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Sneezy Dean (SPN)


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this is soooo cute!!!!!!! awwww poor dean! Can dean be any more adorable? maybe? biggrinsmiley.gif

you played Bobby amazingly! to the T! clapping.gifclapping.gif

Pleas please continue!! smile.png

Dean is just the cutest! I can't help but want to put him in situations like this :P Another part coming! And more Bobby, because I love Bobby! Thanks for your support :)

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Here's another part! This was going to be a short one shot when I started out but I just had to keep going! Hope you like it! Also let me know if there's any requests of things you want to happen or see (no slash) I may just use your suggestions, because I am writing it for you! :) Happy reading. You guys rock.


They weren’t on the road for too long before Dean gave in and balled his jacket up for a pillow, lying down across the bench seat, box of tissues on the floor in front of him.

He sniffed, “Wake be wh’nd we ged there.”

His voice was so congested sounding, all air going into and coming out of his body through his mouth. Bobby tilted the rear view down a little to glimpse Dean’s shivering body curled up on the back seat, eyes already closed, breathing heavily but steadily as he quickly fell asleep.

Sam looked over his shoulder, giving a short sigh at his brother’s clammy appearance. Bobby and Sam shared a look but they didn’t say anything. Of course they were worried about him, not so much that he was sick but that they would never in a million years get him to sit this one out. Whether they liked it or not, he was coming with them. If Dean Winchester was going to go down he was going to go down swinging, not from a head cold. Sure, it looked a lot worse than that but there was no benching that kid. That was for certain.


Dean ripped some tissues from the box.


He clamped them round the whole bottom half of his face with one hand. His body curling in on itself more and more as he convulsed with every sneeze.

“Hhhuh-SKCHuu! hhhuh-STCHoo! hhh...hhuh-TCHUoo! urrgh...”

His eyes were still closed, like the sneezes had severely weakened him. He half heartedly blew into the tissues before tossing them on the ground with the rest of the pile. He pried his eyes open and saw Sam's worried gaze on him.

"Dod't say id. I kngow I look disgustibg..."

"Dean..." Sam pleaded, but there was no answer. Dean was already asleep again.


Dean woke himself up again, this time from the harsh coughs that erupted from deep in his chest, scratching their way out through his throat. A few stray tears rolled down his face from the force and pain.

“You alive back there?” Bobby grunted, still looking at the road ahead.

“Barely,” he croaked, in a husky voice that was losing volume rapidly.

He struggled to sit up, rubbing a knuckle under his nose.

“Where’r we?”

“15 minutes out,” Sam grumbled, a little annoyed at his brother. He didn’t want him doing this. It was that simple.

He grunted, “That didb’t take lodg,” punctuating his sentence with a thick sniff.

“Well, you slept most of the way,” Bobby added, flicking a gaze into the rear view.

Dean was a pale, sickly colour. His nose raw and red rimmed, his eyes blurry and bloodshot. Sweat glistened on his forehead. He certainly wasn’t the picture of health.

Another small grunt came as he gazed out the window.


Sam and Dean dumped the gear on the beds. Bobby was already unrolling a map of the city out on the small motel room table in the dingy kitchenette.

“Dean, you’re not fine. You shouldn’t be doing this,” Sam whispered.

Dean met his eyes, tensing his jaw.

“You idjits want to give me a hand over here?” Bobby said, saving Dean from an awkward chick flick moment.

“Yes, sir,” Dean said, far too enthusiastically, joining Bobby by the table.

“First,” he said, popping several tablets into his hand, “You’re gonna take these and finish that bottle of water.”

Dean grumbled but didn’t protest as he shoved the mix of pain killers and decongestants in his mouth.

“Take a seat,” Bobby directed, leaning both hands on the table over the town map.

The boys followed his instructions and got into talking about the case.

Bobby had already figured out that the vampires had nested in a warehouse on the edge of the city and were slowly working their way inwards, frequenting a few skeezy bars to snag their victims.

“We’ll scout out the bar tonight, see if we can confirm some potential fangs. Attack tomorrow, during daylight. Maybe if we can get the jump on them it’ll be easier to take ‘em down. We’ll be here for a while though, I’d say, make sure they didn’t spread anywhere else.”

Sam nodded and looked to his brother who’s gaze was slightly glazed with a potential fever. A shiver ran through him and Sam raised an eyebrow.

Dean pushed himself weakly to his feet and padded across to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Bobby looked at Sam.

“I’ll let you boys get settled, then,” he sighed, rolling up the map, “I’ll come get you at sun down,” he readied himself to go to his own motel room, “Call me if he gets any worse,” he dropped the volume of his voice, piercing serious eyes at Sam, who nodded uneasily.


Three muffled sneezes could be heard through the thin bathroom door and a series of long nose blows. The decongestants were doing nothing for his brother. That was obvious. Dean didn’t need this. He’d just got back from hell for Christ’s sake. Sam sat on his bed, the closest to the window of course, Dean always took the bed closest to the door, sharpening the blades for tonight. Dean had been in the bathroom for going on twenty minutes before he emerged.

“B’bby godn?” he sniffed.

Sam raised both eyebrows this time but didn’t say anything.

“Yeah, Dean. He’s coming back at sun down.”

