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Deathnote(Allergies) LightxL For DeathNoteOwner


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So this is a gift to my friend DeathNoteOwner....but I like calling him deathy-Chan. Anywho...he requested a two part fanfic with the fandom Deathnote. So because he wrote a nice headcold fic for me. I'm going to do this for him.

Fandom: Deathnote

Pairing: Light Yagami and L

Main Ailment: Allergies

Sneezer: L

Spoilers: not much but Light is no longer kira and will remain this way cause yeah!!

It was a nice day today as Light Yagami made his way back into headquarters, a medium sized box in his arms. He was smiling as he thought of the younger man he would give this to. Ever since this Kira case started and both light and L were chained together, the two have become closer then best friends. Light and L were both happy to find lover and friend in each other.

So that's why Light was carrying s box. It was a gift for his special someone. He hoped L would like it. He asked Watari to make sure L wasn't in the main headquarters and god bless Watari for distracting the monotoned man. Now Light knew it wasn't L's birthday but he wanted to show how much L meant to him. Good thing his father and the others were out for the day. They deserved the day off. Especially his father. Light was Lucky that L even let him outside. Not that he was kept prisoner...ok so maybe in the beginning...but he understood his young companion's fears...Kira. That monster could be out there and L didn't want Light hurt. It took some convincing on Watari's part and being wired for the older teen to leave. At least there wasn't cameras.

Light still holding the box, wondered where Watari took L and then it hit him.

'Nothing could distract him but food. And by food I mean strawberry cake. Surprised the idiot doesn't have diabetes.' Light fondly smiled as he took an elevator that led him to the kitchen and to the many bedrooms on the upper floor. Before heading towards the kitchen, Light stepped out of his shoes and placed them by the bedroom door. He walked in and took of his black jacket and placed it on the bed beside the box. The older man took of the wire attached to him and turned it off as he placed it in the bedside drawer. Watari told him he would retrieve it later. Light carefully placed the mysterious box in his hands as he left his and L's shared bedroom and made his way to the kitchen. It took him ten minutes but once he entered the kitchen, his smile widen as he saw his smaller boyfriend sitting at the table in his unusual sitting manner happily nibbling on strawberrids.

'At least it's not cake...bless Watari...' Light thought as he made his way towards L who finished eating his snack and looked towards Light. The hunched over man got up from his sitting stance and placed one pale hand on light's arm and other in his jean pockets. Light knew that this mean his Ryu was happy he was back. Before Light could kiss his younger mate on the lips as per their usual greeting, L looked at the box suspiciously. Light laughed as L placed his thumb between his teeth while still holding him.

"Light-kun... tell me...what's..wha..hitCHEW!!!"

"Bless you Ryu are you-"

"Hitchew!! Hitcheew!! Hi-hi-HITCHUUUU!! Heh'CHUU!! Shoo!! SHOO!!!! Ugh....whad...is-is ASHIIOO! I-i-hitschew!! HIT'XGNT!!"

After L's sneezing fit, Light was stunned into silence and shock. Never had he heard someone sneeze so much. Not even when sick. And as he looked at the empty-


Light saw the black kitten with green eyes snuggling on L's bare foot. He could hear L struggling to move and started coughing. Acting quickly, Light shooed the cat away and threw away the box. He ran to sink and grabbed a cup to fill it with cool water. He helped his sneezy boyfriend drink the water slowly. After gasping for a few minutes, L spoke in a congested almost pained voice.

" Why was d'there a cat Id here light'd-kun?"

Light patted his boyfriend on the back as he started coughing again. Light gave L some tissues and L proceeded to sneeze into them wetly.

"Hurshooo!! Hurshoo..shioo...het'chiew!! Hi-hi'chu."

"I'm so sorry Ryu, I didn't realize you were allergic to the cat. I would have gotten you cake or-"

" Sniff...d'there was cake id that box as well?!"

Light facepalmed in slight annoyance. He loved the man to death but by god did he have a sweet tooth.

"No..there was no cake and you just had strawberries..I'm surprised you're not fat..!"

"Dnow I'b fat?"

