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Bigger than Bad (The Wolf Among Us fic)


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Due to the demand of most of the people on this forum, I decided to try something new. The Wolf Among Us is an amazing game which I completely adore, I suggest you watch it on YouTube! This takes place during/after? episode 2, so yes, there are SPOILERS!

Enjoy anywho!


Bigby Wolf.

Known as B. Wolf, which was the name written on his office door. Bigby was a strange character, it seemed as if he couldn't decide to be good or bad. But he's my friend, a good friend.

We spent most of our days together, it almost felt strange when we didn't see each other for a day or two. He made things a lot more... interesting. Sometimes I would catch him staring at me from across the room, I bet he could hear me coming up the stairs to the office, maybe he can even tell they're my footsteps.

From his broad shoulders, you could even tell it was his silhouette in the office window. Every feature of his seemed larger than life. Bigger. With large hands and long fingers, his knuckles nearly always decorated with purple bruises. Even with his rugged, harsh features, his eyes seemed soft and calm. They were almost like winter apples... Ha! Trust me to make that kind of comparison...

It's weird. I even liked how he tended to scratch the stumble on his cheek and underneath his jaw, he seemed to do this when he was nervous, maybe even embarrassed.

I was heading up towards the office, with an odd intention to say the least. Something that has been plaguing my mind ever since Lily's body was glamoured to look like me. It turned out Bigby knew exactly what perfume I wore, just by his sense of smell.

It... intrigued me to say the least. So I decided to wear a new perfume, one that Rose bought me for my last birthday, but I never was sure about the smell of it. I wondered if Bigby would notice.

I knocked on the door. The gravelled words of "Come in," told me he was there. And there he was, just as always, sitting in his chair, with a cigarette in-between his fingers. I noticed the permanent frown marks that were just above his nose, they appeared darker when his eyes concentrated on something. The quiet ambience of the room soon put me at ease; I wondered why was nervous in the first place.

"Hey Bigby."

He looked up from the work scattered along the desk, the corners of his mouth curled to form an almost pleased smile, "Snow."

Closing the door behind me and stepping in the room, I crossed my arms against my chest, "How's the case going? I mean, is there any new leads at all?"

He sat up a little straighter in the chair, eyes locked onto mine, "Nothing at the moment." Bigby took another puff of his cigarette, I almost hypnotically watched the smoke kink, fall from his mouth and breathed out from his nose. He leaded towards me, "Do you... need something? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes, of course. I just wanted to see how you were getting on, that's all." I hung my head, maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

Then, all of a sudden, his features contorted into a confused trance. He quickly stubbed out his cigarette in his ashtray, heaving a large sigh, or what I thought was a sigh. His rough hand covered the lower half of his face as his head began tilting back, before--!

"Hmp'KHXT!" Fingertips caught his nose as he quickly swivelled around in his chair with his back towards me. "HH'nNGXt! Ggh.." He stifled a violent sneeze against a fist which was pressed to the tip of his nose, almost growling with that relieved breath; grimace turned into an aggravated glare as if he almost didn't believe he just did in front of me. To be honest, it felt as if... I thought the floor shook below me.

Bigby stood up, blinking quite a bit, his nostrils quivered yet he tried to keep his composure. "Snow..?" His dark eyes narrowed, and his bottom lip trembled. "Nh.. Hgk'hNGXh!" He erupted, nostrils pressed together, his nose squelched inside his palm. He coughed a little too harshly into the back of his hand, his eyes were glassed over and watering in irritation.

His breathing hitched uncontrollably, until he managed to somehow get his words out. "Are... Are you w-wearing a new --Hihh! perfume?!"

The penny dropped as did my stomach. It did more than drop, it fell down the witching well. My body tensed and my eyes filled with panic. "I-- Bigby, I'm so sorry!" I began backing away from him, "I had no idea your nose was so... sensitive." He winced at that, as if the very word embarrassed him. 

"It's not your fault, Snow." He shook his head in the way that a dog does, pinching his nose twice, believing that the itch had subsided.

I clumsily tried to explain myself, "T-The perfume was a present from my sister. I wasn't ready sure on the smell of it either, but I thought I should use it up before buying anymore of the usual stuff I wear. I guess now I know I won't be using this--!!"


The sneeze had caught us both off guard, it seemed. I silently thanked him that he twisted away from me when he unleashed his sneeze. However, the filing cabinet across the room had slammed against the wall, releasing each draw of its contents. 

The cabinet rocked violently until it shattered on the ground. My hands shot up to my face as I jumped back; I almost forgot he did... that. I fought to comprehend what I had just witnessed. It wasn't the loudness that frightened me, it was the sheer force which made me tremble to my core.

"B-Bigby..." He turned to me with an expression which made my heart sink. Bloodshot eyes, a tear almost escaping, and his chest shivering with ragged breaths. 

A husky "Excuse me..." was barely audible.

I needed to leave, quickly. I couldn't bare to make him feel anymore uncomfortable. I felt my cheeks becoming redder with every second. "I-I better go and wash this stuff off." Clambering for the door, guilt washed through as I exited the office.

"Snow, wait--!" I heard Bigby call out to me, and before I could do anything, the door slammed shut behind me. As I closed my eyes in complete embarrassment for what I had done to him, I could just make out the tired words of "Fuck sake, Bigby..."

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I LOVE FABLES!!! Wow, I never thought I'd see a Fables/Wolf Among Us fic here, I thought it would be too obscure. Oh man though, this is suuuuuuch a good idea. I mean, he's the Big Bad Wolf, huff and puff and all that, so he's gotta have some crazy impressive sneezes. Mmmm this fic is WONDERFUL and really well-written, and I think you nailed both of them perfectly. If you ever decided to continue the story I'd be completely on board. :D

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Ooh, I've never played this game and know nothing about it, but I super enjoyed that fic! Tripped all of my triggers. You hardly ever see the uh... "gale-force" variety sneezing on here with male characters :q And aw, his reaction. Breaking my heart. And that last sound!

I don't care what fandoms people write but hey, I am glad you wrote this!

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Not reading this YET because I don't want spoilers but as soon as I finish the second episode I've got this story bookmarked!

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  • 1 month later...

Omg I watched The Wolf Among Us on YouTube and I am so in love with it! Bigby is my favorite werewolf! And I love everything about this fic, from the adorable Snow characterization to Bigby's powerful sneezes and how uncomfortable he is about them. If you have a desire to continue this I would be happy to offer bribery in the form of fic or art trades. But even as a standalone this has me fangirl flailing and fanning myself from the hotness. <3 <3

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  • 4 months later...

HOLY SHIT I FORGOT TO GO BACK FOR THIS AND BOY DO I REGRET IT. I needed this fic in my life months ago.

Then, all of a sudden, his features contorted into a confused trance. He quickly stubbed out his cigarette in his ashtray, heaving a large sigh, or what I thought was a sigh.

Goddammit this description is PERFECT. I love heavy, audible pre-sneeze breaths. :dribble: And then he swivels away from Snow to protect her? keep from embarrassing himself? all of the above? :lol:

"I had no idea your nose was so... sensitive." He winced at that, as if the very word embarrassed him.

OMFG this line, and the part about him shaking his head like a dog. There's only so much the glamor can hide. :lol: I can't handle this story it's literally perfect.

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