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Sneezy Dean (SPN)


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Hey there! So I'm new- this is actually my first reply...Just wanted to say I LOVE this fic! I've been following it since you started. You have the characterization down! And I love the balance between plot and sneezy goodness, it really keeps me hooked. Sick Dean is one of my favorite things to read and you do a fantastic job!

That is like the best response I could have gotten! I hardly ever comment on peoples tics either, I'm one of those sneaky people that reads it and keeps an eye for updates religiously but never comment! lol I hoped there would be people like that reading mine. Thanks so much. You're awesome.

Oh, the part where Bobby was watching Dean was the sweetest! heart.gif

Sam said, leaning forward, reaching a hand towards his brothers head.

Dean leaned back in his seat and held a hand up, “Don’t even think about it,” he growled.

And I absolutely *loved* this! (:

I really liked the new part, too! You're so good with describing how Dean is feeling. The details really help with that, good job! And I have a vague idea where this is going... Sick Dean is not going to be able to sleep in peace, huh? Once he wakes up... ahh, I really like this! Waiting impatiently for the next part now!

You're too kind, and I'm very sorry to let this one go but this is the final part. I hope you like it, I really do! :) Thanks for sticking with me :)

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Kaaaay, so this journey is over. This is the last part :) (well nothing's really over is it. epilogue anyone? :P) Thanks you SO much for staying with me, for commenting, for reading and getting involved, you've honestly kept me writing this stuff. This is the first public forum I have used to display my writing and I'm super happy at the response. You are all angels and look out for me. Because I have more stuff coming your way. Thanks for the support.


The next time Dean woke, he threw up again, in the trashcan by his bed. He retched so hard he coughed, he coughed so hard he couldn’t breathe. He groped sightlessly at the items on the nightstand, relieved when he finally gripped the hard plastic of the inhaler. He spat mucus into the bin and flopped back against the bed. He felt like shit. Worse than shit. And there was something he was forgetting, something important, but he couldn’t remember what it was.

He prized his eyes open again and sniffed, looking to the nightstand. Sam had left him a note.

Gone to the vampire nest. Impala’s here. Don’t do anything stupid, you’re not well. See you when we get back. Don’t forget your antibiotic.

- S

Vampire nest... Shit.

He got up way too quickly and blacked out, pitching forward to lean on the wall until his vision returned. They always put times on their notes, so the other knew when a good time to start panicking was. It had been just over an hour since Sam had left that note and that could mean anything. Eddie and Marie were planning on blowing that place up today, with them inside, maybe Sam and Bobby too. They probably didn’t even care. They’d lost everything, what would it matter if they took down these two strangers on their way out? Well, it meant everything to Dean, and if they were going to be reckless and use themselves as suicide bombers and get his brother and his Bobby killed then there was nothing more important in the world than stopping that from happening. He gulped back the urge to chuck again and felt the back of his head. He shouldn’t have touched it as the pain had him gagging, sending his vision white for a moment.

He grabbed his inhaler and some tissues and shoved them in his pockets and made his way out to the impala. It was a terrible idea. He couldn’t even walk in a straight line.

“Come on, Dean,” he groaned at himself, as he pulled his phone out and dialed Sam. “Pick up, dambit.”

“This is Sam-”

Dean shoved the phone back in his pocket and got behind the wheel.

“HUT-SCKEW!” he snapped forward, cupping his hands around his face, “Ow...”

It was going to be a long drive...


Dean muscled through a few black outs, sneezing fits and coughing spells behind the wheel, hoping for the best until the van came into sight, parked in the bushes at the side of the road, just down for the warehouse. There was no sky high flames or smoking craters so, chances were, he still had some time.

He pulled up roughly next to the van, using Baby as a battering ram through the trees. He cringed. That was gonna scratch the paint.

Oh well, no time for that now. He threw his door open and paused only for a second to throw up on the ground. It was probably a bit of concussion, probably a bit of the flu, probably a bit of stress... It didn’t matter. All that mattered was saving Sam and Bobby, then he could focus on getting himself right. Another coughing fit and a few more puffs of the inhaler and he could almost stand upright again.

Neither Bobby or Sam were answering their phones, so he had to go down there. There was no other option.

He opened the trunk and pulled out a machete and his sawed off, running as fast as his legs could carry him towards the warehouse.