“Wh’t’s de tibe?” He asked, moving the gear from his bed onto the floor.

“We got about two hours. You wanna get some more sleep?”

“I’ve slept all frigged day. I wadda hudt,” he sighed, sitting back on his bed, leaning up against the headboard, arms folded across his chest.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Looks like you got a hell of a fever now too.”

“Sab,” he huffed, staring scary eyes at his brother, “I habe a sniffle. You’re dot godda bench be for a damb sniffle!”

Raising his voice brought on a coughing fit that left him gasping and Sam moving in to pat him on the back.

“You okay?” Sam ventured.

“Gonna be sick,” he said, hurriedly before fleeing to the bathroom where he dropped to his knees in front of the toilet and emptied what very little was in there. Mostly stomach acid and the mucus he’d been swallowing.


Sam’s feet began to cramp from squatting next to Dean’s pale, shivering form on the bathroom floor. He’d managed to keep down the water Sam fed him and slowly the green tinge was disappearing from his face.

“Bobby told me to call him if you got worse...”

“Don’t call hib,” he pleaded.

“Dean, I can’t let you go anywhere like this. You’re throwing off heat waves.”

“We’re just scouting tonight anyway,” he grumbled, voice beginning to fail him.

“Exactly. You don’t need to be there.”

“Yes, I do,” he sighed, leaning his head against the cool tiled wall, letting his eyes slip closed.

“Uh, uh,” Sam tutted, grabbing Dean’s bicep, “Time to get off the floor. You done puking your guts up?”

Dean looked questioningly towards the toilet, painfully swallowing back the far too recent memories, “Yeah, I’m good.”

“Alright. Up we get.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have some more!! Protective Sam, wise all-knowing Bobby, stubborn sick-as-a-dog Dean, with a slight nod towards PTSD. This WAS a one-shot but became so much more so it's set early season four BEFORE Dean has told Sam about hell... I always love feedback so keep that coming :)


Sam sat at the table, looking over at his brother, bundled up in blankets, shivering on his bed. He was asleep again. Puking for twenty minutes used all energy he had accumulated and now he had an hour and a half to sleep off this illness before going out tonight to a smoke filled, beer soaked, vampire occupied bar. Yeah, he was going to have so much fun doing that. But that was just how Dean was. Even before he went to hell, especially since he got back. He couldn’t stop. He had to keep going. It was like he didn’t deserve a break, like he didn’t deserve to be healthy even. He had to stop the bad guys. He had to keep fighting, keep saving people, hunting things...

Screw the family business.

Sam thought, staring at Dean’s hunched shoulders. He had his brother back and he was not going to lose him again.


“Hey, Bobby,” Sam said, a little quieter than his normal speaking voice.

“Why you so quiet? Where’s that idjit brother of yours?” Bobby grunted, as Sam didn’t pull the door wide open for him to just come on in.

“He’s still sleeping,” Sam pushed the door back, allowing Bobby to see the heap in the middle of Dean’s bed. Yes, Dean was in there somewhere.

“He any worse?” Bobby’s eyebrows knitted together with concern.

“He’s got a fever, but I’ll have to wake him up,” he glanced back at the bed, then ushered Bobby into the room, “Did you know he hasn’t eaten anything today?”

“Oh balls!” Bobby cursed softly, knowing he should have been paying attention to something like that.

“Yeah, I know. I only realised when I watched him throw his guts up and all he had in there was stomach acid and snot.”

“Woah, enough. Unless you want me throwing up my guts!”

“Sorry,” Sam said, wrinkling his nose.

“So, he ain’t feeling too hot then? Better wake the kid up or he’ll throw a bitch fit.”

Sam crouched at Dean’s side and put a hand on his warm shoulder.

“Dean, come on, man,” he said, gently shaking him.

“Mmmm,” he groaned. It sounded painful in his throat.

“Bobby’s here. We gotta go. You want some dinner?”

Dean opened bleary eyes and looked at Sam before turning over to glance Bobby’s face, who gave him an enthusiastic smile.

Dean nodded slowly, swinging weak legs around to sit up.

“Do I-” he stopped and cleared his throat then coughed for a while, “Do I get tibe to have a shower? Feel gross.”

“Yeah, man,” Sam said, standing up, helping his brother to stand too.

Dean pushed away his assisting arm, “I got it,” he grunted, sniffing thickly. He staggered into the bathroom and hurriedly shut the door behind him as he fell into a helpless sneezing fit. He grabbed a wad of toilet paper and shoved it under his nose, trying to muffle the sound a little at least. He turned the taps on hot. He was cold and the steam might help clear his flaming sinuses at least. He didn’t want to go out, not really. He wanted to sleep. To maybe even watch some TV with Sammy and Bobby, have a few beers. Just relax. He just didn’t want to feel this shit. He couldn’t say that though. He couldn’t tell them that. He had to keep that to himself. There were more important things to worry about. There wasn’t time to stop and smell the roses. Not that he could even smell anything through his stuffed up nose. He doubted he’d even be able to taste dinner. He winced as he blew his nose, his chuffed nostrils stinging. His throat was killing him. He tried clearing it again but that was worse, it only made him cough. He didn’t have a long shower. He was too weak to stand for too long and that in itself made him depressed. He did feel a bit more awake though. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. His skin was pale white, his freckles standing out, these little flecks across his nose. His cheeks were a flushed pink colour but apart from that his face was colourless.

