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Sneezy Dean (SPN)


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I couldn't think of a title. lol Dean is sick, lucky he has Sam and Bobby. My first time trying out spelling sneezes and congested speech. Hope you like it! (No slash)


Hett'STChoo! Hhhs'TChoo! Dean's hands were cupped around his mouth and nose. He paused for a moment then placed the heel of his palm on his forehead.

"Urgh..." He moaned.

"What's going on with you?" Sam said, dubiously from the passenger seat.

"What? Nothing," he sniffed wetly, "I'm fine. Shut up."

He shifted it into drive and pulled out onto the highway.

Sam stirred awake and looked briefly out at the darkened countryside that was wizzing along beside them.

"How long till we get to Bobby's?" He asked, clearing the sleep from his voice.

No response.

"Dean," he said, looking at his brother, loose grip on the steering wheel, staring straight ahead. "Dean, man, how long until we get to Bobby's?" He said, reaching out a massive paw to put on Dean's shoulder.

Dean jumped slightly at the connection and broke his gaze with the road ahead, looking quickly at his brother then back at the road.


"I asked how long till we get to Bobby's. Geez, you tired or something?"

"Or something..." he mumbled.

"You still haven't answered my question..."

"Oh, I dunno..."

Sam furrowed his brow. Something was definitely wrong with his brother.

"Pull over, let me drive for a bit. It's after midnight."

Dean put the back of his wrist to his nose. Huhh'kTSCHoo The car swerved in and out of it's lane on the road as he got back his composure.

"Jesus, Dean. Pull over."

Dean complied and pulled off onto the shoulder.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" Sam's tone was far too accusatory and Dean rolled his eyes, which didn't help his headache.

"I dunno. Feel a bit spaced out," he sniffed then sneezed into his elbow, "Urgh. Think I'm getting sick, Sammy."

"Yeah, I'll say. Slide over and let me drive," he said, hauling his large frame out the passenger side door.

"We can rest when we get to Bobby's," he said, when he was settled in behind the driver's seat.

"Bobby's got a job for us, Sam. Remember?" He groaned, already leaning back against the bench seat, eyes closed and arms folded tightly across his chest.

"Yeah, well, we'll see. "

Dean was asleep in no time and it turned out they weren't too far from Bobby's, which was a god send. Sam pulled up on the gravel outside Bobby's front door, surrounded by car body's, Dean's version of a candy store. The door creaked open as Bobby stood leaning on the door frame. Sam smiled at him before glancing back at his brother.

"Hey, Dean, we're here."

"Hnnn," he groaned, rubbing his eyes.

Sam got out of the car as Bobby stepped towards him. They wrapped their arms around each other.

"Good to see you, boy," he smiled.

"Yeah, likewise."

"What's sleeping beauty doing?" He asked, releasing Sam and looking to where Dean was standing, leaning on the car door, a look of concentration on his face.

HHH-SCTHUU! Dean held his elbow against his face, breathing shakily for a minute.

"Dean's got the sniffles," Sam mocked.

"Awwww," Bobby cooed.

"Shut up. I'm fine," he snapped, slamming his car door with more force than was really necessary.

"You're not fine. You said yourself you were getting sick."

"What? No I didn't," he argued.

Sam huffed and looked at Bobby. He just smiled and pulled Dean in for a hug.

"You boys play nice."

Dean pushed away from Bobby, doubling over as he coughed into his fist, the other hand still on Bobby's chest.

"Boy, you sound like hell. Let's get inside."



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Oh this is great! Dean is so so spacey and confused, and Sam is so sweet and exasperated at the same time! You write Bobby really well too (and I love your spellings)! Definitely continue!

"Dean's got the sniffles," Sam mocked.

"Awwww," Bobby cooed.

"Shut up. I'm fine," he snapped, slamming his car door with more force than was really necessary.

Oh my god, loooooved this part.

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"Dean's got the sniffles," Sam mocked.

"Awwww," Bobby cooed.

"Shut up. I'm fine," he snapped, slamming his car door with more force than was really necessary.

