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Best Laid Plans - SPN - Destiel fic for DeathNoteOwner


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I hope you enjoy this DNO!!! I don't often write pairings so I'm worried that it might be a little OOC at points, but I tried my best and I really really hope you enjoy it! hug.gif

Dean had never exactly been a fan of Valentine’s Day. It was far too soppy, too lovey-dovey for his taste.

But this one had the potential to be different.

And different it certainly was. However, it was turning out to be somewhat of a…mixed blessing.

For one thing, Dean didn’t recall ever having kicked off the day with a socially awkward but nonetheless enthusiastic angel shoving a fuzzy bundle of allergens into his face before.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Dean” Castiel woke him with a soft smile. There was a steady, calculated rhythm to his words that suggested that they had been meticulously practised and learnt off by heart.

Dean blinked sleep from his eyes and reached out to pull Castiel into a clumsy, drowsy kiss. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too” he murmured gruffly as their lips met.

That was when he first became aware of it. Only a slight tingling at first, light and easily ignored. Then it strengthened, escalating into an insistent tickle and quickly blooming into an urgent, undeniable sensation. Dean was forced to pull away much too soon. He could feel Castiel’s intent gaze burning into him quizzically, but it was too galvanising for him to be capable of thinking about anything other than relief.

“uuh’hhHRSHUHh! hhuh-ehh-eh’gGTCHHhh!”

“God bless you, Dean” Castiel said quietly, his serious cornflower eyes still burning into him. Dean nodded in acknowledgement. The urge hadn’t entirely abated, and he knew that more sneezes wouldn’t be far behind.

“hhh’rrRSHHuh! TtSHUHHh! hp’KSSHHHh! uuuh’hhrSHHHh!”

He rubbed a little at his eyes; they were beginning to sting and tear up, then gave his head a small shake as if to clear it.

“Sorry, Cas. I dod’t dknow what’s b-bmaki’g bme so snuuhh’tt’HSHHHhuh!-sndeezy suddedly” Dean said with an apologetic snuffle. Castiel looked a little perplexed but nodded; aspects of humanity such as this were not exactly his strong point.

“Perhaps a gift will make you feel better” he said tentatively. Dean chuckled congestedly.

“You’re really getti’g ihh-hehh’KUSHHHh!-id to this, ared’t you? Shoulda dknowd you wouldd’t listed whed I told you I hated Valedtide’s Day-”

Dean broke off when he caught sight of what was cradled in Castiel’s arms. Of all the things he could have chosen, it had to be-

“A kitten. Isn’t she beautiful, Dean?”

Okay, so she was adorable. All white fluff and big, loving eyes, a small red bow tied loosely around her neck. But that was what made it worse for Dean. Just the sheer embarrassment of such creature being able to reduce him to a miserable, sniffly mess was practically unbearable. And judging from the way that Castiel was gazing at her, he clearly hadn’t procured her solely for Dean.

“Do you like her?”

It would be fine. All he had to do was hide the fact that he could be taken down by a tiny little handful of fluff. Easy.

Dean took a deep breath and began to say something, but it turned out to be a bad idea as the desire to sneeze returned with a vengeance.

“hehh’rrsh’CCHHHh!-hp’KKSSHHh!-uhhih’ttTSSHHh! uuuuh-hhRSHHhh!-kk’TTSHHHh! Ugh, shit…”

Maybe not quite so easy as he had been hoping.

“Bless you again, Dean” Castiel ventured, watching him still more bemusedly. Dean only nodded in response, pinching the bridge of his nose with a grimace in an attempt to stave off the next fit at least temporarily.

“God, sorry. Yes. Yes, I l-hhuuh-love her” he replied, scrubbing vigorously at his nose in a persisting effort to quell the lingering tickle.

Castiel looked overjoyed – well, as overjoyed as Castiel ever did – and placed the kitten in Dean’s lap, where she snuggled up to him affectionately.

The increased proximity took its toll quickly on him, and Dean was helpless to hold off the resulting reaction.

“hhuh’KKTSHHHhh!-hhrh’ssSSHHHhhuh!-hHhuhh’hrsHhhhhh!-uHhh’tHhhshhhhhhuh!- hHh-hUuhh’hhSShhhuuhh!- hhHh’tssHHhhhhhhhuhh!”

At the harsh explosions the kitten took fright and mercifully leapt off of Dean’s lap, leaving him able to get up and make a stumbling, hasty retreat to the bathroom.


