity of Quinn's pain, her exhaustion, the fact that she barely had the strength to hold herself up in her wheelchair. That glassy look that said her girlfriend was teetering on the edge of blacking out. It had taken a solid month after the accident to build up her strength to the point where she could sit up in her wheelchair all day for school; and since then, another month where the blonde girl had been getting herself in and out of her chair every day without any help at all, and working hard to regain the use of her legs in physical therapy. But right now, it was like none of it had ever happened.

Rachel knew it was just the fever making Quinn weak and woozy, and a day of continuous coughs and sneezes aggravating her still-healing lungs and ribcage; but it was more than a little unnerving to see her blonde angel so weak and helpless again, after two months of solid hard work on her recovery. The school nurse, a usually stern older woman who wasn't known for doling out sympathy with her bandaids and cough drops, took one look and Quinn and just nodded curtly, leading them both to the back area of the infirmary where the faux-leather cots were set up.

“Do you want us to help you lie down, baby?” Rachel asked gently, smoothing a lock of soft blonde hair back behind her girlfriend's ear.

“Yes,” Quinn whispered dejectedly, wiping her nose on her wrist as she looked up at Rachel apologetically. “I'mb...*snfl*...I'mb sorry...hhuh'chhh!! *Snghf.*” She sneezed dazedly against the back of her hand, sniffled, and gave a few rattling coughs into her sleeve, pale and shaky.

“Bless you, dear,” the nurse said as she came around with a box of tissues, offering them to the miserable girl with a gentle pat on her shoulder. “No need for apologies in here, Miss Quinn. Let's get you out of that chair, and then we'll see what we see.”

“Thadks,” Quinn sighed, wiping her nose absently in the fresh tissue and then balling it up in her hand. The nurse stood behind Quinn's chair and hooked her hands under the blonde girl's arms, gesturing to Rachel to grab her legs. With a little grin for her baby, Rachel leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose; then slipped both her arms under Quinn's knees.

As they lifted her out of her chair, Quinn made a soft, helpless sound in the back of her throat, eyes sliding shut as her pink nostrils quivered. She couldn't lift a hand to her face even if she'd wanted to, because that could easily make the nurse lose her grip on one side; and the instinct to preserve herself from being dropped on the floor was much greater than her instinct to cover up a sneeze, as mortifying as it was.

“Aahh...*snfl*...” She could feel her itchy nose running, but she couldn't move her hand to wipe it. Her head fell back instinctually, pointing her pink-rimmed nostrils straight ahead as they leaked gently.“Aahiiishew!! *Snfl.*” Quinn sneezed weakly, misting the air in front of her—which was also the air in front of Rachel—with snot and cold germs.

“Bless you, honey,” the dark-haired girl cooed gently, totally unperturbed by her girlfriend sneezing in her face. She felt nothing but sympathy and fierce protectiveness for her poor little blondie, even while Quinn was groaning out a feeble apology.

“I'mb so sorry Rach, that was gross,” the sniffling girl sighed miserably, immediately burying her runny nose in the tissue she held as soon as she was laid down on the cot. “Ughh, I'mb pathetic...” She blew her nose gently, while Rachel sat herself on the edge of the cot and rubbed light circles over her stomach.

“Shh...it's okay Quinnie-boo. I don't mind. And you can't help it,” the dark-haired girl murmured indulgently, her thumb tracing little circles around her girlfriend's bellybutton. Quinn closed her eyes, her whole body going limp as the pain and dizziness of sitting up in her wheelchair all day drained slowly away.

“Excuse me, please,” the nurse said tersely, a little of her usual gruffness coming back as she nudged Rachel out of the way and inserted an instant-read ear thermometer into the blonde girl's ear. It took only moments to beep. “A hundred and one, Miss Quinn,” the older woman tutted, raising an eyebrow imperiously. “I'll go call your mother to come pick you up, all right?”

“Thandks,” Quinn sighed, opening her eyes a crack.

“You can go back to class now,” the nurse nodded to Rachel, who bristled like a protective mother lion.

“I'm not leaving her,” Rachel said flatly. The nurse looked affronted by the little starlet's lack of regard for her authority; but then on balance seemed to decide it wasn't worth the effort to argue, and with a shrug she went off to call Mrs. Fabray. Quinn smiled sleepily.

