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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Approval (Teen Wolf-Isaac Lahey)


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So, I've been lurking on the forum for a LONG time. I needed a distraction from life last summer, so I wrote a Teen Wolf story (my first time ever writing fanfiction). I'm not sure what I'm thinking, but I've decided to come out of the shadows and post it here. Feel free to tell me how awful it is. Apologies for any typos; I wrote this months ago and am far too lazy to proofread.

There are SPOILERS for Season 3A (through episode 4).


“WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?! DO WE NEED TO GO DOWN TO THE BASEMENT TO DISCUSS THIS? YOU ARE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!” As a glass soared through the air toward his face, Isaac came back to reality and realized his father wasn’t yelling at him. Not anymore.

No, this time it was Derek throwing the glass at his face. Derek kicking him out. Where did Derek expect him to go? He felt his eyes start to well up and hurried out of the room before Derek could see. He was already humiliated enough. He gathered his things, which really didn’t take long as he didn’t have much, and walked out into the uncomfortably cold, rainy night.

Isaac was walking nowhere in particular. He was too consumed in his thoughts to think of a destination he should’ve been heading toward. It’s a strange thing, the alpha-beta relationship. Derek hadn’t really been a stellar alpha, and he certainly hadn’t been much of a friend. Nevertheless, Isaac had a loyalty to Derek, and a need for his approval. Derek was his alpha, and he wanted Derek to accept him. Instead of acceptance he’d gotten thrown out. Feeling ashamed, Isaac trudged on through the downpour.

Isaac heard a car horn somewhere and was suddenly brought out of his thoughts into the real world. He looked at his watch. Had he really been walking for 3 hours? He quickly noticed he was freezing, shivering even, and soaked to the bone. He actually believed he was colder than the time Deaton put him in that ice bath. Who’d have thought that was possible? He also realized just how awful he felt. He’d felt kind of crappy at school that morning, but chalked it up to the stress of the alpha twins making it their personal mission to torment him. Werewolves can’t get sick, can they? He thought about texting Derek to ask, but decided he didn’t want Derek to think he was more of an idiot that he’d previously thought. Instead, he decided he needed to find a place to stay. There was no way he was going to Peter’s, and Boyd had been kind of absent since he was rescued from the bank. He could go to Scott’s, but he didn’t want to be a burden to him and his mom. He plopped down on the curb and considered sleeping on a park bench.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, his nose protested that idea. He brought his drenched sweatshirt sleeve up to his face as two sneezes burst out of him. “Hep-chew!! Ugh. He….hii….hept-CHEW!” He was feeling worse by the minute. Maybe he could stay at Scott’s just this one night, and be out of their hair in the morning.


Scott was sitting at his desk working on his homework when he heard a knock at his door.

“Hey, Mom,” he called out as an invitation for her to enter. He turned as the door opened to find, not his mom, but a dripping, shivering Isaac Lahey.

“I-I was wondering if I could….um….ask you a favor,” Isaac said as he looked down at his shoes, avoiding eye contact. Scott studied Isaac. He really didn’t look good. At all. His teeth were chattering, he was sniffling, he had huge bags under his eyes, and he looked a bit flushed. He wasn’t acting like himself either.

“Dude, what’s wrong?”

“I….um….I don’t know, I screwed up and kind of need a place to stay. Do you mind if I stay here for the night? I promise I’ll find somewhere permanent tomorrow!”

“Wait, did Derek kick you out?” Isaac looked away, which was as good as a “yes” to Scott.

“But I don’t get it. What did you do?”

“Oh, you know I….......hah……………I juh…..juh……..just Hup-chew….h’hi’hept-choo….ha….hah-CHEW! Sorry.” Isaac pulled his hands away from his face, stood up straight after having been bent at the waist from the sneezes, and looked away, embarrassed.

“Whoa. Bless you. You know, you should probably change out of those clothes. The guest room’s across the hall, and here’s an extra blanket to help warm you up.”