Dean managed to destroy nearly a whole box of tissues before Castiel knocked softly on the door and peeked round the corner. “Are you alright?” he asked concernedly, “Is it the…cat?” Dean froze at the second question.

“Dot the cat, Caahhh-Cas-hHUHh’rrRSHHUUHHhh!” Castiel looked unconvinced.

“But when you were in the presence of her, the…” he trailed off, searching for the right word.


“The sdeezing-” Dean chuckled slightly but didn’t bother correcting him, seeing as he didn’t have much hope of pronouncing it properly himself for the time being.

“-increased in frequency”.

Instead of answering Dean occupied himself with blowing his nose again, unable to think of a way to protest.

“I’m really sorry, Dean” Castiel said in a hurt voice, “I should have known…”

“Dot your fault” Dean murmured, “It cad odly get better fromb here, right?” he said, smiling sheepishly. Castiel nodded and returned the smile.

Perhaps those had been the fateful words.

Each determined in their own way to make up for the slightly disastrous morning they went out in the evening. The only problem was that practically every place in a twenty mile wide radius had been booked; understandable seeing as it was Valentine’s Day, but frustrating nonetheless.

Eventually the two of them had ended up in a rather dingy bar, the type of place that Dean and his brother would frequent when they were on the road, but not exactly what he’d had in mind.

Still, you couldn’t deny the place had character. Heavy rock songs blaring constantly in the background and an intriguing, smoky haze that hung over the room.

If Dean had heard those first few sniffles, then he didn’t pay them any attention. In retrospect he should have picked up on it earlier; after all, he’d never heard so much as a snuffle from Castiel before. But he didn’t notice that anything was wrong until the first sneeze.


It was ticklish and soft, yet forceful enough to throw Castiel forwards, and he only narrowly avoided pitching headlong into the bar.

“Bless you” Dean said, unable to keep the tone of astonishment out of his voice. Judging by Castiel’s expression, he was in just as much shock, if not more.

“What was…?” He looked up, eyes wide and anxious. Dean might have laughed, if he hadn’t been quite so surprised.

“You sneezed, Cas. Like I was earlier” he replied. This time he couldn’t suppress a small chuckle at Castiel’s look of utter incomprehension.

If one sneeze had been odd, then what followed was downright strange. It wasn’t long before Castiel was being pitched forward again, but this time the expulsions were more urgent; more desperate.

“iHh’kkIHSHHUUuu!-ttHISHUUUuuu!-hhiiH’iiTHISHUUuu! huhhh-ihHh-ihh’yyYSHiiIUUUu!”

“Jeez, Cas, bless y’. You alright?” Castiel barely had a chance to reply before he was being assaulted by another series of harsh sneezes that jerked him about helplessly.

“hhih’iIHSHHhUUuuu! iih’yyYHHISHUUUuuu! hIiih’ttSHYUUuuuu! HuiiIh’sshiYHUUUuuu!-ihhhh’THISHUUuuu!-kkhiIh’sssshhhYUUUUu! IihhhhHh’sshHHYYUUU! thhih’sssSHHHUUuu!”

Dean got up and placed a protective arm around Castiel’s shoulders, guiding him outside. He wasn’t sure what was suddenly making him sneeze so much, but he was pretty certain that it was something in the bar; Castiel had been perfectly alright before. To Dean’s relief the fits began to slow and lessen once they were out in the cool night air.

“You doin’ okay?” he asked quietly in a break between sneezes, watching Castiel concernedly.

“I thidk so” the angel replied uncertainly, seemingly perturbed by the experience.

However, the break proved to be only a temporary respite.

“kkhih’TTSHYYYUUuu!-iiIhh’hhishIIUUUu! hHUHhh’tthHISHIUUUuu! Hihh’iikSHHUUUu! yYyhih’ssSHHIIIUUUuu!”

Dean glanced around quickly, trying to work out what had set Castiel off again. His eyes fell on a young couple that had just walked past them, watching as one of them flicked the glowing end of a cigarette to the ground.


Cigarette smoke.

He should have seen it before. The bar had been full of it; it was obvious.

Dean reached up and wiped a few allergic tears gently from Castiel’s cheek, smiling sympathetically. “C’mon. Let’s get you outta here”.