“My big tough protector,” the blonde girl teased weakly, cupping the crumpled tissue back to her face to cover a wheezy cough. “Uhhh...” She winced and pressed her free hand to her ribs, clearly in pain. Rachel's heart flip-flopped in her chest, desperate to do anything to make her sweet girl feel better.

“Aww honey, I'll never leave you alone when you're not feeling good. My poor little angel, you tried so hard to tough it out today...I should've made you come see the nurse sooner. You couldn't really have stopped me,” Rachel fussed, going over to the sink and pulling a folded washcloth down from the cabinet, wetting it with cold water and then wringing it out before bringing it back over to the cot and pressing it gently to Quinn's feverish forehead.

“Next time I'll listen,” the blonde girl promised, smiling up weakly at her girlfriend's loving expression. “Thought I could tough it out...just didn't wanna ask for h-help ahh...again...*snfl*...” Quinn pinched the wadded tissue in her hand back to her stuffy nose, rubbing the pink underside as her breath huffed and her eyes narrowed to slits. “Hhuh...hhuh...uhh'chhx!! *Snfl.*” She jiggled her nose lightly in the tissue as she sniffled, as if trying to physically dislodge the tickle from the back of her cold-stuffed nostrils.

“Bless you angel,” Rachel cooed, holding out the box of tissues so Quinn could grab another.

“Thadks,” the blonde girl mumbled absently, pulling out two more tissues and blowing her nose roughly into the soft cotton. “Uhhhh...*snnfl,*” Quinn sighed, pressing the tissue a little harder to the underside of her stuffy pink nose. “Uht'chhh!! Iiih-ISHHeww!!! *Snfl*...” The double-volley of helpless sneezes seemed to knock the wind out of her a little, and she took in an alarmingly wheezy breath before breaking into a rattling, congested cough. Rachel stroked her hair and cooed to her, trying not to let her anxiety show for Quinn's sake. But in truth, the little starlet was starting to compare this cough, this wheezy sniffling, to the lung infection her girlfriend had picked up in the hospital right after the accident. Rachel was determined that Quinn was not going back to the hospital; not if she could help it.

“Shh, you're okay baby, I got you,” the dark-haired girl murmured soothingly, stroking her blonde angel's hair. “I think we need to get out that inhaler the doctors have you when you came home, hmm? You sound all wheezy, I'm sure that doesn't feel very good.”

“It...really doesn't,” Quinn agreed, rubbing her eyes dazedly. “Uhh, fuck...”

“You're gonna feel better soon, I promise,” Rachel hummed, kissing her lightly on the cheek before slipping through the curtain to the front of the office. A minute later, she was back with the surly nurse and an armful of medications from the locked cabinet by her desk. Quinn took two puffs on her inhaler, then swallowed a dose of the prescription cough syrup with codeine, silently grateful that these “just in case” prescriptions had been stocked for her in the nurse's office, even though she'd argued that she didn't need them when she left the hospital.

“Thadk you,” she murmured when she handed the empty plastic cup back to the nurse, who actually smiled at her and patted her arm.

“Your mother will be here soon, hon. Just close your eyes for a few minutes, hmm?”

“'Kay,” Quinn yawned softly, not needing to be told twice. As soon as the older woman passed through the curtain divider, the blonde girl smiled up sleepily at her girlfriend and murmured, “Rach, will you play with my hair some more? It makes the room not spin so much. *Snfl.*

“Your wish is my command, my lady,” Rachel grinned softly, pulling her chair back to the spot beside Quinn's cot and cuddling up to her, trailing gentle fingers through baby-soft blonde hair. “Does that feel good?”

“Uh-huh...really good,” Quinn sighed, closing her eyes. After a quiet moment, she opened them again, and said miserably, “I'mb sorry, Rach. Sorry you have to do all this.”

“Hush, I don't want you to be sorry,” Rachel shook her head, leaning down and pressing a warm kiss to her girlfriend's forehead. “I just want you to feel better...you know that, silly girl.”