Jesus, there couldn’t be more out here, could there!? Holy crap... Dean?

“Dean!” Sam shouted, watching his brother run towards him, looking like he was moving through treacle. Dean was a fast runner, faster than a vamp, faster than Sam, but he was not moving well. And he did not look well at all.

“Sammy!” was the hoarse shout he got back, as Dean’s knees buckled just in front of where Sam was standing.

“Dean! Are you alright? You shouldn’t be here!” Sam’s hands went to his brother’s shoulders, stopping him from falling face first into the ground. He didn’t like the look of Dean’s lips. They weren’t supposed to be purple, verging on blue.

“S-sam,” he couldn’t breathe.

Shit, he wasn’t breathing.

Bobby rounded the corner as Sam checked Dean’s pockets for the inhaler, getting it to his mouth with such urgency.

“Breathe, Dean, you’re okay...” his hands gripped tighter on his brothers shoulders and he watched him suck in a few breaths.

“We need to get away. Where’s Ed and Marie?” He panted.

“They just got inside,” Bobby said, helping Sam pull Dean to his feet, “Wouldn’t even let me in the door. Said they wanted to do it all themselves.”

“They’re planning on blowing the place up,” Dean croaked, “They’re suicide bombers.”

Sam eyes widened and he grabbed his brother by the scruff of the neck and began pulling him away. Bobby slung one of Dean’s arms over his shoulders and the three of them bolted as fast and as far as they could carry each other.

The force from the blast sent all three of them to the ground. Ears ringing, world left in white once again. Dean groaned but he couldn’t hear it, didn’t even know if it made a sound. God, he just wanted to sleep.

“Dean? Dean, you okay?” Sam’s hands were tapping his face, his head flopping from side to side as he gently opened his eyes, blinking a few times to try and focus.

“Hey, Sam?”

“Yeah, Dean, what? What is it?”

“You feel like driving?”

And that was it. Out like a light.


The next time Dean woke up he was upstairs at Bobby’s, tucked into the bed, tissues, water and medicine on the night stand. His head was killing him, it felt like a bowling ball, stuffed full of snot, his throat like sandpaper.

Lifting his heavy arm he grabbed the glass of water and shakily raised it to his lips, propping himself up on one elbow. He spluttered as it hit his raw, aching throat and coughed.

He managed to get to his feet after a time. Grabbing his watch off the night stand he noticed the time was 6pm. He ran a hand down his face from forehead to chin, sniffing thickly. Gee, that snot just wouldn’t leave, and it felt like it had set up residence in his lungs as well, filling them, making crackling popping sounds as he breathed in and out.

He shuffled down the stairs, hearing Sam laughing in the kitchen. He smiled at the sound. It had been a while since he’d heard that.

Bobby sprung up at the sight of Dean entering, and Sam turned to see him as well, getting up and putting a hand under his elbow to help him to the chair. They were both scraped up, covered in cuts and bruises, but seeming like they were in good spirits at least, considering.

“Hey,” he squeaked, realising his voice wasn’t really going to work.

“Ouch,” Bobby winced.

Dean shrugged, allowing himself to be shepherded.

“It’s good to see you, man... up and about. How you feeling?”

“Like death,” again the words were barely a whisper, squeaky and scratchy and extraordinarily painful. He grimaced after the phrase, wiping a tear from his eye, just from the pain of the effort.

“Sorry, man. Don’t talk anymore,” Sam said, looking guilty over making him open his mouth.

“Son, you should be in bed. You were out for about a day. We were worried sick. Almost took you to emergency when your temp shot up to 104 again.”

Dean just nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sneezed four times.


“So, there’s still that then, hey?” Sam was wrinkling up his face in concern and Dean felt bad that he’d stopped the sound of laughter and replaced it with worry.

Dean just nodded again, weakly.

“Here,” Bobby said, placing a notepad and pen in front of him.

Dean rolled his eyes but picked up the pen and scrawled.

Ed and Marie?

Bobby shook his head, “We got you in the back of the impala, quickly searched the warehouse... There was nothing left.”


“We high tailed it out of there before any got there, salvaged what we could from the van and then torched it.”

Dean nodded.

“You want some dinner?” Bobby offered.

Does it look like I can swallow?, Dean thought.

He shook his head and rested his head in his hand, waving his other as if to say ‘carry on’.

