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One Direction fic :3


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So, umm, I've been lurking around like a... lurker... and I thought I may post something :3

Please, don't kill me if it's bad.......

"Thank you for coming, we've been One Direction!"

Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam ran off the stage of the London O2 Arena.

"That was awesome! I can't believe you poured water all over us all Liam..." Harry exclaimed.

They'd just finished their last show for a few days, and were allowed to relax. On stage, Harry dared Liam to pour water all over everyone, so he did- including himself. Liam grinned.

"I never thought you would doubt my daring...ness"

"Is that even a word?" Niall asked, shivering in the air vents cooling breeze. He sniffed quietly.

"Boys, come here, the bus is taking you to a hotel for the rest of the week," Paul, their tour manager, put his head round the door. The singers looked at each other, and before Paul had figured out what was happening, all five band members were sprinting down the hall in a race to the bus.

*In the bus*

Zayn was changing whilst Louis and Niall chatted about weird things they did on stage, and Harry and Liam were making faces with towels over their damp hair.

"Playing leapfrog was so much fun, you know I'm so good at it..." Niall said grinning cheekily.

"It was awesome! That is the one thing I can actually do well," Louis replied with an equally cheeky grin.

"Well I would like, fall on my face , so, y'know..." Zayn had come out in sweats and a t-shirt.

"Niall?! Why haven't you dried your hair?" Liam interrogated him. Niall shrugged, and tried to discretely sniff. It only just couldn't be heard, since Paul told them all to sit, and get some rest. He also threw Niall a towel, which hit Niall in the head. Louis was rolling on the floor with laughter, and Harry, Zayn and Liam were clutching each other in order to stay up.

EVENTUALLY, they calm down, Zayn and Harry fall asleep, Liam listening to music and Louis playing a game with Niall. About 10 minutes after they leave....

Suddenly, Niall turned sharply to the left and stifled quietly into his elbow.

" He'nxgh...heh...hu'nxch..."

Louis stopped playing the game and looked at Niall.

"...Bless You" He sounded surprised. Louis couldn't remember ever hearing Niall sneeze, even if it was just because they were next to each other.

"Uh... thanks" Niall looked away, embarrassed. He carries on with the game, saying no more of it. Louis keeps looking at him to make sure he's ok. He seems to be, so Louis guesses it was an isolated incident. Until...

"Hu'nxch" Niall stifles into his elbow again. Then turns and stifles another quiet sneeze. And another. He looks up to see Louis' blue eyes staring at him, concern amongst them.

"Bless you, are you okay? You're not getting sick are you?" Louis asks.

"Uh...thandks, and no I'm ndot getting sick," Niall says congestedly. He mentally curses the congestion for settling in his voice.

So, lemme know if I should continue, and I will :3

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When I saw that you wrote it . I remember you from the Drabble thread . You finally took a crack at writing something and it's amazing :) . This is your first fic?. Wow I never would've guessed. It's much too good :) Please do continue if you have the time ! :) . So adorable <3

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When I saw that you wrote it . I remember you from the Drabble thread . You finally took a crack at writing something and it's amazing smile.png . This is your first fic?. Wow I never would've guessed. It's much too good smile.png Please do continue if you have the time ! smile.png . So adorable <3

Aww, thanks! I honestly didn't think it was that good, but I'll continue turned.gif

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When I saw that you wrote it . I remember you from the Drabble thread . You finally took a crack at writing something and it's amazing smile.png . This is your first fic?. Wow I never would've guessed. It's much too good smile.png Please do continue if you have the time ! smile.png . So adorable <3

Aww, thanks! I honestly didn't think it was that good, but I'll continue turned.gif

Yay ! :)

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whoa 0.0 I never would have guessed it was your first fanfic, this is so good love! And don't worry, I was very shy about posting stories on the forum for awhile too. It will eventually wear off :) continue when you can!

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whoa 0.0 I never would have guessed it was your first fanfic, this is so good love! And don't worry, I was very shy about posting stories on the forum for awhile too. It will eventually wear off smile.png continue when you can!

Thanks, and I'm so glad it'll wear off :) I'll continue turned.gif

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So for whatever reason, people seem to like this... O.o anyways, I'll continue.

*In the hotel* (about four hours later)

One Direction walked into the five bedded hotel suite, looking around in approval. The room was large, and was painted medium red and a rich golden tone. The five beds were king size, and there was a wall TV and Xbox. Zayn yawned loudly, and eyed the beds.

"Just looking at these beds makes me want to go to sleep" He said

"I'm not tired! I want to stay up all night!" Louis was unaware of the song quote until about a second later...

"I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun

I wanna stay up all night and find a girl and tell her she's the one..." Harry and Liam sang together.

"...Hold onto to the feeling and don't let it go

Cos we got the floor now get out of control

I wanna stay up all night and do it all with LOU..." Niall shouted loudly at the end of the chorus, making everyone chuckle at Louis expression. However, Liam had heard a hoarse edge to Niall's voice, and worried that the he could be getting sick. Almost as if to confirm his thoughts, Niall coughed roughly, unaware that two sets of concerned eyes were keeping a close watch on him. But as soon as he began, he was engulfed in a fit of painful sounding coughs, which he muffled against his sleeve. All four boys looked up, and Harry winced at the sight of him.

"...Niall, are you ok? You sound awful" Liam said once the fit had finished. The blonde looked up to see Louis staring at him with a disappointed look on his face.

"Umm...yeah, I'm fine... excuse mbe," Niall said, but the effect was ruined by the gravelly quality of his voice. He cleared his throat, careful not to set off another fit of painful coughs.

"Seriously dude, you sound like you're dying..." Zayn pointed out.

​sorry it's so short, but should Niall deny it, or should he give in and let the boys look after him?? Lemme know so I can add more :D

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Awesome ! :)

I'll be adding another part.. to the mortal instrements fic.

yee yee c:

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It's so cute! I love it

Thanks! I'll add more some time today =3

Awww baby Nailler biggrin.png so cutenn

Hehe =3 I know it's weird, but I want to 'aww' at my own work... O.o

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