“I doe. I...*snfl*...I really love you, starfish,” the blonde girl sighed; then pressed a finger urgently to the pink underside of her nose as her eyes narrowed to slits. “Hhehshhiiih!! *Snf, snfl.*”

“Bless you, baby boo,” the little starlet murmured affectionately, tugging a tissue from the box on the bedside cabinet and gently wiping Quinn's runny nose. Quinn just sniffled, closing her eyes as the tickle rebounded inside her head, and her damp pink nostrils opened wide again inside the tissue.

“Hhuh'ehhshih!! *Snfl.*” She sneezed dazedly into the tissue her girlfriend held pinched to her stuffy nose, and immediately sniffled again, wriggling her nose around a little inside the damp tissue in an attempt to scratch the itch that still wafted teasingly around her nostrils. Rachel got the message, and gently rubbed her girlfriend's runny nose back and forth through the tissue.

“God bless you sweetie. Here, blow,” the little starlet urged gently; and Quinn, too sick and dizzy and fever-dazed to be embarrassed, closed her eyes and blew weakly into the tissue, clearing her nostrils briefly of the thin, watery snot that kept her coughing and sneezing all day.

“There, is that a little better?” Rachel asked indulgently, pinching her girlfriend's delicate pink nose in the tissue as she pulled away.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn blinked blearily, even as she immediately pressed her finger back to her itchy, stuffy nose to replace the soothing pressure of the tissue against her nostrils. “Hhuhh...ehhshiiih!!! *Snfl.*”

“Bless you, my poor little angel,” Rachel sighed, fresh pangs of protectiveness running all through her body as she drew another tissue from the box and wiped her girlfriend's runny nose again, massaging it in little circles this time in an attempt to dispel the tickle and break the spell of itchy, congested sneezing that seemed to have blossomed inside the poor girl's head. Quinn tilted her head back a little on the pillow, pressing her pink nose up a little harder into the tissue; and Rachel gave it a gentle squeeze through the soft cotton.

“Hhuh...hhhuh...*snfl*...” Quinn shuddered weakly, eyes closed, breath hitching wheezily in her chest; but then she sighed softly and opened her eyes. Rachel grinned sweetly and pulled the tissue away, revealing a fresh dribble of snot sliding slowly from one pink nostril.

“Poor little nose,” the little starlet cooed, folding the tissue over and giving the blonde girl's glistening pink nose one final sideways wipe.

“Aaahiishew!!!” Quinn gave another desperate sneeze into the damp tissue, followed by a congested cough. “Uhhh...mby head feels floaty,” she mumbled woozily, blinking puffy, fever-glazed eyes. Then they slipped closed, and just like that, she was fast asleep, her breath wheezing softly with congestion.

“Just sleep, baby,” Rachel whispered, slipping her hand over Quinn's stomach and gently rubbing circles with her thumb. “Just sleep...and when you wake up, we'll be home.”

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It was a bad idea to read this right after I watched glee. TO MANY FEELS. Love it as always! Can't wait to read more! :)

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It was a bad idea to read this right after I watched glee. TO MANY FEELS. Love it as always! Can't wait to read more! smile.png

AAHHHHH THE FEELS. all the feels. NOBODY CALLS QUINN FABRAY A SLUTBAG. I just watched the 100th too, and all I can say is FINALLY we can say goodbye to the awful newbies nobody cares about and go all-nyc (aka, all original cast) all the time. I'm crossing my fingers for brittana to get back togetherz for real, and heather morris to join the nyc crew for the rest of the season!!! omgz omgz that would be so unicorn poop amazing. glad I could tap into some of that joy while at the same time making quinn completely miserable (I mean...you know I won't torture her too bad, lolz)! ;)

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It was a bad idea to read this right after I watched glee. TO MANY FEELS. Love it as always! Can't wait to read more! smile.png

AAHHHHH THE FEELS. all the feels. NOBODY CALLS QUINN FABRAY A SLUTBAG. I just watched the 100th too, and all I can say is FINALLY we can say goodbye to the awful newbies nobody cares about and go all-nyc (aka, all original cast) all the time. I'm crossing my fingers for brittana to get back togetherz for real, and heather morris to join the nyc crew for the rest of the season!!! omgz omgz that would be so unicorn poop amazing. glad I could tap into some of that joy while at the same time making quinn completely miserable (I mean...you know I won't torture her too bad, lolz)! wink.png

I'm so ready for brittana! SO ready. BTW don't worry about torturing Quinn. It adds to the fun ;)

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I have yet to see 100 but i am SO STOKED TO SEE QUINN AGAIN!! i am hardcore on the Brittana team and i am really enjoying this story!! :) Its always great to see a wannablessedbe story! Please continue!