He styled his hair nicely and changed into some fresh, dry clothes, but the simple act of getting ready had made him feel tired. His body felt so weak and drained, and he hated it.


Sam and Bobby heard the shower turn off. They were sitting at the table having another look at the large map of town, Bobby having now marked all places where vampires had been discovered.

Dean opened the door and Sam jumped a little at the sudden sound, turning quickly to see his brother emerge, looking less sweaty but no less sickly. His eyes did seem a bit clearer though.

“You two gonna sit there all night drinking herbal tea and knitting a pair of booties or are we gonna get something to eat? I’m starving,” at least the steam had cleared the congestion a little and they could understand him, but the husky growl to his voice wasn’t getting any better and he was well and truly out of breath by the end of the sentence.

Sam huffed and smiled. When Dean was being a complete smart ass everything was fine. It was when he was quiet that there was something wrong.

Dean took out his flask and downed a few gulps, wincing as it burned his raw throat.

Sam and Bobby stood up and went for the door, Bobby still hanging on tight to Baby’s keys. Dean wasn’t allowed to drive just yet.

“Hey, um, you got any of that cold stuff? Before we go...” he mumbled, eyes flicking across the carpet.

Sam’s face turned sympathetic, “No, man. You gotta wait at least another hour for that.”

Dean nodded quickly, starting towards the door.

“You can have some of the cough syrup though,” Sam offered, but Dean huffed a no as he went out into the cold parking lot.

His nose started to run immediately, entering the cold air. He fought back a shiver and rammed his hands in his jacket pockets, keeping them tight to his sides for the warmth.

Sam and Bobby didn’t look cold. They’re jackets were flowing open in the breeze and Sam’s hair swished across his face. As much as Dean teased him about his hair, he actually really liked it. It made him who he was. Just like Dean would never have sweeping locks like a friggen pansy, Sam would never cut his hair. They were chalk and cheese but that was okay. That was familiar, comfortable, and it was something Dean could always trust to stay the same.

“Huh-KSTCHuu, hhhH-SSCHTeew,” Dean sneezed into his elbow, the brief relief from the shower long gone in the cold night air, “Urrrgh...” he groaned realising he didn’t bring any tissues out with him.

“Here,” Sam said, handing him two scrunched up tissues he’d retrieved from his pockets. As least someone was thinking ahead.

“Thagks,” he mumbled from behind them.

They climbed into the impala, Sam once again confined to the back seat.


Dean let his eyes slip shut as they drove the short distance to the pub. He was just resting his eyes, trying to calm the painful throbbing behind them. He startled upright when his head bobbed forward, a movement that didn’t go unnoticed by Sam and Bobby.

“C’mon, sleepy, we’re here,” Bobby grunted, putting a rough hand on his shoulder.

“I wasn’t sleeping,” Dean shook him off, coughing into a fist as he got out of the car. His legs were weak and a little bit shaky. He hoped the others didn’t notice. This mother of all colds was turning into something much worse.

They got a table at the edge of the room. It was still quiet inside the pub, they had a few hours until the rowdy locals arrived, some vampires in toe. Which meant no hustling pool, no pumping people for information and no one to scout out yet. Just time to eat something and get a feel for the layout of the place.

They were barely seated before a plucky waitress bounced over to take their drink order.

“Well, hello sweetheart,” Dean croaked, accompanied by his winning smile that made waitresses weak in the knees, “If I knew you were here I’d have come sooner.”

She smiled and blushed a little as she looked down, an uncertainty behind her eyes.

“What can I get you?”

Dean gestured to Sam.

“Just water, thanks,” he smiled politely at her.

“Bourbon, please,” Bobby grunted.

“I’ll have a coffee, thagks,” Dean said, rubbing his forehead, “Black, two sugars.”

He didn’t usually have sugar but he felt he needed the hit. He was about to fall asleep sitting up again and all he’d done was sleep and dry heave all day.

“Are you alright?” she said, looking at Dean, “Is it too hot in here? I can get them to turn the thermostat down.”

Her brow was crinkled with concern. Probably because Dean’s face was wet with sweat and he looked uncomfortably hot.

“No, it’s fide,” he grunted, being lost in the coughs that racked his body.

“He’s a little under the weather. Trust me, there’s nothing wrong with the thermostat,” Sam smiled, tightly.

Her eyes turned sympathetic as she took in the pale, slouched, albeit very attractive figure before her, and turned away to collect their drinks.

“This sucks...” Dean groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to fight off an impending sneeze.

“You’re the one who wanted to come,” Sam huffed.

Hh- hhuh- HH-STCHUUUoo, Hhuh-SKTCHUU!

He swiped the back of his hand under his nose, paining a glaze at his brother.

“What are you getting to eat, son?” Bobby said, glancing at Dean.

“You shouldn’t get anything too heavy,” Sam added.

“Stop talkig to be like I’b a frigged four year old.”

“Dean!” Sam started.

“Enough,” Bobby interjected, “Sam, leave your brother alone.”

