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Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball


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Okay this is my first fanfic, so yeah. here we go:)

Prince Gumball's POV

Marshall moaned in Gumball's general direction, followed by a long fit of sneezes. "Hech'ew! heh-Ha- Hechiew!" Gumball glanced at him sympathetically, as he blew is red-tinged nose. "I'm sorry, Marshy, but how was i supposed to know you'd get sick? Besides, its nothing that some chicken soup can't cure." Marshall moaned dramatically and and rolled onto his side with a sniffle. "Will you heh- haaa- bake somb soup for- hech-ew! be, Gumball?" he said. " Of course, dummy, i'ill get something for your fever too. It might take a while though" Gumball repiled. Marshall grunted, took a tissue and blew his nose.


"Yes, Marshall?"

"By throat hurts."

"Do you want a cough drop?"



"yes Marshall?"

" i have a headache."

"would you like me to dim the lights?"



"Yes, Marshall?"

" i'b too hot."

"then take a blanket off."


"What, Marshall?"

"Now I'b too cold."

"then put the blanket back on then."

"......now i'b too hot again."

"then take it off again."

"But it's so much work!"


"Is soup ready?"



"No marshall."

*after minutes of doing this*


"What, Marshall."

"Do you have a crush on Fionna?"


"just asking."

After Gumball made the soup (and marshall ate it) He drifted over to the heap of pillows and blankets and fell asleep. the Prince to the candy kingdom silently listened to Marshall's nearly non-existent snores, sleeping soundly with the occaisional "hech'ew!" and sniffs. Prince gumball walked over to the giant heap where Marshall was sleeping and pressed a cool hand to Marshall's forehead. "Hmm... His fever has gone down a bit..." whispered. Prince gumball was overtaken by the sudden urge to kiss him, even though Marshall was sick, and everybody knew what a germaphobe he was. He'd had a crush on Marshall for a long time now, but he knew Marshall would probably, no, certainly, look at him like some kind of freak, but still... The Prince leaned down, not doing anything, just studying his face for a while. Marshall was even cuter up close, especially with his face squished up to the pillow. Gumball kissed Marshall's cheek, the kiss only lasting for a split second, but it was sweet.

Okay, updates if you guys want them, if you do, i promise more good stuff will happen and sorry im no good at writing fics :(

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You are good :) don't doubt yourself. Your writing is souh cute ! :) we do need more GumballxMarshall fics .. We are lacking of them. I would definitely read other parts :) *get Gummy sick too. Contagion contagion * . Marshall is my favorite :) two sick guys would be great. Okay cx

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Okay so heres an update:)

Gumball stood up and started blushing. Since Marshall was still asleep, he did a couple of science experiments, and got peppermint maid go out and get some cold medicine for Marshall. After and experiment gone wrong (Lemongrab) and peppermint maid returning with medicine, Marshall woke up. "Gummy... hih-heh-hexngt! Why are you- heh-hexngt! Why's everything moving?" Gumball immediatly looked up at the mention of his nickname and blushed. Them upon hearing the other words that flew out of Marshall's mouth, he went over to the heap of pillows and took a thermomerter. "Say aahh." He commanded. The heir to the nightoshpere obeyed. The prince stuck the thermometer in his mouth and blushed. "Gummy?" Marshall asked. " Yes Marshall?" "Are you thinking of Fionna?" "WHAT!" "nothing." They then sat there awkwardly untill the thermometer beeped. " 102.2 Marshall, you need to stay in bed untill you're better. Understand?" "Yes mom." Marshall said sarcastically.


"yes Marshall?"

"can we- hih-heh-HEXXNNGT! ...wa- hih..watch a heh-... movie? EKTSHXXNGT!"

Prince Gumball suddenly became highly facsinated with Marshall's sneezes, how his breath would hitch, how his eyes would water, and how his nose would twitch before Marshall gave out a painful sounding stifle.


"Oh, yes, of course Marshall."

