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Johnny Gage, Superhero


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So here is my Johnny fic! My first ever fic, I think. It's what I did on my snow day XD so I'm not much of a writer, but I watch this with my Dad sometimes and Johnny is sexy! It's just one part and I did not bother to describe anything because I figure you know what everything looks like if you're reading this. Its just a stupid thing I did while board, so it is not fabulous. So, enjoy! :)

John Gage strolled in to the station 15 minutes earlier than usual. He had had trouble sleeping last night, and decided to come in early. He walked through the garage to see the big bright red fire truck and the squad parked in place. When he walked in to the locker room, the only person there was his partner, Roy.

“Mornin’.” Johnny yawned.

“Mornin’. What brings you here so early?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” He ran his fingers through his rumpled hair before starting to remove his red plaid button down shirt. “My ears felt funny.”

“You’re ears?” Roy said, sounding puzzled.

“Ya. It was a weird blocked feeling.” Johnny yawned.

“So its gone?”

“Yup. I think I yawned it away.” Johnny giggled.

The boys finished dressing and walked in to the kitchen together to get some hot coffee, Johnny wore his blue fireman jacket to ward off the slightly chilly air in the room, but Roy did not, in fact Roy thought it was rather warm. Roy poured himself a cup and put it on the table to get out the breakfast plates.

“Oh, great, thanks Roy.” Johnny gulped down a huge sip.

Roy turned around and sighed. “My pleasure.” He said sarcastically. “Do I ever learn?” He thought to himself.

Johnny relaxed and put his feet on the table while Roy poured another cup of coffee. Just then, Johnny felt an intense itch in his nose. Since he was so tired, he did not even bother to hold it back.

HE-ETCHOO!” he sneezed forcefully in to cupped hands. “Damn!”

“What’s wrong?” Roy asked sitting down next to his friend.

“That popped my ears out!” he bemused.

“Hmm, Maybe you’re catching a cold.”

Johnny opened his mouth to protest, but Chet popped his head in.

“Hey guys, get you’re buts out here, the cap’s callin’ roll.”

Johnny and Roy rushed to get there fireman’s hats, but just then the klaxon’s went off.

“Squad 51, man down at Woodrow Wilson High school.”

“Squad 51, KMG 365.”


The rescue was anything but an interesting one, the Principal had collapsed of exhaustion, and they had taken him to Rampart. Besides the occasional sniffle, Johnny presented no symptoms of a cold until they went to Nurse Dixie for some more supplies. Roy was explaining the rescue when Johnny felt the tickle in his nose again.

HA-ETCHOO! ETCHOO!” Johnny sneezed in to his elbow, as he was carrying the supplies.

“Bless you, Johnny. Do you feel alright?” The beautiful Nurse questioned him.

“Thank you, and yes! I feel fine, alright!?” Johnny coughed harshly a few times.

“He’s on a power trip, Dix. Ignore him.”

“Ah.” Dixie understood men like Johnny very well.

Johnny sniffed his increasingly stuffy nose. “I’ll be id the squad.” He glared at Roy as he stalked off, and they heard a vague coughing in the distance.

Roy went out to the squad, it was a slightly cloudy day with a cool breeze. While he was putting some supplies in the compartments, he heard a blowing sound coming from the shot gun; he looked in to see Johnny blowing his nose. He decided to surprise him.


“AHH!” Johnny screamed and his reflexes threw his tissue at Roy.

“Ugh!” Roy threw the tissue back at him.

“Don’t do that!” Johnny grumbled, the scream causing him to cough a little as he was trying to shake off the adrenaline.

“Sorry.” Roy said, trying to contain his laughter as he got in to the car.

“Did you get the *cough cough* extra supplies?”

“This cough thing is getting pretty serious Johnny.”

“Don’t even bother suggesting I have tonsillitis, because unlike you, I know when I’m sick and when I’m not. And trust me I’m not.”

Roy couldn’t help but grin to himself. Johnny could be so funny.

“And don’t you go laughin’ about thi- . ISHEW!”

“Bless you.”


Johnny and Roy walked back in to the kitchen after their rescue looking for some lunch. The rest of the gang was already there eating.

“Clam chowder? Mmm.” Roy smacked his lips together and sat down, but Johnny went to the fridge.

“ Hey, do we have any orange juice in here?”