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I love this story, like I love all of yours also! I haven't seen 100 yet but I can't wait to see Quinn! I love this though, please continue :)

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hey haeee, dearies! just wanted to say thx for all the love, and give my apologies for the long wait between updates. I have not forgotten our girls. I was actually planning to write an update today, but, well, life happened. it shan't be long till the next update, tho--sunday at the latest! :)

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hey guys! here's your update, as promised. I'm pretty sure this will be the last part of this story, cuz I have a new story idea I wanna start. it's sort of a glee/walking dead crossover. all I can say about it for now is: how easy do you think it would be to score some allergy meds in the zombie apocalypse...?

anyway, enjoy ;)



Just Keep Swimming

Part 4


Quinn woke up with a cold metal stethoscope pressed against her skin. Blinking sleepily, she slowly realized that the stethoscope was attached to Rachel's father Michael, the ER doctor, sitting protectively beside her with Quinn's mother hovering anxiously next to him.

“I don't wanna go back to the hospital,” the blonde girl mumbled croakily, half-asleep and rubbing her eyes. Seeing that she was awake, the adults all smiled down at her, and her mom leaned in to kiss her forehead.

“You're not going back to the hospital, pumpkin,” Michael reassured her, putting his med kit away and gently ruffling her hair. “I just wanted to have a listen to your lungs to be safe. But, they sound all right for now. We'll just keep an eye on your breathing till you get over this bug, okay hon? If it does start to move down into your lungs, we want to know immediately so we can get you the right meds to knock it out quickly. So you won't have to spend any more time in the hospital.”

“Thandks, Dad,” she yawned, smiling softly up at her beaming family. Rachel's dads had already thought of her as a second daughter long before the accident even happened; but after a month in the hospital, there was no question that Quinn was as much the Berrys' kid as the Fabrays'. They'd told her many times that she could call them Dad if she wanted; but she only ever did when she was very woozy, sick, or half-asleep. Or all three at once.

“Can we get her home now?” Rachel asked in a quiet voice, picking up one of Quinn's hands and holding it protectively in both of her own.

“We can,” her dad responded gently, indicating himself and Judy Fabray. “You can go back to class, baby girl. I'm sure they're missing you somewhere around here.”

“I'm not going back to class,” Rachel shook her head defiantly, her dark eyes going steely as she stared her father down.

“S'okay Rach,” Quinn sighed, scratching her nails lightly against her girlfriend's palm. “I'll be okay...” But before she could even finish talking, she began to cough, eyes shut tight in pain as they all winced at the congested rattling in her chest. “Uhhh,” she sighed wheezily when it passed, blinking the tears from her eyes. “Aah'chxsht!! *Snfl.*” She pinched her nose lightly between her fingers to contain a weak, half-stifled sneeze, still too sleepy and slow to reach for a tissue.

“God bless you, baby,” Her mother cooed, handing her a few tissues and stroking the top of her head soothingly.

“Ugh...*snfffl*...thadks,” Quinn croaked out miserably, sniffling and wiping her nose.

“You're not okay, angelfish,” Rachel shook her head gently, looking up at her dad with her best sad puppy eyes. “She's not okay. And the only thing I'm missing at this point in the day is study hall and gym. Please, Daddy, can't we just take her home?” Michael looked between his two girls and shook his head, giving them a little half-smile.

“Just don't tell your dad I let you skip class, okay? Even if it is just study hall and gym.”

“Thank you Daddy,” Rachel grinned in relief, kissing him on the cheek.

“Ready to go home and get tucked into your own bed, Quinnie?” her mother asked gently, smoothing her hair back with a soft smile.

“I...” Quinn looked from her mom, to her girlfriend, and her hazel eyes welled up tearfully. “I can't get back in my chair,” she whispered miserably, a single tear of shame and humiliation rolling down her cheek. She had been so sure the days of being too weak to sit up straight were solidly behind her when she left the hospital...