Ryuzaki! Let me finish idiot...jeez. I wanted to buy you something nice. I know it's not your birthday or anything but-"

"You attempted to show be, the extent of d'our love for be....even dhough

cake would have been better...I do thank d'ou for the gesture."

And as fast as lightning, L gave Light a quick kiss in the lips and padded away to another exit of the kitchen. Light shook hid head and surprise. A kiss like that was a big no no!

"H-hey! What's with that half assed kiss?!"

"As buch as I'b fond of d'ou, if I stay d'near d'ou then the chances of me sndeezing again will increase by 80% and as such, d'ou are a factor in that case. So whed d'our ready to get the remaining kiss, shower."

Light watched as L padded away, still sniffling as he did. He probably went to get Watari to kick the cat out... Light stood there for a while thinking about what just happened.

1. L is allergic to cats.

2. He was just told his plan to show his love failed in the form of a cat.

3. He was insulted by the allergic detective.

4. He was loved still but did need a shower.

Light smiled as he left to go take a shower the whole thinking out loud.

"Cake will be better next time... Hopefully he's not allergic to Chocolate."

Yay!!! :D Hoped you liked this Deathy-Chan. I hope it's good! Next and last Part will be up soon.

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hsauialhduiashd omg I cant thank you enough for writting this ! :)

I do love it but I do ! :) I do love this fic so much <3

Omg L sounds so much like L

and Light like Light.

the charecters are perfection <3 exactly as they are spose to be.

Thanks so much <3 I honestly CANNOT wait for more <3

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and this is why you're my best friend on the forum :)

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Awwwwwwwwww!!!!! :'-) ur mine too!

Edited by Artygirl22
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Awwwwwwwwww!!!!! :'-) ur mine too!

I'd hope so ;)

*pulls out deathnote* can't say no, now ? :P

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O.O welp....i have the shinigami eyes!! Whut now? XP

Ah shinigami eyes. clever one :P

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Wonderful work!! Loved every bit of it!! <3


O.O welp....i have the shinigami eyes!! Whut now? XP

Ah shinigami eyes. clever one :P

Werd!!! Ha!

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Ok...sorry this took forever to complete...between job hunting and working on character designs, I got a bit busy. So here is the last part of my gift to my bestie deathy-chan! Enjoy! :heart:

It was a few weeks after the cat incident. Watari took the cat back and thankfully, the little furball cutie was adopted by a little boy and his older brother. At least now I won't have to worry about Ryu sneezing his head off. Its not fun having him glare at you. How was I suppose to know he was allergic?! Its not like he came and told me. I'm completely innocent in this matter. But don't worry...

After I gave the mean bastard cake...he was all cuddly and kissy. I snickered at the thought and Ryu looked at me with his thumb in his mouth. His eyes trailing up and down and back up.

"Light-kun...what is the matter?"

"Nothing...just thinking"


Both Watari and I decided that Ryu needed some air. Plus the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was in the middle spring.


"Honestly Light-kun a picnic could have been much more suitable at home."

" That's why we're having it outside baka! Jeez.. That's probably why your so pale, you need some sun."

"Im perfectly fine...hn"

As we walked hand in hand towards the park, I picked a spot that would give us both shade and sun. Plus there was a beautiful view of the sparkling blue lake. How could anyone not want to be out here. And the breeze was just perfect. I laid down a blanket and took out some plates and filled them with some sandwiches Watari made. Ryu looked very uncomfortable as people were starring. I didn't care as I took his soft and slightly smaller hand in mine as I tugged him down to sit by me. He complied and cupped his face in my hands as I pulled him into a soft kiss. Ryu was shocked at first but then, we battled for dominance. I of course won. As we pulled away slowly and I kissed his forehead gently, Ryu looked around and remarked softly.

"It seems as though we no longer have an audience."

"We dont? Oh well...now we have the ultimate quiet spot here."

I spoke with no care to the people who were just there. My love and time was devoted to the younger man in my arms who was now eying the food suspiciously. I was quick yo respond.

"Love, the sandwiches are not sweet. You'll get dessert afterwards."

