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Dammit Cas! I said no cats! (SPN)


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Ok! Here's another supernatural story by me, this time featuring a (very) allergic Dean. No sneezing in this part, and it's a little short, but there will be more to come soon! I promise. ;)


Castiel loved cats. Since the first time he ever laid eyes on one, he loved them. He loved them more than ever now that they were bred to live with people in houses. They were so cute, and fluffy, and small... He had always wanted one, but being a celestial being and all, he never had a place to keep one or the materials to care for it. But now that he was hunting with Dean....

He turned to Dean, who was in the driver's seat in the impala.

“Dean, can we get a cat?”

Dean started at him, startled. Then he turned back to the road.


“But we could keep it in the impala during the day, and in a motel at night.”

“No, Cas.”

“Dean, they're so nice though. They are soft, and they purr-”

“I said no.”

“But De-”

Dean slammed his hand on the steering wheel

“No cats!”

Cas turned away and looked out the window, dejected. Dean saw and immediately guilt flooded his stomach. He sighed.

“I'm sorry Cas. I didn't mean to get angry.”

“It's ok Dean. I'm sorry too.”

“Nah. Don't be.”

Cas was about to face forward again, but decided to ask one more question.

“Why don't you want a cat Dean? They are very loveable creatures.”

“Oh, I love them Cas, it's just that-”

Dean looked embarrassed all of a sudden.


Cas didn't understand, but he thought it best to leave Dean alone to drive at the moment.


When they arrived at their motel, Cas waited until Dean was fast asleep, and then quietly left the motel room. He flitted around the various alleyways of the city, until he finally found what he was looking for. He scooped up the tiny creature and tucked him into his trenchcoat. He brought the tiny kitten back to the motel, gave it a bath in the bathtub, and fed it some canned tuna that he had purchased just in case Dean had said yes. He felt a twinge of – something, as he remembered how forcefully Dean had insisted that he didn't get a cat, but what was the worst that could happen? Once he carefully dried the grey kitten off, he gently tucked it under some blankets to sleep. He would move it into the impala later.

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Ooooh can't wait can't wait can't wait! Dean's cat allergy is one of my favorite things. I still can't believe it's real. And so cute how he's embarrassed about it!

And of course I love Cas and cats as well, just because.

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I can't wait! I love this show and the story!! Please continueeee!

Edited by Super Awko the nerd
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Awwe Cas is such a dork :P . You can't be mad at Castiel, he's much too adorable for that. Allergy Dean too kitty's and he's embaressed?. This is like my favorite scenerio. Who's a tuff guy now Dean?. :P . Yes continue continue continue ! :) . You have pleased me with your writing skills, EmilyRose :)

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EEEK! It's so so so much yes! Cas is so innocent and adorable and Dean...yeah, Dean. So much want...

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Thanks for all the kind words! As promised, here's part 2! :)


That morning, Dean Winchester woke up itchy. Not just a regular kind of itchy, but a moving, crawling in the sinuses, insistent, 'you need to sneeze NOW' kind of itchy. His breath hitched, and in record time, he yanked off the covers, ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and barely got his hands on some tissues before dissolving into a paroxysm of sneezing.

huuUh... HurUSHH! HuASHUh! HaShUUH! ChshuH! G- god... ha..HAShUUoo! AsSHuH! Hat-CHUUH! Hiih.... heeh...” Dean squinted at the ceiling as he panted, preparing for the next fit. He threw out his now unuseable bundle of tissues, and pulled out a few more. He slid down the wall, burying his nose in the new tissues before curling over in another fit.

“Heh... He-SHuh! AsCHuH! Ha-CHUhOo!”

Cas reentered the motel room, after safely stowing Boots – that's what he had named the kitten – under the rear seat in the impala. He cocked his head when he heard Dean in the bathroom... sneezing? Why would Dean be sneezing? He shrugged and knocked on the bathroom door.

“Dean..? Are you okay?”

Dean panicked and clamped a hand down on his still seizing nose.

“ye-HXxNgT! Yeah C-haah... Cas. Dond't co-HaNgXXT! comb ind!”

“Shit,” He thought to himself.

“I'm pretty sure Cas did get a cat, or else why am I having an allergy attack?”

He scrubbed at his irritated eyes.

“I don't want him to feel bad though. He puts up with all my crap, he at least deserves a cat. I can deal with this alone.”

and with that, he stands up as best he can with one hand clamped over his face, then carefully blows his nose, washes the mess off of his face, and braces himself to see Cas. Completely unaware of the torture that awaited him in his precious car.

More to come soon.... ;)

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EEEP! Delightful. So tough. I can deal with this. DunDunDun.... Bring on the confined space...

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Awe Dean doesn't want to ruin Castiel's happiness.. And this is why I ship them :) . Awe so well written :)

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Thanks for the feedback! Here is part 3! This will probably be the last part, but we'll see. ;)


Dean stuffs a huge handful of tissues into his coat pocket as he gets dressed in clothes he hopes that the cat hasn't touched, but he knows it's hopeless. That cat dander shit is insidious. He scrubs at his nose, sneezes one last time to get rid of any stray tickles, and heads outside where Cas is waiting in the impala. He slides into the drivers seat, and immediately the itch spikes. His breath catches, but he squashes down the itch as best he can and tries to even out his breath. Once on the highway, Cas turns to Dean.

“Dean, are you ok? I heard you in the bathroom, uh... sneezing.”

Dean's cheeks flush, and he quickly dismisses Cas.

Hiiihh... yeah Cas. It was n-heh... nothindg. Just somethindg i-hiihh... ind the motel roomb air I- hehh... guess.”

