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Tony Stark cold (Avengers)

King Julian

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Tony sniffed and wiped his nose for the fifth time.

Bruce had been counting. He knew something was wrong with Tony, since he was usually loud and annoying. But today he was the opposite.


Bruce couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you okay Tony?"

"Yes. Ibe fide....*sniff*...

Yup. Just like Bruce predicted.

"Well...if you, um...ever need me, just let me know."

Tony just sighed and went back to work. Then he felt a small itch in his nose. He tried to get rid of it by rubbing his nose but it only made it worse. Tony began to feel a sneeze coming. His breath hitched, his nose wrinkled up, and he turned his head away from his work.

...hih....hi...higetCHOOo, hirgteCHOOoo!!!

Damn. Why did he always have to sneeze twice.

"Bless you" said Bruce.

Tony didn't answer.

Then Steve walked in. Of all people on this earth, it had to be Steve Rogers. Tony hated Steve. He just wanted Steve to go away and get out of his work space. He had no business to be here.

"Hi Steve. What can I do for you?" asked Bruce.

"Hello Bruce. I'm actually here to see Tony"

Tony continued working on his gadgets and kept his back towards Steve.

"Whud do you *sniff* wandt...

"Practice. You are supposed to practice with me today" Steve replied.

Tony groaned. He didn't want to. Of all times, it had to be now. Why couldn't he practice yesterday or next week.


"What do you mean, no? You are going to practice. No matter what"

"I don't wa...ant...t..too" Tony felt a sneeze coming again. His breath was hitching frantically. Tony needed to hold in back, hold it back, hold it...

hagetCHOOo, haregdCHOOO!!!

"Bless you" Steve said. He was surprised at this. Maybe, he realized, Tony was keeping his back to him for a good reason.

"Hey Tony, look at me" said Steve.


"Why not?"

"Ibe worgking. Leave bee *sniff* alode" Tony replied.

Steve and Bruce walked out of the room.

"He's been sniffing and sneezing all day Steve. I don't think practice is to good for him right now"

"He definitely doesn't sound so good, and I'm guessing he doesn't look so great either. I bet he's sick" Steve said.

"Well...if he is. He'll deny it."

hertchCHOOo, haretCHOO!!!

"BLESS YOU" yelled Steve.

"SHUD UP" Tony yelled back.

Steve and Bruce finished talking and then separated. Bruce went back to the lab, thinking about what Steve said about Tony being sick. He found Tony was sitting on the ground next to his work, wiping his nose with a grease towel. His nose was bright red and his skin tone seemed paler.

"You're sick"

"Ibe dot sigk. I dodt get *sniff* sigk" Tony said.

Bruce was getting annoyed. Tony had a cold and he was to stubborn to admit it.


The science bros continued to work, with Tony sneezing and sniffing all the while.

Then there came another visitor.

"Dr. Banner, Mr. Stark. We have some urgent business for you to look at" Coulson said.

"Oh, what kind of business?" asked Bruce.

"This kind" Coulson handed him a packet of paperwork.

Coulson was shocked when he handed Tony the packet and he accepted it. Tony NEVER accepted things. Everyone knew Tony didn't like to be handed things. Coulson was so shocked, that he wondered if Tony was okay. But he pushed the thought away and went back to business.

"Read it over by tomorrow"

Tony groaned. "Alright *sniff* Coulson"

Bruce noticed the way Tony wrinkled his nose, knowing that Tony would have to sneeze soon. His eyes shut, he rubbed a finger under his nostrils, and his breath hitched.

Hih...hih...higertCHOOo, hih...hatiegtdCHOOOo!!!

"Bless you" sighed Bruce.

"Are you feeling alright Mr. Stark?" Coulson asked, knowing that the answer would be yes.

Tony wiped his nose before answering. "Yeah, Ibe fide"

Coulson left the lab and went to talk to Fury. As soon as Coulson was out of eyesight and earshot, Tony turned to Bruce.

"Bruce, svffff...I feel like shit"

Bruce silently high-fived himself for making Tony admit it, he WAS sick.

"Alright Tony. First, you need to rest"

"But I deed to *sniff* fidish this ah...projeh...ect...haretCHOOo, hgvaterCHOOo!!!

"Tony. Bed. Or I'll have Steve come down and take care of you" Bruce teased.


And just like that, Tony went to bed.

While Tony was asleep, Steve went down to the lab to check on him.

"Is he okay?" asked Steve.

"Yeah. He's just sick with a cold" said Bruce.

"So my prediction was right. He is sick"


When Tony woke up the next morning, he didn't feel better. In fact, he felt worse. WAY worse. I guess no one ever told Tony the truth about being sick: it's gets worse before it gets better.

HaretdgCHOOo, haregcCHOOo, hih...hiterCHOOo!!!

"Holy cow Tony! Bless you!" Bruce said.

Tony just sniffed and went upstairs to eat breakfast. He hoped no one would notice him. He just wanted to be alone. Sick, and alone.

