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Playtime, Legend of Zelda oneshot


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helllooooooo guys!! <3 i did a Legend of Zelda skyward sword fic, i got the idea for this after talking to Not_Telling about drabbles, and needing to use Link and Ghirahim in some kinda situation together xD so i ended up doing this, hope you guys like it! :D

Link walked slowly up the cold stone steps into the dungeon arena and looked around, he had both hands clasped tightly around his master sword and he was sweating nervously, but his courage didn’t fail him. This time the dungeon room was small and circular, unlike any others he had been to in the past, not much room to run around, Link thought with a sigh, hopefully he wouldn’t need to. He walked slowly into the centre of the room and braced himself, but no demonic creature or the like rose out of the ground to attack him. He circled it slowly with a confused look on his face, expecting something to happen after a moment or too, but the minutes ticked by and still nothing. No matter how many times he examined it, the room was surely as empty as it had been when he first arrived, and Link turned back to the stairs to go back, then he heard a weird electronic noise from behind him and spun round as quickly as he could.

“Ghirahim!” He cried with a strangled voice as a series of vines grew up from the floor and wrapped around his legs, lifting him off his feet, he squirmed violently and tried to get away, dropping the master sword as he did. The silver skinned demon in front of him picked it up with an evil smile.

“Ahhh, look who it is, it’s the sky brat again,” he smiled as the vines wrapped around Link’s arms and pinned them back, “this is a little unscheduled meeting for us, you see, all this searching for the spirit maiden has left me feeling quite frustrated, and since your usually lurking somewhere nearby I thought I’d come and take my stress out on you for a while.” Ghirahim smirked and conjured a long feather into his hand, Link frowned as he stared down at his enemy. Slowly, he pushed the feather into Link’s right nostril and swished it around gently, the hero breathed in sharply, surprised by the tickling sensation.

“What are yuhhhh…hehh… trying to do?” He tried to ask, his voice faltering slightly as the tickle spread up into the back of his sinuses, Ghirahim grinned at his reaction and wiggled the feather around faster.

“Ahhhh, how delightful you are when your weaknesses are all on display for me to see,” he grinned devilishly as Link’s eyes started to water and his breath hitched.

“Hehh…Hihhh Hiktchu! Ktshu!” Link snapped forward, trying to sneeze out the itchy feather that was invading his nose, but it was no use, as soon as he’d finished with one sneeze he was already gearing up for the next, the tickling sensation was relentless, “HiKtchu! Hatchii! Katchoo!…Hehhyyyy…Hektchu! Stop ihhhIktchu! Stop it ” Link scowled, trying to pull away but the vines kept him held too tightly, and each time he did manage to move his head the tiniest little bit, the itchy feather simply followed after him. The tip of the feather squirmed torturously against the walls of Links sensitive nose and he did everything he could to fight against the unbearable urge to sneeze for the sake of his pride alone, but he just couldn’t bear it. Ghirahim’s expression was one of sadistic pleasure as Link’s head started to tilt back again in a helpless response to his teasing.

“Puhh…HaahaaHaKshoo! Put me dohhhhwn…Ktchuu! Etchi!” Link’s eyelids fluttered shut with each explosion and his red nose twitched irritably from the ticklish stimulation. Ghirahim grinned as the defenceless hero pleaded with him to let him go, when the demon didn’t respond he tried to ask again, but by that time the tickle was so overwhelming that Link could barely breath, let alone speak. After what seemed like a lifetime, Ghirahim slowly pulled the feather out with a satisfied smile, but Link’s irritated nose kept sneezing away for quite some time afterwards.

“HuKtchu! Hektchoo! Ktsh! HaaHatchoo!!” He sniffled wetly to try and quell the tickling in his nose and it did help somewhat, his eyes were streaming with itchy tears and the moment the vines around his wrists were removed he rubbed them away before scratching furiously at his nose. “Wh-what was… Ktsh!…that all about!?”

Moments later Link was lowered to the floor and his legs were untied, he stood in a frozen stupor, staring at Ghirahim with shock and fear. Then his master sword was thrown at his feet.

“Ahhh, that was a good remedy for my stress. You’re becoming quite a fun toy for me and I don’t want to see you die just yet, so just this one time I‘ll let you go now I‘ve had my fun.” Ghirahim said with a smile as Link bent down to retrieve his sword, still looking red faced and sniffly. He straightened up slowly, then dug a tissue out of his pocket and blew his nose, not daring to look the grinning demon in the eye. when he noticed that Ghirahim was watching him intently, he quickly swiped under his nose with the tissue and scowled.

“I guess I should be getting off now then, back to…” he paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. Link looked up, and then as he recognised what was happening he started to watch with an amused smile on his face. Ghirahim’s slender nose twitched delicately and his eyelids fluttered, then-

“HeKtchu!” He sneezed quietly into his cupped hands, bending forward at his waist, then he stood back up, blushing with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. Link tried to stop himself from laughing.

“B-Bless you!” Ghirahim scowled and clicked his tongue in frustration, then disappeared in a flurry of yellow and black diamonds.

muuuu i hope you like this!!! i love Ghirahim and Link so i think this worked out well! <3

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Aww, this is precious! I love feather-inducing! <3

Well done~!

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Oh gosh ;o . Link sneezy goodness <3 oh my dreams have been written. Feather sneezes and link . And oh an embaressed demon as well?. You're some sort of superhero writter cx Ahah.

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hehehe superhero (blushes)

i think it would be awesome to be known as word girl ^0^

Ahaha ;o that would be cool.

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You. Monster.


That. Was So. Sexy. :jawdrop:

Edited by Not_Telling
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