“Does that mean I can stay tonight?”

Scott cocked his head to the side and looked at Isaac with a quizzical expression. “Yeah. Of course you can stay here.” As Isaac went into the guest room, Scott went downstairs to talk with his mother.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Oh, hey, Scott. What did Isaac want? You know, that boy really needs a car or a bike or something. He was absolutely soaked! Do you realize how cold it is outside tonight?!”

“I don’t think he’ll be getting a car or bike anytime soon. He doesn’t have much money. He came to ask if he could stay here tonight. I told him yes and showed him the guest room. You don’t mind do you?”

“Oh, honey, of course I don’t mind! What happened that he has nowhere to stay?”

“He said……..well, actually I guess he never finished telling me. I’ll ask him tomorrow. I’m going to go to bed. See you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, honey. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

As Scott walked back up the stairs, he heard a strange sound coming from the guest room. “Ha-hih-nxxt! Heh…….hih…….heh-nxxt! Hgnxxt! Nxxt! Hih-nxxt! Heh….hih-nxxt! Nxxt! Nxxt-chew!”

Scott hovered outside the door of the guest room, wondering whether or not he should go in and check on Isaac. He really hadn’t looked good, and that sounded like sneezing, but Scott was pretty sure werewolves don’t get sick. Maybe he was sneezing because he was adjusting to being in a warm house after being out in the cold rain for hours. Isaac hadn’t seemed very keen to talk about things either, so Scott decided to let Isaac get some sleep but made a mental note to ask him more in the morning.


Isaac was sitting on the guest room bed, recovering from sneezing 17 times in a row. Yeah, he’d counted. He was pretty sure that was a new record, and the tickle in his nose still wasn’t gone. In fact, it was worse. Isaac wasn’t sure what was going on with him. He didn’t think it was possible for him to get sick. He’d never seen Scott, Erica, Boyd, or Derek so much as cough before. He hadn’t been sick since at least a year before Derek turned him. He felt sick, though. His head felt full of cement, his throat was scratchy, and his head had a dull ache that refused to go away. He’d always hated being sick. His dad would get mad at him for carelessly bringing germs into the house. (“SERIOUSLY ISAAC, HOW COULD YOU BE SO INCONSIDERATE? IF YOU THINK YOU’RE STAYING HOME FROM SCHOOL BECAUSE YOU SNEEZED ONCE, YOU’VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!”) As a result, Isaac trained himself to hide it when he was sick. He’d heard Scott go downstairs earlier, but he’d stifled his sneezes to try to stay inconspicuous. He was losing control at the end, though. Stifling seventeen sneezes was no easy feat. He listened now and could hear Scott’s heartbeat across the hall in his room. He really hoped Scott hadn’t heard anything. As he considered this, the tickle in his nose really started to intensify. With as congested as he’d become, he knew he needed something to sneeze into. He anxiously scanned the room for Kleenex, but to no avail. He couldn’t leave the room to go get toilet paper; Scott would hear him. He noticed a towel set in the room, presumably set aside for whomever was staying in there. He lunged for it, grabbed the hand towel, and threw it over his nose just in time. He successfully stifled his first few sneezes. “Hnxxt! Hnxxt! Heh….heh-nxxt! Nxxt-chew! Ich!” He was losing control. Fast. He turned, towel still held tightly over his nose, and buried his head in the pillow in an attempt to muffle what his nose was about to throw at him. “HEH-TCHOO! Hai-tch! Heh-gnxt! Ngsht! Heh-ish! Hah…hah…HEPT-CHOO! Hih-HEHPTCHEW! HUH-HUH-hechew! haptCHEW! HAHTCHOO! HUH’hihtCHEW!