“Seriously? I’m trying to help him since he won’t look after himself!”

“Sab, are you kiddig be right dow?” Dean snapped, rubbing fingers across his aching forehead.

“You’ve got more than a cold, Dean. You can barely hold yourself up and you’ve had a fever for hours. Are we just supposed to wait until you pass out to haul your ass to see a doctor?”

“A doctor!? Sab, I’m fide! I don’t need a damb doctor!” his voice was giving out even as he tried to defend himself which just made Sam even more infuriated.

“Enough, both of you!”

Sam looked angrily away from both of them, “I’m going to get some air,” he said, standing up and making a quick exit out the front door.


Their waitress brought the drinks over, offering a smile at Dean, “Do you want to order food now or wait for your friend to come back?”

Dean waved a dismissive hand at her like she shouldn’t worry about Sam, leaning back in his seat. His voice was sore from the recent explosion with his brother, so he was trying to limit the talking.

“He’ll have a salad,” Bobby indicated to the empty seat, “He’ll have the soup, and I’ll have a cheese burger and fries, extra ketchup,” he winked.

She smiled and nodded at the older hunter and left, swinging her hips as she walked away, like she was begging Dean to watch her. He was preoccupied though with his itching sinuses.

He grabbed a napkin off the table bringing it to his nose, “hhH-HTSCHUUu! Geez... Where the hell is Sab with by tissues?”

Bobby was silent for a moment, “You know, you should ease up on the kid. He’s just trying to look out for you. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.”

Dean fixed him with a cold stare, which softened as he coughed into his fist. Letting out a long groan he replied, “I know, Bobby, man, I’b tryig... But I’b supposed to look out for him...”

“You can’t do that if your dead,” Bobby grunted.

“I’b not dying, Bobby!” he snapped, "Not again..." Dean’s mind pulled him in different directions as he remembered he red heat of hell and the hooks pulling him apart in more ways than he knew existed, and screaming, crying for Sam to come and save him.

“You alright?” Bobby said, as Dean’s eyes went vacant.

Dean turned in his chair away from the table and Bobby was already squatting in front of him as he slumped forward.

Shit...” he mumbled, wiping a shaking hand across his sweaty brow.

“Take it easy, Dean, you could cook an egg on your noggin,” he said bracing him in the chair, as Dean coughed weakly.

“Where’s Sam?” he whispered.

Bobby recognised the urgency in his plea and had to react on it. Making sure Dean wasn’t about to fall out of the chair, he hurried out into the chilly parking lot looking left and right, seeing the impala, but not seeing Sam.


“Do you need me to get you anything?” The waitress, Amelia, Dean noted, bent over the table, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He sighed, realising how ridiculous he must look, “No thanks, honey. Just can’t shake this thing,” he snuffled into the napkin.

“It looks like a pretty nasty flu you’ve got. You should be in bed.”

“Is that an offer?” he stole a glance at her face, trying his best cheesy grin.

“Settle down, tiger, you don’t want to raise your temperature,” she smiled, her hips dancing again as she retreated back to the bar.

Dean put his head in his hands, unable to shake this feeling that something was wrong.

His feeling was confirmed when Bobby busted back in through the door, eyes piercing Dean’s lost bloodshot ones.

“Dean. Sam’s gone.”


Now Dean might be forced to help on this hunt after all...

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OMG yes, this is so well written and Dean is just my fav! Aww poor sick sneezy Dean, he's gonna have to take some meds, buck up and help Bobby find his brother, especially if the vamps have got him. haha. Can't wait to see what happens next!

He had to keep fighting, keep saving people, hunting things...

Screw the family business.

Best line ever. :)

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YAYYYY! YUMMY! I especially love when Dean has to work past his limits to rescue someone. So freaking hot! I am so looking forward to the next part.

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Okay, this forum seriously spoils me with all these AMAZING fics! Soo many good writers (like you) and so many other SPN fans! I'm in fetishy heaven right now! (: ♥

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  • 3 weeks later...

OMG yes, this is so well written and Dean is just my fav! Aww poor sick sneezy Dean, he's gonna have to take some meds, buck up and help Bobby find his brother, especially if the vamps have got him. haha. Can't wait to see what happens next!

He had to keep fighting, keep saving people, hunting things...

Screw the family business.

Best line ever. smile.png

Thanks for reading! Dean's SO not prepared for what this hunt is going to involve and poor baby's not getting any better :( I'm glad you're enjoying it :)

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YAYYYY! YUMMY! I especially love when Dean has to work past his limits to rescue someone. So freaking hot! I am so looking forward to the next part.

The story's gone a little bit different to how i expected it but i hope you still like it :) He's definitely going to have to work harder than what his body is capable of. I look forward to writing it. Hope you enjoy reading it just as much! :)

Poor Dean. Love how he can be so sick and still the on the charm.

Haha I know! I had to keep the signature Dean Winchester charm in there ;) thanks for reading!

