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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Rarity's Night Alone (Part 1)


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(I do not own any of the characters in this fic. This is my very first attempt at a sneeze-fic so I hope you enjoy and please take time to read the note at the bottom. This takes place in the Equestria Girls universe so the chars are human)

Rarity's Night Alone (Part 1) - Pepper

It was just a normal school day for Rarity and the rest of her friends in Canterlot High. Get up, get dressed, go to school, sit at a desk, then to top it off, wait in the parking lot for her younger sister to finally show up so she could drive them both home.

When the clock struck 2:30, the bell for sixth period rang and everyone was set loose to go on home for the day. Rarity had chatted with Fluttershy on the way to the parking lot about their weekend plans but they had to stop once Fluttershy got to her Vespa and rode off leaving Rarity to wait for Sweetie Belle in her car. A few minutes passed and she came walking out into view with Applebloom and Scootaloo beside her. Rarity unlocked the door to her car and Sweetie Belle opened it up.

"Come on, Sweetie Belle. Hop in. I've got loads of homework to get done." She said from the driver's seat.

"Actually Rarity," Sweetie Belle didn't fully get inside yet. "I was wondering if it would be okay if I slept over at Scootaloo's tonight."

"Out of the question. It's a school night." Rarity answered back. "I don't want you staying up all night and falling asleep in class. Again."

"Oh come on, Rarity. Please? Applebloom is going." Sweetie Belle begged.

Rarity wouldn't have it.

"Then I'll have to talk to Applejack about this because I know for a fact that Scootaloo's parents are going to be attending a house party tonight meaning you three could do who knows what while they're gone. Besides, not only that but Mother and Father would punish me severely if I let you go. What would I say to them if I came home without you?"

"Um....they wouldn't say anything. They went out of town today remember?" Sweetie Belle replied.

"Well that's.....wait." Rarity suddenly had a moment of realization. "When did they say they would be back?"

"Not for a few nights." Her younger sister answered.

This was a rare opportunity for Rarity. Her parents were out of town so she was left to watch over her sister. But if she let Sweetie Belle stay over at Scootaloo's tonight then she would have the house....

....all to herself.

"You can go." She quickly said as she started up her car.

Sweetie Belle was about to say something back but she stopped once she heard what Rarity had said.

"Wait I can? But you just said-"

"Forget what I said. Just don't tell Mother and Father and you'll be fine."

She didn't even give Sweetie Belle a chance to respond back to her. She put the car and gear and peeled out heading for her house leaving Sweetie Belle there totally confused.

"Wonder what got her so worked up." She said.

"Who cares? All that matters is you can come!" Scootaloo replied.

Sweetie Belle shrugged. What her friend said was true. Scootaloo's house wasn't too far away from the school so the three of them could walk there no problem and Scootaloo had a key to get in.

Meanwhile, Rarity was so desperate to get home as quickly as possible she would have been pulled over countless times had there been cops in her vicinity. To her luck though, there were not and she reached her house in nearly record time. She parked her car on the curb and ran inside locking the front door behind her. Just to make sure what Sweetie Belle said was true, she checked every room in the house for signs of life. There were none aside from her pet cat, Opal. And just for even more confirmation, there was a note on the kitchen counter that read, "Won't be back until Sunday. Mine and Dad's anniversary getaway. There's money for pizza attached to the fridge. Love, Mom."

She smiled so wide her face was starting to hurt. She had the whole house to herself tonight meaning she could do anything she wanted. And she knew exactly what she wanted to do. She bolted up to her bedroom and locked herself inside.

What she was about to do was going to include her body moving violently so she decided to get herself more comfortable. She sat on her bed and took off her shoes and socks letting her feet free. She set her legs down letting her soles get slightly tickled by her bedroom carpet. She wiggled her toes always enjoying the sensation.

After her feet were free, she let her torso and waist feel the same thing as well. Her shirt came off and then her skirt was soon to follow. The only thing keeping herself from full on nudity was her skimpy black bra and thong. Then she reached under her bed and pulled out a sack.

In this sack was a variety of items including a pepper shaker, some freshly cut flowers, some very strong perfume and cologne, and two feathers. One was bright pink and clean. The other was taken off from the old never before cleaned feather duster.

She set all of these items down in a row on the nightstand next to her bed alongside a box of tissues and contemplated which one to use first. She decided on the pepper shaker. Taking it her hand, she laid down on her bed with her head on the pillow looking up to the ceiling. She brought the pepper shake up to her face and began to lightly wiggle it making some of the spice sprinkle down to her. Her aim was spot on and the black particles landed in front and on her nose. Seeing it, she took a sharp breath in through her nostrils sucking it inside. Not even a second past by before a burning sensation over came both her nostrils.