Awwwwwwe defensive and trying to keep your tuff image deannnn? so cute so cute :) . I love this ! :) Continue please.
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As you wish!! :D


The three of them sat discussing the case, even though they were into the early hours of the morning now.

Hhh-SCHuu hhhTSChoo. Dean muffled two sneezes into his sleeve. Not wanting to disturb them he quickly got up and went into the hall where two more powerful sneezes could be heard, followed by nose blowing.

"Is he gonna live?" Bobby asked Sam, interrupting their conversation about the case.

Sam just pursed his lips.

Dean appeared a few minutes later, red around his nostrils, and watering eyes. He sat down backwards on his chair, cracking a beer, leaning both arms across the back.

"You alright?" Sam asked, sizing him up.

"Just gettid a beer, Sabby. Ib fide," he snuffled, trying to get the congestion from his voice but it only brought on another sneeze.

"Sonofabitch," he mumbled, as he spilt his beer on his hands.

The others ignored this, allowing Dean to keep some of his dignity in tack.

Sam and Bobby got more into their talk about the current case and Dean was having trouble keeping up. It was hard to focus. He was tired. He'd driven for hours and he'd been working a lot lately. That had to be why. He wasn't sick. Something was just making him sneeze, the other symptoms could be attributed to anything.

"So, you boys think you can take care of this one?"

"We have been working non stop lately, but I can't see why not. What do you think, Dean?"

They looked over and Dean was sitting up in his backwards facing chair, head leaning against the wall, loose grip around the neck of his beer, sleeping soundly.

"Aw, well isn't that cute," Bobby muttered.

Sam got up and took the bottle from his hand, putting the other on his back to steady him as he woke up.

"Come on, bro. We'll talk more in the morning."

Dean stood up and clutched at Sam's arm, in a sleepy state. Sam led him up the stairs and put him on the bed.

"You gonna take your boots off?"

"Mm," he hummed a yes and rolled over, "Night, Sabby."

Sam clicked the door shut behind him and went back down stairs, finding Bobby standing in the kitchen.

"How is he?" he asked.

"Ah, I think he's just tired, you know, hopefully he'll be better in the morning."

"Doubt it," Bobby grunted, "That boy's body has been screaming at him to slow down for months."

"You think he's really sick?" Sam asked, a little concerned.

"All I know is you boys never do anything half way."

"I guess we'll see how he is in the morning," Sam sighed, stifling a yawn behind his fist.

"You must be beat. No need to yammer all night. You alright with the couch, son?"

"Yeah, sure. Dean needs a bed right now. Might go and check on him later."

"You’ll probably need to bring him an extra blanket. It's gonna get cold tonight," Bobby said, on his way to his own bed.

“Yeah, thanks. Night, Bobby.”

Bobby waved a hand over his shoulder as he disappeared.

Sam didn't usually sleep on the couch. In fact ever. Dean always let him have the bed, made him have the bed. Plus Sam was bigger. He needed the extra space. Which he was only now realising as he lay the blankets out over the couch.

He went into the cupboard and bundled a thick blanket under his arm and went to check on his big brother.


Dean sprawled out on the bed. He was just resting a while. Then he'd take his boots, jeans and jacket off and get under the covers. He lay on his stomach, head turned to the side, not even reaching the pillow. Sam's voice echoed in the background. Something about his boots. He'd do it later. Stop being so bossy, Sammy.

Dean's head was heavy against the mattress, and it was in that position that he fell asleep and didn't wake again until Sam's hands were coercing him under the blankets, tucking them tightly around him and laying a thicker one on top. His boots, jeans and jacket having been removed.

"You wadt be to tadke the couch?" He mumbled through the congestion.

His eyes weren't open but he could hear Sam's little huff of a laugh.

"No, man. Get some rest," he said, patting him on the shoulder.

Deam hummed a contented sound and nuzzled into the pillow as Sam once again clicked the door shut behind him.

His throat was now killing him and his nose was stuffed and tickling, but tiredness won out in the end and he was soon sleeping like a log.

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Here's some more, ya'll.


Hhhhuh-STCHuuu! Hhuh-TCHXooo!

