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Sneezy Dean (SPN)


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"Dean's got the sniffles," Sam mocked.

"Awwww," Bobby cooed.

"Shut up. I'm fine," he snapped, slamming his car door with more force than was really necessary.

THIS IS THE CUTEST THING. I basically imploded when I read this w00t.gif It is the most adorable thinggg! Yes continue!! ^_^

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Unf, I loved this part. All the drinking is probably not a good idea especially in combo with the meds, but is very Dean.

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Oh my gosh, you guys are amazing :) Thanks for all the words of encouragement and the suggestions about the hunters! Read this part to find out the mystery :P


Dean slammed the car door shut and reveled in the comforting squeak. He steadied his legs and took a deep breath of fresh air, quelling the cough that tried to escape on the exhale. He did feel better since the medicine was starting to kick in, his nose a little freer, his head not so hazy, and the throbbing behind his eyes had dulled to a mild ache. Sure, he wasn’t in tip top shape but he could get through this. At least another four hours... until he needed more medicine again.

He wordlessly followed Bobby into the diner, glancing in every possible direction for his baby brother’s big head.

Of course Sam had positioned himself so he could see the door from where he sat at the table with two other strangers. Sam stood up as the bell above the door dinged, alerting the diner to the presence of the hunters.

Dean moved around Bobby to get ahead of him.

Sure can move when he wants to, Bobby thought fondly.

“Dean,” was all Sam managed to get out before Dean grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a hug.

Sam gave a small laugh and returned the strong grip of brotherly affection. When they pulled away Dean gave him a purposeful whack in the back of the head.

“Ow!” Sam cried.

“You deserved that,” Dean grunted, then swallowed.

He tried to ignore Sam’s eyes studying him as the two other hunter stood up and introduced themselves, shaking Dean and Bobby’s hands.

“Sorry, to steal him from you like that. I promise we were only looking out for him.”

“Yeah, well, can’t say I agree with your methods,” Dean said, sitting down at the end of the table, next to Sam. Bobby sat on the other side of Sam, by the window, opposite Eddie and Marie. Sam looked at him, mentally telling him to shut his pie hole, but it was freaking early and he felt like ass and he just... whatever.

“Look, we don’t expect you to trust us, but Sam’s here, isn’t he? Not a scratch on him, ‘sept a little bump on the head,” Eddie said, reaching for his cup of coffee.

“Well, since the formalities are taken care of do you mind tellin’ us what this is all about?” Bobby asked, laying both arms down across the table, “You know, kidnapping people ain’t the way to earn friends.”

Eddie sighed and bowed his head.

“We’re sorry about that, but we’re just so lucky to have other hunters here. We wanted you to know what you were walking into before you walked into it... and we need your help,” Marie said, looking from Bobby to Dean.

Dean looked at Sam and from the look he received back, Sam already knew what was going on.

“Why don’t you start by telling us why you went MIA for two years?” Dean growled, his voice sounding weak and strangled, yet still able to convey his skepticism.

Marie looked at Eddie, sadness washing over both faces, before she looked back at Dean.

“I got pregnant. Gave up hunting. We lived like normal people for a while,” she smiled sadly at Eddie and he grabbed the hand she had resting on the table, “Then they came. Droppin’ bodies all over the place. We decided we had to dust off our hunting boots and protect what we fought so hard to have...”

“What happened?” Bobby asked.

“We failed,” Eddie grunted, eyes meeting Bobby’s, “And we lost the only happiness we ever had.”

Dean flicked his eyes in Sam’s direction and they shared another one of their looks.

Yeah, bet you feel like a jackass now?

Shut up, Patty Hearst.

“They drove us to the outskirts of town. You won’t see ‘em during the day but at night they roam around in packs, just taking people right off the street,” Marie’s lip turned up in disgust as she spoke about it.

“Why didn’t you call anyone for backup?” Bobby asked, with a hint of guilt.

“Hell, we burnt all our bridges with other hunters. Thought it was the right thing to do. Like we were protecting someone. Stupidest thing we ever did,” Eddie said, balling up his napkin in his hand.

Dean muffled a cough in his sleeve, no one looking up at him except for Sam.

“Well, hell, you sound like you’ve been through a ringer. We’re hear to help. I’m sorry we didn’t come sooner.”

“Yeah, well, you’re here now, and we’re gonna kill all those evil sons of bitches,” Eddie said in that full gravely voice.

Dean nodded and quirked the side of his mouth in a small smile.

Here, here.

“Alright,” Bobby said, leaning back in his seat, “Well, if you got a plan, we’re all ears.”


Dean managed half of his scrambled eggs and toast down, taking sips of coffee. Sam ordered him an apple juice which Dean didn’t touch out of principle for a good ten minutes, until the condensation on the glass was forming a pool of water on the table. He internally thanked Sam for it as the cool liquid soothed his painful throat, trying not to moan with pleasure. Of course he didn’t have to say anything ‘cause Sam was already staring at him with a pleased expression.

“You can all stay at our place tonight if we’re gonna hit ‘em hard tomorrow,” Eddie said, his hands balling into fists again, “The beds are more like blankets on springs but we got enough room and it’ll give us more time to prepare.”

Bobby looked at Dean, everyone else followed his gaze.

“Thanks, but I’ve set the motel up good. We’ll be safe there tonight.”

“Woah, Bobby, what the hell?” Dean sniffed, “Of course we should stay with them if we’re planning a siege.”

Eddie wiped his hands and threw his napkin into the middle of his clean plate as he got to his feet. He grabbed Marie’s arm gently.

“We’ll give you guys a minute to talk. We’ll be outside.”

Dean watched them disappear out the door.

“You’re dot kickig be off this case, Bobby!” Dean spoke in an angry whisper that didn’t make him sound any more threatening or hurt any less.

“I’m not sayin' that, even though we’re all thinkin' it,” he mumbled, “I’m just sayin' you should rest as much as you can in a proper bed before you go and kill yourself in a case you’re nowhere near well enough for.”

“I f-feel better, al-alright?” Oh, this was not the time.

“That’s cause you’re drinkin’ whiskey like it’s water and mixin’ it with a whole bunch o’ other drugs.”

“You t-told be to tagke the m-medicinde!”

“Not all at once!”

“Will both of you shut up?” Sam ordered, “Dean, you okay?”

“G’dda sdneeze...” he said, grabbing the napkin just in time, “HKCTSSHU! HHSCHTEWW!” he sniffled helplessly into the napkins, the sneeze bringing back the headache behind his eyes.

“Look, no one’s killing any vampires today. Why doesn’t Dean rest at the motel and we’ll go to their safe house tonight?”

Dean wanted to protest about needing rest, in the freaking day, no less, but his cold wouldn’t let up.

“huuh-HHSTCHOoo! HEHSTCHEeew! Uh, god...” he pressed his free hand against his forehead.

“Hey,” Sam put a hand on his shoulder, and god, it was good to feel that comforting touch. He absolutely despised needing to be taken care of, and he didn’t need to be taken care of, but he also loved having his brother around, and it felt nice to know that there was someone he could trust to be vulnerable in front of, even if he didn’t want to. “You alright?”

Dean stuffed the napkin in his pocket and wriggled away from the hand, “Dude, I’b fide. Cad’t a guy catch a cold without it beig the end of the world?” Urgh, his throat hurt. Why was that sentence so long?

Sam huffed a laugh and Dean’s muscles relaxed slightly.

“Let’s go back to the motel. They’re right about the beds. I’m gonna need to rest up too.”

Angle number two: make Dean feel like he’s doing Sam a favour.

“Fide, pridcess,” Dean groaned and pushed himself to his feet.

Sam smiled smugly, glancing at Bobby to share in his victory.

Sam followed Dean towards the door to join their new allies in the parking lot.

“Guess, I’m getting this then,” Bobby groaned, pulling some notes out of his wallet and throwing them onto the table amongst the clean plates, save for half a serve of scrambled eggs and toast.