"Ohh..ah." she gasped upon feeling it.

She rubbed the underside of her nose like it irritated her but the truth was she loved every bit of it. Even more so she loved the part that came next. The tickle. It started out small but it only took one spark to start a fire. All it need was some air. And a lot of it was involuntarily entering her nose as her jaw went slack.

"Heeeehhh....haaaah...ahh-AH!...ahh.." Her finger kept on rubbing her nose trying to keep it back for as long as she could. To up the ante, she brought the pepper back and shook quite a bit more onto her face torturing her nose more with the condiment. Her nose wiggled, her nostrils flared, even her toes curled knowing how intense this first sneeze was going to be. She kept her finger there for a few more seconds and shook the shaker one more time. By this point the entire inside of her poor nose was lined with the stuff. With every breath she took building up more, her chest rose up and lowered in sync with her breathing.

"Huhhh...I...ha...hav...tahhh...have to ahhh....sne-sna..sneeze...AHHH!"

One last breath through her nostrils was all it took for the pepper to find the detonation spot in her nasal cavity. Once found...


Her whole upper body bent inward making her sit up straight from the force of that one sneeze. The air expelled from her nostrils carried with it two small black clouds of the pepper irritating it. But that wasn't all of it. There was still quite a bit still stuck to the walls of her nose. One sneeze wasn't going to be enough to do the job and it made Rarity smile only internally because externally, she was still drawing more air into her lungs.

"Eeeeeehhh....h'tchew! Hutchoo! Choo! HehCHOO! Aiichoo! Chooie! Hah...ahhh...AHHHCHOOOOO!"

That last sneeze made her double over so far her hair flipped in front of her face. Once she flipped it back in place, she ran her hands over her face to get rid of the moisture running from her eyes. Her makeup wasn't too badly damaged but in this case she never really cared. What she had just done put her into a total state of euphoria.

Not even Rarity herself knew why she had enjoyed it. All she knew is that she did and that was all that mattered to her. It was one summer vacation back when she was in middle school and the pollen count was extremely high. And she had decided to go on a picnic with her friends out in the fields. That's when it happened. Her first nonstop sneezing fit that lasted a good five minutes until she stopped. Maybe it was the tickly sensation in her nostrils, perhaps it could of been how teasing it felt to have some sneezes stuck, or maybe it was the air rushing out of her nose upon expulsion. Either way, from that point on Rarity had developed a love for making herself sneeze and experimenting on how differently she sneezed when exposed to different inducing tools.

She was only able to perform this little act on herself when nobody else was around. She couldn't even begin to imagine what would her family or friends would think of they found out.

Shoving those thoughts out of her head, Rarity placed the pepper shaker back with its fellow inducing tools and Rarity grabbed a tissue to blow her nose a few times.


Out of nowhere she sneezed into her tissue and opened her eyes back up.

"How about that? There was still one more." She said smiling.

Looking at the tissue, she saw globs of her nasal mucous mixed with lots of black specks of pepper. Her nose was pretty much clear now. Now she had a decision before her. She looked back at her nightstand to view her inducing tools.

"Which of you is next?"

She had a whole night to herself of this and she did not plan to let up.

(And so ends part 1. There were be a part 2 but what tool she uses will be up to you. Those items on her nightstand. She has already used pepper. So that means the items still not used are the clean and dusty feathers, the flowers, and perfume and cologne. Which one do you want Rarity to use next?)

Edited by blurr001
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Lovely stuff! I don't really understand who all these characters are, but which of us has never checked out every room in the house before a really good inducing session.? Proper enthusiasm there from our heroine...

Oooh, can't decide between the perfume and the flowers.

Actually, I rather hope some of the other chars will be sneezily arriving at some point..............

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Yea I agree, Let's have the other characters here and use different things on all of them

like Pinkie's non cannon fur allergy :http://www.deviantart.com/art/Pinkie-Pie-s-Fur-Allergy-429433078

I'm sure you've seen this before

or we can, for example, make Rainbow Dash allergic to pollen and forcefully make her sneeze or something. :D

but all that asside, I'm also torn between perfume and flowers.

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Maybe later on in the story I'll add the other characters but for the next part its just Rarity. And seeing these comments makes it a tie between perfume and flowers right now.

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Alright. I did a tally of the votes from here and a fetish thread I'm part of and the results are:

Perfume/Colgone: 6

Flowers: 3

Dusty Feather: 4

Thanks to all who voted!

