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FROZEN fanfic--Queen Elsa Part 3 Available!


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CALLING ALL FROZEN FINATICS!! While I was watching the movie for the second time, I got this brilliant idea for a sneeze fic! Which is odd because it’s hard for me to come up with fictions with movie characters because we don’t know a whole lot about them. They haven’t had as much time to develop as a TV or book character. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my sneezefic about Elsa. smile.png


Elsa massaged the back of bare neck feeling the lazy afternoon rest on her shoulders. It had been a slow day in the castle; Arendelle had had no visiting kingdoms to trade yet today. Good thing too, Queen Elsa had allowed the castle workers to take the rest of the day off as she herself had been feeling drained all day.

Elsa perched by her winder, her giant crystal eyes gazed out at the setting sun. Watching the townspeople go about their spritely lives, Elsa ran her delicate finger under her nose to appease the tricky itch that had been persistently playing with her nose.

“Elsa!” Anna, her merry younger sister sang, “Time for dinner!”

Elsa called back and rose to a standing position, bending her body backward to get the blood flowing though her body. Elsa trotted though the long, silent hallway to the dining room mindlessly sniffling and brushing at her tiny pinch of a nose.

Though fatigued, Elsa kept her poise in her chair and awaited for the servants to bring Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff their supper.

“So how was your day running the kingdom?” Anna asked awkwardly trying to develop conversation with her quiet sister.

“Uneventful.” Elsa replied moving food around on her plate, not bothering to look up.

“Oh, well Kristoff delivered ice to the Kingdom of Etalasa, tell her Kristoff,” Anna eagerly encouraged, poking Kristoff with the end of her fork.

Kristoff looked up with his cheeks puffed out full of food, “Hm?” he gulped, “I delivered a dozen chunks of ice to Etalasa—what’s so great about that?”

Anna giggled, dabbing his face with her napkin, “Slow down Kristoff, you’ll choke. There’s plenty of food, no need to hurry.”

Elsa cleared her throat, crossing her utensils across her plate signaling to the servants that she was done, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to my room now.” She stood up and a servant came to her side to take her plate away. “Thank you for the meal, good night.”

“You’re leaving, so soon?” Anna asked her voice rising with disappointment.

“Yeah, Elsa stay and chat with us,” Kristoff offered smiling, nodding toward Anna, winking at her.

“No thank you, I think I’m just going to retreat to my room, I’m feeling a bit tired this evening. Good night to you both,” Elsa concluded, walking out in silence with only the sound of her heels echoing though the dining hall.

Elsa entered her bedroom and hung up her cloak and approached her benched window to watch the remaining of the sunset. Her elbow propped her head up as she drew snow wisps with her finger to entertain herself. The itch in her nose had once again returned only stronger and definitely more noticeable. Elsa ran her finger under her nostrils only to have it explode with a powerful sneeze seconds later. “HEASHOO!” Her eyes squeezed shut and she barely had time to cover her mouth. A chill ran though her body and she couldn’t believe the sight before her when her eyes blinked open. Elsa had sneezed out a frozen mist that frosted her window. She pressed her finger to the window, it was ice cold, frosted white; she couldn’t see beautiful Arendelle anymore.

“What have I done?” she gasped covering her mouth with her hand, she sprang up to retrieve a tissue and caught a glimpse of her reflection. “Huh! My nose!”

The tip of Elsa’s nose had turned a shade of light blue. She released a shocked scream.

“Queen Elsa? Is everything alright?” A servant knocked calling through the door.

“J-just fine. Don’t come in, I’m f-fine,” Elsa stuttered running her hands up and down her arms.

Elsa rubbed the dark circles forming underneath her eyes, and then ever so slightly touched her blue tipped nose.

Immediately a barely covered sneeze rattled her small figure, “Eh-SHOO!”

She sniffled, wiping her nose with the back of her hand, “Uh, not again…” Elsa traveled to the end of her room and laid her hand on the new frost covering the wall. “I must suppress these frosty sneezes, if I’m not careful, I could freeze the castle…” she snuffled again, “and we wouldn’t want that again…” Elsa chuckled at her own joke as she tried to smear the frost off the wall and window. The ice was stuck on the window, Elsa tried resting her palms on the window and thinking about warm, loving thoughts. Slowly, the ice dripped and Elsa could again see through the window. It was almost gone when a chill rushed through Elsa’s body; shivering, the water froze again.

