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Summer Moon (M, Allergy, Oz from BtVS)


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A/N: Hi, this was a requested fic from a post where I listed the fandoms I haven't written for in a while, but would like to again. I re-watched the majority of Oz's episodes, but that didn't really make it easier to write this. Oz is a stoic little bunny so it's hard to write his narrative and have it seem right, which is probably why it's shorter than I had initially planned and I had to tack a quick ending onto it because I couldn't think of anything else, lol.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy.

Summer Moon

His first transformation had been in the woods, painful but not as terrifying as expected. Oz supposed it was because it had caught him off guard, and if he’d known he was a werewolf before his first full moon then the anticipation would have made the experience worse.

As it was, he’d found it more interesting than anything.

The cage in the library was nice and he didn’t really feel trapped in there at all. His clothes were in reaching distance through the bars, and no one was around the library at night, so there was no chance of hurting anybody. As winter crept closer, even in sunny California, it was nice not to have to be naked outside.

Willow had given him an old blanket she’d found in her attic, so his wolf could be ‘nice and comfy cosy’. The heating system for the school was shut off at night, but the wolf was covered by its own natural blanket and Oz suspected that its notable Willow-smell kept the wolf calmer than it would have been otherwise.

For that reason alone, blankets had stayed in the cage with him, rotated every now and again as the scent of his girlfriend faded and the coth was replaced by one she had been sleeping under to make willowy for him.

When he woke on the first of the three full moon nights, he felt the immediate sensation of the newest quilt, soft beneath him. He bundled part up in his arms, under his head as he curled his body up. The sun had risen, but it was the summer holidays and no one would be coming into the school early to let him out. Willow would come later in the day, but deserved a sleep-in.

Hitttchhh! Itchhhh!”

He blinked. A couple of tears came from the sudden force of the itchy sneezes and he reached up to scrub them away. Touching his eyes seemed to hurt, as they were always dry and a little painful after a transformation.


Oz felt the persistent tickle refuse to back down and rolled to burry himself into the quilt, rubbing his face against it to try and sate the sensation. It didn’t have the intended effect, but it granted some temporary reprieve from the tears and other liquids that may have been running down his face.

Tihhmmph! Ichhhphhh! Ectchhmmpp!”

He lifted his head from the blanket for air, his nose starting to become congested as he remained lying down. He needed to blow his nose on something but there was nothing in the cage he could use.

After looking around, he sat up and shuffled over to where he could reach through the cage for his clothes and bottle of water. His throat was tickling in an odd way that was making it difficult to even breathe through his mouth.

After downing almost half the bottle of water, Oz took his shirt and buried his face into the soft material. “Icthhh! Hichh! Kittthhh!”

He shook his head side to side as he blew his nose into the cotton as spots swum in his eyes.

His face felt like it was on fire and he continued to scrub at it with the material. He sneezed several more sharp and itchy sneezes into the folds and tried once again to rid whatever was irritating it by rubbing the sides of his nose as he blew it in several short huffs.

The shirt was quite thin, and obviously not designed to withstand such treatment. If his nose kept up with its performance so far then the shirt wasn’t going to cut it for much longer and he didn’t want to have to resort to using his t-shirt. There was always the chance that the congestion could clear up, and he wouldn’t have to worry Willow, but not having a clean shirt might look suspicious.


He coughed a little and reached over to the blanket, intending to bury his nose in the scratchy fabric to save the remaining dignity of his clothes. He grasped the material and pulled it closer, but noticed the movement dislodged several dark hairs that fluttered up and into the new light that streamed through the window.

Frowning, Oz pulled the blanket towards him and brought it close to his face.

When he felt it was an effective, yet safe, distance he examined the excessive amount of fur that seemed to have attached itself to the patch-worked fibres. It was clear to him that his wolf was shedding with the hot weather, and he moved it closer to his face experimentally.

The smell could barely penetrate through the congestion, but it pricked deep within his nose and he dropped the quilt. The feeling far too overwhelming for him to think to reclaim his shirt and he sneezed openly and wetly into the air.

It’Titchhhh! Hihchhhh! Huh’Eitttttchh! Ecttttt! Hinxxt! Kkngxt Hnk’TICCCHHH! HUH’HITTTCHHOO!”

With tears streaming down his face, Oz grasped blindly for the shirt.

He blew his nose several times into the material, trying to expel all the werewolf hair and tackle the allergic reaction he was having before more sneezes could form.

He’d never had an allergy before, which was why he hadn’t recognized the reaction and he made note to tell Willow about it, now that he knew it wasn’t anything serious. He would have guessed that he could be allergic to something that was such an important part of himself.

... “Huh.”

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... “Huh.”

heh.gif That's it, that's Oz!

This was adorable. Willow and Oz were always my favourite so I loved the Willow-y blanket.

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  • 3 months later...

Wait, how did I not comment on this before?? I loved this. People being allergic to each other (or themselves) is one of my favorite scenarios, perhaps for the inevitability.

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