Isaac flipped onto his back and let his head fall back on the pillow, completely exhausted. As he lay there, feeling miserable, the earlier events of the day swirled around in his mind. Now that he was alone with no one watching him, he let himself cry, which made his nose run like a faucet. But he couldn’t stop the tears from silently rolling down his cheeks. He cried until his tears ran out, then finally fell asleep.


So there it is. If anyone is interested, I have more parts that I could post.

I can't believe I'm posting this. I'll go hide in a corner now.

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yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif THIS FIC IS AMAZING!! I'm so happy that lots of Teen Wolf fans are starting to post now!! And this blew me away!!!! Please continue this! Its so good!
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Oh no! Don't go hide in a corner! I need you to stay here and post more of this story for me! ;) But seriously s_&_s, this is really good. And don't be shy, we don't bite. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to reading more of this. :) Isaac is just too adorable for his own good. :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Very nice! I love Teen Wolf, and Isaac is just perfect to inflict illness on, isn't he? That scene where Isaac shows up soaking wet at Scott's door inspired my first Teen

Wolf fic as well. If only the writers for the show had gone that route! In any case, I love Scott looking out for Isaac. Looking forward to reading more! (Don't be scared! I haven't been around long [at least in a non-lurking capacity], but everyone's been wonderful so far.)

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This.is.amazing. I think i speak for everyone when i say you are an amazing writer and this fic is adorable, please post more! :D

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Thank you all so much for your nice comments! I don't know how frequently I'll be posting on here, but since this story is already written and you all want more, I will post more.


The next morning came way too quickly for Isaac’s taste. Scott’s alarm went off at 6:45 and, thanks to werewolf hearing, Isaac woke up too. Miserable was the world’s biggest understatement for how he felt. Whether werewolves could get sick or not was a moot point, because Isaac was now convinced he was sick. Maybe. He definitely felt sick. Actually, he felt sicker than he’d felt in a very long time, or maybe even sicker than he’d ever felt before. He tried to pull himself together so it wasn’t evident to Scott or his mom. He waited until he heard Scott start the shower to blow his nose. He really tried to be quiet about it. He knew the water would drown it out to Scott and Scott’s mom didn’t have werewolf hearing, so he was hoping he’d be okay. By the time his nose was clear, both the hand towel from the night before and the washcloth from the towel set were soaked. While Scott was still in the shower, Isaac tested out his voice to see if he sounded noticeably sick. He said “good morning” quietly to himself and was shocked at how his voice sounded. It was hoarse and, though his nose was currently clear, his voice had an incredible nasal quality to it due to the congestion lodged high up in his sinuses. The voice settled it; there was no way Isaac was going to show himself in front of Scott or Mrs. McCall. Hearing the shower turn off, Isaac knew he had to move quickly. He grabbed his backpack with all his stuff in it, shoved the hand towel and washcloth in with his clothes to hide the evidence (making a mental note to clean them and return them to the McCalls at a later date), and jumped out the window.

The cold morning air took him by surprise, but he adjusted quickly and took off into the dense woods of Beacon Hills. After he’d been running for ten minutes or so his nose made him stop. Knowing he was far enough away from the McCall home, he let the tickle in his nose grow and overtake him completely. He flopped down onto a stump, leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees, and waited for the inevitable. He didn’t have to wait long. Soon, his head involuntarily tilted upward as his chest heaved with irregular breaths and his eyelashes fluttered. Then he, for lack of a better word, exploded in sneezes. He was still slouched on the stump, and directed them into his hands. “Ha’hi’hi’hep-CHEW! Hi’ichoo! Hah-ha-ichoo! Ha’ICHOO!” He could tell that this was not going to end anytime soon, so he gave up trying to catch the sneezes in his hands and allowed himself to sneeze uncovered toward the ground, his body shaking with each one. “Hah…..heh…..hep-CHOO! Hep-choo! Choo! Choo! Issh! Hi’ischew! Hapt-chew! Huh…hi-ichoo! Ugh. Shi….hih….Shit. Hapt-choo! Atchoo! Het-CHEW! Hi’ischew! Hi’hi…..HAPT-CHEW!”