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DOH! I didn't see that coming. I mean, the hunters going MIA for the most simple and logical of reasons. I like this. The more to deceive us if they are werewolves (just kiddin' ;) ) I loved Bobby's internal dialogue and Dean's slap behind Sam's head after the hug. So very in characters :) And what to say about this little bit...

“I f-feel better, al-alright?” Oh, this was not the time.

“That’s cause you’re drinkin’ whiskey like it’s water and mixin’ it with a whole bunch o’ other drugs.”

“You t-told be to tagke the m-medicinde!”

“Not all at once!”

“Will both of you shut up?” Sam ordered, “Dean, you okay?”

“G’dda sdneeze...” he said, grabbing the napkin just in time, “HKCTSSHU! HHSCHTEWW!” he sniffled helplessly into the napkins, the sneeze bringing back the headache behind his eyes.

LOL Such an epic struggle :D Again, love it! Can't wait to see how Dean will keep those huge sneezes under wrap while in the vampire nest....

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DOH! I didn't see that coming. I mean, the hunters going MIA for the most simple and logical of reasons. I like this. The more to deceive us if they are werewolves (just kiddin' wink.png ) I loved Bobby's internal dialogue and Dean's slap behind Sam's head after the hug. So very in characters smile.png And what to say about this little bit...

“I f-feel better, al-alright?” Oh, this was not the time.

“That’s cause you’re drinkin’ whiskey like it’s water and mixin’ it with a whole bunch o’ other drugs.”

“You t-told be to tagke the m-medicinde!”

“Not all at once!”

“Will both of you shut up?” Sam ordered, “Dean, you okay?”

“G’dda sdneeze...” he said, grabbing the napkin just in time, “HKCTSSHU! HHSCHTEWW!” he sniffled helplessly into the napkins, the sneeze bringing back the headache behind his eyes.

LOL Such an epic struggle biggrin.png Again, love it! Can't wait to see how Dean will keep those huge sneezes under wrap while in the vampire nest....

Haha! You're suggestions were wonderful and I'm still not sure if I trust them yet myself :P But I thought it would be nice for the boys to have some more people in their lives that weren't going to try and kill them. Please stay tuned for my. I really enjoy your feedback :)

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Next part guyzzzz. It's only short, just a little bit to tied you over. And so much angst! ;)


Dean and Sam settled down in their motel room beds, with the promise to return to Eddie and Marie’s that night to prepare. Bobby had gone to sleep in his own room since he’s stayed awake for most of the night before with Dean.

Dean wanted to let Sam sleep. He knew he needed it after being knocked out and kidnapped, spending all night with those other hunters. But Dean was sick, and he couldn’t stay quiet as much as he wanted to let Sammy sleep.

He managed to slave off the coughs for a few minutes, hoping Sammy was asleep by now. He rolled onto his side and coughed quietly against his pillow, loosening some more gunk that had settled in his chest. He cursed himself, but once he was off he was off.

“You okay, man?” came the tentative voice of his very awake younger brother.

Dean coughed a little more, forcing a “yeh,” between bursts.

Sam sighed. Not like an annoyed huff, but a gentle concerned breath. He rolled himself from the comfort of the motel bed and scrubbed a hand across his face. He filled a glass and brought it to Dean, sitting down on the edge of his bed, as the weak coughs continued to shake his poor brother.

“Here,” Sam said, as Dean pushed himself into a sitting position and took the glass. He would not be subjected to being fed water like a baby bird.

“Thangks,” he snuffled, taking an uninterrupted breath.

Sam gave a sympathetic smile, which Dean absolutely hated.

“Go back to sleep. I’b fide,” he growled, his voice about an octave lower than normal, which neither of them was sure was possible.

Sam patted him on the shoulder as he rose to head back to his own bed. Now that he’d laid down in a acceptably comfortable bed he’d realised how tired he was.

Dean stayed sitting up against the headboard and sat as still and quietly as he could until Sam finally fell asleep.

He knew he wasn’t getting anymore sleep for the moment. He couldn’t go ten minutes without coughing or sneezing or both, he couldn’t even breathe through his nose, and every time he did fall asleep he was back in hell. So, enough of sleeping.

He stared at Sam for a minute, content now that he was actually asleep and struggled himself to his feet. He swayed a little and clamped his eyes shut until the room stopped spinning, then grabbed a handful of tissues and quietly escaped out the front door.

He flopped down into the plastic lawn chair in front of their room and coughed against his arm. He pressed the tissues against his face, trying to keep them quiet.

“huh-htschew! Hustchuu! Hehsthoo!” he sneezes tugged against his sore throat and even an uncomfortable moan was beyond him. He gingerly blew his nose and stuffed the crumpled tissue back in his pocket.

He rested his head in his hands and tried to breathe normally.

Bobby would be sleeping. He’d kept the poor old bastard awake all night. No use bothering him again. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Eddie. He picked up within two rings.


“Hey, Eddie, it’s Dean.”

“Thought you were supposed to be getting some rest, you know? Big day tomorrow.”

“Yeah, well, I’ll sleep when I’b dead... again.”

“What’s that?”

“Ah, nothin’. Where are you? Sam’s out like a light.”

“I’m at the house. I can swing by and pick you up if it’s strategy you wanna talk.”

“Yeah, sounds good,” beats sitting around here, listening to myself breathe, “See you when you get here.”

Dean went back into the room and scrawled Sam a note for when he woke.

Couldn’t sleep. I’m with Eddie. I’m fine, don’t freak out.

He signed it with the letter ‘D’ and left it propped up on the nightstand next to Sam’s phone. Glancing back from the door, he paused for a moment, then stuffed his pockets with more tissues and left to wait for Eddie in the parking lot.


Dean mainly listened, voice too sore to talk, as Eddie filled him in on more of what had happened with the vamps while they drove to the nest, where the vamps were hole up. Eddie parked the van in view of the warehouse but not close enough to arouse suspicion.

“They have daytibe guards,” Dean noted, holding the back of his hand against his nose.

“Yeah, two shift changes a day while the rest of ‘em sleep.”

Dean nodded, “Best tibe to get ‘eb.”

“Exactly. We never had the numbers... Until now.”

Dean coughed wetly into his sleeve, the skin around his eyes a little puffy from exhaustion.

“You want me to take you to the clinic?” Eddie asked with a level voice.

Dean paused for a minute. Shocked by the outward request. Although, it wasn’t like it was surprising he’d noticed how sick he was. It was kind of hard to miss.

“Listen, Ed...” Dean began his rant on why he didn’t need to be coddled but was cut short.

“Look, Dean. I don’t know you, but I did know your daddy was one hell of a hunter. And I’m sure he raised some good ones. No one’s gonna think you’re any less of a man for goin’ and gettin’ somethin’ that might make you feel better. Hell, make you hunt better. It can even stay between you and me if you want.”

Dean stared at the dark face for a while, darkened by the beard and the tussled hair around his face. He reminded him of John. Of course he missed his dad. Not a day went by where he didn’t miss his dad. John had done some questionable things during the course of his life, not always treated Dean the way he should have, and it was much easier to pick apart someone’s flaws after they were gone. But to have someone there in front of him, that looked like him, that spoke like him, not the way Sam reminded him of his father, but in a different way. Eddie had more years on Sam, had more age on his face, and carried himself like the hardened hunter that Bobby was and that John had been. It made Dean’s heart tighten a little in his chest. He had loved his father, and always would.

Dean thought he was choking on emotion but it was just another cough. He could feel the sweat prickling on his forehead and he knew he was currently being scrutinised. But looking back at Eddie, his face wasn’t sympathetic, wasn’t condescending, not an ounce of pity, and he liked that.

“We’ll keep it between us for dnow. Dond’t wadt Sab to be any bore of a mbother hen,” he sniffed, pulling out a crumpled tissue from his pocket.

Eddie laughed, “Your call,” he said starting up the van.