Curious as to what was going on with her powers, Elsa went on to investigate. She began twirling her hands around making small snowballs—she struggled, the easy task was now a challenge. “Come on, come on,” Elsa chanted to herself, trying to make just a simple ball of snow. Little sparks of snow fused in between her fingertips, but forming those icy flakes into a ball was not an easy task for the exhausted queen.

Poor Elsa could only manage a snowball as big as her fist and she could barely throw it up and have it explode into a beautiful flurry like she was used to doing. She coughed lightly into her fist and after ran her finger under her nose. This time she felt the tickle in her nose and knew she had to suppress the icy flurry from her nose.

“Eh-eh-ah-ah-Aat-mm!” She pinched her nose and released her stifled sneeze as a short frosty breath through her mouth. She inhaled again ready for more, “Hat-mm!-Het-chh!—Ettgxx!” Elsa puffed being able to see her icy breath instead of a blast of frost hitting the wall. She plucked a tissue, rubbing her irritated nose. Another chill shook her body; she hugged herself as released a few coughs.

Elsa, not willing to admit defeat, decided to turn in early in case she was coming down with something—she had never experienced an illness before—this frosted breath and blue-tinted nose was definitely not normal. She turned out the lights, hoping that she would be back to normal in the morning.

Edited by flowerpower67
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Love it. And why not? After all, she sings "the cold never bothered me anyway," not "colds never bothered me anyway." laughing.gif

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Love it. And why not? After all, she sings "the cold never bothered me anyway," not "colds never bothered me anyway." laughing.gif

Aha thats so cute and funny smile.png I like it ! smile.png

Thank you, thank you! more to come! Stay tuned!

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The morning sun glowed into Elsa’s room, though who could tell with all the frost on the window. The poor queen had woken herself up with a chesty coughing fit; her breath was cold as she continued to hack into her hands. Elsa crossed her legs as she sat up in her bed, aghast at the condition of her room. Her powers had bested her. All the windows were frosted white on the inside with ice crystals crawling fast around the corners. Poor, frightened Elsa gripped her quilt bringing it close to her nose—accidently ‘feeling’ her animated powers, she froze the parts of the blanket that were touching her hands. After blowing her delicate running nose, she was too far away to see her own reflection; Elsa crossed her eyes to see if the tip on her nose was still blue—it was. But running a finger underneath, Elsa noticed pain, so the rest of her nose must have turned a pale pinkish-red color. Trying to be quiet, Elsa pulled up a tissue holding it to her nose as she stifled a fit of sneezes. “Et-huh—Et-huh—Etshh—Hat-mm—Hetch—Etchew!!” Elsa blew her nose, making a tired wet sound and coughed afterward.

A quiet knock interrupted Elsa’s sickly complaints to herself, “Rise and shine Queen Elsa. May I enter?” a maid softly spoke. Elsa did not respond so the maid knocked again and cracked the door open, “Queen Elsa?” The maid caught a glimpse of Elsa stifling a sneeze and wiping her nose then burst in gasping in concern for the queen. “Oh, goodness it’s freezing in here! Elsa, you poor thing! What’s wrong?!” The maid noted at the various snowflakes frozen in mid-air. She rushed to Elsa’s bedside, but Elsa raised her hand to stop her, accidently painting the already frosted floor with ice causing the maid to slip.

“I’m so sorry—but don’t get so close!” Elsa pleaded through her congested voice. “I have a terrible cold and my powers are out of my control at the moment, if I sneeze too powerfully I end up freezing whatever is in my path.”

The maid heaved herself up using her arms on her knees for support, “Oh, dear. Queen Elsa, is there anything at all I can do?” the maid offered stepping back, wiping off her uniform and then crossed her hands in front of her stomach.

“I feel awful, how do you cure a cold?” Elsa moaned blowing her nose softly. She tossed the tissue to the end of her bed where all the rest had landed (and were slowly forming into ice balls) and she put her head back against the headboard in agony.

“I’m-I’m not sure, sweetie,” the maid apologized.

Elsa coughed into her fist watching small snowflakes rise from her breath. “Get Anna, please,” Elsa ordered.

“Right away.” The maid left to hunt her sister.

Anna came bursting through Elsa’s door with Kristoff right behind her. “ELSA!” she paused at the doorway, along with Kristoff who was almost frightened to see the powerful queen so vulnerable.

“ELSA!” Anna screeched slipping and sliding to Elsa’s bedside. “What’s wrong?” Anna panicked patting her hands down Elsa’s body and frantically feeling her sister’s unusually cold face. “Oh, my, gosh! You’re ice cold, Kristoff, she’s freezing!” Anna cried holding Elsa’s weak frosty hand.