He winces at how congested he sounds, but he's afraid to sniff, because he doesn't even want to imagine how much dander is in the impala right now.

About 10 minutes later, Dean is really struggling with the constant itch. He almost prayed to God to take it away for at least a minute, but quickly caught himself when he realized that Cas would hear and that could not happen. He mentally cursed all felines walking the earth instead... FUCK was he itchy. There wasn't much he wouldn't do for the sweet release of a sneeze. Anything that would scratch a little bit of it away.

'..I can sneeze just one time. It would feel great. Anything to scratch the damn itch'

Dean's breath hitches for the 1928473th time since they started driving and he decides to let one stifle out.

Hiih... HanGXt! Huahh...heh...HeGXxT! GxXnT! Fu-hiih...fuckg.. HanXgXT!”

'shit...bad idea... shitshitshit I can't HaXGt! Stop. Keep your eyes on the damn road Dean.'

“HxXnGT! HeGnNT! Heeh...

He pauses for a moment, breath still hitching wildly.

Haah... Hat-SHUUH! Hih... fuckg this. HaNXXGT! I'mb pullindg over.”

Dean pulls over on to the side of the road as carefully as a man in the midst of an allergy attack can, and dissolves into

another fit as soon as the car is in park.Cas observes from the passenger side, alarmed.

“Ha-ChUUH! HaSHuUH! Heeh...HAaSH! Ash!ash!ash!ash!”

Dean gasps for a breath before starting in again. Cas starts to panic.

“Dean! You lied! You are not ok!”

Dean can't even open his fucking eyes, so he nods quickly.

“What is wrong?!”

“HuRrAsH! Ash!ash!AshOOoo!”

The sneezes are coming faster now, and getting more desperate by the second.

“Dean! What do I do?!”

“Th-hiih... Ha-chuUh! Ashh!Ash!AShOoo! The- ...s-shit... HasSSHuH!”

It's becoming clear to Cas that Dean can't answer him while he is sneezing, so, the logical course of action would be to plug up where the sneezes come out. Cas reaches over and pinches Dean's nose. Dean startles at first, but then breathes a heavy sigh of relief. His nose still itches like mad, but at least he can breathe. He was getting a little lightheaded. Cas looks at him intently.

“Tell me what is wrong Dean.”

“I'mb umm...hiihh...HanGxXt! Sorry. Thatd was gross.”

“It's ok. You are?”

Dean squirms uncomfortably.

“I'mb allergic to catds ok?” he grumbles.

Cas tilts his head inquisitively.

“I don't understand.”

“Catds mbake me..hiih... snd... HanGgXT! Sndeeze...” he finishes lamely.

Cas looks guiltily at the backseat. Dean's eyes widen.

“Ndo Cas, look ad mbe. I kndew you found a catd this mbornindg, butd I didnd't say anythindg because I wandted you to

be happy abo-HnNgGT! aboudt somethindg.”

“I wouldn't have got it if I knew it would make you so...” Cas tries out his new word. “...allergic.”

He places two fingers on Dean's forhead, but nothing happens.

“What do I do to fix it?”

“Umb.. Well firsdt you ca-haah... can getd the cad o-out.”

Cas grabbed the kitten and zapped away before Dean could blink. His breath hitched madly, and he groaned. Cas holding his nose for so long only made the itch build up and get worse. Now he had 10 minutes of allergicness to sneeze out. He scrambled for some tissues but was unsuccessful in finding them. As a last ditch effort, he grabbed his shirt collar, buried his face into his chest, and let loose.

Heehhh... HASHoOO! AshhUH-ooOO! AshuUhuOo! AshU!AShu!asHU!ASh!ASH! AsHhIOo!”

He could barely catch a breath between sneezes. Dean felt a hand on his back, and knew that Cas had returned. He hardly noticed when Cas zapped them both to a motel room he had rented while he returned the cat. Cas led Dean to the bed and gently placed him down.

“Ca-haahh...HuRrASH! ASHuuh! Hat-ChUH! Cand't st-ASHH! Huuh..AsHooOO! Stop, Cas.” Dean whimpered.

Cas replied gently.

“I know Dean, just let it all out. I'm going to change, because these clothes still have dander on them, and I'll just make you worse.”

When he was done, Cas picked up a box of tissues and sat beside Dean. He softly wiped some of the mess off of Dean's face, and then held some tissues over the sneezing mans nose while he helped him change out of his fur-covered clothes.

“Better?” Cas asked.

“Mmmhmm... AtCHh! ChH! AtCHoOO!”

Cas pushed Dean gently down onto the bed, and wetted a cool cloth to lay on Dean's irritated eyes. Dean moaned in relief, and was quickly asleep.


The End?

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omg Catean. or Deaniel ;o

I love this so much ! <3

thanks for writting this :)

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O.o Good grief I'm behind with my comments on this site!

This was so cute. I loved the self-talking Dean did in the car, and I laughed when he realized that praying for the itching to go away was a reeeeeeeally baaaaaad idea. That whole scene in the car before he pulled over was....ERG....yummy!

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I love that he thinks about praying to God and then realizes Cas would be included in that. Priceless! I love it!!!!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...
Hiiihh... yeah Cas. It was n-heh... nothindg. Just somethindg i-hiihh... ind the motel roomb air I- hehh... guess.”
“Umb.. Well firsdt you ca-haah... can getd the cad o-out.”

LOVE the way Dean talks here. Thank you for this, there can never be enough Dean-being-allergic-to-cats fics in my book

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