“HEH’STCHU!" he gingerly wiped his nose, "I don’t have any of by insurance cards on be...”

“Don’t sweat it,” Dean looked quizzically at him, “They owe me a few favours down there. Trust me, they won’t even ask your name.”


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I can't stop writing this so here's the next part. lol. Hope you guys are sticking with me cause I am enjoying myself with this one :)


Dean saw a doctor straight away as the clinic was empty when he walked in. He grinned at the hot receptionist before going down the hall to see the doc. Eddie stayed in the waiting room. Dean smiled to himself thinking how Sam would demand to go in whether Dean wanted him to or not.

“Alright. Eddie says we’re on a need to know basis, so what seems to be the problem?”

Dean wriggled in his seat, he didn’t know how to describe how he was sick, he was just sick.

He cleared his throat, “Beed sick for a few days. Throat hurts all the time, cand’t stop coughig or sneezig for five mindutes, my head’s poundig and full of snot, my chest hurts,” He wiped the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand, “and I’b always cold but I’b sweatig like a pig...”

He gave the doctor an apologetic sideways smile. He didn’t intend on unloading like that, but it actually felt good to get out how crappy he felt.

“Well, sounds like you have the flu,” he said, shining a light in Dean’s ear.

“Awesome,” Dean grunted.

“Open wide, stick out your tongue,” the doctor glanced down his throat, “Can you swallow some of that back for me?”

Dean complied, wincing at the pain the mere act of swallowing caused.

“Sorry, I know it hurts.”

After a couple of tests, the doc pulled out the stethoscope.

“Lift your shirt, please.”

He listened to Dean’s lungs for a while in various different places, asking him to breathe deeply, then patiently waiting for him to hack up a lung, before allowing Dean to pull his shirt back down.

“Ok, so you have the flu.”

“Fantastic,” he grumbled.

“But that’s not the worst of it. Your lungs sound very compromised and I’m going to say you have the beginning or bronchitis.”

Of course I do, Dean thought, Can’t catch a break.

“Cad you give be somethig for it?” he rasped, swiping the back on his wrist under his nose.

“Have you been taking anything for the cough?”

“Yeah, just cough syrup.”

“I’d stop using that if I were you. You want to be coughing up the mucus, it’ll help get rid of the infection.”

“Listen, doc. I gotta work. You gotta give me somethig.”

The doctor looked at Dean and he knew from that look that maybe he’s patched Eddie up a few times from vamp attacks. The look told him maybe he knew more about this than he was letting on. Which was great, because he’d know then that Dean couldn’t be out for the count.

“I’m gonna prescribe you an inhaler.”

“What, like for asthba?”

“Similar, yeah. Use it to stop the coughing fits if they get too hard to manage or they’re keeping you up.”

Dean nodded, “What about the sdeezig?” he asked, feeling the tickle build in his nose.

“Unfortunately that’s an involuntary response so we can’t really control it. I can give you some decongestants that’ll help clear up your nasal passages which might help stop the frequency of the sneezes.”

“M-might?” his breath hitched and he quickly reached for the tissues he’d stuffed in his pockets. “HSTCHUU! Huuh-HSCTEWW! ‘scuse be. S’rry...”

“I can’t give you something to stop sneezing, and I don’t recommend you trying to... Also, don’t use the inhaler all the time. You need to let your body fight the virus and that’s what it’s doing when you’re coughing.”

“Yeah, alright. Thangks, doc,” Dean said, getting to his feet, indicating the conversation was over.

“Give this to Lucy. She’ll get you what you need.”

Dean smiled and took the paper from him.

“And... Be careful.”


Once Dean was stocked up, Eddie drove him back to the motel. Dean was exhausted. Being sick had drained all his energy and he wasn’t eating enough to increase his energy levels either. He felt heavy and weak. He thanked Eddie for his help and dragged his disease ridden ass across the parking lot.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it out and realising it was Sam he silenced it as he walked into the motel room.

Sam was sitting up on the bed, his phone in his hand and Dean’s note in the other, staring at him with his bitchface on.

“Where the hell did you go with Eddie? You were supposed to be resting, you know, which is kind of the whole point.”

Dean put his bag of medicine on the table and shrugged his jacket off.

“What’s in the bag?”

“N’thin. Go back to sleep,” he said, rubbing his forehead.

“You alright?” Sam said, standing up and quickly padding across the room to his brothers side.

“Dizzy,” he groaned.

Sam pulled out the chair at the little table and shepherded him into it. Dean rested his head in his hand, propping his elbow up on the table. His other hand wandered limply towards the bag he’d brought in.

Sam took it from him easily and emptied the contents, his brow wrinkling as he read the sides of the packets.

“These are prescription, Dean. Where’d you get them?”

Dean coughed against his fist and closed his eyes, realising hiding a doctors visit from Sam was going to be impossible. He could always tell him he stole them but he probably wouldn’t buy it. No, he was busted, and so soon too.

He cleared his throat, “Wendt to the clidic...”

“You...” Sam stopped and looked at his brother, “Eddie took you do see a doctor?”

Dean nodded, voice shot.

“Oh,” Sam said, looking back at the boxes of medicine.

Great, now Sam’s feelings were hurt. Couldn’t win.

“So?” he prodded, “What he say? There’s a lot of stuff here.”


“Told you.”


Sam sighed, “Well, okay... What do you have to take?”

Dean looked at the boxes spread out on the table and pointed to the antibiotic and the decongestants.

“You want tylenol for the fever?”

Dean nodded again.

Sam got Dean a glass of water and got his pills out for him. Then set an alarm in his phone for when Dean had to take his antibiotics.

Dean rested his head on his hand again and closed his eyes.

“Hey, how about we sleep in the bed?”

Dean groaned and got to his feet, shuffling across the room and dropping onto his bed.

“You’re an ass, you know that?” Sam’s voice muffled in the distance as Dean slipped away from consciousness.

He vaguely knew Sam was removing his shoes and tucking blankets around him but he was too tired to protest. He just moaned again and let sleep take him.


“Dean! Wake up!”


Dean heard someone screaming and it was a while before he realised it was him. He sat bolt upright in the bed, sweating and shaking. He coughed so hard he thought he was going to puke. He couldn’t stop coughing.

He looked to Sam’s panicked eyes and mimicked an inhaler. Sam got up and scurried across the room.

Dean eyes forced shut again as he coughed into his fist, stomach clenching, heart racing. He’d flopped back on the mattress and curled into a ball, trying to stop the shaking, to get a proper breath.

The inhaler was forced into his hand and he was assisted in putting it to his mouth. He took two deep breaths on the thing and slowly started to relax.

“Dean. Dean, are you okay?” he could hear the panic in Sam’s voice so he forced his eyes open.

“Nightmare,” he whispered.

“You know we’re going to have to talk about this eventually?”

Dean rolled his eyes then closed them again, shutting Sammy out.

Just then the door came busting open, revealing a disheveled Bobby, clearly having just been asleep himself.

“What in the hell happened?” he asked, breathless, looking from Dean to Sam.

Dean waved a dismissive hand.

“He was having a nightmare,” Sam clarified.

“‘S nothig,” he whispered again.

“Yeah, cause you always scream like that,” Bobby said, slumping down into the rickety chair, “Jesus, thought you were being tortured.”

Dean clenched his eyes shut again.

“Hey, you okay?” Sam said, gently shaking his shoulder.

He nodded, then grabbed Sam’s wrist.

Help me up.

Sam gave him a hand up, putting the other on his back to support him as he swung around to sit on the edge of the bed.

He took another puff on the inhaler and dropped his head into his hands.

“I guess this is a bad time to ask if you’re feeling any better,” Bobby muttered.

Dean just lifted his head to glare at him.

He cleared his throat and tried for more than a whisper this time, “What tibe is it?”

“Just after 4,” Sam said, sitting shoulder to shoulder with his brother.

Dean nodded slowly, then pinched the bridge of his nose.

He reached for the tissues on the nightstand just in time.