The tickling in his nose woke him up and he sneezed messily twice into the blanket. He sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, then finally prized his eyes open. It was bright. It must have been late. He fought back a cough as he sat up, a shiver traveling through him as his bare feet touched the ground. He felt so much worse than he had the day before. His head was throbbing, his nose was running, his throat was killing him and his head and chest felt like it was full of cobwebs. He pushed himself up to stand and pulled his jeans on before he headed down stairs.


"You gettin sick too?"

"Nah, just didn't sleep very well, worrying about... hey, Dean. Woah... man, you look like crap."

"Shuddup," he grumbled deep in his chest then coughed into his fist.

"How you doing, son?"


“Just askin’,” Bobby replied, grabbing Dean a cup of coffee he’d already made for him.

“Thagks,” Dean mumbled, taking a sip and sitting down at Bobby’s small kitchen table.

“Seriously though, Dean. How you feeling?” Sam said, sitting in the chair across from him, Bobby leaning on the bench.

“Well, we’ve already established that I look like crap,” he huffed, putting his mug down so he didn’t spill it as he coughed.

“Dean,” Sam prodded.

He sighed, “Guess I’ve been better, but I’ve been a hell of a lot worse, so can we talk about the case, please?”

“Were you there for that conversation at all last night?” Bobby raised an eyebrow.

Dean scowled, “Humour me.”

It was a vampire nest a couple hours drive from Bobby’s. Definitely something you didn’t want to be doing alone. It seemed like they were trying to turn the whole town. Dean rubbed his brow. He already had a headache. All he wanted to do was lie down, and his nose would not stop running.

Hhh-STCHhuu. He sneezed into his shoulder and sniffed thickly.

“Gross, Dean,” Sam groaned.

Dean evil stared him then got up and went down the hall. They could hear him blowing his nose and sneezing a few more times.

“I don’t think he’s going to be up to this,” Bobby shook his head.

“Yeah, well, good luck telling him that.”

Dean padded back into the dining room, groaning in disgust at himself and slumped back down on the chair, head in his hand.

“So, you’re not sick, huh?” Sam teased.

“Not now, Sam. I feel like my head’s going to explode.”

“Want me to get someone else to take care of this?” Bobby asked, testing to see what Dean’s reaction would be. It was as he expected.

“What are you kidding? We got this Bobby,” he growled.

“Yeah, we got this. Me and Sam. You’re staying put.”

Dean stood up, “Bobby, I’m fine,” he said, firmly, through the husky growl in his voice.

“You’re gonna work yourself to death and I ain’t burying someone else, alright?”

Dean stared him down for a minute before huffing off out of the kitchen towards the front door.

“Where are you going?” Sam called after him.

“Out!” he called back, slamming the door behind him.

“Well, that went well.”


P.s. Comments make me write more :P

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uhm the tiny font gives me a slight headache.

.-. just that just that.

other than that it's all cool. can you make the font bigger please and thank you ? :)

It's really good this :)

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This is adorable. I loved the part where Dean thinks Sam's being bossy for wanting him to take off his boots. I know...it's those little things that I love in stories, though, because it paints this real complete picture of them, and I can imagine them doing it so easily. KEEP GOING!!!!

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"All I know is you boys never do anything half way."

So Bobby!!! And So true!

"How you doing, son?"


OMG. I can just hear Dean!

So good. I love it!

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uhm the tiny font gives me a slight headache.

.-. just that just that.

other than that it's all cool. can you make the font bigger please and thank you ? smile.png

It's really good this smile.png

Sorry I was doing it on my phone and it all looked the same to me! This next one will be bigger :)

This is adorable. I loved the part where Dean thinks Sam's being bossy for wanting him to take off his boots. I know...it's those little things that I love in stories, though, because it paints this real complete picture of them, and I can imagine them doing it so easily. KEEP GOING!!!!

Thank you! wink_kiss.gif That's the stuff that I like! I love the show so much I want it to feel like a really situation. I will keep going as you wish! :D

"All I know is you boys never do anything half way."

So Bobby!!! And So true!

"How you doing, son?"


OMG. I can just hear Dean!

So good. I love it!