"hmph..maybe you are kira...and I didn't realize it till now"

Ryu replied with boredom as he poked the sandwich with his long finger sitting in his usual standard. I shook my head as I ruffled his shaggy hair and laughed. When I didn't let him get his way, he would say I was evil. At first I would get upset with him about joking about me being kira but I learned to tell when he was joking. I laid down to close my eyes for a bit. The gentle spring breezes was enough to lull me to sleep.

It was an hour or so that I opened my eyes to see Ryu's back to me. His head was bobbing up and down. At first I though he was eating but then I saw his small frame shivering a bit. I admit it was cooler. I sat up and was about to give him my jacket when I crawled over to see his face and his eyes were half open as he looked to bein the middle of sneezing. Was he sick?

"hitchewe...hit...hut...hit'chew..choo..hetpschoo!! H-h-heshioo!"

Ryu rubbed his swollen red rimmed eyes looking up at me. His nose was red and runny and the rims of his eyes red as well...but he was fine earlier...I checked his forehead for fever and it felt cool.

'Well he's not sick.but then what....?'

I sighed in relief as my bf wasn't sick with a cold but he was sneezy. I looked around and there I saw the culprits....

Flowers....more specific the pollen...it was so breezy that the pollen must have gotten to Ryu...

'Damn! That's why Ryu didn't want to come here.' I thought with despair. Every time....just let me have one successful date!!!' I wasn't angry at Ryu.. But at myself. Ryu wanted to talk but he was gasping for air and started sneezing.

"hetchooo...HETSCHOOO...HETCHOOO...H'Thu...h'chuu..Li-light'd...dnot. Hetchooo...d'our....f-f-fauldt..."

I smiled even though Ryu looked worse for wear. He smiled even though his eyes released allergic tears and his nose was runny. I clamped some aloe tissues over his nose gently and told him to blow. He blew three times wetly. He finished and slumped into my chest. I stroked him his softly as I cursed myself for another failed surprise.

"I'm sorry. Ryu...."

"Dnot d'our fauldt. These things happened. I should have said sobething."

"I just wanted to do something nice for-"

Ryu just grabbed me roughly and kissed me on the lips. It was quick but full of passion. I was stunned but didn't mind Ryu being the aggressor this time. It was the least I could do. We would have kissed more if Ryu's nose wasn't acting up. Damn his allergies but it wasn't his fault...I blamed the pollen. I placed clean tissues infront of his streaming nose that he sneezed into.

"Hitchew!! Hitcheew!! Hi-hi-HITCHUUUU!! Heh'CHUU!! Shoo!! SHOO!!!! Ugh.... ASHIIOO! I-i-hitschew!! HIT'XGNT!!"

" Bless you love...why don't we leave yeah?"

Ryu nodded as he continued to blow his nose. While he was busy with that, I packed up our stuff and wait for Ryu. Ryu wiped his nose with the tissues as he looked on at the lake. I faced the lake too and saw him smile. He turned to me and hugged me. I hugged him back. He kissed my check and sniffled as he began to walk away slowly. I turned back to look at the lake. It was beautiful. Just like my Ryu. Maybe this date didn't suck to much.

"Light'd- kun...let'd go...we cad findish the date back home..with cake."

I walked towards Ryu who took my hand in his. We at each othereven when Ryu had to cough or his nose started leaking. Ryu and I were happy...we would have our ups and downs...but we would accomplish them together...

'Home....anywhere with my sneezy lovable cake adoring Ryu...is home.'

Yay!!!!!! XD I finished! Deathy-Chan, hope you like this!!!

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you broke me with cute.


like legit.

This is awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe <3

I cant even ;w;.

It's so beautiful.

awe im so turned on by Ryu ;w;.


this seems to real.

duiajsiudsaj awe light being caring

and awwwe awwie.

Thank you so much for writting this Bestie <3 :)

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No problem sweetie! Im so happy you like it. At first i was unsure about this part. I was like nah...its not good enough for my bestie...nuuuuu!! But now that i know i did ok...im happy you approve.

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Ooh, this is amazing!

Edited by Super Awko the nerd
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