“Huh’sthcuu! Heh’stchkeww!”

Dean had a thing about sneezing and blowing his nose in front of people, particularly blowing his nose. He didn’t want them to just sit there and watch him do it. It was gross. Normally he wouldn’t care, but when it was involving sickness he did.

“Bless you,” Sam said.

Dean wiped his nose with the tissue and stood up, only slightly swaying.

“G’dda habe a shower.”


“What, Sabby? You wadda wash by back for be?” he grunted, cynically, before heading into the bathroom and slamming the door a little.

He let his shoulders sag once he was away from the eyes, turning on the water and slumping down on the edge of the toilet. He grabbed a wad of toilet paper and proceeded to empty his sinuses.

The steam began to fill the bathroom.


He blew his nose again.

By then end of it he’d gone through half a roll of toilet paper, and still didn’t feel satisfied.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm back! Did ya miss me!? Haha. Sorry everyone, I've been in New Zealand the last month on holidays so I haven't gotten around to writing the next part but I'm back now and I smashed this out for you :) Funnily enough I got sick over there so I have renewed inspiration. Also, maybe you guys can help me out with this or might know something. I know it's not the right thread for it lol but when I'm sick I constantly have the urge to sneeze. I'll need to sneeze like 20 times a day but 80% of the time I'll lose it! Nothing is more frustrating! Maybe I can use some of this frustration on poor Dean. Lol. But yeah if anyone knows how to fix this problem of mine I'm all ears. Anyway, enjoy this next part, Dean is beginning to spiral...


Sam and Bobby tried to ignore the thunderous sneezes that came one after the other, sounding like they’d never stop, as they exchanged worried looks. They’d been doing that a lot lately.

“He still saying he doesn’t remember hell?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah, but, man... Something’s wrong. Why would he be like this if he didn’t, you know? I mean, Dean gets his fair share of nightmares but never like that. I’ve never heard him scream like that before...”

Bobby nodded, in thought.

Another sneeze.

“You know, he had Eddie take him to the doctor while we were both asleep?”

“Come again?” Bobby said, leaning over the table.

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it. Why wouldn’t he wake me up if he needed me to take him? And it’s never a good sign when Dean admits to feeling sick...”

“He say what was wrong with him?”

“Flu and bronchitis.”

“Damn. That boy’s gonna wreck himself if he keeps up like this.”

“Well, he’s got antibiotics now and some hardcore stuff the doc gave him, including this inhaler. But I just don’t want him to get hurt, you know? I just got him back.”

“Sam, that boy’s hunted with a dislocated shoulder and broken ribs. Hell, he’s hunted with bullet wounds...”

“You want him to come with us?”

“O’ course not. I’m just telling you the arguments he’s gonna make. If he says he’s fine then we gotta trust him.”

Sam paused for a while.

Another sneeze.

“Do you think we mother him too much?”

Bobby snorted and paused for a moment before his gaze reached Sam’s again.

“Someone’s got to.”


Dean didn't feel any better after the shower. And now his nose was running like a faucet. But the sickness was one thing, a human thing, he could handle sickness.

He wiped the fog away from the mirror and stared at his reflection. The dreams of hell were something else. He closed his eyes, he let himself fall asleep, and it didn’t matter that he’d got out, because he was still there. Still in pain, still being tortured, still torturing...

There was a loud thump on the door.

“Dean! You alright? You’ve been in there forever,” Sam’s voice came through the door, striking a nice balance between concerned and annoyed.

Dean just dropped his head, staring at the sink, but leaning forward meant his nose ran even more.


He almost cracked his head on the sink. Man, that was close.

He grabbed some more toilet paper and blew again, before exiting the bathroom with his towel tucked around his hips.

Sam was way too close to the door and Dean flinched as he opened it.

“Hover buch?” he sniffed.

“Sorry,” Sam said, backing away, “You were in there for an hour...”

That did surprise Dean. He knew he hadn’t been quick but he didn’t realise he’d been that long either.

“Just baking sure I used all the hot water,” he grinned.

“Dean...” there was that word again. That word that meant so much more than just his name. It was a wide open window into a chick flick moment and Dean just was not in the mood for it.

“Stop, Sab. I’b okay.”

“Would you just tell me what’s going on? What the hell kind of nightmare was that?”

“‘S nothig. Leabe it alode, Sab. I’b serious.”

“Talk to me, man. I know when something’s not right with you. You’re drinking, you’re not sleeping, hell, you’re really sick right now, Dean. When are you ever sick?”

“I dunno, maybe my immune system’s down from crawling out of the ground 3 months ago!”

Sam blinked rapidly and pursed his lips, “Dean...” there was another one. This one was different, full of pity and concern and maybe a few stray tears working their way to his eyes.

“Sab... Please...” he wanted to say more than that but it was getting to hard to talk. He swallowed painfully.

Sam paused, having that battle he always had when his face made expressions before he wanted it to. “Fine,” he bit and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.


Dean was asleep when Sam emerged from the bathroom 20 minutes later. At least he was dressed and ready and lying on his bed, propped up against the headboard, arms folded across his chest. His mouth was open and he was breathing loudly and he looked pale and clammy.

Sam contemplated him for a moment.

What if I just leave him there?

He shook his head and started riffling through his bag for clothes. Dean wouldn’t take that very well.

Once Sam was dressed he approached Dean, going in for the forehead feel before he woke him up, because he didn’t have much of a chance of getting his temperature when he was conscious.

He lay his hand on his forehead and Dean’s eyes sprung open. His hand coming to grip Sam’s wrist with intense force.

His eyes were panicked. Nothing like Sam had ever seen before on his brother. He looked like a frightened animal. This primal look of shear terror.

“Dean, it’s me. Relax.”

He pressed his eyes shut, breathing hard, sweat running down his temple, and slowly released his grip on Sam’s arm.

“You alright?”

He cleared his throat.

“‘M fide,” he squeaked, his voice all but gone.

Sam backed away a bit as Dean swung his legs round to sit up. He cupped both hands around his mouth and nose.

“huh’SCTKU! Heh’SCHKEW!” he snuffled, and grabbed the tissues Sam was holding out to him. He wasn’t done yet. “HETSCHOO! Hihh’TSCHEW! Hehh... Heh’STCHUU!”

“Jesus, Dean,” Sam said, putting a hand on his back as he coughed weakly. He handed him more tissues and he blew his nose.

“How ‘bout a bless you?” he croaked, scrunching the tissues in one hand and rubbing his forehead with the other.

“We can leave you here?” Sam said before he even had a chance to stop himself. The words were out.

Dean glanced back at the pillow quickly.

“No,” he breathed, standing up.

Tears prickled in his eyes, because of the fever messing with his emotions and the thoughts of hell and he didn’t care that he was a mess. It didn’t matter that he had the flu and an infection and felt like ass because he couldn’t sleep anymore. He wouldn’t sleep. And he wouldn’t be alone.

He cleared his throat and checked himself, making sure a stray tear didn’t slip out.

“Where’s Bobby, are we ready to go?” his voice didn’t come out completely clearly but he could mask that behind the croaky quality and the congestion.

“Ah,” Sam glanced at the clock, ignoring the fact there was something very wrong with his brother, “Yeah, he’ll be here any minute. We’re meeting Eddie in the parking lot soon.”

Dean nodded, then ducked his head to his elbow, “HUH’STCHEW! Heh’STCHOo! Uh, God...”

He reached out a hand to steady himself on the back of the chair and swallowed back the urge to vomit. If he threw up now, Sam would handcuff him to the bed and he definitely wouldn’t be coming. Damn flu. Couldn’t be a simple cold, No. It had to be the flu. The nasty, ugly, makes you wanna vomit and feel like you’re gonna pass out all the time flu.

“Well, ain’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Bobby was standing in the doorway, and he must have just opened it without Dean even being aware. That was a bit scary.

You’re gonna hunt like this?

Shut up.

And now the internal conversations were starting. Keep it together, Winchester.