The journey back to the motel was divided between the thankfully dwindling fits and Dean embarking on a mind-numbingly difficult explanation about allergies, which he was certain Castiel still hadn’t grasped by the time they arrived and he was explaining it for what felt like the millionth time.

“-and there are these things called allergens, and-”

At yet another blank look from Castiel, Dean shook his head and threw himself onto the sofa in defeat. “Never mind”.

“Dever bmind” Castiel echoed as he joined him on the sofa, humming congestedly but contentedly at the arms that wrapped around him.

“I told you I hated Valentine’s Day” Dean murmured with a slight smirk, craning his head slightly to get better access to Castiel’s lips.






Castiel snuffled miserably, “I’mb sorry…Your clothes sbmell ligke s-sbmoke-hiih’ssSHIIUUuu!” Dean blinked a little in surprise and then smiled, quirking an eyebrow.

“I think that can be rectified” he replied as he slipped off his shirt. Castiel smiled back and followed suit.

Perhaps he didn’t hate Valentine’s Day quite so much after all.

Edited by MaiMai
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Awwwwwe sneezy DEAN AND CASTIEL <3

No no I dont like it. I LOVE IT <3

If Dean had heard those first few sniffles, then he didn’t pay them any attention. In retrospect he should have picked up on it earlier; after all, he’d never heard so much as a snuffle from Castiel before. But he didn’t notice that anything was wrong until the first sneeze.


It was ticklish and soft, yet forceful enough to throw Castiel forwards, and he only narrowly avoided pitching headlong into the bar.

“Bless you” Dean said, unable to keep the tone of astonishment out of his voice. Judging by Castiel’s expression, he was in just as much shock, if not more.

“What was…?” He looked up, eyes wide and anxious. Dean might have laughed, if he hadn’t been quite so surprised.

“You sneezed, Cas. Like I was earlier” he replied. This time he couldn’t suppress a small chuckle at Castiel’s look of utter incomprehension.

Oh gosh ;o so cute Cas so cute ;o . Stap being so cute cas.

“But when you were in the presence of her, the…” he trailed off, searching for the right word.


“The sdeezing-” Dean chuckled slightly but didn’t bother correcting him, seeing as he didn’t have much hope of pronouncing it properly himself for the time being.

“-increased in frequency”.

I chuckled at how confused Cas can be ;o Awwwe.

<3 This fic is perfection. a million trillion thanks for writting this MaiMai :) ! :hug:

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*rolls around* I can only echo what others have already said~! This is amazing, adorable, I love Cas and Dean and all the sneezing and Mai Mai you are the best and omgh cannot handle fdsljfdlgiorewioeoiwgha~~~ QwQ~ Seriously, too cute <3

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I love confused innocent Cas. And the obvious hotness of the, ah, situations. Um yeah. Lovely.

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I don't even watch Supernatural, and yet this made me giddy! I love the way Cas is so ignorant about the whole thing! AHNATHCC CNFXVbabies... ^^

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Awwwwwe sneezy DEAN AND CASTIEL <3

No no I dont like it. I LOVE IT <3

If Dean had heard those first few sniffles, then he didn’t pay them any attention. In retrospect he should have picked up on it earlier; after all, he’d never heard so much as a snuffle from Castiel before. But he didn’t notice that anything was wrong until the first sneeze.


It was ticklish and soft, yet forceful enough to throw Castiel forwards, and he only narrowly avoided pitching headlong into the bar.

“Bless you” Dean said, unable to keep the tone of astonishment out of his voice. Judging by Castiel’s exp<b></b>ression, he was in just as much shock, if not more.

“What was…?” He looked up, eyes wide and anxious. Dean might have laughed, if he hadn’t been quite so surprised.

“You sneezed, Cas. Like I was earlier” he replied. This time he couldn’t suppress a small chuckle at Castiel’s look of utter incomprehension.

Oh gosh ;o so cute Cas so cute ;o . Stap being so cute cas.

“But when you were in the presence of her, the…” he trailed off, searching for the right word.


“The sdeezing-” Dean chuckled slightly but didn’t bother correcting him, seeing as he didn’t have much hope of pronouncing it properly himself for the time being.

“-increased in frequency”.

I chuckled at how confused Cas can be ;o Awwwe.

<3 This fic is perfection. a million trillion thanks for writting this MaiMai smile.png ! hug.gif

Aww I'm SO glad you liked it that much DNO!!! I'm always happy to do requests for you :hug:

Aww supernatural! And confused castle is very cute!