Okay, this forum seriously spoils me with all these AMAZING fics! Soo many good writers (like you) and so many other SPN fans! I'm in fetishy heaven right now! (: ♥

Aw thanks so much! I know, I'm so happy I came across this forum. There are so many great writers out their that enjoy the same things I do! There's more coming so get ready for it :) Thanks for your comment :)

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Here's the next part, ya'll :) I just felt like writing some nice fluffy stuff with Dean and Bobby as Bobby is one of my all time favourite characters, and please welcome my first 2 original characters in this part. Lots more sick sneezy Dean for everyone! The story is literally coming together as it falls out of my brain so I sincerely apologise if there are any plot holes or anything like that, it's really just going forward as I write it and I hope ya'll are still interested! I apologise for any mistakes! Hope you enjoy it. Comments welcome :)


“Sabby, pick up your damb phode...” Dean whispered as he listened to the endless ringing on the fifth time he’d called, “Where the hell are you, man?”

“Dean, get in the impala. If you keep pacing you’ll fall on your ass. I’m going to look this way,” Bobby said as he took off down the side of the bar. This town was tiny, surrounded by grass and trees and cows. The bar was situated in the middle of shrub-land about five minutes drive from any other shops. Dean went after Bobby, bringing the phone away from his ear to redial Sam’s number again.

“Dammit, Dean, I said wait in the car.”

“I’b ndot waiti’g id the friggen car!”

“Remember what I said about killing yourself over this!?”

“Bobby... It’s Sab,” he pleaded, and the two shared a knowing look.

Bobby knew exactly what Dean would do for Sam. Hell, he’d done it before.

“What’s that sound?” Bobby said, his eyes going distant as he focused on a noise around them.

A familiar buzzing accompanied by a trilling ring. Scrambling through the shrubs Bobby located the source of the sound. Holding it up in the air, still ringing, was Sam’s phone.

“Son of a bitch,” Dean grunted.


He was feeling light headed. He was going to hurl again. He curled against the passenger side door, coughing in his throat, not letting it escape through his tightly closed lips.

“You okay, boy?” Bobby said, softly, resting a hand on Dean’s shoulder. He could feel the heat under it, and the encroaching dampness from the boy’s sweat. He was not going to be okay if he kept going like this but nothing would stop him. No man in the world could stop him, not even his father. Heck, it was John that had made him like that in the first place. How could he have not seen what he was doing to the kid? Oh well, no use talking bad about the dead now. Besides, what was done was done. Dean would kill for his brother, would die for his brother, would, worse, go to hell for his brother. It made Bobby sick, and angry, to remember what he’d done. His boy... his Dean, in the pit. He should have stopped it. He should have tried to stop it. When Dean shoved him and told him to leave he should have knocked some sense into the kid and told him where to shove it. He shouldn’t have left him alone like that. He should never have gone.


A strong sneeze brought him out of his haze of self loathing. Guess, it just went with the job, right?

“Gotta find Sabby,” he snuffled.

“Dean... If they’ve got him...”

“Don’t say it,” he snapped, sitting upright, albeit with a little difficulty, “You said yourself the body’s show up weeks after they go missig.”

“Yeah, but they could have turned him... Or be planning on it.”

“We have tibe, Bobby.”

“Yeah, you're right. The pattern and everything, they don’t usually show up for weeks, even new recruits. It’s like they hold them somewhere and feed on them until they’re so weak they have no choice but to be turned.”

“Ndot baking it better,” Dean groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and clenching his eyes shut.

“Dean, we’re gonna find him, but if he has been turned you need to prepare yourself to make the right call.”

Dean stared out the windscreen, not even chancing a glance at Bobby or he might turn him to stone. He knew Bobby was right. But he did NOT spend 40 years in hell to get back to his little brother and let him turn into a dirty fang. He’d rather go back to hell then let that happen.


“Shh, he’s waking up,” a woman’s voice hushed a loud man speaking in the background. Sam couldn’t make out the words as his mind came back into consciousness.

“About time. Thought he was gonna sleep all night.”

“Well, you didn’t have to hit him so hard.”

“Please, that wasn’t hard. That was a kitten hit.”

“Shut up, Eddie.”

“Whhh’re am I?” Sam slurred, opening his eyes slowly to adjust to the light.

He was in some kind of house, and old beat up house that didn’t even look like people lived in it anymore, lying on an uncomfortable cot in the corner. This was clearly where his captors had set up camp from what he could see around him. There was a table against the wall... Stakes, holy water... Shit, these people weren’t vampires.

“Hey, Sammy, how you doing, there? Didn’t bust your noggin too hard, did I?” The large man asked, leaning over him. He was older, not quite as old as Bobby, probably around the same age John would have been if he were alive, week long growth of beard on his face, dark and tanned but with gleaming blue eyes.

“I’m fine,” Sam groaned, pushing himself up to a sitting position, “What the hell is going on here?”

“Hi, Sam. Sorry about all the cloak and dagger stuff. I’m Marie, this is Eddie. We’re...”

“Hunters, yeah. I got that. What the hell are you doing with me and why did you knock me out and drag me back here.”

“We needed to get you out of there. In an hour you would have been some fangs lunch. You fella’s have no idea what you’ve just walked into.”

“What and just leave Dean and Bobby in the bar? Are you insane?”

“We knew they’d leave to come find you. They were safe.”

“I can’t believe this,” Sam huffed, tapping his pockets, “Where’s my phone? I’m calling Dean.”