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Here's part 2 with perfume and cologne tools. Hope you enjoy*

With the pepper on a rest right now, Rarity was eager to get to the next item of her pleasure. Just looking at them made her now pink nose twitch with a small tingle. She still had the most pollen-filled flowers she could find, the clean pink feather from her fashion supplies, the dirty dust filled feather from her old duster, and a small assortment of different scented perfumes and colognes. She smiled at her little tools of arousal and pondered for a few minutes about which to use. She decided to put her scent sensitivity into overdrive. She chose the perfume and cologne.

For a girl like Rarity, one wouldn't think right off the bat that she was so sensitive to such a thing as perfume seeing as how she was accustomed to wearing it herself. The truth was she only wore low scale scents to not set herself off at school. She first discovered her allergy to the strong stuff when she was over at Fluttershy's house one day. She started sneezing herself silly after one tiny spray to her face. She had to get out of there because she was afraid she would out herself as a sneeze lover by asking Fluttershy to spray her again. Not only that, but a couple of dates she had gone on with a few guys from school also made her go off. She asked them exactly what scents they were wearing so she could secretly go pick them up herself for her own use.

Now she had them and she always had so much fun with them.

The underwear clad teenager decided to start simple. She grabbed one of the tiny bottles of perfume and viewed the label. It was from a new line from famous pop star Sapphire Shores. Always guaranteed to make a few sneezes rip out of her. She sat cross legged on her bed and pulled off the cap of the bottle, then she sprayed a few shots of the stuff onto the wrist of her other arm. The next thing she did was put the bottle down and bring the soaked wrist to her face and took in a small sniff of the scent.

The effect was slow but showing. Her nostrils flared as the aroma tingled the back of her nose causing a tickle to rise. And just as Rarity expected, she didn't even have time to put a finger to her nose before an onslaught of sneezes came out.

"Hixshhoo! Hisshoo! Choo! Isshoo! Eh..Esshoo! Eshoo!...ah.."

That was the effect perfume and cologne scents usually had on her. Rather than pepper which takes time to build up, perfume caused an immediate fit depending on how high the dosage was to her nose. The sneezes themselves weren't as strong and they were a little wetter.

Feeling the tickle die down a tad, she decided to add on. She took the cap off another bottle and sprayed a single shot onto her arm to mix in with the stuff already there. Then she exhaled all her breath out of her body and put her soaked arm to her nose. Finally Rarity's nostrils took in another whiff of the concoction.

Again, before even a second could pass by, the sneeze began to build up and it grew into what Rarity thought was going to be more than before. It kept tickling the back of her nose and gradually worked its way deeper until...

"Hisshoo! Isshoo!..ahh....ah...that was it?"

Only two sneezes that time. Rarity felt disappointed she only got that. Then she saw the problem. She had never mixed those two scents together by themselves before. So it wasn't determined how strong it would be. But she wanted more. Her nose was still tingling from the effect the pepper had on her and she wanted so much more.

She picked up one of the cologne bottles. She made sure it was the one she was most sensitive to and added it in with the two already on her arm. Then she picked up another one. Then another. And another. Before she knew it Rarity had mixed every one she had into a place on her arm and her nose was already tickly like the beginning of allergy season. She took the finger of her other hand and rubbed it all over where she had soaked her arm. Then she placed that index finger underneath her nostrils and inhaled harshly.

The mixture was proving to be strong immediately. Her nostrils flared as wide as they could and her eyes snapped shut. Her chest kept on pumping outwards then in stretching out the strap of her bra. And her poor nose had gone an even more intense shade of pink.


She kept that same finger right there under her nostrils rubbing away looking as if she was trying to coax the sneeze away. In reality she was just trying to tease herself more by holding it back. She knew there was no way out of this with all the scents in her nose working against her. So she wanted to make it good and strong.

"Uhh...huh....ahhh....t..this is...gahhh...gonna...be biiih...biihh...big...hah!"

From the looks and feel of it, she was going to achieve that feet as her gasps for air only became louder.

"Huuuuhhh! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!..........w-wah...what?!"

This was a new thing for Rarity's experience with perfumes and cologne. She was so freakin sure that all of them mixed together would get her going but it had become stuck. The major tickle was still there in her nose. But it just wouldn't go higher than it already was. She tried sniffing more, rubbing her nostrils, nothing.

So she looked at her perfume and cologne bottles. There was one other way to try and make those sneezes come out. She was desperate and sneezy tears were beginning to run down her face. She reached for one that had come from a fashion line Photo Finish had suggested to her. She took off the cap and held it up to her face.