“Shh, it's okay pumpkin. That's why I'm here,” Michael said gently, while Judy went to sign Quinn out at the nurse's desk and Rachel gathered their coats and books.

“What?” Quinn asked, confused and rubbing her blurry eyes. Michael just leaned down and scooped her up like a ragdoll, cradling her securely in his strong arms. “Oh,” Quinn sighed, closing her eyes and leaning her head against his chest as a brief wave of vertigo passed over her. “Thandk you...*snfl*...” She was still holding a crumpled tissue in one hand, and she cupped it lightly to her pink nose, pressing up against the underside.

“Uht'chhihew!! *Snfl*...ughh, s-sorry,” The blonde girl stuttered, massaging her runny nose in the crumpled tissue. “Aah...hhuh'chhx!! *Snfl.*” Her soft, breathless sneezes misted Michael's shirt even through the damp tissue, and she groaned softly in embarrassment as she wiped her nose. The stoic, muscular man just chuckled and hoisted her a little more firmly into his strong arms.

“I'm a doctor, Quinn. I've dealt with worse than a little snot, believe me.”

“'Kay,” she smiled faintly, closing her eyes again as the room began to spin dizzily with their forward motion. She didn't open them again until they were out in the parking lot, and she was being deposited gently into the front passenger seat of her mother's minivan. As soon as she was seated, Michael put the seat back to a 45 degree angle so she wouldn't have to work to hold herself up. Though she was a National Merit semi-finalist and front-runner for class valedictorian, in that very moment she couldn't begin to find the words to express her gratitude for this one small thing, that wasn't really a small thing at all.

“Daddy and I will be right behind you,” Rachel murmured gently, leaning over Quinn with her hands on her girlfriend's knees to drop one last kiss on her warm forehead. “We'll see you at home in a few minutes, okay angel?” Quinn nodded weakly, reaching up to twirl a lock of Rachel's dark hair around her finger.

“You're all shiny, Rach,” the blonde girl grinned woozily.

“And you're high on painkillers,” the little starlet grinned back, taking her girlfriend's hand from her hair and kissing it. Then she carefully buckled Quinn's seatbelt, and gave her a little wink before closing the door.


At the Fabrays', Michael acted as a personal chariot for Quinn again, carrying her from the car straight to her bed in her temporary first-floor bedroom, as Rachel and Mrs. Fabray hovered anxiously. Once he'd double-checked her breathing and made sure they had all her necessary prescriptions on hand, he gave both his girls a kiss and headed back to work at the hospital, while Judy went to the kitchen and channeled all her worry into making a big pot of homemade chicken soup.

“You can go back to sleep now, baby,” Rachel cooed to her woozy-eyed girlfriend, curling up beside her in the raised hospital bed (a rental, of course—Quinn's real bed was still upstairs in her real room). “We're all done moving around now, the hard part's over. Do want me to sing you a lullaby, hmm?”

“Nooo,” Quinn whined, gripping the fabric of Rachel's shirt tightly in her fist. “Just stay and cuddle...sleep later. Just stay, Rach.” Her nose was running again, and she sniffled, rubbing a finger lightly back and forth against the wet, pink rims of her nostrils. “Uhh...hhuh...uhhchxsh!! *Snfl.*” She gave a trembling sneeze into the open air, finger pushed up against her pink nose. “Ughh...'scuse be,” she sniffled softly.

“Bless you, Quinnie-boo,” Rachel cooed, reaching across Quinn for a few tissues from the bedside table. “And I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm right here with you, sweet girl. I got you.” She gently wiped her girlfriend's runny nose, and then leaned in to kiss the pink tip.

“Th-thadks, Rach...*snfl*...” Quinn's eyes welled up again, in perfect sync with the little tremble in her glistening nostrils; and Rachel reached out again and lightly pinched the blonde girl's cold-filled little nose in the damp tissue as it quivered and huffed. “Hhatchhew!! *Snfl*...Aah'iiishht!!!” She coughed again as Rachel wiped her nose, making the dark-haired girl frown with anxiety. Even with the prescription-strength cough medicine, which was laced with Codeine, Quinn's scarred lungs were struggling.