“We may have lost your phone,” Marie said, calmly, “You didn’t have one when we brought you back here.”

“Dammit,” he sighed, “Give me a phone. I have to call my brother.”

“Not yet...” Eddie discouraged.

“If I know my brother, and I do, he’s two seconds away from storming a vampire nest to get me back and he’ll die doing it, so, give me a phone, I’m calling him.”

Eddie and Marie shared a glance, like they were having a telepathic conversation before Eddie relented and pulled his phone out of his pocket, offering it to Sam.

“You just tell him you’re okay. We’ll meet up with them tomorrow in daylight. It’s too dangerous to be out at this time.”


“Dean, we’re going back to the motel. We can’t storm into something we know nothing about. We’ll just end up getting killed.”

Dean was silent. Not because he wasn’t furious about the situation but because he couldn’t trust his lungs not to try and escape his body if he opened his mouth. He wanted to knock Bobby out, get behind the wheel of his baby and run down every mother effing vamp he came across to get to Sam. But he couldn’t kid himself, in his condition it would be a suicide mission, not that he even cared at this point. He just wanted his brother.

“I’m sorry, son. We’re gonna get him back,” Bobby reassured, able to sense the heat coming off Dean, from more than just the fever.

At that moment the back of Dean’s jeans started vibrating and he hurried to get the phone out of his pocket.

“No Caller ID”

He furrowed his brow then flipped the phone open.

He cleared his throat, “Start talkidg,” he answered, gruffly.

“Dean, it’s me.”

“Sabby? What the hell happened?” the quick intake of breath started a round of coughs, that Sam patiently waited to finish before answering.

“I’m okay. I’m with hunters, man. Eddie and Marie. Friggen knocked me out and brought me back to their safe house. You gotta get off the streets, Dean, it’s not safe. We’re gonna meet up in the morning when the sun’s up. Get back to the motel. It’s worse than we thought.”

Dean couldn’t respond because the coughing hadn’t really subsided yet, he was just suppressing it in his throat but it wouldn’t let him answer. He muffled it behind a fist.

“Dean, put Bobby on.”

Dean just handed Bobby the phone, who had just pulled into the motel parking lot, still trying to get his lungs under control.

“Sam, you better talk fast. What’s going on?”

“Hunter’s took me. Eddie and Marie. They’ve been here a while. It’s so much worse than we thought, Bobby.”

“Hold up. Eddie and Marie?”

“Yeah, you know ‘em?”

“They dropped of the grid a few years back. Thought they were dead. You tested ‘em, didn’t you, Sam?”

“Yeah, of course, I did. Clean. Listen, get Dean off the road and back to the motel.”

“Just pulled up.”

“Thank God. It’s not safe. Just sit tight. I’ll call you in the morning.”

“Can do.”

“And, Bobby, is Dean alright, cause he doesn’t sound like it.”

“Yeah...” Bobby paused, wondering how he could talk about him with him sitting right there, “Not looking good right now,” he chose his words carefully, “Could’a done without a scare like that though. Don’t worry. We’ll lay low tonight. Find out all you can about what Ed and Marie are doing here though. We’ll need the extra hands on this one by the looks of it.”

“Yeah, will do. Take care, Bobby, and look after Dean.”

“I’ll do my best,” he huffed a laugh, “Take care, Sam.”

Dean was already glaring at Bobby by the time he got off the phone.

“Come on, let’s get inside. I’m not talking any chances on this one.”


Dean watched from the bed, as much as he wanted to join in on this he couldn’t even bring himself to his feet anymore. He had a sniffle yesterday, and he may have felt a little under the weather this morning, maybe a little bit flu-y today, but right now he felt sick. Really sick. His brain was hazy from it slowly being cooked and his vision swam. He could feel sweat running down his temple as he watched Bobby set up elaborate booby traps around the tiny motel room.

“You gonna get that coat off? You look like you’re cookin’,” Bobby said, glancing up from his work to Dean’s sick form sitting hunched over on the side of the bed, just wondering when he was going to finally give in and collapse.

Dean didn’t answer, he just started the near impossible task of removing his jacket, along with his boots. His fingers fumbled with the laces as bending forward set his sinuses a light.

“hhhuuhHTSHCU, HTSCKU, hhHHHTKTSCOoo! Uh, God...”

He clenched his eyes shut to stop the room spinning and the tears from flowing, just from the strain of it.

“Here,” Bobby said, softly, crouching down in front of him and untying his boots.

“B’bby?” Dean asked, his eyes not really focusing on anything.

“Yes, Dean?” he said, slipping the shoe off his foot and starting on the next one.

“Thagks for... (cough)... sticki'g around.”

Bobby looked up at him, somewhat surprised. But with the flush he saw on Dean’s cheeks and the glassiness of his eyes he knew he probably wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.

“Sure, kid. Where’m I gonna go?”

He paused in thought.

“Dad’s gone...”

Bobby stared in shock for a moment, even reaching out a hand and feeling Dean’s forehead, wondering if he had the thermometer in the bag he’d brought in. Dean actually leaned into the touch and Bobby’s stomach flipped again with worry.

“Listen, Dean, you remember that stuff your daddy cooked up to mask your scent from a vampire?” he said, changing the subject.

Dean just nodded slowly.