Thank you!! I love how confused Castiel is about everything, it's really fun to play around with in fics :D

So cute! Love it!

Thank you so much, that's so sweet! ^_^

Awww my two favorite Supernatural character sneezing! I just double-melted biggrin.png

Thank you!!! Really glad you liked it!!

*rolls around* I can only echo what others have already said~! This is amazing, adorable, I love Cas and Dean and all the sneezing and Mai Mai you are the best and omgh cannot handle fdsljfdlgiorewioeoiwgha~~~ QwQ~ Seriously, too cute <3

Omigosh thank you so much! :blush: I really enjoyed writing this for DNO so I'm glad others enjoyed it too ^_^

This is practically the best Destiel fic I've read in a loonnnggg time. smile.png I loved it!

Oh wow, thank you! That's such a huge compliment, especially as this was my first Destiel fic!

I love confused innocent Cas. And the obvious hotness of the, ah, situations. Um yeah. Lovely.

Thank you so so much!! You're so sweet! ^_^

I don't even watch Supernatural, and yet this made me giddy! I love the way Cas is so ignorant about the whole thing! AHNATHCC CNFXVbabies... ^^

Aww thank you! Supernatural is seriously awesome, you should definitely check it out! :D

You guys are all so nice to me UWU Thank you!!! :group:

Edited by MaiMai
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Awwwwwe sneezy DEAN AND CASTIEL <3

No no I dont like it. I LOVE IT <3

If Dean had heard those first few sniffles, then he didn’t pay them any attention. In retrospect he should have picked up on it earlier; after all, he’d never heard so much as a snuffle from Castiel before. But he didn’t notice that anything was wrong until the first sneeze.


It was ticklish and soft, yet forceful enough to throw Castiel forwards, and he only narrowly avoided pitching headlong into the bar.

“Bless you” Dean said, unable to keep the tone of astonishment out of his voice. Judging by Castiel’s expression, he was in just as much shock, if not more.

“What was…?” He looked up, eyes wide and anxious. Dean might have laughed, if he hadn’t been quite so surprised.

“You sneezed, Cas. Like I was earlier” he replied. This time he couldn’t suppress a small chuckle at Castiel’s look of utter incomprehension.

Oh gosh ;o so cute Cas so cute ;o . Stap being so cute cas.

“But when you were in the presence of her, the…” he trailed off, searching for the right word.


“The sdeezing-” Dean chuckled slightly but didn’t bother correcting him, seeing as he didn’t have much hope of pronouncing it properly himself for the time being.

“-increased in frequency”.

I chuckled at how confused Cas can be ;o Awwwe.

<3 This fic is perfection. a million trillion thanks for writting this MaiMai smile.png ! hug.gif

Aww I'm SO glad you liked it that much DNO!!! I'm always happy to do requests for you hug.gif

Aww supernatural! And confused castle is very cute!

Thank you!! I love how confused Castiel is about everything, it's really fun to play around with in fics biggrin.png

So cute! Love it!

Thank you so much, that's so sweet! happy.png

Awww my two favorite Supernatural character sneezing! I just double-melted biggrin.png

Thank you!!! Really glad you liked it!!

*rolls around* I can only echo what others have already said~! This is amazing, adorable, I love Cas and Dean and all the sneezing and Mai Mai you are the best and omgh cannot handle fdsljfdlgiorewioeoiwgha~~~ QwQ~ Seriously, too cute <3

Omigosh thank you so much! blush.png I really enjoyed writing this for DNO so I'm glad others enjoyed it too happy.png

This is practically the best Destiel fic I've read in a loonnnggg time. smile.png I loved it!

Oh wow, thank you! That's such a huge compliment, especially as this was my first Destiel fic!

I love confused innocent Cas. And the obvious hotness of the, ah, situations. Um yeah. Lovely.

Thank you so so much!! You're so sweet! happy.png

I don't even watch Supernatural, and yet this made me giddy! I love the way Cas is so ignorant about the whole thing! AHNATHCC CNFXVbabies... ^^

Aww thank you! Supernatural is seriously awesome, you should definitely check it out! biggrin.png

You guys are all so nice to me UWU Thank you!!! group.gif

Of course I loved it ! :) I love anything you write :)

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Soooo cute! I can't- fff... words! My brain can't function anymore oh my gosh that was amazing.

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