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Dust (SPN)


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Ok! Here's a (kind of sucky) SPN oneshot featuring an allergic Castiel. Hope you enjoy even though it is not very good haha.


It was not long after Castiel had joined Sam and Dean in the Men of Letters' bunker. The boys were doing a bit of light research in the living room when the unexpected happened.

“hiihh... Het-ChSshH!”

Dean's head snapped up to see Cas rubbing his nose, his expression anxious.

“Uhh... Cas, you ok?”

“I- I'm not sure, Dean. Hat-ChSshH!”

He sneezed openly towards his chest. Dean chuckled.

“Don't worry about it. You probably just caught a cold or something.”

He looked at Sam for reassurance.

“Uh-Yeah Cas, you'll be fine. Dean, we need to go back down to the library, I'm not finding anything in these books.”

Dean rolls his eyes exasperatedly.

“I don't want to. Cas, you can go, right?”

He looks at Cas beseechingly.

“Yes o-hiih... of course. Het-ChsShH!”

In the dusty library, Cas' nose only gets itchier. He rubs his nose as Sam goes from shelf to shelf, searching for a different book. He brings one over to Cas.

“Hey, this is Enochian, can you translate real quick?”

Cas sniffs congestedly.

“Umb, yeah. This sectiond is about and andciendt spell to put dembonds in permbandent captivity.”


Sam replies, slamming the book shut and turning away. Unfortunately for Cas, the force of the slam causes a large could of dust to float up around him. His eyes flutter shut as he takes a shaky breath.

“Hiiihh.... Het-ChSHH! Hah-CHssShhH! Heeh... HetChiEwW! Ha-ASHhH!ASH!asH! Huuh...”

Sam jogs over.

“Jeez Cas, you alright?”

Cas nods, then shakes his head frantically as his breath catches again. Sam puts an arm around him and leads the sneezing angel out of the library and away from the offending particles.

“HaShiewW! Hat-ChSsHh! AshIewW! Ash!ash!ash! Hat-ChiEW!”

he takes an experimental sniff.

“Okay. I'mb alright ndow.”

Sam looks at him, incredulous.


Cas nods, and goes back into the living room. Dean looks up and smirks when they enter.

“So how was the library?”

Sam raises his eyebrows sarcastically.

“Why don't you ask Cas? He had an awesome time.”

Dean shifts on the couch to face Cas.


Cas frowns.

“I do ndot understad what you're gettindg at, Sam. It was a little itchy ind there I guess.”

Sam rolls his eyes.

“I'm nearly positive that Cas is allergic to dust.”

Now it's Dean's turn to be incredulous.

“Can angels even have allergies?”

Cas replies, defensive.

“They dond't.”

“Really? Then explain this.”

Sam walks over to a corner of the room and swipes his finger along the floor, gathering dust. He shakes it all into his palm as he walks back over, and blows it in Castiel's face. Cas' eyes flutter shut.

“Haah... HasShHuH! AsHuH! AsHiEWW! ASH!ash!ash! Heeh... Het-ChiEWW! Hiih...”

Cas takes a shaky breath and continues to sneeze. Dean jumps up, panicked.

“Sam what the hell! What did you do to him?!”

“It wasn't this bad in the library!”

Sam replies, defending himself. Cas tries to put the brothers at ease.

“I-hiih.. HatChIEW! I'mb HaShUuH! Ash! Finde! Hat-CHiEW! HatChuuh! Ash!AShieWW!”

His words are not as comforting as he had intended, but they were enough to poke Dean into action. Realizing that Cas was sneezing all over himself and was probably a mess, he finds some tissues and sits down next to his convulsing friend. He plucks a few and holds them to Cas' face, changing them when they got too messy, and wiping allergic tears away when necessary. Finally, Castiel's respiratory system decided that it had ridden itself of the harmless irritants, Cas laid down on Dean's lap.

“Deand, I amb tired.”

Dean put a comforting hand on the angel's head.

“I'll bet. Just rest, and it'll be ok.”


*runs away and hides* I hope someone out there liked it.

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Awwwe ;w;. Sneeze Cas <3 You as a writer , never fail to amaze me with such beautiful fics :)

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Precious baby~! Poor widdle sneezy!Cas <3 x333. GAH! SO CUTE~!

I love how Sam gets chewed out by Dean xP

That was wonderful!

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I enjoyed it! (: I love when Sam and Dean get all concerned about Cas! Sneezy Cas is just so cute, too! <3

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  • 2 months later...

Can you please continue this, I've been checking it every day!!!!! There MUST be a sequel I'm begging you!!!! Please, I love your fics so much, this can't be it!!!!!!

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What makes you think it isn't good? I think it's adorable. Why adorable? THIS PART:

“Deand, I amb tired.”

Dean put a comforting hand on the angel's head.

“I'll bet. Just rest, and it'll be ok.”


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Such a cute story!! I don't know if it's okay to do this, but I've been playing with this story and I extended the ending a little bit. Picks up just before the last paragraph. I basically shoehorned some Destiel into the mix. And cuddling, cuz who needs cuddles more than our Cas? Please let me know what you think!