"Hi Tony" came the friendly voice of Clint.

Well...so much for being alone.

"Hi Clidt...svfff...."

"Are you ready for Nick's presentation?"

"Whad *sniff* presedtadud?"

"The one where..." Clint rambled on about all the details. In the meanwhile, Tony wasn't listening. He was trying to not sneeze.

"....so yeah. THAT presentation. Tony?"

HaretCHOOo, hergaaCHOOoo!!!! Ugh...svvvffff....

Tony's whole body lurched forward when he sneezed, and he almost fell into his cereal.

"Wow. Bless you" said Clint.


"Are you feeling okay Tony? You don't look so great, or sound too good either"

"Yes. Ibe fide...svff..."

Clint knew Tony was sick but he would never admit it.

"You're sick Tony. It's okay to admit it sometimes. Everyone gets sick at least once a year, even me. Remember when Steve got sick? Everyone thought he was dying but he was just sick with the flu. We're all human and we've been through this before. We can help you"

Tony left left and went back to his lab without a word. Then Natasha appeared from behind the doors.

"How is he?"

"Oh! Hi Tasha. He's not well..."

"I was listening to the conversation Clint. I'm not stupid" said Natasha.

"Then why'd you ask?"

"Look Clint. Even though Tony can be an asshole, he's sick. We need to find someway to make him better"

"We'll think of it later. Right now is my nap...I mean Nick's presentation" Clint said.


"Why haven't we started this yet" asked Steve.

"We're waiting for Stark" said Nick.

HagterCHOOo, hih....haretCHOOo!!!

"Ugh....Ibe here, svvfff...."

"Alright. Everyone is present except Thor- he's in Asgard...and Stark is here"

Nick began his SHIELD presentation. He imagined it to go smoothly, with no interruptions. But halfway through...

haregTCHOOoo, haretCHOOo!!!

"Bless y-"

Hih...haertCHOOo!! Svvff...

By now, the entire team was staring at Tony...even Nick.

"Is there something you've been keeping from us Stark?" Nick asked.

"Doe...Whud would I be *sniff* keeping frob you?"

"You're sick" Steve chimed in.

"Amb dot. I dod't get sigk"

"Bruce, will you take care of Stark?" Nick said

"Yeah Fury. No problem" Bruce smirked.

Bruce took a Tony down to the lab and nursed him back to health. Well...TRIED to nurse him back to health. Tony wasn't exactly the easiest person to help. Every time Bruce turned his back, Tony was doing something he shouldn't.

"Tony...you should be in bed" Bruce sighed.

"But Ibe dot si...eh...haretcCHOOo, hih...hatercCHOOo!!!

Then Natasha and Clint walked in. Natasha was holding a bowl a chicken noodle soup and Clint had a box of tissues.

"Theses are for Stark" Clint said shyly.

Tony couldn't take it anymore.


With that, Tony left the lab in a hurry.

"This is bad..." said Natasha.

Just then, Steve walked in.

"Where's Tony?"

"Great timing Cap. Stark just gave us a speech about how he's not sick. Then he left in a hurry and we don't know where he went" Clint said.

"Well. He didn't take his suit so we know he's still on the ship somewhere" Bruce pointed out.

"Bruce should stay in the lab in case he comes back, Natasha and Clint can search the perimeter and I'll look in all the big areas. We need to find him" Steve ordered.


Steve found Tony in the practice room, sitting on a bench sniffing and sneezing. He was truly a miserable sight. Steve felt a small wave of sympathy for him.

"Hey Tony. What are you doing here?" Steve asked.

Tony looked up. It was the first time Steve saw his face. His nose was really red and his skin seemed paler.

"Go away" said Tony.

"Tony. You're sick. Everyone knows it. You aren't exactly the kind of person who is good at hiding it. We all noticed when you weren't your usual self"

Tony sighed.

Hih...heagerCHOOo, haretcCHOOOoo!!!...svff...

"I dod't wadt all this attention because Ibe *sniff* you dow...sigk"

"All you gotta do is rest" Steve said.

Tony got up and Steve led him back to the lab. Everyone was relieved that Tony was found and not harmed. Bruce confined him to bed rest for the rest of the day and thanked everyone for their help. The Avengers all dispersed and left the lab. But as Steve left the lab, he could feel a small itch bloom in his nose.

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Thanks!!! This is my first fic so I hope you guys like it! Here is the second part. I was kinda forced to finish what I started. Enjoy!!!! Also, this one is more about Tony and his stupidity. ;)


"Svvff....excuse be" Steve said.

Tony was actually shocked. He. Got. Steve. Rogers. Sick. Tony personally felt like he deserved an award. Now that he wasn't sick anymore, Tony was back to being his asshole self which meant pulling pranks, working late ("working") and being a smartass annoying jerk.

"Bless. You." Tony said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey hey Stark. Leave the guy alone" Clint shot back.

"I don't need your sass, Legolas"

"I liked you better when you were sick" Clint said.

