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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Annoyed, M/M request for Chocolate Turnip NorDen Hetalia


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"I said, quit with the goddamn sneezing already!" Norway got up from his seat and began to pace. "It's fucking annoying, okay?"

"Heh'HAHSHOO!" Denmark sneezed heavily, spraying nasal stuff everywhere. "I can't help it!"

"Well you could keep it the fuck down, couldn't you?"

"I said I can't help it!" Denmark broke into an unceremoniously loud nose-blow.

"Suffer elsewhere."

"You know our apartment isn't bih-heehh-Hah'TSSHOO! TCHOO!" Denmark held a tissue under his nose. "Big enough to-"

"Outside, I mean it."

"But Nooorge-!"

"Out! Go play with a ball or something."

"Can't you come too?"



And like that, Denmark was outside. After shivering for a while, he saw a familiar face return outside. "Norge?"

"I'm sorry I kicked you out. I needed to concentrate, and with you sneezing like a dipshit I couldn't."

"I can't-"

"Help it. I know. Get up and I'll make you tea. Are you feeling all right?"

"Still sick, but-AHHTCHHOO!" Denmark coughed as the sneeze shook his lungs. "But okay."

"You're gonna blast my eardrums out, fuckwad."


That was just part one. He'll be a fetishist.

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Oh wow :P. This is really, really sexy and I love it! I can't wait to read more :).

Thanks so much for doing this!!!

Edited by Chocolate Turnip
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"You look pathetic," Norway sighed as he gave Denmark a mug of tea. "Just try to keep the fuck down while I am working, all right?"

"HAP'SHOO!" Denmark cupped his hand over his nose as he let loose a particularly snotty loud sneeze. He then reached for a tissue and blew his nose.

"Is there any way you could keep your nose noises quiet?" Norway sighed away a "hard feeling downstairs" and went back over to his desk.

"I'll try. Hold on... AH'CHoo!" Denmark swore as he reached for another tissue. "I guess I can't."

Shivers went down Norway's spine at this failed attempt to keep quiet. He instead said, "Annoying." And went back to typing.

"I'm sorry," Denmark rubbed his chapped nose and muttered "ouch". "HAP'SHH!"

Norway *wanted* to bless him and snuggle him, but work, work, work... And also that would be embarrassing.

"It wouldn't hurt if you blessed me, you know."

These words only angered Norway. It was hard enough without him being such an asshole about this whole situation. "Why would I?"

"Because you're my Brother, and I-ETCHOO!" Denmark pulled a tissue over his nose as a last resort.

"Fine, whatever, bless you or some shit like that."

Denmark blew his nose. "Would you look at that, we're out of-tishh...hahh...ues..." He held his hands in front of his nose and sneezed violently, receiving mess in return.

Norway felt himself move over to where Denmark was laying. "Take this, I don't need it." He slipped his friend a handkerchief. "I don't need it back. God knows you're contagious." As he returned, he hid a secret smile at doing the right thing.

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Awe awe >-< too cute too cute. Caretaking perhaps soon? :P . I love this c:

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Eeeeep! Eeeeep eeeeeeep eeeeeeep!!!

I loved this instalment even more than the last one. Norway's sarky comments about the volume of Denmark's nose gave me quite a 'hard feeling' of my own ;). Those last couple of lines were absolutely perfect too. I'm so looking forward to what's coming next!

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This is so adorable!! You are a genious!

I wouldn't say that, but thank you!

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