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Puppies Get Sick Too {Teen Wolf-Isaac}


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Decided to try my hand at some Teen Wolf. I am absolutely in love with Isaac Lahey.

I know werewolfs aren't supposed to get sick, but I'm calling bull and saying that they can.

ALSO! This is a pack!fic. So everyone is close and Stile's is kind of the pack-mom.

Hope you enjoy!!


It was training day for the pack. Derek was battling with Erica while Aiden was trying to underhand Lydia. Rain was falling hard around everyone, wind picking up as well.

Derek had said something about the rain being good. A distraction could end up in a lost life, so having the rain there was good for practice. As Derek knocked Erica to the ground, his eyes found his youngest pup.

Isaac stood on the sidelines with the other members of the pack, arms folded tightly around himself. His curls were matted to his head, and Derek could see him shiver every few moments. Though he hadn't battled the thin boy yet, he had a feeling he wouldn't be, if Stiles had anything to say about it.

As if on queue, Stiles, Derek's mate, walked out and looked at everyone.

"Derek! I can't believe you! Let's get them all inside!" Stiles shouted, looking at all the teens who were soaked.


Isaac sat on the couch, sandwiched between Lydia and Stiles. He hoped no one could tell how cold he was, even after changing into sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. His eyes were tired, and his body felt heavy, exhausted even.

Sniffling, another new occurrence, the youngest boy looked around at everyone else who seemed to be enjoying a television show. Scrunching up his small nose, Isaac discreetly rubbed at his this nostrils, trying to abate the tickle that felt like it had made permanent residence.

With no such luck, Isaac sniffled again before loosing the battle. Trying his hardest to keep the sneeze from distracting people, he pinched his thumb and forefinger against his sensitive nostrils.

"Heh'GNXT! uh....huh'GNNXT!"

Derek's head instantly shot up, dark eyes boring into tired greenish blue ones.

"Isaac....bless you," Derek said, trying not to frighten his youngest.

"Th-Thaaaah...huh'GTSCHH! Thangks," Isaac muttered from behind his arm that he had brought up to cover his mouth and nose.

Derek noticed the stuffy tone to his pups voice and bit at his lip, worried. This might be a long day.

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I've always had a soft spot for Isaac!

Same! He's just so adorable and cuddly. :heart: Really good job on this, JRE111. We really needed some Isaac up in here. ;)

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Thanks for the feedback guys! Isaac is my absolute favorite on Teen Wolf.


As the day wore on, so did Isaac's immune system. Stiles had resisted asking if he wanted medicine, only because the small boy had gone to his room after having a full blown sneezing attack which had resulted in an overly congested voice and flushed face. Derek was still on edge, able to feel how sick his pup was.

As the downstairs grew quiet from lack of activity; most of the pack went off to the store with Stiles, Derek could acutely head Isaac from his room.

"Huh...hehhh heh'TSCHHH! ugh....*snfl* huh'GSTCHHH!"

With a wince, Derek climbed up the stairs to the second floor and walked into the most pitiful young boy he'd seen in a while. Isaac was sitting on his bed, a rough paper towel held to his now red nose. His cheeks were flushed and his skin was pale.

"Oh puppy..." Derek murmured, holding out his arms. Isaac scrambled up from his bed and pressed himself into Dereks body, shivering and sniffling.

"I d-do't feel good Deregk.." Isaac said, his voice scratchy and rough.

"I know Ise, I know, how about we go lay down in mine and Stiles' bed?" The older man asked protectively.

Isaac nodded but stopped when his thin nostrils quivered yet again. Not moving, he pressed his face more into Dereks shoulder, trying to rub his itchy nose against his alpha's soft shirt.

"De-Dehhh..heh'GNXXT! huh'TCHHH'uhh! Der...t-tiihhh hih'TSCHH!"

Derek rubbed Isaac's back, not at all phased by the messy sneezes that were directed into his shoulder, only concerned about how warm his youngest pup was.

Grabbing a tissue from the box, he made Isaac pull back before wiping at his boys nose, making sure he blew into the now wet tissue for good measure. He knew Isaac must be sick if he was okay with all the babying.

"Let's get you in bed Puppy..."

Edited by JRE111
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Awwwe ;o this makes my heart break for poor Isaac and finally Derek is so protective ;o I love this <3 continue ! :)

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Dawwwwwwwwww...*goes on unendingly* this is soooooo cute!! And Stiles being pack mom! Lol, that is good, I can totally imagine him cooking in the kitchen wearing a girly pink apron with a kitten on it! XD

Edited by Carebear<3
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  • 3 weeks later...

"Isaac....bless you," Derek said, trying not to frighten his youngest.

"Th-Thaaaah...huh'GTSCHH! Thangks," Isaac muttered from behind his arm that he had brought up to cover his mouth and nose.

I'm still kind of new here and for some reason can't exactly figure out the "selective quote" option, but what I mean to say is this is great! :D Ahhh so cute, I love Isaac and Derek chemistry :3

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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