Isaac sniffled, exhausted, out of breath, and needing tissues in the worst way. He swiped his sleeve under his nose, figuring it was the best option he had at the moment. The wind was awful, and getting out of it became his number one priority. He remembered the old Hale house, and decided that would be his best bet. He grabbed his bag and sauntered off toward the old house.

Isaac couldn’t have been happier when the burnt-out house came into view. He walked in, dropped his bag on the floor and made his way over to the moth-eaten couch. He literally flopped onto the couch, stirring up a cloud of dust that sent him into a coughing fit. Once he started coughing, he found it nearly impossible to stop. The coughs were wracking his entire body. He desperately needed water. He got up and stumbled into the kitchen, hoping that the water was still running in the abandoned house. Still wracking with coughs, he turned on the faucet and was relieved to see water spill out of it. He stuck his head under the tap and drank greedily from it. After what seemed like an eternity, his coughing stopped. Isaac was left breathless, with his eyes streaming and his chest aching. He slowly made his way back to the couch, where he carefully laid down in an effort to avoid creating another cloud of respiratory irritants. Even so, having his face so close to the old couch launched him into a small fit of sneezes. He cupped his hands over his nose as the sneezes poured out of him. “Hi’hischew! Hah…..hah….heptchoo! Heh-ih-atCHEW! Ugh. This sugcks,” Isaac said to himself.

He thought he’d needed a tissue before, but now the need was overwhelming. He kept his hands over his nose as he searched for tissues. Not surprisingly, there were none. He decided toilet paper was pretty much the same thing, so he headed to the bathroom. The only thing he could find was a quarter of a roll sitting on top of the toilet. With the way his morning was going he didn’t think it would last long, but he would take what he could get. He grabbed it off the toilet, unrolled a bit, and blew his nose. When his nose was no longer streaming, he made his way back to the couch with the toilet paper in tow. Hoping the third time was the charm, he tentatively laid down on the couch. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief when his body didn’t object to the only piece of furniture in the house. Then he heard his phone vibrating in his bag. Not wanting to leave the couch, he did his best contortionist impression as he reached for his phone. He turned it on to see a text from Scott. “Where were you this morning? And why aren’t you in school?”

Feeling guilty, and wanting to dispel suspicion, Isaac replied. “Sorry. I thought I’d get going so I didn’t bother you or your mom this morning. I decided to avoid Ethan and Aiden by taking a personal day. Thanks for letting me crash last night.” After he hit send, Isaac drifted off to sleep.


There you have it. I will probably be able to add more parts this weekend if anyone would like to read them.

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I would, I would! I would definitely love to read more parts! :D

Anyway, d'awww, poor Isaac! All sick and with nowhere to go. :heart: I can't wait to read more! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't posted recently. Since there are a couple of you who still seem interested in reading, I'll upload some more.


Stiles was annoyed. With everything. And everyone. He felt like he was being buried under an increasing pile of crap. His childhood friend had been murdered, Lydia kept finding bodies, and no one but him seemed to care. He understood that the alpha pack being in town was problematic, but, according to his research, they had nothing to do with the murders happening. He wanted to talk to Scott about it after school, but Scott ran off to talk to Allison about staying out of the conflict. Pissed off and needing to clear his head, Stiles headed to the woods. While details of the murders went through his mind for the millionth time, he came upon Derek’s old house. Seeing it reminded him that the werewolves, you know, the ones actually physically capable of fighting and helping the situation, were doing nothing about the sacrifices. They weren’t even willing to talk to him about it. The thought pissed him off even more. Knowing it was up to him to figure it out, he considered the possibility that the Hale house may have something helpful to him. Figuring anything was worth a shot, he walked up the steps and creaked open the door. He was not prepared for what he saw. Isaac was curled into the fetal position, shivering on the couch. He always had a look on his face that reminded Stiles of a scared puppy, but now he looked even more vulnerable. He had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, snot on his upper lip, and a reddish hue on his cheeks and corners of his nose. “Isaac,” Stiles said, gently shaking the sleeping werewolf’s shoulder. “Hey, Isaac, wake up.” Stiles shook him a little harder. Suddenly, Isaac startled out of his sleep, and immediately began coughing. With his hand still on Isaac’s shoulder, Stiles took a half step back. “Whoa, Isaac, calm down buddy.” Isaac sputtered a bit, caught his breath, and looked up to see who woke him. “Sdiles?”