“You look like death warmed over, son,” Bobby said, entering the room.

“Sneezing f-fit,” he said, his breath hitching again.

“We ready to go?” Sam said, standing up and grabbing the duffle bags, with his bitchface on. Clearly he was angry at something. Dean couldn’t think what he could possibly be angry about now.


Sam huffed and snatched the tissue box off the table, walking out to the parking lot.

Tissues. Good idea, Sammy.

Dean followed lazily behind him, trying to avoid the conversation starting stare Bobby had on his face.


“That’s by ndabe,” he sniffed, brushing Bobby off, “Cobe ond, I wadda lock up.”

Bobby reluctantly took his leave and joined Sam standing in the parking lot.

Dean fumbled getting the key in the lock, praying and hoping to God or Castiel or whoever, that they didn’t notice how long it took him. Crappy motel, with it’s crappy keys and crappy locks. Stay still, he thought, finally jamming the key in there and locking the door. He turned to see Sam and Bobby talking and let out a breath, coughing painfully as the phlegm caught in his throat.

He was still coughing by the time he reached Sam and Bobby, holding his hand out to Sam who had thoughtfully packed his inhaler. Sam grabbed it out for him and placed a cautious hand on Dean’s shoulder while he struggled to get his breath back, his anger dissipating into worry.

Things were getting bad. Dean could tell by the way he couldn’t finish a thought in his head, couldn’t really focus on anything. He was trying. He was really trying.

“Dean!” Sam called, from where he stood next to Eddie’s car, door open and one leg already in. “You alright, man?”

Dean stood up a little straighter, “Yeah, I’b right behind you,” he croaked, approaching the car and avoiding all the curious looks.

Shit, this was bad.

Sam stole a moment while Bobby and Eddie talked to say something to his brother.

“You don’t look too good, Dean.”

“Thagks for rebindig be once againd,” he groaned.

“No, I’m serious, dude. The tylenol help with the fever at all cause you look like you’re burning up?”

Burning up? It’s freezing in here. Eddie needs to learn how to ease up on the air conditioning.

He opened his mouth to speak but his voice only let out a husky squeak, which actually put a smile on Sam’s face. At least someone found his pain amusing. He cleared his throat before just resigning on a limp thumbs up.


By the time they made it to the safe house Dean’s vision was swimming. He’d never gotten car sick before but then again this was one of those plastic crap cars so go figure. If anything was gonna make him sick it was that. He got out of the car and proceeded to heave all of his stomach contents into the bushes. Sam’s hands were on his back, ghosting across his shoulders. When he was done chucking, he was left coughing again, a gross wet cough that made you cringe to hear. The inhaler was in his hands again, guided to his mouth. It offered relief and he fell back into his brothers arms, his body completely drained. All three faces danced across his line of vision and he clamped his eyes shut. Sam’s voice was calling him back to consciousness, Bobby’s too, but he couldn’t do it. The relief of complete unconsciousness was too inviting and he relaxed back into the arms he trusted most.

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I loooove everybody talking about Dean and being worried about him - I always wanted more of that on the show. And I love the worsening fever heightening his emotions. Yes!

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I loooove everybody talking about Dean and being worried about him - I always wanted more of that on the show. And I love the worsening fever heightening his emotions. Yes!

Thanks for reeeading! :) Dean needs a bit of mother henning I feel, there's only so much bravado one man can take. Stay tuned for more, Dean's not getting better any time soon :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so I hope this part is okay. I've been struggling with it a bit, but I hope ya'll still like it. Please comment :)


Sam and Eddie lay Dean down on the cot-like bed against the side of the room. The same one Sam had woken up in the previous day. Sam was strong, but he wasn’t that strong, and Dean was a solid dead weight. Luckily he wasn’t out for long when he coughed himself awake, turning onto his side.

“Dean,” Sam said, putting his hand against his brother’s head, feeling the raging fever, “Dean, hey, you with me?”

Fevered green eyes found his and his mouth quirked into a weak sideways smile. “‘lways with you, Sabby.”

Sam huffed a laugh, “Feel better after ruining Marie’s garden?”

“Mm,” he nodded, and Sam laughed again. It’s all he could do to keep from losing his mind about how fast his brother had deteriorated.

Dean started coughing and struggled to sit up, holding his arm out to Sam who took it in an instant and helped him get upright to stop the hacking. Dean thankfully got this fit under control by himself and Marie’s hands were pressing a glass of water into his. He sipped it carefully, before returning it to her, not confident he wouldn’t spill or drop it.

Bobby and Eddie had disappeared into the other room as soon as Bobby could see he was conscious again, leaving Sam and Marie to play nurse. Not that Dean wanted either of them to. He was completely embarrassed about passing out, that was something girls and wusses did. Which he was neither.


“Is he gonna be alright?” Eddie asked, staring at Bobby.

“I sure hope so,” he mumbled, “He’s a tough kid. He’ll be fine in a day or two.”

“It’s not going to affect our plans at all, is it? I mean, he’s welcome to stay here tonight but... We’re still bringing ‘em down, aren’t we?”

“That leaves four of us and if there’s as many as you say we may need to wait until Dean’s fightin’ ready...”

“No,” Eddie snapped, “It’s tomorrow. It has to be tomorrow. He comes, he doesn’t, I don’t really give a crap but we’re doing this,” he said and walked away.

“What was that about?” Sam said, approaching Bobby.

“He’s set on doing this in the morning, with or without Dean.”

Sam pursed his lips and nodded.

“Hey, guys,” a faint husky whisper was barely heard, and only by Sam who could hear his brother’s voice from a mile away.

Dean clapped his hands twice and Sam and Bobby followed each other back into the room Dean was in.

He was standing up, Marie close to him as though she thought he would fall over any second.

“We gonna go through the plan, or what?” Dean’s voice was barely a whisper and he swallowed painfully after the sentence, at least the congestion had taken a break.

Eddie had joined them too and a wide grin spread across his face.

“Hell yeah, we are, son.”


The group had moved into the dining area and were sitting round a table, blueprints of the warehouse laid out in front of them.

Eddie was taking the lead on this one and none of them really minded, it was his hunt after all.

“If we can get to them without raising the alarm, that’s the best way to do it. Stealth approach. Sam and Bobby, you can take out the day guards, and we’ll get inside.”

“Excuse me,” Dean said, clearing his throat, “But where do I fit in this glorious plan?” The snark he could attribute to feeling so shitty and being left out.

“You,” Eddie looked at him, “You’re keeping watch by the van, picking off the stragglers if there are any.”

Dean gave a wry smile and turned his head, glancing briefly at his brother.

“You want me to wait in the van?”

Eddie just stared at him.

“Yeah, nice try, buddy. Where they go, I go,” he said, motioning towards Bobby and Sam.

“Not this time, kid. You’re huntin’ wounded and I’m not risking this for the sake of one man I met this morning. So, you’ll do as your told, you’ll follow my instruction, and you’ll wait by the van.”

Dean clenched his jaw and Sam could see a retaliation brewing, instead Dean just stood up and walked out of the room.

Eddie continued as though nothing happened and Sam didn’t follow his brother. After all, Eddie was right. Dean wasn’t up to doing this and although they wanted it for different reasons, Sam didn’t want him in the action either. So, Dean could pout all he wanted, he wasn’t coming.


“Hey,” Sam said, quietly, stepping into the vacant bedroom Dean had chosen to sulk in.

“Oh,” he said, slightly glazed eyes coming to meet him, “Commander finished laying down the law in there?”

Sam smiled, sitting on the end of the bed.

“Sam...” he started, clearing his throat for the hundredth time in the last hour, “He remind you of...”

The pause was too long and Sam could tell Dean was losing his composure a little, so he didn’t make him finish the sentence. He already knew the end anyway.

“Yeah,” he looked down, “Yeah, he reminds me of dad.”

Dean paused again, “You got a tissue?”

Sam smirked as he pulled two from his pocket. “You getting soft on me, Dean?”