Prince Gumball asked BMO (idk how BMO got there, it just.. happenned i guess..lol) to play a movie, and the two of them sat together on the couch, very awkwardly while watching the movie.


" Yes Marshall?"

" You like Fionna, don't you?"

The prince became very irritated with Marshall.


The vampire king's eyes widened at the prince's sudden outburst and the sat further apart. Prince Gumball felt something brush his shoulder and looked over to see Marshall, snuggled up beside him with a blanket. The Prince blushed and looked away. He then looked down to find a head pf messy tangled black hair in his lap.

"I'm glad you don't-heh-hih... like...-Hexxnnggtt! Fionna." Marshall whispered softly.

"Why, Marshy?"

The Vampire King looked away, but not before Prince Gumball could see the light blush and the tears rolling down his face. "Marshall... look at me..." The prince said. He put a warm hand on Marshall's shoulder, but Marshall shook it off and said, "You wouldn't understand." Prince Gumball put a hand on Marshall's shoulder again and turned him around. The prince wiped away Marshall's tears, and noticed that he was blushing, hard. "Tell me." Gumball coaxed. "Marshall.... c'mon... you can tell me..." "It's cause i like you." Marshall said that so quietly that The Prince didn't hear. "Marshy? i didn't quite get that..." "it's- hetcnxxt! cause i- heh-hih.. i..-Hexxnngt! Cause i li-hih-haa-.. like you." Gumball looked at him in shock, but not the kind of shock Marshall thought of. "imsosorryandyouprobablyneverwannaseemeagainandimsososorry" Marshall said in one breath, making him cough. Tears were threatening to spill over his long eyelashes now, but out of nowhere Prince Gumball kissed him on the lips, softly, but surely. Marshall's eyes widened in suprise, and then kissed him back.

"I like you too, Marshy."

Okay okay no contagion yet but in the next update there will be! and i had a headache so i couldn't think up of anything good to write... sorry X(

(P.S. Who do u guys think you would be from Adveture time? Personnally i think i would be Marceline... i even look like her... lol Bai)

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Yay an Adventure Time fic! I love the show globs and globs and I always figured these would be kawaii together.

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I think I would be Marceline. I'm sarcastic and I think she's a lesbian like me (sorta I'm bi okay she's bi) bi like me and she plays guitar and so do I and I have a freaking girl crush on her okay ^//^

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I don't know who I would be like aha... Marshal Lee probly . he's kick asss.

OH YES I SHIP THEM SO MUCH <3 GummyxMarshy love <3

Yeees do continue



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I think I would be Marceline. I'm sarcastic and I think she's a lesbian like me (sorta I'm bi okay she's bi) bi like me and she plays guitar and so do I and I have a freaking girl crush on her okay ^//^

lulz omgez same here (girl crushes are freaking awesome (>^ - ^)># *gives yu waffle for being awesome*
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okay after this i probly won't update this until saturday (mah parents aren't home on weekends)

After the surprise kiss from Gummy, Marshall and Gumball just snuggled together on the couch, forgeting about the movie, and kissing eachother every now and then, until Marshy had to sneeze and stiffle. "Marshy... you've gotta let them out, sweetie, i know it hurts." Marshall just shook his head. The prince held onto both of the vampire king's hands firmly so that he couldn't stifle. "Gu-heh...hih-... Gummy... let g-ah..-heh... go..." "sorry Marshy. Only if you promise not to stifle!" The vampire's pink nose was twitching and running, and his eyes were watering from the effort of keeping the sneeze in. "pl- heh..-hih... please, Gum-" The Prince of the candy kingdom was now running a fingernail under Marshall's sensitive nose, and the vampire's eyes were now streaming. it had immediate effect. Marshall just had a sneezeing fit... "HECH'EW!! HEH-HETCHIEW! EKTSCHEW! HECH'EW!" ... right in Prince Gumball's face. Marshall wiped away the spray with his sleeve, thinking that Gumball would change his mind about him. "oh Gummy.. i'b so sorry..." The prince, however, smiled. "it's Okay marshy.. " he said while blushing. "You enjoyed that didn't you?" Marshall said with a smirk. Prince Gumball blushed bright red, and suddenly became intrested in the floor. Marshall smirked. "Oh it's okay Gummy, now i know how to make you want me even more.."Marshall said with an evil smirk on his face. "HECH'EW! HECHIEW! EKCTSHOO!" Marshall sniffled. " How did you like that one, Gummy?" Prince Gumball was blushing bright red, but he smiled. "Can you cuddle with be?" Marshall asked, with an innocent look on his face. "Follow me, Marshy." The Prince led Marshall to a king-sized pink bed. When hey both got in, Marshall snuggled right up to Gumballs chest and fell sound asleep, with the occasional cough, sniffle and sneeze.

