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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Catching sneezes, Legend of Zelda oneshot


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wellllll...im backk ^0^

this story started out as a plan for a drabble, but as i started writing it i kept going back and editing and editing and suddenly it became a full length story so i thought i'd post it here instead xD

i'm quite proud of this one, but i think that's mainly because it got very indulgy on my part xD it made me very happy to write it ^0^

i won't keep you, so here you go!

“Groooooooose!!!!” Link shouted as loudly as he could, but his voice was too easily drowned out by the roaring sound of the waterfall that was crashing down on him, “That’s enough, let me, Ha…Hatchoo! Let me down!” The water dripped and drummed against Link’s sensitive nose and the repetitive pressure tickled him until he gave into a load sneeze.

“Heh, that’ll teach you not to be so smug, just because my Zelda is kind enough to talk to you!” Groose laughed thickly and folded his arms across his chest, Cawlin and Strich did the same. Link shivered miserably as the cold, heavy water rained down on his head. His arms and legs had been tied tightly to some vines that were growing just behind the waterfall by the aforementioned Groose and he had been hanging there for over an hour already. His clothes were soaked through with water and his skin had turned pale with the cold.

“Groose…Hektchu!…let me go please…Ktshu!…I’m freezing!” Link could barely speak as his teeth were chattering so strongly, but Groose just laughed in response.

“Hmph, maybe I will if you beg me,” he sneered, Link knew full well that he didn’t mean it.

“OII!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING TO LINK!!!!” Zelda screamed furiously as she appeared seemingly out of nowhere and ran towards Groose and the others. Terrified, they quickly ran off in the other direction. The still un-awakened goddess stared at them angrily for a moment as though she was going to chase after them, then the sound of Link’s desperate sneezes brought her attention back to the still soaking wet hero.

“Hektchu! Ktch! Etchuu!”

“Link!” She quickly ran into the waterfall herself and untied him, too tired to support himself, Link slumped exhaustedly into her shoulder, “Link, are you ok?” She quickly dragged him out from under the water and sat him down on the grass with his head on her shoulder. He mumbled a few words that she couldn’t quite make out, then she felt his cold nose start to twitch against her shoulder.

“Hehh…heehh…HehHekshoo!” Link sniffled wetly and sighed with relief, then his whole body tensed up with embarrassment.

“Ohh, I’m sorry, Zelda! Did I gross you out?” He murmured shyly, but Zelda didn’t answer, she only pulled him closer to her chest and put her warm hands on his back.

“Poor Link, you’re really cold, aren’t you?” The tired hero sighed and relaxed into her shoulder, his cold sensitive nose was still tickling badly and his chest trembled softly with each quiet hitching breath he made, “it’s ok, don’t hold them in and suffer, just let it out.” Link blushed to the tip of his pointed ears, but he didn’t listen to her, his breath just kept hitching madly and his nose squirmed as he tried desperately not to sneeze.

“Hehh…Ihhhh…Zehhh ehhh lda Ahhh…” Zelda sighed.

“There really is no helping you, is there, Link can be so stubborn!” She gently lifted his head up off her shoulder, smiling doting at the cute expression on his face, his eyes lidded and watery and his pink nose scrunched up as though it was tickling him. Without saying a word, Zelda reached out and gently grazed the nail of her index finger against the underside of his flaring nostrils, lightly scratching at the sensitive skin. Link bristled slightly as the tickling sensation flared at Zelda’s touch but he didn’t let go, taking slow deep breaths to try and get himself back under control. She frowned at his resistance and started to rub the knuckle of her index finger against his septum, it tickled more than Link had expected and he nearly sneezed out of sheer surprise but he managed to hold it back again, though this time his expression betrayed the severity of his need. His watery eyes were now streaming tears down his cheeks and his nose squirmed so desperately that