Bobby and Sam ate their spaghetti bolognese, throwing back and forth playful banter. Dean just sat and watched them eat and talk and tried to take in everything, remember everything, because he wanted this image to replace all the bad images he had in his head. Everything that had happened to him, everything he had done. If he had Sam and he had Bobby, then he would be okay. Then he could get up in the morning and go to sleep at night. He just wanted to remember this moment. God, he wanted to remember this, EVEN if he felt like death, he’d actually been dead so this wasn’t so bad.

After a while Dean’s eyes slowly drifted shut.


A strong hand on his shoulder and Sam’s coy voice stirred him back to reality and he opened his bleary eyes, finding the two men watching him.

“I think it’s bed time,” Bobby said, with genuine fondness in his voice.

Dean cleared his throat painfully, “‘M’fine,” he forced out.

“Like hell,” Bobby grunted.

Dean weakened in his gaze before relenting, “‘t’s a lotta stairs...”

“Well, I ain’t dragging your unconscious ass up there again, so we better get started now while you still got some fight in ya.”

It was a mission in itself to get back up the stairs, even with Sam and Bobby taking a lot of his weight. When he was finally back in the bed he relaxed, letting his eyes fall shut.

“Get some sleep, Dean.”

“Sam?” his eyes shot open again, struggling to sit up.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Sam was back at his side, pushing him down into the bed. “You want me to stay here with you?”

Dean sniffed, gulped painfully and nodded slightly.

Sam smiled. God, he loved to see that smile.

“Well, go on. Scoot over.”

Dean shuffled down the bed, freeing up a side for Sam. Sam propped himself up on the headboard next to his brother, he shifted a little, getting comfortable and Dean’s eyes stayed fixed on him.

“Go to sleep, Dean. I’m not going anywhere.”

Dean rolled over, facing away from his brother, his back touching Sam’s hip.


“Bless you.”

Dean murmured something that could have been a thank you, but he was fading from consciousness pretty quickly. Sam would wait and ask Bobby to get him a book or something later. Right now he would settle for sitting in silence next to his sleeping brother. After all, it was the least he could do.


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Yay, bed-sharing! wubsmiley.gif

Thank-you for sharing this with us! I'm so glad you did. It was lovely.

Thank YOU for reading it :) Nice to feel the love.

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May I say that this story has been a hell of a ride...! Painful at times, because damn it, Dean was sooo so miserable! I swear, it hurt! But then, this was also full of suspense and extremely well written! This last part was a beautiful ending to an amazing story! <3

Thank you so much for sharing this fic with us! And I'm excited to read more from you in the future! :)

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Holy crapsicles, this is the best freaking thing I've read in my entire life. I love you.

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I am in tears because this is so beautifully written!

I'm in tears reading your comments! Thank you :')

May I say that this story has been a hell of a ride...! Painful at times, because damn it, Dean was sooo so miserable! I swear, it hurt! But then, this was also full of suspense and extremely well written! This last part was a beautiful ending to an amazing story! <3

Thank you so much for sharing this fic with us! And I'm excited to read more from you in the future! smile.png

Thanks so much :') I love to read fan fiction and be taken on a journey with these guys and I'm so glad I could do it for some of you. I had no plan, I literally made it up as I went so I know there were times when it didn't flow nicely but thanks for encouraging me and for supporting me. You have definitely not seen the last of me!

Holy crapsicles, this is the best freaking thing I've read in my entire life. I love you.

You shut your mouth... i love you, too...

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You shut your mouth... i love you, too...

May or may not have copied the entire thing to a Word document so I can read it at uni. whistling.gif

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You shut your mouth... i love you, too...

May or may not have copied the entire thing to a Word document so I can read it at uni. whistling.gif


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  • 4 months later...

I just reread this whole thing and wanted to state that it was amazing. Perfect amount of angst, storyline, brotherly love, sneezing, etc. Excellent!

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I just reread this whole thing and wanted to state that it was amazing. Perfect amount of angst, storyline, brotherly love, sneezing, etc. Excellent!

Thank you so much for bumping this fic! I'd actually forgotten about this one :P Ah, I do miss writing Bobby. Thanks for your feedback, really appreciate it :)

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  • 4 months later...

I just love this fic. it is so well-written and full of gorgeous angst, the sneezing is just the cherry on top!

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