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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Supernatural RPF - Jared


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I couldn't think of a title. This story's been beta'd by the amazing Sen Beret. Warning only the first part is done right now. Its based on the 2013 PCA's where Jared was actually sick. To be that annoy little shit: there's no sneezing in the first part.

Genevieve Padalecki walked out of the closet in a spectacular red number and twirled. Her breasts peeked out seductively; the fabric hugged her waist and cascaded fluidly down her hips, and the deep red offset her pale skin and dark hair. All in all, she looked amazing -- yet Jared was looking right through her, gazing blankly at the wall.


“Huh?” It took a moment for him to blink his glassy eyes and snap back to reality, but when he looked at his wife his entire face lit up.

“God, you look stunning,” he beamed, exhaustion gone from his face while he took in her beauty. His gaze silently professed his love. The stylist re-entered the room with a couple of new dresses, completely oblivious to the moment she was ruining.

“I grabbed some more dresses, I was thinking maybe a different...” Finally looking up, she realized the scene in front of her. “I guess I don’t need these anymore. Let’s get on to you, Jared.”

“I was thinking his tie should my match my dress. What do you think?” Gen addressed them both but Jared hadn’t heard a word as he’d slipped back into his earlier daze. It was hard to concentrate; his throat hurt, his head was fuzzy and he was just so tired. Gen was looking at him, waiting.

“Hmm, sounds good, honey.” God he hoped he hadn’t agreed to something too bad. The stylist rushed out the room, muttering something about a tie collection.

“Earth to giant, anybody home?” She knocked on his big ol’ forehead lightly. “Oh,” she said, flattening her fist on his head. “You’re a little warm. You feelin’ alright?” she asked, face crumpled with concern.

“I’m fine, just tired,” he answered with what he hoped was a convincing smile. He wasn’t too sure but the PCA’s were in a couple of days and he really couldn’t afford to be sick. She didn’t look too convinced, but she let it slide as the stylist came back brandishing several Jared-sized outfits. He took one of them and went to the bathroom for a suspiciously long time, making noises that sounded very much like sneezing. He emerged in a dashing outfit, accessorized with a tie that matched Gen’s dress as well as a leaky red nose.

He put one hand on his hip and in his best Gen voice said, “Well? How do I look?”

Gen pursed her lips and retaliated. She tiptoed, pushed her hair back Jared-style and in a deep voice said, “Like Rudolph.” They laughed, but Jared’s laughter quickly turned into harsh coughing. Although he coughed until he was red in the face, Jared still insisted that he was fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks everyone! I'm sorry I took so long with this part, and that its so short, but school and real life have been hectic so here's a little bit to hol you over.(lol at me acting like anyone is legit waiting on my updates). I have part 4 written and beta'd but i just need to connect these two parts, might still be a while. Thanks as always to my wonderful beta, Sen Beret. Oki dokes here we go:

Not fine, definitely not fine. But it was a long time coming; too many long nights on location, way too many wine nights at Jensen’s and not nearly enough sleep. His body checked him every time he forgot his age. He’d get a pretty bad cold, the flu, or something similar that forced him to slow down and taught him a lesson that would ultimately be forgotten in a month or two. And his immune system was such a dick about it, always sick at the worst times. Sick for his first day of shooting Supernatural, had bronchitis when he first met Gen, and the flu for his first convention.


Why was everyone looking at him? Oh shit, they must have spoken to him. The stylist, it was the stylist! She’s talking again. Focus.

“Mr. Padalecki? Mr. Padalecki? Jared? Helloooo?” she said, waving her hands in front of her.

“Hmm. Uh, Sorry. What did you say?” He shook his head as if to clear it and then squinted up at her, confused. He was trying so hard to follow the conversation, but damn if his head wouldn’t stop


Goddamn, he didn’t know you could need to sneeze for so long without it actually happening.

Her lips were moving. She was definitely making sound, but he got nothing – just buzzing. When did he get he get so tired? The stylists looking at him expectantly, annoyed, but Gen just looked concerned.

“Uh, yeah. That sounds good.” He sniffed and hoped it sounded remotely like he knew what he was talking about. Shit, he had to sneeze. Can’t do it here.

Sniff…can you, sniff, uh, excuse me...” he attempted a swift exit.

Hehshuu! EShuu!” But the sneeze came too soon. He sneezed a quick double before practically running out the door.

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Awh Jared ;w;

That, he's trying to hide it awhhh<3



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