*TimeSkip to the next day*

Gumball woke up to find himself sprawled casually against someone's bare chest. He gasped. Marshall looked down at him and played with his pink hair. "Hey Gummy." He said, his voice still hoarse. "Hi Marshall." Gumball stopped at that, feeling some congestion creeping up into his voice. The two cuddled in bed for a while, then Prince Gumball crept out of bed. And that, was not a good idea. The whole room was spinning, so he immediatly sat back on the bed, and he rubbed his forehead, brushing it off to be a headache. "Gummy? you okay?" Marshall stared at him. "Yeah i'm fine!" Gumball tried to act happy, but now there were two Marshall Lee s instead of one. "Hetchew!" The Prince sneezed, as if to prove himself wrong. "Gummy?" Marshall floated over to the Prince in nothing but boxer shorts, that made him blush. The heir to the nightosphere Pressed a hand that felt strangely cool. The last he checked, Marshall had felt unnaturally hot. "Gummy... do you feel really dizzy, like everything is wobbly and your legs are bade out of jello? The Prince barely heard him, but then nodded. "Oh Gummy... I'b so sorry! i was the one who got you sick!" Marshall Lee looked horrified, but Gumball said, "s'okay,Marshy.." He murmured. Marshall floated next to him, and picked him up, bridal style, off the ground. "Hetchiew! Etcsheew!" Prince Gumball sneezed into Marshall's bare chest. He realized what he had done, but Marshall looked at him knowingly and massaged his forehead with his cool fingers and played with his hair, muffling a cough now and then. Marshall grabbed the thermometer and stuck it in Prince Gumball's nouth. when he took it out, it said, "104.2. not good, Gummy. Marshall took a tissue and wiped Gumball's runny nose. "Blow." Marshall commanded. The Prince obeyed, when he was done, Marshall threw he tissue at the trash can, not really caring if it had made it in or not. Marshall began to float out of bed and get some medicine for Gumball, when a hand caught his wrist. "Stay with me, Marshy." "HECH'EW! HEH- HEXXNNGTT!!" Marshall blew his sore and chapped nose. The Prince was blushing and smiling. "Gummy im gonna get some thing to lower your fever, sugarplum." Gumball nodded. Marshall came back with a bowl of water and a cloth. He didn't care how he was feeling, even if he was sweaty and dizzy and snotty, he needed Gummy to get better. Marshall dipped the cloth into the cool bowl of water, and laid it delicately on the Prince's forehead. The cloth grew warm with the prince's body heat, so he re-dipped the cloth back into the cool water. Then he found some headphones that were lying around, and started to listen to some of his favourite bands. (Pierce the veil, Bring me the horizon, Black veil brides, & My Chemical Romance) Prince Gumball quickly fell asleep to Marshall aimlesly tracing his fingers along his back. Marshall watched Gumball in his sleep, his head in Marshall's lap, sneezing and making wet marks on Marshall's pants. "Hech'ew! Ekctcheiw!" Marshall smiled and kissed hid forehead.

