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You Like Me Too Much (Beatles fic)


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This is my first fanfic so be nice. I'm only 14. This will be a George centered fic (I just love him and from other posts on the forum you seem to like him too.) There is mild slash between him and Paul.


The Beatles were on train ride to a hotel in 1964. John, Paul and Ringo were having a ciggie in the lobby, while George was sitting in one of the train booths reading the newspaper. It was fairly quiet; you could only hear the rumbling on the train tracks. It was raining when the boys got in the train and the rain didn't look like it was going to slow down any time soon.

The window was open a crack and breeze would come rushing in the train. A sudden gust of wind came through, blowing the newspaper enough to make crinkling noise. George shivered a bit and put his head up. He felt an annoying tickle in his nose. He took a breath in. "Heh-Chhieeww~" He sniffled a bit and closed the window. "Why would anyone even leave the window open in fucking winter anyways? Are they mad?"

George heard footsteps walking in the hallway. He could hear a bit of singing outside. It was Paul! George sat back down in his seat reading the paper like nothing happened. He felt the tickle again. Paul came through the door. "Hey George!" "Hihhh - Hi - P - Pahuhh...hiihh...haaah..." George couldn't hold it back any longer. He put his fist up to his face. "Huh-Eeishhuuu~" Paul smiled and chuckled. "Bless you luv." "Ugh...sorry 'bout that." George sighed as he put his down a bit. "What is it?" Paul leaned in a bit. "Some bloke wants to interview you." "Only me?" "He already interviewed the rest of us." He leaned in even closer with a grin on his face. "You can take it can't you?" George blushed looking quite cross. "Of course I can! I'm not a baby." "Ha. John says otherwise."

The two boys went out of the booth when..."Huh-CHHuhhh!" George didn't even feel that one coming. He ended up sneezing on Paul. They both paused stunned. George blushed intensely and sniffled in shame. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Paul! It came out of nowhere I swear!" Paul turned around smiling. "It's okay. Shit happens right?" "Heh. I guess so." "Now chin up lad. Let's get that interview over with."


Gaaahhhh....this is so bad....I will continue.

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Love it. Perfectly timed too. Please continue! I will be an avid and eager reader.

O.O wow oh my gosh thank you! I was debating about uploading another part. I didn't think anyone would read it! But I will continue now! It will take me a bit though. Thanks again!
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