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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Like a Kitten, Davesprite for LYK!


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I'm writing this so as to avoid spoilers. Enjoy, LYK!



"Davesprite! What's up?"

"Hey, um, I seem to have a problem."

"What's that?"

"That's..." Dave took a pause, raising his hand up to scratch under his nose after his nostril's widened. "Hehh... Huhh-h-kn'tch!"

Jade stared wide-eyed for a moment then started to laugh *really loud*.

Davesprite glared at her for a minute before jerking forward with a "hk'sh!".

"Does Davey Wavey have the sniffles?" Jade teased.

"Shut up!"

"Your sneezes are adorable! Like a little kitten! Ha ha ha!"

"My sneezes can be manly." Davesprite sat down on the ground next to Jade. "I'm having hayfever, so try me."

"Okay," Jade picked up a flower from her botanical garden and held it under Davesprite's nose. He squirmed and twitched his nose. Pollen laced the outside of his wide nostrils and they quivered as he took inhales. "HEH'SH!" Dave pitched forward finally. It was still as soft as his earlier sneezes, just a bit louder.

"That was pa-thetic," Jade remarked.


"There we go!" Jade said, clapping.

"AH'SHOO! ET'TCHOO! TCHOO!" His sneezes began to become more intense and wet, spraying the air around them. "CHOO! HEH'EH'SHOO! TCHOO! CHOO! IT'CHOO!" He grabbed onto Jade's arm to steady himself.

"Uh oh," Jade had realized what she had done. She stood up, dragging a sneezy Davesprite out of the room and into the corridor, "I'm sorry, babe." She said, pushing his bangs back and looking into his cream-colored eyes.

"That's okay..." He looked away for a second before "heh'pssh!"

"Thank God that was a kitten-sneeze," Jade gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"I still have hayfever."

"Let's go sit somewhere you won't be sneezing your head off and open a can of Tab."

"Sounds-hah'shh! Good."

"Bless you."

"Thank you."

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I love that you gave him kitten sneezes - it's so adorable!

Well I thought since he was all feathery and shit that he'd have a kitten's sneeze so lolz.

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