P.S. who else is sad that Fake your death is gunna be the last MCR song? :( sorry this part wasn't so good, and there wasn't alot of sneezing. i promise there will be more when i get to the next part on saturday:(

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I like all those bands.. *raises hand* I am sad about the last mcr song.. Gosh this fic though really cute<3

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry guys i haven't updated in a while, but:

When Marshall woke up he was hungry. He was feeling a bit better though. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on a mass of messy pink hair on his chest. Marshall smiled. He gently moved off the bed, making sure not to wake his gummybear, and scanned the room for anything red. "i guess pink is a shade of red," he grumbled, not happy with the compromise. When he was done his snack, a quarter of the Prince's pink things were massacred.

Gumball's POV

The young Prince woke up feeling the loss of warmth. He looked around and saw that things seemed out of place. "Boo." Gumball shrieked and spun his head around, which left him feeling dizzy, making him hold a hand to his forehead. "Gummybear, its only me." a familiar chuckle. "Scaredy-cat." Gumball half wanted to slap the black-haired vampire, and the other part of him wanted to kiss him as hard as he could. "Hech'ew!" he sneezed. "Bless you." Marshall said, and handed him a tissue. "Marshy!" Gumball smiled, but then was interrupted by a wave of nausea causing him to clutch his forehead. The Prince felt a cool hand slide onto his forehead and massage it a little. "Gummy... open wide." The Prince shook his head childishly. Marshall frowned. he really didn't like small children, and didn't really know what to do with them, or if a teenage prince was throwing a child-like tantrum. "he-.. haaah-" Gumball's breath hitched, giving Marshall the perfect oppurtunity to stick the thermometer into his mouth. "103.2. better than last time, but still bad." "Hexxngtt! hech'ew!" The young prince soon felt a tissue being pressed to his streaming nose. "blow." "Marshy, i can do it byself, and this is probably grossing you out." A snort, and then a chuckle. "Everything about you is perfect, Gummybear. Now blow if you ever want to cuddle with me again." Marshall smirked at the threat, even though it wasn't his best of them, he knew Gummy would obey. As he predicted, The Prince blew his nose, and Marshall threw it at the trash which was flowing with tissues. "Hech'ew! Heh- hih-..." Marshall smirked with the effort of keeping the sneeze in. "Pay-back, my Gummybear." "Marsh-marshall... n-no.. heih- haaah-..." The young Prince's eyes were squinting, watering. His nose was streaming, and his hands were fanning his face. The young vampire smirked, took a tissue and rolled up the corner, and stuck it up the prince's nose. Marshall twirled it around, trying to trigger a reaction. Nothing, except gumball's eyes were narrowed up to the tiniest slits, and tears were running down his cheeks. Marshall signed. He floated over to the kitchen downstairs, and found a packet of pepper. When he floated upstairs again, The prince was fanning his face, trying to keep it in. "Pay-back, Gummy." He took the tissue, poured pepper all over it, and swished it around the prince's flaring nostril. "HECH'EW! HATTCHIEEWW! HEXXNNGGNT! EKCTCSHEEW! HITCHOO! HECH'EW! HEXXNGT!" When Gumball was done sneezing, he lifted his head and placed a hand over his nose which was streaming. Marshall handed him a tissue and smirked. " Thats your pay-back. were even now."


"Yeah, Gummy?"


Marshall blushed.


"Yea, Gummybear?"

"Three words."



"Hey, Marshall Lee?"

"That's two."

After a while of guessing, The Young Prince finally spoke.

"Give up?"


" I Love You."

okay, updates if you want, i guess... yeah. Bai :)

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I now. Ship them. Like what. This is perfection.

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I've always shipped them a little like a lot~.

They are perf together.


can they just get together already

Like yeh this is so cute<3

Continue :)

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okay erm... im not gonna continue this fic cause i felt that it was just better to leave it as it was in my last continuation, so sorry for those who wanted a continuation... yeah.. but i guess if you guys want me to write another sicfic about MarshyxGummy, just feel free to ask, although im sortof out of ideas, so you're gonna have to give me some insperation. sorry though.


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  • 3 years later...

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