“Yeah, it’s me. Wow. What happened to you?”

“Oh. Ndothing. I’mb fide.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yeah I--”

“No. You’re not. Do you think I’m an idiot? Wait, don’t answer that.”

“Seriously, Sdiles. I’mb fi…….hih…..hih….fi….ah….Hi’hi’nxxt!.........Hi’ischew!........Huptchoo!......fide.”

Stiles rolled his eyes. “Bless you. Come on, what’s wrong with you? You seem sick. Can werewolves even get sick?”

“Ndot that I kndow of. It’s just the dust id this old house gettig to mbe. What are you doing here adyway?”

“Alright, first of all, you need to blow your nose, you know, clear out the “dust” you’ve got going on in there so I can understand you. And I came here to look for clues.” Isaac’s nose felt like there were a million pins poking and tickling it, and he knew he needed to blow it, but he really didn’t want to do so in front of Stiles. Stiles had already seen him sneeze and cough, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself further. As he was thinking this, the tickle in his nose intensified and he haphazardly threw his hands over his face and hoped the incoming fit wouldn’t be overly humiliating. His eyelids fluttered closed as his breathing became erratic and his head tilted back despite himself.


“Bless y—“

Isaac held his hand out to Stiles and shook his head, nonverbally telling Stiles he wasn’t done as his body geared up for the rest of the fit. “Nxxt-shoo! Atchoo!! Ish! Ish! Hapt-CHEW!” Realizing this apparent sneezing fit was going to continue for a little bit, Stiles scanned the room for tissues. He saw an almost empty roll of toilet paper on the floor near the couch. He took the last of the toilet paper off the roll, and pressed it into Isaac’s hand as he continued sneezing. “Hi’hi’ischew! Ha-choo! Hah……hih…..one……mo…….ah……more. Huh-ISHOO! Sorry,” Isaac said as he looked up from behind the tissue sheepishly. Stiles looked back with a sort of stunned impression. He shook his head, almost as if he couldn’t comprehend what had just happened.

“Umm…..okay are we gonna talk about how you’re sick? And don’t try to tell me you’re not because I just watched you sneeze. Okay, a lot. Like a ridiculous amount of sneezes.” Stiles looked at Isaac expectantly.

“Alright, yeah, but we can’t really be sure it’s a sickness.”

Stiles chuckled. “Actually I think we can be extremely sure it’s a sickness. You’ve been sneezing and coughing since I walked in.” Isaac opened his mouth to argue, but Stiles pressed on. “I mean, come on, dude, you were shivering when I got here.”

“I was?”

“Uh, yeah, ya were. How long have you been sick?”

“I’m still not sure I’m sick,” (Stiles let out an exasperated sigh at this) “but I’ve been feeling off for a few days. It didn’t really get bad until yesterday.”

“Alright, well what werewolf sickness is this? Is there such a thing as a werewolf illness?”

“I’m not shah….hah……sure.” Isaac brought his wrist up to his nose to catch yet another sneeze, “Hi’ischew!” Congestion began to return to his nose.

“Bless you. Again. Well what did Derek say?” Isaac thought back to the day before when Derek threw him out.

“Ndot buch,” Isaac said honestly.

“Well how much is ‘not much’?”

“I didd’t ask hib.”