“Poor baby, you sound terrible. I'm going to get the humidifier, okay? Be right back.” Rachel grabbed the box of tissues from the bedside table and plopped them right in Quinn's lap, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before scampering off down the hall. When she returned a few minutes later with the freshly filled humidifier sloshing in her arms, she found the blonde girl still sniffling, nose pushed into a tissue, with the telltale, dazed expression of someone who was caught between sneezes.

“Hh...hhuh...*snfl*...” Quinn pushed her nose a little harder into the tissue, jiggling it desperately up and down. “Ughh, dambit...*snfl.*” She dropped the tissue to her lap with a sigh, revealing glistening pink nostrils gently leaking snot.

“Aww, angelfish. Here, this will help you feel a little better 'till your sniffles dry up...” Rachel put the humidifier down on the bedside table, plugged it in, and pointed the spout at the blonde girl's face. “There, how's that?”

“Good,” Quinn nodded blearily, closing her eyes and taking a cautious, deep breath of the soothing steam. A trickle of watery snot issued slowly from one pink nostril, and her eyes cracked open again, just enough to pull a fresh tissue from the box and hold it weakly in front of her face in anticipation. The wet rims of her nostrils trembled, itchy and irritated. “Hheh...hhheh...uht'chhew!! *Snfl.*” She closed her eyes and sneezed into the warm, humid air in front of her face; but she didn't cough afterwards, only sniffled.

“God bless you, sweetie,” Rachel cooed, already feeling relieved at the improvement as she slipped back into bed beside her sniffling baby, and kissed her cheek. “Do you want me to make you a cup of tea, hmm?”

“Ndot...*snfl*...ndot right dow,” Quinn shook her head, still gently massaging her nose through the damp tissue. “I just...*snghf*...w-wadt to cuddle ahd watch s-sobe cartoonds...aah'eshhew!! Aah—ahtchOOoo!!! *Snfl.*” She rubbed her pink nose in the tissue as she sneezed, so full of her cold that she barely had a chance to suck in a fresh breath of warm, humidified air before the snot-slicked rims of her nostrils opened wide again. “Iiiishew!! *Snfl*...” She sneezed again into the damp tissue, a trickle of snot escaping the soggy cotton and sliding down the channel of her upper lip.

“Bless, bless, bless you,” Rachel cooed, as Quinn grabbed a fresh tissue and blew her nose roughly.

“Uhh...stop it,” the blonde girl muttered blearily; and Rachel knew she was talking to herself—or, rather, to her runny, cold-stuffed nose. “Hhhuh...*snfl*...” Her head tilted back involuntarily as yet another sneeze began to blossom in the back of her nose; and Rachel, feeling a stab of sympathy and protectiveness for her sweet blondie, reached out and pushed her finger against the damp pink underside of Quinn's trembling nostrils, rubbing lightly back and forth with a firm, upwards pressure. Quinn sniffled again, and sighed softly.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Rachel asked gently, even though she could tell from Quinn's reaction that it did.

“Uh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” Quinn mumbled, eyes just barely open. “You cad...*snfl*...you cad rub it a little h-harder...” Rachel did, pressing up against the slippery pink nostrils as she rubbed her finger, lightly moving the bottom of Quinn's nose back and forth. The blonde girl sniffled sharply.

“Now, blow,” Rachel instructed gently, drawing a fresh tissue from the box and pinching it around her girlfriend's pink nose, pushing up a little since that seemed to help quell the tickle.

“Uhh...hhuh...” Instead of blowing, Quinn sniffled again, wriggling her nose against the tissue and Rachel's gentle fingers. The dark-haired girl pinched a little harder, and gave the pink nose a light squeeze through the tissue. “'Tishhhew!!! *Snfl.*” Quinn sneezed dazedly into the tissue Rachel held for her.

“Bless you, angel,” The dark-haired girl cooed, pulling the damp tissue away with one last, firm wipe. Quinn sniffled and blinked at her woozily, a shy little half-smile on her face.

“Thadks, babe. *Snfl.*

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Awww, I'm usually not one for Faberry but I absolutely love this! All of your fics are wonderful - I'm still getting caught up on them, I think.

I also can't wait for your Glee/TWD crossover fic! They're my absolute favorite shows and I know you'll do them justice! :)

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Sad to see this end but soooo excited for the crossover! I love the walking dead! Awesome ending to an awesome story. So sweet and caring ahh loved it.

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