Cas tried to put the brothers at ease. “I… I-hiih.. HatChIEW! I'mb HaShUuH! EhhhCheshhh! Finde! Haaachshhh! CHiEW! HatChuuh! Ahhkeshh! AAChieWW!

His words were not as comforting as he had intended, but they were enough to spur Dean into action. “Yeah, Sneezy, you sure as hell don’t sound fine.” Dean found some tissues and sat down next to his convulsing friend. “ehhh-Chieww! Chehh! Chehhh! AhhChehh!

“It’s okay, Cas. I’ve got ya.” He plucked a few tissues and held them to Cas' face. Cas leaned into Dean’s hand, appreciative of the fact that Dean had put his other arm around the angel’s shoulders to help hold him steady. “AhhtCHsSH! CheHH! Cheh-chehh-Cheyeeh!!”  Cas let himself slide down enough so that his cheek rested against Dean’s shoulder, and settled into the half-hug. “HehChhehhH-ChiewW! HahtCHssh! 

“Sammy’s gone to get you some allergy meds. He’s got a whole stash in his room, and that should help.” Dean busied himself with changing out the tissues when Cas needed new ones, and wiping allergic tears away when necessary, and if he rubbed a comforting hand over the sneezing angel’s back, no one had to know about it.

Finally, it seemed like Castiel's respiratory system had stopped staging a full-scale revolt, and Cas slumped down against Dean's chest with a soft cough and a snuffle.

“Deand, I amb tired.”

Dean put a comforting hand on the angel's head, letting his fingers tangle in the dark hair. “I'll bet, buddy. That really doesn’t sound like fun.”

Cas nodded his agreement into the tissues, his head bumping against Dean’s chest. “Itd…iihhhid…HiiiChiew! ChhsShiewW! HaaChieShH! itd wasnd’td fund add all. I dever wantd do eggsperiendce thatd againd.”

Dean smiled, absently letting his hand drift down from Cas’ hair to rest on his angel’s back again. “I hope you don’t either, Cas. You sound miserable.” They sat together quietly for a while, the only sounds occasional coughs or sniffles from Cas. And sneezes.

“I… ehhh… HeehhChehhh! Cheyshh! I ahhh… AhhChysShH! I ab biserable, Dean. I wahh… AaahhhtChiesshHiewW! I wantd this to… to stopb.”

The minutes ticked by, and Cas didn’t stop sneezing. He slowed down, sure, only letting out two or three sneezes every so often, but he didn’t actually stop. Something occurred to Dean, and he reluctantly broke the companionable quiet. “Hey, there might be some dust or whatever on your clothes, so you should probably take off your coat, just to make sure that crap doesn’t keep bugging you. We’ll get your stuff cleaned.”

Cas made a quiet unhappy sound, but sat up after a minute. His movements were unusally sluggish and clumsy, which Dean chalked up to his angel being tired, so he helped Cas take off his trenchcoat and suitjacket. Dean thought that would be it, but Cas loosened his tie and took it off, then started unbuttoning his shirt. “Whoa, you… don’t you wanna keep that on?”

Cas blinked owlishly at him. “I believe the dust settled on my… hehhh…HeehhtChehhh!” shirt as well.”

“Umm…” Dean closed his eyes, taking a moment to process the fact that Cas was undressing. Sure, there were good reasons for it, but it was still something of a surprise. “Okay. That makes sense. D’you, uh… do you want a hand?”

Cas shook himself slightly. “Yes, I… thank you.” Cas had finished unbuttoning his shirt by then, and Dean saw that he was wearing a white undershirt. Dean leaned around until he was sort of behind the angel and then gently tugged at the shirt until it slid off of Cas’ arms. Once the shirt was off, Dean bundled it up with the other clothes and stuffed them all into a plastic shopping bag which had been lying around. Then he put the bag by the steps into the library, wanting to make sure it was as far away from Cas as he could get it without leaving the room.

When he got back to the couch, Cas had lain back down and was snuffling into his tissues.

“Hey, lemme just…” Dean bent down and started untying the laces of Cas’ shoes. Once that was done, he put the shoes aside and reclaimed his seat. He shrugged at Cas’ questioning look, “I always relax better with my shoes off.”

Cas nodded and returned to his previous position, pillowing his head on Dean’s chest. “Thank you, Dean. That is very considerate.”

In lieu of saying ‘you’re welcome’, Dean patted his shoulder. “You just get comfy, buddy.” He had no idea whether Cas needed it or not, but he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over the angel. Then, almost on auto-pilot, he wrapped his left arm around Cas’ shoulders. “Just rest, and it'll be ok.”

Cas hitched the blanket up slightly and then draped his left arm across Dean’s lap, apparently settling in to rest for the foreseeable future.



“This is ndice.”

Dean smiled, hugging Cas closer for a moment and then propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Yeah, it sure is.”

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  • 1 year later...

Well this is extremely late, but I’d like to say that I loved this story as well as the extra addition!💗

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