"ENOUGH! Stop fighting you guys *sniff* were are a teab. Agt like id" Steve interrupted.

With that, Steve left the room.

"Where are you going? Your room if that way" Tony said, pointing down the hall.

"Ibe going to pra...ah...practice...HARGETXCHOOO!!!

"Ohhhh no you're not. You're going to bed"

Steve just wiped his sore nose with his handkerchief.

"Ibe dot as sick as you'd think...svvfff...."

Just then, Agent Coulson burst into the room.

"We have an emergency. The NYPD is having trouble catching a robber"

"Laaaaame" Tony said.

"She can turn invisible, Mr. Stark" Coulson added.

"Is she naked while she's invisible?" Tony prompted.

"Of course dot you idiot. She would obviously be wearing clothes" Steve said.

Coulson turned to look at Steve and noticed his congested voice, red nose, paler skin (paler than usual) and his left hand was hold a handkerchief.

"Are you alright um...Captain?"

"Yes. Ibe perfectly fide..."

"He's sick" Tony interrupted.

As if it were right on cue Steve snapped forward for a violent sneeze.

"You should go rest Captain. I'll have Tony take care of the robber" Coulson said.

"Uggghhh....why me...." Tony complained.

"Tony. Stop whining like a little girl. Oh wait...you ARE a little girl" Clint burst out laughing.

"Oh, that's a nice bow Clint. Did you get it from the Medieval Thriftshop?" Tony laughed.

Steve left the room while Tony and Clint made fun of each other. He thought no one would see him.

"Captain. Bed" Coulson demanded.

"Ibe just going to train. I'll go to *sniff* bed later"

Coulson gave Steve one last glance and then left. Steve wasn't really going to practice anyway. He was going to stop the invisible robber. Steve put on his uniform and flew down to the city without anyone noticing him.


"Has anyone seen Cap? He's been gone for like, 10 minutes" Tony said.

Just then, Steve walked in.

"Ibe here. What do you wandt"

"Uh...how bout an explanation of where you were"

"I was...ah...HARTECXCHOOO!!!

"Ugh...sorry. Excuse be"

"He was doing your job Stark" Fury growled.

"Ohhhhh...I was going to leave for that in 15 minutes...whoops..." Tony replied.


"Bless you" said Coulson.

"Ugh...svvfff....Ibe going to bed" Steve said. Then he took off his uniform and went to bed. Simple as that.


But Tony was bored. He was SO bored that he thought pranks would lighten the mood. And he had just the prank.

"Tony. Where are you going?" asked Clint.

"I'm going to check on Steve"

"Okay. I'll see you in the practice room for combat training in five minutes then?"

"Yup" Tony agreed. 5 minutes...that's all he needed.

Tony crept into Steve's room and found his handkerchief on the nightstand. Tony put rubber gloves on and picked it up. Then he got out his bag of sneezing powder and dumped it onto the hankie. He put it back on the nightstand, just as he had found it. And then he left before Steve woke up.

"This is going to be good" Tony whispered to himself.


When Steve woke up, he felt dazed and more congested. He walked into the main room and found everyone there talking.

"Whad's going od?"

"Hi Cap! We were talking about all the stupid stuff we did as kids. So far Clint and I are tied and Bruce is second" Tony said.

Steve felt a sneeze coming so he brought up his handkerchief.


Steve wiped his nose and suddenly felt another sneeze. HARETXCHOOO!!! HARETSFCHOOO!!! HARETDGXCHOOO!!! HARETDGXCHOOO!!!

Tony and the rest of the team had suddenly stopped talking and looked at Steve. Bruce became very concerned for Steve because he only sneezed once when he was sick, so something was not right. Bruce looked at Tony for help but only saw a big fat grin on his face.

"Tony....What. Did. You. Do!" Bruce said in a I-am-going-to-kill-you tone.


"I coated his hankie in sneezing powder. Duh"

"TONY YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE!!!!" Bruce yelled.

Then Bruce walked over to a very sick, very tired looking Steve Rogers.

"Steve, try to listen to me. Don't use your handkerchief or your hands, they are full of sneezing powder. You'll have to use tissues"

"HERE! I have a tissue box right here" Clint said as he tossed the box to Bruce.

"Thanks Clint" Bruce said while switching out the hankie with tissues. "Here Clint, put this in the sink....and have TONY clean it out"

When Steve's sneezing fit came to a stop, everyone was relieved.

"How's it going Tony?" asked Clint.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, this is SOOOO GROSS!!! There is snot EVERYWHERE on this handkerchief!!!!!!!"

Everyone laughed.

"Mr. Stark. Fury wants to see you" Coulson interrupted.

"Ohhhh shhhhhiiiiiitt...."

"He has some ideas for your punishment"

"I just have to say one thing. FUCK YOU ROGERS!!!" Tony yelled as Coulson escorted him out of the room.

The end.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

omg omg omg omg this was fabulous! I'm is stitches with the sneezing powder! roll2.gif

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Yummy, YUMMY story. Bless both of my babies... :wub:

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