"Fuh...false starts are only for...ah...feh..feathers..."

Her index finger pressed down on the spray once. That was all it took for Rarity's delicate nose to become soaked in the fragrant fluid. Tiny little droplets made their way up her nostrils covering the walls of her nasal cavities like paint. Her finger pressed up under nose firmly after she felt it but then...

"Eschoo! Ishoo! Ishoo! Choo! Choo! Chooie! Eh...eshoo! Achew! Eschew! Ishoo! Eshoo! Eh...heh!....EhCHOO!"

For about thirty to forty more seconds, she kept sneezing herself silly at about one to two sneezes a second. Her poor nose was running by this point and when the tickle finally quelled, Rarity had to take in a few breaths just to regain some of her energy so she wouldn't have to wait a while before moving on.

Considering it an excellent round, Rarity went for a tissue to blow her nose with but then cell phone rang. Always having a need to answer her phone whenever it rang, she grabbed a tissue and quickly just wiped the excess snot off her upper lip and around her nostrils. Then she leaned over and picked up her phone to see who it was on the other line. It was her mother and she immediately answered.

"Hello mother?....um yes I am home. *Sniffle*....Sweetie Belle? I am under the impression that she is doing her homework right now...Yes everything is fiih...fine..achoo!"

The tickle from the perfume was still not quite finished with her as it seemed. Her mother said bless you over the phone.

"Th-thank you, mother.....Oh it was just a tickle. I assure you it's gone now." She said as she brought a finger to her nose to rub it.

Which turned out to be a bad idea. The finger she used was the same one that still reeked of all the perfumes and colognes combined.

"Muh..mother...ah wah..one second...ah!"

She was lucky to put the phone face into a pillow before she started up again.

"Ashoo...ah..achoo! Heshoo! Ishoo! Heh..ah..ashoo! Ishoo!...ugh...."

Thankfully it was short. Almost making the mistake a second time, she swished her hand away and brought the phone back up to her.

"Sorry about that mother?...hm?...N-no! I'm not sick at all! No need for you and father to spoil your trip over a few sneezes. I assure you I am the peak of health. You and father just have a lovely trip and enjoy the time together.....okay...I'll make sure to bring in the mail, mother. Goodbye."

After she hung up, Rarity took in a huge sigh of relief and placed the phone down. Finally she was able to clean herself. First, she got up and let the carpet tickle the soles of her bare feet again as she walked to her bathroom and cleaned off her arm and finger in the sink ridding them of the ultra strong scent. Then she walked back to her bed and sat cross legged as she blew her nose quite a few times and tossed the used tissues into the wastebasket nearby.

The perfume bottles all got their caps back on and were placed back on the nightstand with Rarity's other tools. There was now a decision before her.

Which to use next? The duster feather, the clean feather, or the flowers? She was feeling lively today. She was even thinking about bringing the pepper back with one of the tools she hadn't used yet.

"My poor nose is so pink and tickly it couldn't possibly take much more." She said seductively to no one in particular as a smirk came across her face. "Or could it?"

She wiggled her nose as she pondered her decision.

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Actually, I rather hope some of the other chars will be sneezily arriving at some point..............

Right now I am debating the idea and it will most likely happen. But it won't happen in the next part. So here's an idea. All of you read part 2. Then vote on the next inducing method for part three. Then right next to that, vote for which character you would like to have come over and discover Rarity. Main and background characters are acceptable. No males please. Not ready to try them yet. Thank you for your time. :)

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Flowers: 9

Dust: 5

Pepper mixed with another: 1

Feather: 1

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand flowers takes the win this time. Rarity's nose is about to experience pollen. Keep your eyes peeled for part 3 everyone.

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I'm loving this. Can't wait to see what flowers do to her.

And if we're voting for who's gonna join this little party, I vote either Rainbow Dash or Applejack.

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I'm loving this. Can't wait to see what flowers do to her.

And if we're voting for who's gonna join this little party, I vote either Rainbow Dash or Applejack.

And as for the new char that will come in the near future.

Applejack: 4

Fluttershy: 2

Octavia: 1

Thanks for reminding me.

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I've got a great idea!

How about Fluttershy comes over and discovers Rarity, but assumes she's sick and tries to look after her. Fluttershy has impeccable bedside manner...

And then Rarity is forced to choose between keeping up the charade or confessing her fetish to her friend!


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I'm in so much trouble….I'm overdrawn on my bank account and if I don't get these damned bills and rent paid, I'm screwed. I can't even think about writing now….I'm sorry guys but the story until further notice is on hold.

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