“Orange Juice, Gage?” Chet asked, wondering what in the heck he could possibly be up to now. “You hate orange juice.”

“Well I Uh, have an um, craving for it.” He cleared his throat while continuing to rummage through the fridge.

“A craving? What are you pregnant?”

“Oww!” Gage hit his head at the top of the fridge, then removed himself with a carton of orange juice. “No, I am NOT pregnant.” He glared at the many amused faces at the lunch table, especially Chet’s. He grabbed a glass and coughed a few times.

“You should really do something about that cold Johnny you look kind of pale.” Roy said to Johnny’s whiting face, half kidding half concerned.

“Are you kidding me? I guy coughs ONCE and all of a sudden *cough cough* he’s a deathly ill man!” Johnny sniffed, his nose was completely blocked now.

The guys all looked at each other.

“I said you had a cold, not meningitis calm down.”

“Well I can’t have a cold. I just can’t!” Johnny sniffed and ran his fingers through is messy hair.

“I think you better face it John, you don’t look so good.” Marco chimed in.

“Ya Gage I would consider taking tomorrow off.” The Captain added.

Johnny scoffed. “Guys! You’re supposed to make me feel better when I’m sick! Not worse!”

“So you admit you feel sick?” Roy asked.

“No! I’m just saying, if I was sick, which has never happened and never will….”

The lunch table burst with laughter.

“What?” Johnny asked bewilderedly.

“John, you had a stomach bug a month and ago, it’s in the log.” Cap. Laughed.

“Ya and remember that time you got a fever from that dirty sewer water while rescuing those little boys?”

“That doesn’t count! That water was cold and quit laughing Chet!”

“Oh, come on, I wouldn’t worry babe. So what if you catch a little cold. I’m sure it’s not Teterokilliosis.”

“Wha-huh?” Johnny choked on his juice.

“Tetero-kill-i-osis. It starts out just like a cold, with a little ear popping, then- you’re dead!” Chet snapped his fingers. “Just like that!”

Panic washed over Johnny’s face as another sneeze came on.

HETCHOO! HISHIEW! HEE….” After he had sneezed twice in to his elbow, the third sneeze was stuck, and his pre-sneeze face remained.

“Not being able to sneeze is very conmen in the early stages.” Chet was having a blast.

AH! ETCHOO!” Johnny immediately gulped down another glass of OJ.

“Bless you.”

“Roy!” Johnny ran over to his friend at the table. “Roy I’m a sick man! I’m very much a sick man!” Johnny was now in a full blown panic, his face growing much paler. “Ah… AHISHIW! AHICHIEW!” Johnny sneezed wetly and forcefully again, in cupped hands.

“If I die your gonna die too, Chet!” Johnny ran chasing Chet with his hands up out in to the dormitory while Mike and Marco were hysterically laughing and Roy and the Cap. Were looking at each other in disapproval and despair.

“Think he’ll figure out Chet made the whole thing up?”

“I hope so.” Roy said tiredly. “If he doesn’t, Its gonna be a looong shift with those two.”


The End!

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That was adorable! Very in-character: Johnny is so adorably...well, Johnny! And Chet's so mean sometimes I just wanna strangle him! Very well done. :)

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Aww That is really cute! It is so much Like Johnny to go on a crazy illness kick. I watch this with my family to. XD

That was adorable! Very in-character: Johnny is so adorably...well, Johnny! And Chet's so mean sometimes I just wanna strangle him! Very well done. smile.png

Oh thank you so much! Johnny is a little nutty :) Chet can be mean, but I like the humor he brings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woohoo! An Emergency! fic. Gotta love a sick Johnny. fireman.gifdrool.gif You did a great job and got everyone down perfectly. I even liked your references to some of the episodes.

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  • 3 years later...

I know this is kinda old but I’ve been watching this show for a long time now and my favorite character is John and I was thinking you know how they had a dog in the station(boot) well I was thinking that there should be a fic where John is allergic to him but he doesn’t know until later on and you can put the fic however you want to put it

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I’m pretty late to the party, but it’s not everyday you see an Emergency! fic. :thumbs_up:


To be quite honest, I wasn’t even around when the show was on. My parents introduced me to it when I was ten or eleven:razz:


Sorry, enough of my babbling! I just wanted to say how great this was! Johnny’s always been my favorite character. Great job with the story!


Thanks for sharing!



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