“Seriously? I swear you guys get a physiological boost everywhere except your brains.” Stiles pulled his phone out and started going through his contacts for Derek’s number.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m gonna call Derek.”

“NO!” Raising his voice sent Isaac into a fit of coughs. They started out softly, but quickly progressed into deep, chesty coughs. Stiles stood looking at him, dumbfounded, then realized Isaac might need help.

“Where’s your water?” Isaac gestured to the sink and started to get up.

“No, no, no, it’s okay, I’ll get it.” Isaac shook his head and frantically made his way to the sink to drink from the tap. The cold water soothed his throat and he began to settle down.

“Sorry. Please dond’t text Derek; I’m fide.” He looked at Stiles with pleading eyes.

“Fine? I’m no expert, Isaac, but when I’m sick I don’t sit in an unheated house with my only method of hydration being me STICKING MY HEAD UNDER A FAUCET. Not to mention the lack of food. What have you eaten today, anyway?” Isaac considered the question. He hadn’t eaten anything. Stiles picked up on this from his body language. “Nothing? Perfect. Yeah you’re doing great here, Isaac. Look, I’m going back to town, I’ll walk with you to your guys’ loft. What do you say?”

But Isaac wasn’t listening. He was too busy preparing for the next onslaught of sneezes. He braced himself against the counter with one hand, and covered his nose with the other. “Ha’hi’hi’hep-CHEW! Hi’ichoo! Hah-ha-ichoo! Ha’ICHOO! Hah…..heh…..hep-CHOO! Hep-choo! Choo! Choo! Issh! Hi’ischew! Hapt-chew! Huh…hi-ichoo! Hapt-choo! Atchoo! Het-CHEW! Hi’ischew! Hi’hi…..HAPT-CHEW!” With his hand still covering his nose, he apologized, “Sorry. Whad did you say?”

“Wow. I offered to walk with you back to your and Derek’s loft. Let’s go.”

Isaac considered this as he walked back to the living room to blow his nose. Had he really used all of the toilet paper already? With no other choice and his nose streaming, Isaac opened his backpack to look for the hand towel from the McCalls that he had used earlier. He grabbed it, looked at Stiles, and with his hand still over his nose said, “I’ll be right back. Give be a binute.” Stiles nodded and Isaac rushed to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up. He debated his options in his head. He had no intention of going back to Derek’s; he had disappointed him too much yesterday. Going to town wouldn’t be a horrible idea, though. If nothing else, Isaac could use some supplies, and he knew Stiles wouldn’t leave him alone until he agreed. He decided to appease Stiles and walk to town with him, but to say nothing about getting kicked out to Stiles, and to avoid going to the loft at all costs. With his plan in place, he returned to the living room to find Stiles waiting for him on the couch.


“Sorry. Yeah, I guess I can walk back with you.”

“Good. Let’s go, I’m freezing.”

Stiles and Isaac set out into the chilly air as the sun was beginning to set. They walked in silence apart from the incessant sniffling coming from Isaac. As they walked on, a tickle started in Isaac’s nose. Having felt he’d already humiliated himself enough, and wanting to get to town, he rubbed his nose and continued sniffling in hopes that the tickle would die down. With Isaac’s nose still burning with the intense tickle, they reached the edge of town. Isaac turned to Stiles. “Thanks, Stiles, but I think I can take it from here.”

“You sure? I don’t mind.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll see you later.” Isaac gave his best smile and walked in the direction of Derek’s loft until he was sure Stiles could no longer see him. Then he switched directions and headed toward the drug store. On his way there, he contemplated his next move. There was obviously no way he was going to Derek’s. Derek didn’t want him, and would probably be mad at him for getting sick. He didn’t really know Lydia all that well, Allison was growing on him since she helped him get back at the alpha twins, but she did stab him last year, which he was still bitter about. Stiles thought he was at Derek’s, so he couldn’t go over to Stiles’ house. That left Scott’s house, but he really didn’t want Scott to see him like this. Plus he was already a burden on Scott and his mom last night. As he arrived at the drugstore, Isaac decided he would buy some supplies, namely tissues and some water, and go back to the old Hale house so he could be miserable in peace.