Elsa slowly turned her head to face her sister, “Anna…” she coughed, “Don’t get so close, my powers are out of control,” Elsa squeaked barely turning her head to cough out of puff of frost again.

“Elsa! Kristoff, what do we do?!” Anna wailed breathing short and quick.

“I-I don’t know. But maybe my grandpapi will know,” Kristoff suggested patting Anna on the back trying to relax her.

“GO! Go ask your grandpapi! Hurry!” Anna howled. “Oh, Elsa, don’t leave me. You’ll be alright. I know you will. Please Elsa, stay with me…” Anna pleaded squeezing Elsa’s hand tight.

“Anna…I’m not going anywhere,” Elsa weakly smiled, trying to suppress a cough. Elsa rose convulsing into her fist with Anna rubbing her back. She retrieved a few tissues just in time to catch a few sneezes. “Het-chh!—Et-shhew!!—ETCHEW!!” Elsa blew her nose and moaned. “Ugh, they’re getting stronger!” she noticed her the end of her tissue had frozen and there were tiny snowflakes floating around her head.

“What?” Anna asked.

“My sneezes, they’re getting too powerful to stifle. Last night a few snuck up on me and I froze my window. That’s why I warned you about keeping your distance, I don’t want to hurt you Anna,” Elsa explained holding a tissue to her nose.

Kristoff whistled, “Faster Sven!!”

Sven galloped rapidly though the green forest and screeched to a halt when they arrived at The Love Experts (Kristoff’s family).

“Kristoff’s home!!” everyone cheered literally rolling out to greet him and Sven.

“Hey, nice to see everyone, but I’m in a hurry, where’s Grandpapi?”

“Yes?” Grandpapi asked rolling into Kristoff’s arms.

“Grandpapi, Queen Elsa is sick. She’s cold to the touch, she’s very weak, her powers are out of her control—she literally sneezes frost, and Anna’s scared to death that she might be dying; please Grandpapi, what’s wrong with Elsa, what do we do?!” Kristoff rambled in concern.

“Hush, Kristoff, Queen Elsa is just sick with a cold, nothing to be worried about. That’s why she can’t control her powers at the moment. Here, this should do the trick,” Grandpapi handed Kristoff a purple sparkling potion. “Make sure to keep Queen Elsa warm and let her get plenty of rest.”

“What is it?” Kristoff popped the cork off and sniffed the potion, “Ew, Grandpapi, what is this?”

“It’s just something to help control Queen Elsa’s powers while she can’t physically help herself.”

“OK, thanks Grandpapi,” Kristoff put the cork back on the bottle and hid it away in his coat.

“Now hurry back Kristoff, Anna’s probably worried sick!” Grandpapi shoved Kristoff toward Sven.

“Bye Kristoff!” Everyone waved.

“Come one buddy, faster!” Kristoff patted Sven’s neck.

On the way back Sven about tumbled over a certain happy-go-lucky snowman. “Ha! Kristoff, Sven!!” Olaf yelled waving his twiggy hand.

Sven nuzzled Olaf up in the air and Kristoff caught him and positioned Olaf in his arms. “Olaf, good to see you buddy.”

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“Elsa is sick, we’re bringing her medicine,” Kristoff replied.

Olaf gasped, “Is Elsa OK?”

“She will be soon enough,” Kristoff said.

Edited by flowerpower67
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This. Is. So. Good!!!! :clapping:

please continue!

By the way, how did you edit your title? (To include the part two). That's really cool!

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This. Is. So. Good!!!! clap.gif

please continue!

By the way, how did you edit your title? (To include the part two). That's really cool!

I'm in the Writer's Group. You can PM an administrator if you write and post a lot on here--it helps so I CAN tell my readers that a new part is up

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This is great ! :) wow I really feel like you watched the movie :) all the elements like how Sven,Kristoff and Olaf are. Aswell how Elsa and Anna are :) . This is really cute plot :)

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This is great ! smile.png wow I really feel like you watched the movie smile.png all the elements like how Sven,Kristoff and Olaf are. Aswell how Elsa and Anna are smile.png . This is really cute plot smile.png

Oh, yes, yes.. I've seen it twice and have listened to the deluxe complete soundtrack on repeat for probably the 5 day in a row! I am a little obsessed. I just want to keep seeing it over and over! I watch the carrot battle trailer between Olaf and Sven on Youtube everyday. It's so funny!!!!