“I got some ashes in the duffle. We’re gonna need to dust ourselves. Just to make sure. I need to know we’re safe before I’ll be able to close my eyes tonight.”

Dean sniffed thickly and wiped a sleeve under his nose, “You wannda throw dust ond be?” he sniffed again, his nose being irritated by the mere thought of it.

“You’ll thank me when you’re not dead in the morning,” Bobby grunted, getting up to go through the duffle. He put the ashes on the table.

“Can you even stand up?” he asked Dean, who was shivering so hard the whole bed was shaking.

Dean took a breath in, coughed a little on the exhale and slowly rose to his feet, walking towards Bobby and the table then leaned dangerously forward before resting a hand on the back of the chair to stay upright. He smiled that shit eating grin he always did when he was pleased with himself.

Bobby raised an eyebrow at the dopey husk of the man that was Dean Winchester, “Well done, you’re still up on one end. Let’s do this quick then you can get some shut eye.”

“Awesome,” he grunted, sarcastically, pulling off his outer button up shirt.

Bobby grabbed the hem of his undershirt and began lifting it.

“Woah, Bobby, you gonna buy me a drink first?” he wheezed, almost falling backwards as he leant away from the groping hand.

Bobby tugged on his shirt to swing him forward and stop him falling flat on his back.

“Take it off, Dean. It’s soaked.”

Dean took about three minutes to remove the wet shirt. Wet from his own fever induced sweating, and his cranky, childlike, i-can-do-it-myself attitude that he was currently in meant Bobby had to patiently wait for him to accomplish the task on his own.

“Alright, hold your breath,” Bobby said, opening the ziplock bag full of ashes.

Dean snorted, then sniffed.


He quickly brought both hands over his face to catch the sneeze.

“Really? I haven’t even started,” Bobby said, as Dean sniffled some more.

“Thagt was a bondus onde,” he groaned.


Dean nodded, with a almost comically serious look on his face. Bobby started by sprinkling it on his shoulders and chest.

Dean held his hand up for him to stop before wrenching to the side.

“HTSKUU! Hhu’h-SCHUoo! Huuh-stchuu!”

The last one was a weak expulsion of air, showing how exhausted he was just from the sickness itself.

“Sorry, kid,” Bobby sighed, crinkling up his face.

“‘S’ok,” he breathed, panting, “Keep goi’g.”

Bobby dusted his stomach, then motioned for him to turn around while he did his back.

He saw the shoulder blades moving under the tight skin and muscles of Dean’s back and he knew what was about to happen. Dean crumpled forward with both hands around his face again.


“Okay, let’s lie you down before you fall down,” Bobby said, putting a hand on Dean’s shaking shoulder as he tried to breathe through the fit, the dust still feeling like it was in his nose and throat.

Bobby shoved a wad of tissues into his hands and sat him down on his bed.

“You doin’ okay?” he bent down to look Dean in the eye.

Dean sniffled into the tissues, fighting off more sneezes that were trying to work their way out.

“Tired,” was the one word he managed and then coughed a little, sounding a bit more phlegmy that it had been.

Bobby seemed to be gone from Dean’s eye line for about a second before he reappeared with some water and tablets. Dean didn’t know what they were, he just took them anyway. Trusting Bobby knew what he was doing.

Then Bobby handed him his flask.

“Have a swig o’ that,” he ordered, “Now, lie your ass down and get some sleep, son. You’ll feel better in the morning,” Bobby hoped, taking the flask back out of his loose grip and gently lowering Dean against the mattress onto his side, not covering him with a blanket because they didn’t want that fever getting any higher. “I’ll keep watch and wake you up when it’s time for more meds,” he spoke mainly for his own benefit as he knew Dean wasn’t listening. Too relaxed since finding out Sammy was okay, like his body could show how much rest it needed now that he knew he didn’t have to get up and fight. The only thing Dean was good for fighting now was this bug, and he sure as hell wasn’t doing a very good job of it.


How do ya'll like it so far? Keep going?

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He quickly brought both hands over his face to catch the sneeze.

“Really? I haven’t even started,” Bobby said, as Dean sniffled some more.

“Thagt was a bondus onde,” he groaned.

I loved this part. So so cute.

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"He had a sniffle yesterday, and he may have felt a little under the weather this morning, maybe a little bit flu-y today, but right now he felt sick. Really sick."

So well phrased and so totally pulling on the heartstrings. Poor boy.

"He smiled that shit eating grin he always did when he was pleased with himself."

Loved this cause I could see it so clearly.

Truly enjoying this.

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This is just wonderful! I love how you've written the other hunters, great characterization with everyone. Thank you.

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I apologise for this part, I know it's not very good :/ It's just filler. What do you guys want to happen with the mysterious other hunters? (seriously, I need ideas :P)


Dean woke himself up coughing every couple of hours, but he hadn’t seemed to have gotten worse. Just uncomfortable. Unable to sleep for long periods of time. Between the coughing up a lung and sneezing fits Bobby hadn’t got much sleep either, which Dean continued to apologise for, not that Bobby even minded. It had been a while since he’d got to look after someone, and there was no one better to look after.

He fell asleep in the early hours of the morning propped up against the head rest of the other bed.