“huh’STCHU! Het’CHKEew! Uh, God, Sabby. Why’mb I still this sigk?” he mumbled through the tissues he’d snatched from his brother just in time.

“It really hasn’t been that long, dude. And you haven’t slowed down either. Annnd there’s clearly something you’re not telling me...”

“Ok, Sab. It was rhetorical...”

“Dean... Are you sure you’re okay?”

“HETCHUU! Huh’SCHKEW! Heh-HTCHOO!” he snuffled into the tissues, “sorry..” he moaned. Dean looked at him and straightened up slightly, putting on his best big brother act, “I’b okay, Sab. It sugks, but I’b okay. I probise.”

Sam sighed as he stood up. Dean really didn’t look good and he probably shouldn’t be talking so much if he wanted any voice in the morning. He wiped the tissues under his already red nose and sniffed miserably. He looked like he was about to drop, and if he wasn’t already in a horizontal position, Sam would be worried.

“You think you can sleep?” he asked, crinkling his nose.

“I don’t really wadnt to,” he mumbled.

“I’ll just be in the other room,” he said, lying Dean’s inhaler on the side table, and giving him a sympathetic smile.


When Sam came in to check on Dean about two hours later, his clothes were soaked through and he was curled on his side in the fetal position. Sam lay a hand on his damp forehead and he whimpered. Dean actually whimpered.

“Jesus, Dean, you’re burning up.”

His skin was way warmer than it had been earlier and that was not a good sign.

“S’cold, S’mmy,” he mumbled, in his sleepy, fever-raddled sate, nuzzling his face further into the pillow.

“Wait here, Dean. I’ll be right back.”

“Marie, you got a thermometer?” he asked, hastily, “And like a cold compress? His fever’s worse.”

“Well, that ain’t good,” Bobby said, springing up to check on him. Sam followed him into his room as Marie collected what he’d asked for.

“Son,” Bobby called, putting a hand against his cheek, “Son, you alright?”

Dean mumbled something indiscernible.

“Dean,” Bobby said, firmly.

Dean opened his eyes and it took him a while to find the source of what had woken him.

“Hey, Dean,” he said again, tapping him lightly to try and get him to focus.

“Hey Bobby,” he squinted at him, “Somethin’ wrong?”

“Other than you lying here cookin’ yer brains, nah nothin’... Idgit,” he smiled.

Dean smiled back, letting his eyes slip shut again, “Where’s Sam?”

“Here, Dean,” Sam said, sidling up against Bobby, “Right here.”

“Don’t feel good.”

“I know, Dean.”

“S cold.”

“Nah, man, you’re just running a little hot,’ he said, sticking the thermometer in Dean’s ear.

“You know it.”

“What does that even mean?”

“I dunno. Shut up.”

“You gonna be alright, man, or do I have to take you to the hospital?”

His eyes opened again.

“No hospital. M fine.”

“You’re temperature says otherwise... 104, dude.”

“S’at bad.”

“Yes, it’s bad, Dean.”

“We can’t take him anywhere now,” Eddie’s voice came, and Sam turned to see him standing in the doorway, “Too dangerous.”

Sam looked from Eddie to Dean and then to Bobby. He knew they couldn’t take him anywhere, but he almost wanted to punch Eddie in the face for telling him what he couldn’t do about his brother, who was lying next to him, drowning in his own sweat. That was when he realised his clothes were wet... but Dean wasn’t.

Sam ran a hand across Dean’s head again, eliciting a moan. Then pinched the skin on his brothers hand.

“Shit,” Sam breathed.

“What is it, Sam?” Marie asked, standing over him.

“He’s stopped sweatin’,” Bobby confirmed what Sam had just demonstrated, “He’s dehydrated.”

“If we can’t take him anywhere you better tell me we’ve got enough to treat him here,” Sam commanded, staring at Eddie with a fiery rage.

Eddie turned and left the room, and Marie followed him. Sam huffed and turned back to his brother.

“S’mmy,” he moaned, eyes clenched shut.

“Yeah, Dean, I’m here. You okay?”

His eyes stayed shut. “Sammy, help me. Help me, please...”

“I’m trying, Dean you’ll be okay.”

“Hurts, Sammy, please. Get me out of here. Please, Sammy.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Sam glanced at Bobby and back to his brother.

“Sammy, don’t leave me here. Please, don’t leave me down here...”

“Oh, god, Dean. Dean, hey, wake up,” Sam said, tapping his brother’s face, realising what was happening, where Dean’s mind was right now.

“Stop, please,” he moaned, “Please, just stop.”


Dean’s eyes flung open and his breath caught in his throat, starting a round of painful coughs. Sam coerced the inhaler into his mouth as Dean clutched at him, trying to get a breath. Bobby leaned over, rubbing him on the back. Dean’s eyes found Sam’s and the look of sheer relief was enough to make Sam’s heart lurch in his chest. He fell back against the pillow, his chest moving up and down raggedly. The crackle and pop of fluid in his lungs could be heard on every inhale.

Eddie and Marie joined them again bringing in a first aid kit that put Bobby to shame, as well as an IV line and a bag of saline.

They made quick work, coming around the other side of the bed, Marie inserting the drip in Dean’s arm before he could even really focus on what was going on.

“What are you doing?” he groaned, pulling at the line, “Sammy?”

“Relax, Dean, it’s just saline. It’ll help.”

“‘t’s so cold, Sam...”

“Thought you were hot?”

“I am hot, dude,” he said, accompanied by the most lazy wink on the planet.

“You need to sleep, buddy,” Sam smiled, tapping his arm.

Dean grabbed Sam’s wrist and leaned over, nearly pulling himself off the bed.

“No, please, Sam. Don’t make me go back there. I don’t want to go to hell, please,” he cried, with childlike panic.

“Uh,” Sam stumbled, trying not to let the tears escape, “It’s okay, Dean. You don’t have to go back. I won’t ever let that happen to you again. I promise, Dean.”

Dean flopped down again, still looking at Sam.

“Alright, here we go,” Eddie said, gently stabbing a needle into Dean’s forearm.

“What is that? What are you giving him?”

“Something to help him sleep. He should be out so hard he won’t even dream.”

Dean’s eyes scanned up from the needle to Eddie’s face.

“I’m sorry, dad...” he moaned, and like that he was out. The pain lines smoothing off his face as his body went limp.


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This story is almost too angsty for me... But you're an amazing writer! And Bobby! I've never read a fic where he was more in character, I think. So good job!! Aww...if I didn't feel so bad for Dean, I would love this even more! If you write a SPN fic that's slightly more fluffy in the future, though, let me know, please! I love the way you write! (:

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“I’m sorry, dad...” he moaned, and like that he was out. The pain lines smoothing off his face as his body went limp.

OMG you gave me the FEELS from HELL! But I love it :D That's proper Dean whump! So all that's left to do it leave Dean in the relative security of Eddy's place and go take care of the nest, right? No way Dean's gonna get himself into more trouble with that fever.... ;-)

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I love a good, serious h/c fic more than a sneezefic even, so this is like my heaven, with all my fave things making an appearance. So awesome!

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This story is almost too angsty for me... But you're an amazing writer! And Bobby! I've never read a fic where he was more in character, I think. So good job!! Aww...if I didn't feel so bad for Dean, I would love this even more! If you write a SPN fic that's slightly more fluffy in the future, though, let me know, please! I love the way you write! (:

Sorry! I didn't mean for it to be so angsty when I started but that's just where my mind went :P I guess I just like that kind of stuff lol I really like the characterisation of Bobby to begin with so I always wanted to make it sound exactly like him. I don't think it's an easy thing to do. And Sam, I've always found says a lot of unnecessary words in a sentence. I guess it's more of a Jared thing ( e.g., you know, come on, saying people's names a lot) so I wanted to keep as much of that as I could too :) So far I haven't written something fluffy but I'm just starting out so I'm sure there'll be more :) Thanks for reading!

