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~ Disney's Frozen : Kristoff allergy fic ~


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So i'm going to write a fic about Kristoff and his delicious nose having allergy's

tonguesmiley.gif he's hot.

http://www.cartoonbr...off-580x415.jpg << that's Kristoff. what a nice nose he has.

anyways let's torture him shall we ?

Prologue : Anna , Sven and Kristoff are taking a walk in the woods in Arendele during the summer time after Elsa had fixed the problem with winter. There is a lot of hay that our Kristoff is allergic too

tonguesmiley.gif Ps :Kris is Kristoff for short.


Today was a beautiful sunny day in the kingdom of Arendele.

Elsa was reading a book on the balcony outside, enjoying the sun.

Whilst Kristoff, Anna and Sven went on a walk in the woods of course bringing along their beloved funny companion , Olaf.

The snowman, reindeer, Kristoff and Anna went on a walk in the woods.

All was fine until Kris' allegy's started to strike. His big nose twitched in iratation from the hay.

His red nostril's flarred then he sneezed loudly "ASHOO ASHOO"

Anna said "Oh uhm are you okay? I mean uhm b-bless you" she stuttered awkwardly.

Kristoff replied with "Yes Anna thank you.Just allergies."

Anna nodded.

A while later they were still walking and Kristoff got a pre-sneeze exp

ression on his face.

Olaf said "My, you look funny Sven " he mocked Kristoff.

Kris rolled his eyes then sneezed "ASHOO ASHOO"

Anna said "b-bless you" startled by the sneezes.

Kris said "Thanks"

Later on they went back to the castle while Kristoff was still rubbing his nose and eyes.


Notes : Sorry I really didn't know how to uhm write things. But enjoy whoever wants to read it


Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Aw, this was super cute! I just watched Frozen for the first time today and I couldn't help but find Kristoff totally adorable, so it was a pleasant surprise to log on and find that someone had written a fic focused on him! Perfect timing! Anyway, I liked it a lot - short and sweet and undeniably lovely! Great work!

Edited by Joal 555
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One: Kristoff is soo hot!!! I can see Jonathon Groff in his eyes!

Two: Arendele is mispelled.

Three: Love Olaf!!

Four: it's cute! Maybe back at the castle he has to feed Sven and he has an allergy attack and comes into the castle sneezing his head off and Anna babies him.

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Aw, this was super cute! I just watched Frozen for the first time today and I couldn't help but find Kristoff totally adorable, so it was a pleasant surprise to log on and find that someone had written a fic focused on him! Perfect timing! Anyway, I liked it a lot - short and sweet and undeniably lovely! Great work!

Thanks so much :)

One: Kristoff is soo hot!!! I can see Jonathon Groff in his eyes!

Two: Arendele is mispelled.

Three: Love Olaf!!

Four: it's cute! Maybe back at the castle he has to feed Sven and he has an allergy attack and comes into the castle sneezing his head off and Anna babies him.

Im sorry about the misspelling of "Arendele".. I read a book with a spelling "Herondale" .-. oopsie. Thanks :) and uh i dont know if i want to continue it ;w;
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you did a thing...OH MY GOD YOU DID A THING!!!!! This is amazing and oh my god I love you it's so adorable and ajbjuggfvdskFB.SBFvk.ADGBjdLGFBdavjkhfrgvkfudSJHFv <3 <3 <3

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Awe thanks both :) thanks everyone I can't thank you guys enough. Later today I may take flowerpower67's suggestion and have Kristoff feed his pet Sven , reindeers eat hay so :P . Ill get on that later. Thanks everyone :) I was really nervous that it wasnt any good hah ;w;.

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I've decided to update.. hopefully it pleases you guys.

Chapter 2 . : Dummy.


At the castle , Kristoff fed his reindeer some hay.

Of course the particules of allergens danced in his nose, sparking an itch to make him sneeze.

Kris sneezed "ATCHOO ASHOO ASHOO" , he rubbed his nose in an annoyed manner.

Olaf said "Why are you feeding him hay? you're allergic to hay,dummy"

Kristoff looked at him with a death glare of allergic red eyes and said "Well I don't know. maybe I don't want him to starve? Annoying snowman you can be sometimes" he shook his head.

Olaf said " I find myself quite funny, thank you"

Anna said "Quit it both. and b-bless you Kristoff."

Kristoff replied with "Thanks Anna. and he started it"

Olaf sticked out his tongue at Kristoff, earning a snowball thrown at him.

Anna laughed at their foolishness and Sven laughed too.

Kristoff rubbed his eyes as his allergies got worst.

Anna noticed and took him inside.

Kristoff and Anna sat down on the couch while Olaf and Sven stayed outside.

Anna got a cloth to wipe Kristoff's eyes and got tissues for his big nose.

The princess got allergy meds with water and handed them to Kristoff.

Kris took them and chased them down with water.

They layed down on the couch together and took a nap.


Notes : Aye I don't know how to write ;w;. But enjoy

:) the frozen movie belongs to disney and whatnot.

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This is friggen adorable. Hats off to you, DNO, my dear!

Edited by Super Awko the nerd
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Kristoff's the best!

Definitly :) him and his perfect nose.

This is friggen adorable. Hats off to you, DNO, my dear!

Thanks :) so much.
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Ahhh this is so cute! How endearing, Kristoff being allergic to hay but feeding it to Sven anyway... Ohhh goodness it's all so precious! :D wonderful job DNO!

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Ahhh this is so cute! How endearing, Kristoff being allergic to hay but feeding it to Sven anyway... Ohhh goodness it's all so precious! biggrin.png wonderful job DNO!

Awe thanks Lady Sal :) Pleasure getting a reply from you. I love your work :) .

Thanks so much c:

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Ahhh this is so cute! How endearing, Kristoff being allergic to hay but feeding it to Sven anyway... Ohhh goodness it's all so precious! biggrin.png wonderful job DNO!

Awe thanks Lady Sal :) Pleasure getting a reply from you. I love your work :) .

Thanks so much c:

Oh my gosh, I'm blushing :blush: how wonderfully kind of you! Thank you very much! :)

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Ahhh this is so cute! How endearing, Kristoff being allergic to hay but feeding it to Sven anyway... Ohhh goodness it's all so precious! biggrin.png wonderful job DNO!

Awe thanks Lady Sal smile.png Pleasure getting a reply from you. I love your work smile.png .

Thanks so much c:

Oh my gosh, I'm blushing blush.png how wonderfully kind of you! Thank you very much! smile.png

No problem :) . ehh im kind if I want to be. :P

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  • 2 months later...

THIS IS TOO CUTE!!! I'm new here but I love all these fics? Do you happen to know anyone who would write a Dave Franco fic?

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THIS IS TOO CUTE!!! I'm new here but I love all these fics? Do you happen to know anyone who would write a Dave Franco fic?

. Thank you and I'm not sure. You can request something over in "observations,stories & artwork".
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