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Oh my gosh, I love Frozen! I am so happy someone is doing a fanfic on it! Loving the story so far, do continue!

Aw thanks! I'm really happy with this story, if I do say so myself. I absolutely love this movie! I'm listening to the soundtrack right now.. :) That's how obsessed I am

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I am also obsessed with it. What's your favorite song? Mine is-Do you wanna build a snowman?

Well, besides Let it Go.... I love "Love is an Open Door" and "In Summer"

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Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play....

Yay! Great story! More soon?

I just got piled on with a bunch of college stufff. Ugh...... Might be a while. Sorry for the wait, but it will be worth it!

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Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play....

Yay! Great story! More soon?

I just got piled on with a bunch of college stufff. Ugh...... Might be a while. Sorry for the wait, but it will be worth it!

'Course it'll be worth it! :)

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Please refer to part 2 before reading part 3, I edited the plot a tad.


“Oh, Elsa…” Anna cried rubbing Elsa’s chilly hand trying to warm her up.

“Elsa!” Kristoff bellowed through the hall. He puffed into the room with Olaf waddling behind. “Anna!”

“Kristoff?...” Elsa sluggishly blinked coughing out a few weak breaths.

“Elsa, I got this potion from Grandpapi, it supposed to help you feel better,” Kristoff said kneeling at Elsa’s bedside as he popped off the potion’s cork.

“Anna, Elsa needs to be kept warm, can you make a fire?” Kristoff asked as he took his arm and gently raised Elsa to a sitting position.

“I’ll do it!” Olaf happily volunteered, trotting over to the fireplace and throwing a pile of sticks into the cave and quickly lighting a match.

“No! Olaf, you’ll melt…” Anna and Kristoff warned putting each other their hands out to stop him.

“It-it’s OK, I’v-v-ve got-t it-t-t,” Elsa stammered gradually raising her hand attempting to make a snow flurry for Olaf. But the only thing Elsa could muster was a few chilly gusts of wind and a small fit of throaty coughs.

“Elsa, here, drink this,” Kristoff nodded tilting the purple liquid into Elsa’s open weak mouth. He closed Elsa’s mouth and felt her swallow.

Elsa began to cough hard and every other breath she would burst out little puffs of frost. Anna patted her sister’s back and she felt Elsa shiver and then go limp in Kristoff’s arms.

“ELSA!” Anna cried. “Kristoff, what did you do?!”

“I-I-didn’t do anything I just gave her the medicine!” Kristoff spat.

Anna took Elsa in her lap, caressing her cheek, tears running down her face, “Elsa, Elsa, wake up! Wake up! Elsa, please…”

“W-what do we do Anna? She’s ice cold!” Kristoff wailed.

“Here!” Olaf tossed up his head with is arms attached holding a blanket onto the bed.

“Thanks.” Kristoff unfolded the blanket draping it around Elsa’s shivering shoulders.

Anna laid by her sister stroking her blonde hair, wishing the potion would work its magic. Kristoff had pulled up a chair and was now sitting next to Elsa holding her hand. Olaf had hoisted the rest of his body onto Elsa’s bed and was plopped at the foot of her bed pushing around balled up tissues with his hands.

Finally, the potion worked its magic. A swirl purple and blue rose from Elsa’s chest. Anna, holding Elsa in her arms began to feel Elsa’s skin warm up.

“Elsa? Elsa!” Anna’s eyes lit up and she propped her sister up in her arms.

Elsa lightly moaned and eked out a final chilly breath of small icy snowflakes. “Anna?” her eyes slowly opened as she let out a whimpering cough.

“Oh, Elsa! You’re OK!” Anna yelped hugging her sister tightly.

Elsa continued to cough and Kristoff stood to retrieve a glass of water. Elsa sipped and tried to speak again. “Yes, I’m OK, but you probably shouldn’t be so close, I still don’t feel well,” Elsa finished quickly as her voice rose beginning to hitch. “An-na y-you should go-o-Hetshh!—I-I-don’t Hetchh!-Hetgxsh!—want to hurt you—Hetchew!! Oh, they’re getting stronger! Anna, please, go! Hetchew! Hetchew!” Elsa said wiping her nose, reaching for a tissue to blow her nose.

“No, I’m not leaving your side. I’m not afraid. Besides the potion is supposed to help you control your powers while you’re not well,” Anna explained.