Thank you! clapping.gif I hope they always sound in character. I love how Dean says "peachy" :P

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More sneezy pathetic sexy Dean Winchester...


He stormed out the door and immediately regretted it. He was wearing only a thin long sleeve henley, his jacket still on the floor upstairs. Luckily he’d slipped his shoes on before heading down stairs. He crossed to the impala, white clouds puffing out his mouth as he breathed. He turned the heater on to full and gunned it out of there before he could change his mind.

He drove for about ten minutes up the road before the vice like grip he had on the steering wheel started to make his hands cramp. He pulled over onto the shoulder. It was a deserted street in the middle of no where. He sighed and rested his head on the wheel.

"Get it together, Winchester," he mumbled, hearing his father's voice in his head.

Shaking his head, he quickly got out of the car and went to the trunk. He opened it up, propping the weapons compartment open with his sawed-off. He paused for a moment, leaning both hands on the back of his precious baby trying to catch his breath. He grabbed his pistol out and shut the trunk.

Coughing into a fist, he held the gun out in front of him, aiming for the fence post about 20 yards away.

Pull yourself together.

He shot 3 times in quick succession, the bullets missing the post entirely and disappearing into the grass around it.

"Son of a bitch," he sighed.

His hands were shaking he was so cold. He got back in the impala and checked to make sure the heater couldn’t be turned up any further.


He snuffled into his sleeve. His throat felt raw and he knew the longer he went without speaking the harder it would be to eventually talk. He had to go back.


He opened the door quietly, slinking in. Sam and Bobby weren’t right there to catch him. Maybe they’d gone out looking for him. Or taken the opportunity to leave and hunt this vampire nest without him. Whatever.

He flopped onto the couch on his stomach, sweat covering his pale face. He looked terrible, but it was alright, no one was there to see him.


Dean startled awake, coughing. He pushed himself upright, pushing the blanket off him. How did a blanket get there? There was a glass of water and a box of tissues on the coffee table. He snatched a few and brought them to his face.

“Hhhuh-SKCHuu... urrrgh.”

He pushed himself upright, wrapping the blanket over his shoulders as he shivered.

"Sab?" He called, then coughed into the fist he had balled up in the blanket. "S' bby?"

He shuffled into the study where Sam and Bobby had their noses buried in books.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," Bobby said, looking up at Dean's sickly appearance.

"Thought you left to hudt vabpires?" He croaked, leaning against the door frame.

"Thought you weren't sick?" Sam teased.

"I'll kick your ass."

"I'd like to see you try," he laughed.

"Easy, boys,” Bobby cut in, “Dean, how are you, son? You need anything?"

"I feel like ass but I cad still hudt. I'll get... my s-stuff and w-we cad... hhHHUH-STCKHooo!”

“Are you friggen serious?” Bobby sighed, “You can barely stand up.”

He sniffed, “I’ve had worse.”

“That ain’t somethin’ to be proud of.”

Dean shook the blanket off and stood up straight, “I have a cold, dot the plague... I’b cobing with you,” the congestion and gravel in his voice making him less intimidating.

Sam and Bobby looked at each other. They knew they would regret it but Dean could be very insistent, and if they took off then he’d just take off after them leaving him alone and even more vulnerable. Besides, Dean really had been through worse and still been able to keep up. So, maybe he really could handle this.

“Go take a shower, you’re sweating like a pig...” Bobby started. Dean readied himself to protest, “Sam and I’ll pack the car up.”

“Bobby,” Sam said, wondering if he’d thought this all the way through.

“We won’t leave right away. You have to do everything I tell you,” he pointed a finger at Dean, “and if you be a good boy you can ride shotgun.”

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He sniffed, “I’ve had worse.”

“That ain’t somethin’ to be proud of.

Love that line! You write Bobby really well. So in character.

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He sniffed, “I’ve had worse.”

“That ain’t somethin’ to be proud of.

Love that line! You write Bobby really well. So in character.

Totally agree with Ginger, Best lines! LOL. Love it!

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He sniffed, “I’ve had worse.”

“That ain’t somethin’ to be proud of.

Love that line! You write Bobby really well. So in character.