Oh, p.s. This fic might get a little fluffy later so stay tuned :)

“I’m sorry, dad...” he moaned, and like that he was out. The pain lines smoothing off his face as his body went limp.

OMG you gave me the FEELS from HELL! But I love it biggrin.png That's proper Dean whump! So all that's left to do it leave Dean in the relative security of Eddy's place and go take care of the nest, right? No way Dean's gonna get himself into more trouble with that fever.... ;-)

Oooooooo, that would be smart of them, wouldn't it? :P We'll just have to see what happens......

I love a good, serious h/c fic more than a sneezefic even, so this is like my heaven, with all my fave things making an appearance. So awesome!

Yeah, I'm a huge fan of h/c so I guess that's why this turned out the way it did. So glad you like it :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry it's been so long! Gotta give you guys something. I hope it's not too rushed. I've been tied up in a couple of other projects at the moment but I do really like this fic and I hate it when people leave them undone :P I will finish, I promise. :) Hope ya'll enjoy. Not too many parts to go...


Eddie and Marie had gone back to preparing the equipment while Sam and Bobby sat and contemplated the sleeping man in front of them.

Sam bit his lip with worry for the umpteenth time, as he sat forward in his chair, elbows on knees, focused so intensely on his brother.

“He’s gonna be alright, you know?” Bobby broke the silence, his face calm in comparison to the younger hunter.

“Bobby, it seems pretty bad...”

“It’s the flu, Sam, it always seems pretty bad. He’s gonna be okay.”

“... It’s not just that.”

“Yeah, I know. But we’ll deal with that later.”

“If he keeps going like he is there might not be a later.”

“You’re an idgit, you know that?”


“Dean’s not gonna come back from the dead just to die 3 months later. He went to the doctor, for Christ’s sake. He’s doing everything right.”

“Then why is he lying here, right now, Bobby? He would have shrugged this thing off in a couple of days before, telling me that the huskier his voice was the more women he got. It wouldn’t have knocked him out like this. It wouldn’t have got to this,” Sam gestured largely towards the IV in his brothers arm.

“Yeah, well, it’s different know, isn’t it?”

Sam tensed his jaw and looked back at his brother.

“Go and see if they need any help, Sam. I’ll watch him,” Bobby said, gruffly, leaning back in his seat, settling in for the long haul.

“I don’t want to leave him,” Sam almost whispered, not meeting Bobby’s gaze.

“I’ve been watching him since you were in diapers, Sam. I can handle it.”

Sam brushed a hand over his brothers as he reluctantly got up and left the room. Bobby leaned forward, interlocking his hands in front of him, resting his elbows on his knees. He clenched his jaw before letting out what he’d wanted to say since he heard the ridiculous words come trembling out of Dean’s mouth.

“You listen to me, kid,” he whispered, “That man ain’t your daddy, and you don’t owe him or John nothin’, alright?”

He wanted to say more than that. Hell, he wanted to adopt him right then and there. John never deserved those boys, and Dean deserved better. Eddie may have looked like John, ordered him about like his daddy did but he wasn’t. Bobby only dreamed of Dean looking at him and accidentally letting the word “dad” slip. He never would have said it out loud though. He was too scared of screwing up being a father so he never let himself. After all, he didn’t really know what a good father even looked like. But what had happened with him and those boys had just happened. And no one said it was supposed to but it did. And those boys were his family. Those boys were his kin. And he loved them more than anyone else ever could.

“I’m here, Dean. I ain’t ever goin’ no where.”

Dean’s head rolled to the side and he let out a huff of breath. Bobby swore his face relaxed a little. It made him happy, and the corner of his mouth turned up as he sat back in his seat once again.



Dean’s eyes felt like they were full of grit. He prized them open and squinted into the ever brightening room. Groaning, he rubbed at the trail of drool coming from the corner of his mouth and pooling on the pillow beneath his head. Hey, it was better than snot. No, that had dried around his nostrils. He snuffled and coughed, looking up at the saline bag, following the line back down to his arm.

“S-” the first sound came out but nothing else, and it scratched and clawed at his sore throat. He clenched his eyes shut and tugged the line from his arm, pushing himself, weakly to sit up on the edge of the bed.

“heh’SCHTU! Huh’KSTEWww!” God, it was painful.

Dragging, his sleeve under his nose he pushed himself up to stand. It didn’t go quite as he planned. He tipped forward and had to hang onto the wall to keep upright. He wasn’t going to attempt talking again yet, let along calling out to someone so he just dragged his sorry ass, as slowly and cautiously as he could out into the living room.

No one was there.

Where the hell is everyone?

He walked to the nearest door, grabbing the knob and pushing it open.

“Dean,” Marie’s voice came, and his fuzzy eyes focused on her. “What are you doing up?”

“W-” he cleared his throat, “Whad’s goig od in here?”

Marie was standing in the middle of the room surrounded by an arsenal. There was C4, home job bombs, rigging equipment, detonators.

“Sit down, Dean, or you’re gonna fall down,” she said, walking towards him, shepherding him from the room and closing the door behind her.

“No,” he said, gruffly, “Whad was all thad?”

“It’s nothing, forget about it,” she hushed, “I’ll get your brother.”

“I’b fide, Mbarie, seriously. Best sleep I’ve had in weeks,” his voice was doughy, “You’ll have to give be sobe of that stuff for the road.”

“You wish, kid. Extreme cases only, and it was a pretty extreme case last night. You look awful. Here,” she said, heading to a cupboard in the hall, “Bathroom’s upstairs. Have a shower, you’ll feel better,” she smiled, handing him a towel.

“Mbarie, I...” he started, something didn’t feel right. His brain was like liquid sloshing about in his head as he moved. He just needed to wake up properly, the heavy sedatives were still lingering in his system. He couldn’t figure out why he felt the panic rise in his chest. Why were there bombs and C4 and friggin dynamite in there?

“Shush,” she said, giving him a push towards the stairs, “Shower, now.”

He sleepily complied and headed up the stairs, clutching the towel to his chest. He knew he smelt horrendous and a shower would clear his mind at least.


30 minutes later he was a new man. Sam had already brought his stuff up to the bathroom so he could put on some clean, sweat free, snot free, and general uninfested clothes on. Yes, the sneezes came sporadically and the coughs were strong and tugged at his lungs, but it was okay. His mind was clear at least, his legs weren’t so jelly, and he’d stopped trembling. Snot and a sore throat was better than passing out and throwing your guts up. Oh, and the nausea wasn’t so bad anymore. Maybe he’d even eat some food. Maybe, he was even hungry. Oh, God, he was hungry.

He casually made his way down the stairs. The hunters were all gathered in the kitchen, everything prepped and ready for the hunt, having a hearty breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, the works. As hungry as Dean was the smells hit him a little hard and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, snuffling back some mucus before he entered.

“Dean,” Sam said, coming immediately to his brothers side. He gauged Dean’s appearance though and he held his hand back from touching him. He knew Dean had enough fight to squirm away and be overall resistant to his concern. “How you feeling?”

“Better,” he croaked, subconsciously rubbing a palm across his chest.

“Sore?” Sam asked, narrowing his eyes a little.

“‘t’s not too bad,” he groaned, sitting down in a chair next to Bobby.

He didn’t like the kind of looks he was getting from everyone, like he was made of glass.

“What happened last night?” he asked, looking at Sam.

“Your fever spiked. You were dehydrated, hallucinating... But you seem a lot better now,” Sam said, leaning forward, reaching a hand towards his brothers head.

Dean leaned back in his seat and held a hand up, “Don’t even think about it,” he growled.

“Okay,” Sam laughed, “You hungry?”

“God, yes,” he sighed.

“That’s the Dean I know!” Bobby laughed, clasping his shoulder.

Dean’s laugh caught in his throat and the wet coughs erupted from his chest. He leaned away until he finished, shakily gulping in some air trying to catch his breath.