He couldn’t bear to keep it still for even a second or else he would lose it. Zelda grinned as she saw his self control slipping away and she started to trace her fingers all over his nose, tapping at the bridge lightly and massaging the extra sensitive tip, but still nothing. Link hovered in preesneeze torture, his entire body was willing him to sneeze and he knew that he couldn’t hold it in for much longer, his tickling nose had reached its breaking point and now even the slightest touch would send him over the edge. But still he held back with everything he had. Zelda scowled as he resisted her best attempts to make him let go, but she wasn’t going to give up. She dug into her pocket and pulled out a single loftwing feather that she carried around with her for good luck, and grinning devilishly she inserted it into Link’s left nostril, swishing it around slowly and scratching it against the sensitive inner walls of his nose. The unbearable, overwhelming tickling sensation it caused was too much, Link continued to battle in vain against the building sneeze for a moment, but then his face contorted and as though he couldn’t take it any longer he snapped forward, releasing a fit of itchy, satisfying sneezes into Zelda’s chest.

“Hehh…heh heh hehhhhHeKshu! Kshu! Katchoo! Bwatchoo! Hehhh Ehhhh Ektchuu! Kshu KshuKshuKshu!! HehhHeAkshuu!!” He sat up slowly, the expression on his face a mixture of embarrassment and sheer pleasure at the relief of being released for the torturous tickle. “Zeldaaa! I’m sorry, I…ugh, I don’t even care, that felt amazingggggg <3!” He grinned childishly, his unbearably sensitive nose was still tickling like mad and, he rubbed his nose experimentally, “Iktchu!” even the slightest touch triggered another sneeze.

“Heehee, bless you Link, you big silly, you should have just let them out like I told you,” Zelda laughed at her childhood friend and blushed slightly, “doesn’t that feel better now?”

“I know, Kshu! but I didn’t, Kshu! want to, Kshu! sneeze on you, Kshu!” Zelda rhythmically tapped on the bridge of his nose as he spoke, and between each tap his head bobbed forward with a quiet sneeze into his cupped hands, “Oii, Kshu! Stop doing tha- Kshu! That! You’re making me, HahHatshew!” He sniffled wetly and tried to rub at his nose, but he couldn’t even do that without triggering an even more desperate sounding sneeze.

Zelda smiled and pulled him into a warm hug, cradling his still cold and shivering body against her own. Link sighed and let all his pent up frustration drain away.

He whined, burying his itchy nose into her shoulder and sighing with relief when the pressure elicited another tired sneeze, “Kshoo! But…I guess if you’re ok with it, then this is kind of comforting. Letting me sneeze on you, that is, it feels good knowing that Zelda will protect me like that. I feel safe when Zelda catches my sneezes for me.”

“Of course I’m ok with it, Link is my best friend, I don‘t mind being a tissue for Link if you really need it,” she gently patted his head, then lifted him up slightly so that he was facing her again, “we’ve done a lot weirder things over the years! Tell you what, I‘ll make sure I‘m always around to catch your sneezes for you!”

Link grinned and his eyes watered as though he was going to cry.

“Thanks Zelda,” he sighed happily, his eyes starting to close as though he was falling asleep.

Zelda smiled and lovingly kissed the tip of his nose.

“HATCHOO!” Link sneezed explosively, right in Zelda’s face. He blinked, his eyes wide with terror, then he started to apologise profusely, “oh my god, Zelda I’m so sorry, it came on so quickly I didn’t have the chance to cover!”

The soon to be goddess looked surprised for a moment, then she started to laugh, Link rubbed his index finger gently under his tickling nose and smiled shyly, “Oops…”

why is it i always come back round to feathers in the end xD oh well, a chilly Link is a cute Link in my pov xD

<3 now if only i could find me a real boy to play with take care of like this ^0^

Edited by Animania
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WHOA, damn, that was incredibly hot. Thanks for writing and I look forward to your next!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Keep going! Make something else up, this is amazing! I love his small sneezes

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not even part of this fandom, but I still really love this! It's stories like this that influenced my own writings. I didn't even realize it was an older one, but I don't care. It's still fabulous!

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I'm not even part of this fandom, but I still really love this! It's stories like this that influenced my own writings. I didn't even realize it was an older one, but I don't care. It's still fabulous!


OMG!!! REALLY??? OMG OMG! im so glad to hear that! im like trying to be an actual author so saying that my fics can influence you makes me really happy ^o^ omg omg you made my day!!

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