The phone vibrating against his leg stirred him from sleep. The pale light of dawn creeping through the curtains.

He picked up his phone and glanced at Dean as he answered, silently thanking God that it didn’t wake him.

“Sam? That you?” he grunted quietly.

“Yeah. How’s Dean?”

Of course those were the first words out of his mouth.

“Uh,” he scrubbed a hand across his face as he looked over at Dean, “He’s alright. We just need to get this case over with so we can get him home.”

“Agreed. Where is he? Is he there?”

“He’s sleepin’,” Bobby said, clicking the bathroom door shut behind him.

“Bobby, I don’t want him on this case.”

“Well, you’re not the only one there.”

“We can’t just... leave him in the motel?”

Bobby took a minute, “No, Sam. He wants in on this whether it’s good for him or not. He won’t take no for an answer.”

“But we’ve got other hunters now...”

“Yeah, Sam, ‘bout that. I called some people last night, they haven’t heard from Eddie and Marie in over two years, and when they were in the hunters circle, they weren’t the ones you wanted to mess around with.”

“Okay... well, we’re gonna meet up soon. We’re coming into town. Hal’s Diner. Wake Dean up, he needs to eat something...”

“Yeah, he wouldn’t eat anything last night after...” Bobby paused.

Sam sighed, “See you soon.”

“Be careful, Sam.”

Bobby opened the bathroom door. Dean was on the other side, leaning a hand on the door frame, shoulders hunched, nose and eyes red, breathing through his mouth, his hair going off in all directions and a thin sheen of sweat across his face. It was a picture, alright. But he was glaring, as though he’d heard every word.

Dean glazed over the part he’d heard about leaving him out of the hunt. He knew they were all thinking it anyway, and he didn’t half blame them, but he was going, whether it was good for him or not.

“You dod’t trust these hudters,” his voice kicked in half way through the sentence, sounding gravely and incredibly painful, because it was. He winced and swallowed thickly.

“I don’t trust anyone,” Bobby smiled, then frowned, “You feelin’ any better, kid? I’ve dug up corpses that look better than you.”

“I’ll live,” he grunted, coughing into his fist and getting a better grip on the door frame.

“Yeah, sounds like it,” Bobby replied sarcastically, “I’ll give you a minute to get pretty,” he bent around him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder before grabbing his bag to head to his room.

“huhh-HTSCHUuu! huhHSKCHEW!” he scrubbed at his nose with the back of his wrist.

“Make that a couple of minutes,” he smirked, looking at Dean trying to control another sneeze. “I’ll be back at 7. Take some more medicine.”

Dean couldn’t even compose himself enough to answer before Bobby left the room. It was really a blessing. He didn’t want to be sick in front of anyone. And Bobby was almost as bad as Sam. He just put his back against the wall and clamped two hands around his nose.

“HHSTCHUU! HEHSCTHEW! Huuh-STCHOO! Hhh- huhhh- HEHSCTUUuuu!” he gasped for breath at the end of the fit, making him cough a little, “Suhd of a bigtch...”

He coughed louder when he remembered there was no one in the room with him, getting out some of that phlegmy stuff that had settled in his throat, making it hard for him to get a breath.

He stumbled over to the table, downed half the Jack that was in his flask along with a fist full of drugs, followed by a shot of cough syrup. He grimaced at the foul taste and had another sip of whiskey.

His throat hurt a lot and he decided that talking was all in all a ridiculous idea. Who even decided that talking was a thing? He wiped the sweat from his brow. Yeah, that fever was making his head all screwy. Oh well, that tylenol would kick in soon and he’d be good as gold.

He showered and dressed, shaved and did his hair, thinking at least what he could control would look better than what he couldn’t. His face was still pasty white, dark freckles across his nose and fever spots on his cheeks. He stared at his hazy green eyes in the mirror.

You’re a Winchester, son.

Watch out for Sammy.


By the time Bobby got back to Dean’s room, showered and changed, the flask was empty.

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You're a Winchester, son.

Watch out for Sammy.

<3 <3 <3

This is a great chapter. I can picture Dean standing behind that door.

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Feeeeeeels :S Poor Dean always trying to be the strong one. for Sammy's sake :) I really love how you write him and that Bobby talk was on the nose!

You need ideas? Well that Bobby speech makes me think that maybe those two hunters are Vamps also. No news from any hunter is always bad news, same as when we saw Garth last time ;) Something supernatural must have happened to them. Maybe they're Vamps from another nest? Or would it be too reminissent of Twilight if they were Werewolves?

Or alternately, maybe Dean have been touched by another of those Djjin, not making them hallucinate their innermost desire or fear to feed off them but their most shameful scenario (or something akin). And being that vulnerable and depend on Sam and Bobby must be something really shameful for Dean.

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I loved the update and you write everyone so well, especially Dean!

As it comes to the hunters, I would really like them to be good guys... maybe they vanished for some peronal reasons or something, like they were trying to do a special hunt on their own because it´s important to them for some reason. But however NorthernLady´s idea sounds great too and I´m sure anything you´ll write is going to be awesome :D

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I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!

Your style of writing is so perfect, the pace of the story is perfect, you capture the characters perfectly....


Please continue, I can't wait to read more!!

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