“You good?” Sam’s brow was crinkled, and the words were almost whispered across the table.

Dean nodded. Okay, so he wasn’t completely out of the woods yet.


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I love the at you write Bobby. I know I said it before but he just really rings true.

Nice update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It may have been karma, but I've just spent the last week as sick as I wrote Dean to be! Now I feel a little bad (hehe). Anyway, here's more. Hope you still enjoy it. Nearly finished...


“So, why the spread?” Dean croaked, sniffing and rubbing his nose.

Eddie and Marie shared a look.

“Good idea to eat before a hunt,” Eddie said, scooping bacon onto his plate, “Keep your strength up.”

Dean nodded, saving his voice.

“You feeling up to guarding the van while we’re out there today?”

“Gee, Sab, don’t bake it sound so exciting,” he groaned, pushing the eggs around with his fork.

“Son, if you can’t handle it, you say so, alright? You were pretty ill last night,” Eddie said, staring him down.

“I can handle it,” he replied with an eyebrow waggle.

“You let us know if you start feeling worse again.”

“Yes, sir,” Dean said, breaking eye contact to play with his food again.

Bobby bit his tongue watching the exchange.

He doesn’t get to call him ‘son’ and he does not warrant a ‘sir’.

He looked up to see Sam staring contemplatively at him. His expression mirrored his concerns, and not with Dean’s sickness but with his unnatural relationship with this guy. As macho as Dean liked to play, he actually ended up being quite transparent. His emotions had been screwed with enough, and a life time of being told to push pain down had left him weak. Finding comfort in this other hunter was not a strange thing for Dean to do, but it was in no way healthy, and he was already sick enough to deal with any more torment.

“heh’STKEW!” he turned away from the table and cupped his hands over his face.

“Bless you,” Sam and Marie cooed, in unison.

But his hands were still over his face, his chest rising and falling dramatically.

“huh-SCKHOoo! Heh--hehSTCUU!” he sniffed, wetly, leaving the hands where they were.

“You alright?” Sam asked.

Dean’s thigh caught the corner of the table in his hasty retreat from the kitchen, wobbling the half full juice glasses.


Sam let him go. If it was coughing, maybe he would have intervened. Depending on how much distress he thought his brother was in, but sneezing was something Dean could handle on his own. Except for the fact that he never had the foresight to have tissues on him. At least they were in a house where they were easily accessible.

The kitchen fell into morbid silence as Dean continued to sneeze in the other room.


The sneezes were annoying, friggen annoying. And friggen painful. But it was the perfect excuse to get back into that room. The room full of enough juice to burn half a city.

“huh’NXGT!” he stifled, as he turned the knob as quietly as he could.

He hadn’t been imagining it. It was full of explosives, more than Dean had ever seen in one place. It looked like they were being packed into duffle bags. He traced with his finger the wire coming from the handle of the bag to a little detonator, that would fit in the palm of your hand.

“sah-son of ah... Bitch.”


Dean reentered the room, slightly hunched and pink around the nostrils. It wasn’t really a surprise to anyone at the table. They were all almost finished breakfast and Marie had started cleaning the others plates. Sam jumped up to help her as Dean slumped back further, staring at Eddie whenever he wasn’t looking.

“That was the best meal I ever had,” Eddie moaned. Marie’s hand came across his shoulder and gripped tightly for a moment.

Dean watched them, narrowing his gaze.

“You alright?” Bobby groaned, nudging him. And he wished people would stop asking him that.

He nodded, leaving it at that, his expression still tight at he gazed at the other hunters.

Sam and Bobby shared a look over his head that he pretended not to notice.

“I’ll start packing the van,” Eddie said, standing up and stretching his arms up above his head.

“Yeah, I’ll give you a hand,” Sam added, following him from the kitchen.

Bobby stood too, wordlessly clapping Dean on the shoulder as he followed the other men out.

“Marie,” Dean winced at how weak is voice sounded, but at least she turned around to look at him.

“What is it, hun?” she smiled.

“How old was your daughter?”

The smile fell from her face, “She would have been two...”

“Today, right?”

Her eyes widened under his scrutiny.

“That’s why you’re so hell bent on finishing this today.”


“Hey, I don’t blame you. I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose someone like that...”

“No, you can’t.”

“But you’re taking my brother with you, and you’re taking Bobby, and they’re my family. So, if you get them hurt, so help me God, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

She sighed and looked down, “You don’t get it, do you? ... This is the last thing we’ll ever do.”

A sudden sharp pain spread from the back of his head, sending the world into painful whiteness, and then nothing.


“Sam!” Marie’s shrill voice came from inside the house and Bobby and Sam shared a quick look of panic before following her calls inside.

Sam skidded to a halt seeing Dean lying limply in Eddie’s arms.

“Dean!” he called, rushing to take him. He grabbed his face, “Hey, Dean?”

“He just passed out, Sam. He must be sicker than he was lettin’ on. We’ll have to leave him here.”

Sam furrowed his eyebrows, glancing up at Eddie briefly.

“We gotta lie him down. I’ll help ya,” Eddie said, still holding Dean up.

“No, I got him,” Sam snapped, for some reason Eddie had put him on edge and he just wanted him to stop touching his brother, “Bobby,” Sam called and Bobby came to his side, throwing an arm each over their shoulders and dragging him through to the other room and back to the bed where he’d spent the night.

“He’s not even warm, Sam,” Bobby whispered.

He was right. It didn’t even feel like Dean had a temperature anymore, maybe a slight one but nothing that would warrant passing out, especially when he seemed to be doing better, albeit a little sneezy.

“Dean,” Sam said, tapping his face again, pulling his eyes open to look at them.

“Sammm,” Dean stirred, “Wha’ h’ppened?” his words slurred and his eyes didn’t even open.

“You passed out, Dean. You alright?” Sam’s hand brushed across his brothers forehead.

“Don’t feel good,” he groaned, leaning over to the side of the bed, his intentions clear.

“Trash can,” Sam ordered Bobby to hand the bin to him, which he held under Dean’s head, just in time for breakfast to make an appearance. That didn’t stay down long.

“Better out than in, kid,” Bobby said, a steadying hand on Dean’s shoulder.

“What happened, man? You seemed like you were better,” Sam muttered.

“Don’t...” Dean flopped back on the bed, “Can’t remember...”

“Just get some rest,” Sam tucked a blanket around his brother, and like that he was out again.

“Somethin’ doesn’t smell right, Sam,” Bobby said, standing up.

Sam just pursed his lips and looked at his brother.

“I know you don’t like leavin’ him, Sam, but we gotta head soon,” Eddie said, appearing in the doorway, “I’ll, uh, give you a minute. We’ll be in the van.”

“We picked up the impala last night so if he wakes up and’s feelin’ up to it he can meet us out there.”


“He’s fine, Sam.”


“He’ll be fine, Sam. You were the one that didn’t want him to come.”

“Yeah,” Sam sighed, “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Leave him a note and we’ll get going.”

Sam quickly scrawled Dean a note, and left it on the night stand, along with a glass of water, tylenol and his antibiotics and inhaler. He sighed again and ran a hand through his hair.

“We’ll be back before you know it, Dean. Promise.”


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Hey there! So I'm new- this is actually my first reply...Just wanted to say I LOVE this fic! I've been following it since you started. You have the characterization down! And I love the balance between plot and sneezy goodness, it really keeps me hooked. Sick Dean is one of my favorite things to read and you do a fantastic job!

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Oh, the part where Bobby was watching Dean was the sweetest! :heart:

Sam said, leaning forward, reaching a hand towards his brothers head.

Dean leaned back in his seat and held a hand up, “Don’t even think about it,” he growled.

And I absolutely *loved* this! (:

I really liked the new part, too! You're so good with describing how Dean is feeling. The details really help with that, good job! And I have a vague idea where this is going... Sick Dean is not going to be able to sleep in peace, huh? Once he wakes up... ahh, I really like this! Waiting impatiently for the next part now!

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