Sorry, I know this part was kind of long, I just couldn't find a better place to cut it off. As always, let me know if you'd like me to post more!

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Hey, I'll never complain about a section being long! I enjoyed this one as always. I loved Stiles being the one to find Isaac and take care of him, however briefly. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Has it really been a month since I've posted a new part?! So sorry to anyone still interested in reading this!


Stiles was almost back to his jeep (after his detour to make sure Isaac didn’t pass out on his way to Derek’s) when he heard someone call his name. He turned around to find Scott on his bike.

“Dude, I’ve been looking all over for you. Where’d you go after school? And why did you leave your jeep here? I thought something happened to you.”

“What, you mean like I could’ve been a human sacrifice?”


“I know, I know. You have to deal with the alphas.”

“Yeah, I do, especially the twins. They’ve been tormenting Isaac. He didn’t even come to school today.”

“Well, yeah, that’s because he’s half-dead.”

“WHAT?! Stiles, what happened to him?”

“Chill out, Scott. I was kind of exaggerating. He’s sick.”

“Wait, what? How do you know this? Can werewolves even get sick?”

“I needed to blow off steam after school so I went on a walk in the woods. When I got to Derek’s old house I thought there might be clues in there about what’s been going on, so I went inside. That’s where I found Isaac, sick as a dog. Or…..as a werewolf…..I guess. Anyway, I didn’t know you guys could get sick either, but he definitely was. It’s good now, though, I walked him back to his and Derek’s loft. Derek should know what to do, right?”

“Derek’s letting him move back in?”

“What do you mean ‘move back in?’”

“Derek kicked him out last night. He stayed at my place. He didn’t tell you that?”

“Umm, yeah, no that was never mentioned. Although it now makes more sense that he refused to let me call Derek.”

“But he’s at Derek’s now?”

“I mean, I think so Scott. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to babysit all of you guys, okay? All I know is that I walked with him to Derek’s,” Stiles snapped.

“Alright. Thanks, Stiles. And I’m sorry I haven’t really been there lately. I’m trying my best. I promise that I’ll help you figure out all these deaths—


“—sacrifices, but right now I need to make sure Isaac’s alright. I’m going to head over to Derek’s. I kind of feel like this is my fault. I thought Isaac seemed off last night at my house, but I didn’t say anything.”

“Well, I’ll come with you. I’m sorta invested now anyway since I found the sickly little wolflet in the first place. Come on, I’ll drive.”


Isaac had been walking for what seemed like hours, with a wad of his newly bought tissues under his ever-streaming nose. Finally, the burned out house came into view. If he weren’t so tired he would’ve run to it. Although it wasn’t heated, the structure at least kept some of the wind out. He walked in, saw the couch, and flopped down on it, forgetting what had happened when he’d tried that earlier in the day. Sure enough, a large cloud of dust was stirred up, immediately irritating his already agitated nose. He quickly clamped the tissues he was holding over his nose, sat up, and prepared for the worst. “Ha’hi’hi’hept-CHEW! Hi’ichoo! Hah-ha-ichoo! Ha’ICHOO! Hah…..heh…..HEPT-choo! Hep-choo! Hi’hi’hept-chew! Choo! Issh! Hi’ischew! Hapt-chew! Huh…hi-ichoo! Hapt-choo! Atchoo! Het-CHEW! Hi’ischew! Hi’hi…..HAPT-CHEW! Ugh.” Isaac held the soaked through tissues to his nose as he pawed at the bag from the drugstore looking for fresh ones. He finally found some, and blew his nose heartily.

After going through about half of one of the boxes of tissues he’d bought, he could breathe through his nose again, and the tickle had, for the time being, abated. Remembering to carefully lay on the dusty, moth-eaten couch, he lay down and was asleep within five minutes.