Totally agree with Ginger, Best lines! LOL. Love it!

Thank you! I'm a little slow with continuing this one but I have a little morsel to offer for the mean time. Until we get to the good stuff, sneezy Dean weak and forcing himself to hunt because he really has no other choice.... and let's face it. That's the sexiest kind of Winchester. ;) Thanks for your support!

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Little bit to keep you going!


“I hate this shit.”

“Quit your bellyaching. The last one’s bourbon.”

“Oh, thank God,” he sighed, downing the dayquil.

Sam shook his head. Big baby.

He grimaced, “God, it’s awful. Give me the bourbon.”

Bobby handed him the shot glass and Dean tipped it into his mouth.

“Good boy. We’ll stop in on a drug store on the way. Let’s go.”


Dean sat slumped in the passenger seat as Bobby drove his baby. Sam was quiet in the back seat, but his legs were cramping and his neck hurt from hunching over and he wanted his seat back. Sam was smart though. He was waiting for the perfect time to make Dean switch. He knew that he would. Even non drowsy medication made Dean drowsy, and along with the bourbon he was close to falling asleep. They’d been on the road almost half an hour and Bobby was going to call in at a drug store and get Dean some more tissues as he’d already gone through what they’d brought from the house. Dean was snuffling and coughing and shivering, and trying to be stealthy about it. He felt terrible. His body ached, his head pounded and he really wanted to lie down. He was uncomfortably cold and wet from the sweat.

“Right,” Bobby said, putting her in park outside the drug store, “Anything else you boys need?”

Dean pushed his door open and got out of the car.

“I guess this is a family outing then?” Bobby sighed. Sam shook his head once again at his brother and they both followed him in.


“I hate cherry flavour. Tastes like ass.”

“Well, there’s only that or orange,” Sam said, holding up the bottles.

“Will, you just pick one already. Before we got a whole town of vampires to slaughter.”

“Hhhuh-STCHuhh! Hhh-KSCTHoo!” Dean held his wrist against his nose, motioning for a tissue.

Sam ripped open the box he was holding and handed him a few. Dean cleaned himself up before his breath started to hitch again.

“Just... get... hhuh... orange... HH-STCHUU!” he said, striding out of the store, tissues clamped around his nose as he sneezed a few more times.

His shoulders were curled inwards, his feet heavier than usual. He leaned up against a wall once he was outside. The breeze made him shiver and he pulled his jacket closer to his body. He could feel the sweat running down his chest under his shirt. It only made him shiver more. He brought the tissues to his face again, blowing his irritated nose.

“You good?”

Dean looked up and Sam and Bobby were standing next to him, each holding a grocery bag of sweet, sweet drugs and tissues. Which he was definitely going to need more of.

“Yeah, I’b fide,” he shrugged, pushing off the wall and striding towards the car.

Sam was pushing his luck, but who knew when they’d stop again and it was at least another two hour drive. Sam couldn’t be cramped up in the back seat for that length of time. Besides, Dean was fading fast. He needed sleep more than he’d care to admit, so Sam was going to give him his out.

“Hey bro, do you mind if I sit in the front? I’m getting a headache sitting back there,” he phrased it like that deliberately, like he hadn’t thought at all about Dean lying down, and in Dean’s own self sacrificing way he’d give in to Sam’s plea.

Bobby had caught on, and looked at Dean, holding his breath until he answered.

“Sure, Sabby. Ya girl,” he groaned. Even if Dean did know why he’d really asked he didn’t let on. Secretly he wanted to lie down. Needed to lie down. He was just waiting for someone to give him an out.



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He was just waiting for someone to give him an out.

Yup. Always tough. Only willing to give in for an excusable reason or if he can make it seem like it was his idea in the first place. Nice.

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Love the image of Dean needing to push off the wall the get moving again. And how all three of them know the dance it takes to get Dean to sleep in the car.

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this is soooo cute!!!!!!! awwww poor dean! Can dean be any more adorable? maybe? biggrinsmiley.gif

you played Bobby amazingly! to the T! clapping.gifclapping.gif

Pleas please continue!! :)

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