“Anna, please, it’s for the best-ah-ah-ah—I don’t want to hurt you!” Elsa’s voice breathy again, “Ah-ah-ah-ah,” she grabbed a tissue and held it to her nose, “Ah, ah, I-can’t-hold it back any longer—Ah-ah-AAATSHOOO!!” Elsa squeezed her eyes shut sneezing into her tissues. Elsa froze, her eyes still shut, afraid to unveil to herself whatever she had frozen.

“WHOA! Bless you!” Olaf consoled waddling over to Elsa’s side with the box of tissues.

Elsa peeked and was surprised to see the room as normal, nothing frozen except the end of her tissue. “T-thanks,” Elsa smiled coughing slightly afterward.

“It’s good to see you Elsa, now how about something to eat? Some soup perhaps?” Kristoff offered while fluffing Elsa’s pillows and wrapping another blanket around her shoulders.

“Soup sounds lovely, thank you,” Elsa softly spoke best she could with the chills and congestion lingering in her voice.

“Elsa? Did the potion work? Because I was wondering if you could make me a flurry, I can feel my butt melting off…” Olaf wavered on his feet and batted his eyes.

Elsa sniffed, “Uh, I can try,” Elsa cleared her throat and slowly started tickling her fingers. Gradually, swirls of snowflakes appeared out of thin air. Elsa brought her other hand up and began twisting the snow flurry into a ball best she could. She pushed the formation toward Olaf with all her might and—poof!—Elsa had managed a small little cloud of snow for Olaf. “Ugh, sorry it’s so small. I can’t do much with my powers right now,” Elsa apologized plucking a tissue before sneezing again. “Het-choo!—Etchoo!”

“Hey, at least you can control them again. See? No frozen windows,” Anna praised handing Elsa another tissue.

“No, no…it’s perfect, thank you!” Olaf said dancing around on Elsa’s bed.

Kristoff nudged the door open with his foot, returning with a tray of three bowls of piping hot soup, “I’ve got soup!” Kristoff handed each sister a bowl and took the last one back over to his chair.

“Thanks Kristoff, this soup is perfect,” Elsa said lifting a spoonful to her small mouth.

“I think you should get some rest after you’re done,” Kristoff suggested.

“I agree,” Elsa replied.

Anna took Elsa’s bowl and set it on the tray. She and Olaf cleared the bed of the balled up tissues and draped a few extra blankets on top. Kristoff piled a few more logs onto the dwindling fire and closed the long, navy curtains.

“Get some rest Elsa,” Kristoff nodded.

“Bye Elsa, feel better!” Olaf called waddling toward the door.

“Goodnight Elsa, get well soon. I love you,” Anna kissed Elsa’s forehead tucking her in and releasing her grip from Elsa’s weak hand.

Anna led the way out with Kristoff holding the door and Olaf following behind.

Elsa turned on her back releasing a congested breath, happy that she didn’t see frost, meaning the potion had worked. Her eyes fell heavy and she soon let sleep take her away.

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Cool, you found time to write more :3 Is this TBC?

Actually I had this part finished for a while.. I haven't written anything new in a week. But this story definitely isn't done

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  • 2 months later...

I love this! I honestly think you captured Elsa pretty well, as well as her sneezes. She's my ABSOLUTE favorite character, and I CANNOT wait until you finish/ update this!

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I love this! I honestly think you captured Elsa pretty well, as well as her sneezes. She's my ABSOLUTE favorite character, and I CANNOT wait until you finish/ update this!

Oh wow, thanks so much! That means a lot. I think it's hard getting a character's personality right if they are a movie character because the creators only have approx 90 minutes so develop a WHOLE ENTIRE character. It's not like a TV show where they evolve over a number of seasons.

I honestly have kind of forgotten about this story. I haven't written since early this year. I've been extremely bust with school and now summer is here and I all of the sudden have 2 jobs! So maybe I'll start writing again, but we'll see. I do have ideas to continue, but for now, this is all I have.

Sorry there isn't any more, but I'm glad you enjoyed what is presented, Thank You. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Again, will you update? Because Elsa's one of my favorite characters, and you haven't updated in a while!

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Again, will you update? Because Elsa's one of my favorite characters, and you haven't updated in a while!

I agree with Katzoo! An update would be grand! wink.png

Oh gosh, I don't know. I kind of abandoned this story long ago. We will see. It certainly won't be anytime soon. I'm about to start a hectic month with my new job and college starting again. Though, I am flattered that you really liked the story. Maybe I'll update sometime. Not any time soon though, sorry.

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