Stiles parked his jeep in front of Derek’s loft. “Do you think we should text Derek first or something?” he asked Scott.

“No,” was Scott’s quick response.

“Uh….well okay then. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to have us stop over unannounced.”

Scott ignored Stiles’ sarcasm as he walked up to Derek’s door. He slid it open to find Derek, Cora, and Peter all shifted into their werewolf forms and in fighting stances. When Derek saw who it was he stood up straight, shifted back, rolled his eyes (like only a Hale can do), and said, “Scott? What are you doing here?”

“For the record, I told Scott we should probably text you first instead of showing up unannounced.”

“Not helping, Stiles,” Derek replied.

“We came to check on Isaac,” said Scott.

“Well, he’s not here. See you later.”

“What do you mean he’s not here? Stiles walked with him here.”

“You know, Scott, when I said I walked him here, I may have left out that I didn’t walk with him the whole way here.”

“Seriously, Stiles?”

“I mean, come on, Scott. He’s a big boy. I walked him almost all the way here and he said he could take it from there. So I left. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“If I may interject,” began Peter, “why do you two idiots care so much about where Isaac is?”

“Well, he stayed at my house last night, left early in the morning, and didn’t show up to school. Stiles said he’s sick so I—“

“What do you mean he’s sick?” asked Derek. “We can’t get sick.”

“Well I’m no expert, but he looked really sick when I saw him, Derek. Alright? He couldn’t stop sneezing, he was hacking up a lung, and he was shivering in his sleep. I don’t know what that means in werewolf land, but in my world, that means he’s sick. So stop being a sourwolf and tell us where he is,” finished Stiles.

“I don’t know where he is, but this makes no sense. We don’t get sick. Ever.”

“Actually, my always-oblivious nephew, it is possible. I’ve only ever heard about it, though. All I know about it is that it’s brought on by tremendous stress and is extremely contagious. If something gets past our immune systems it’s because it’s an incredibly strong virus. So, as means of self-preservation, I’m not interested in helping you find him. Good luck to you all.”

“Seriously, though, can we please kill him again?” Stiles gestured toward Peter. And it’s clearly not that contagious because I was with him for a long time hours ago and I’m fine.”

“You’re also not a wolf; this must be a werewolf virus. We can’t be affected by human viruses,” Peter said with a condescending tone.

“Can you be affected by me shoving wolf’s bane up your—”

“SHUT UP, STILES!” Cora interrupted. “If we’re all so concerned about this, let’s just go find Isaac.”

“Stiles,” Derek began, “you said you saw him earlier. Where was he then?”

“Your old house.”

“Great,” said Scott. “Let’s start there.”

“No. You’re not coming. None of you are. Peter already said he wouldn’t. Cora, with what you’ve been through there’s no way I’m letting you near some mutant werewolf virus. Scott, I know you’re worried, but you have things to keep an eye on here. Plus you’re a beta. I’m an alpha, which means my immune system’s stronger. Isaac is my responsibility, so I’ll go find him and bring him back here. Cora, go stay with Peter until I tell you Isaac’s better and you can come back.” finished Derek.

“Well since this virus obviously doesn’t make me sick, I’ll come too,” offered Stiles.

“No, I’m going alone.” Derek looked at everyone with the alpha look in his eyes that let them know he was serious and his word was final. With that, he set off into the chilly night.


Sorry about the minimal sneezing in this part. It was a section of the story that was necessary to advance the plot. There is more sneezing in the next part. I will post it as soon as I can, assuming someone is still interested in this story.

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Whoops! Sorry I didn't comment last time! :) Anyway, this was super cute and I'm pretty sure I see where it's going. ;) Hope to read more soon!

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 2 years later...

I'm soooooo late on reading this but OMG sooooooooo good!!!!!! I wish you would have finished. :gora:

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