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Short Supernatural Allergy Fic (Dean)


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Just a little short fic. Season one. Love this show!


Sam opens his eyes with effort, glances at his brother behind the wheel.

Dean's got watery eyes on the road while he presses a knuckle to the underside of his nose, his mouth is open and he's breathing slowly, trying to staunch the--


--stifled sneezes as they burst out of him. Dean is pretty good at it actually, sneezing quietly and controlled--


--unless he's been going at it for sometime. Spray makes it past Dean's barricaded nose and lands delicately on the steering wheel. Dean grumbles something and uses his sleeve to dab at it and Sam realizes in the dim light that Dean's nose is really red and his brother's cheeks are wet from allergic tears.

And then Sam realizes his window is open.

An argument earlier about the Impala's lack of AC and Dean's sudden tyranny over whether or not Sam could have more than a crack of fresh air coming from the car had caused Sam to simply roll the offending window ALL the way down and then turn his head to watch the rolling fields and doze off.

Rolling fields. Right. That meant...


Dean was allergic to ragweed. Had they really been apart for so long that Sam had forgotten?

Dean jerks beside him, stifling completely silently, then rubs that spot between his eyes with a wince. Then rushes to clasp his nose tight again as another three sneezes rock him in the driver's seat. He swears congestedly, then another sneeze catches him off guard and he--


--sneezes wetly all over the wheel again, this one loud in the confines of the car. But what surprises Sam is how Dean rubs his nose and peers guiltily into the passenger seat, as though he's done something wrong by not being able to control something as impossible to control as a sneeze.

Sam catches his eye, pretends to yawn and stretch as though he's just woken up, and rolls up the window.

There is guilt but also a huge amount of relief on Dean's face as he watches that window go up.

"Samb, didn't mbeand to hiih...to wake you upb...H'CSHSHH!"

Dean sneezes against his chest before he can get his knuckles back in place under his wet nose to catch a few hard stifles.

"Geshundeit," Sam says, frowning, "Did you take anything yet?"

Dean shakes his head and gestures vaguely at the glove box, which is resting directly against Sam's knees. Which explains why Dean didn't open it early. "Godda pill or two ind there," he manages then stifles three more times before sneezing violently and openly twice, "H'RSSHSSHH! H'GNNSIHHH!"

"Jesus, bless you." Sam digs until he finds a blister pack, pops out a pill and hands it over.

"Two," Dean says, and sneezes into his shoulder until Sam places the other pill in his out-stretched palm. Then Dean dry swallows them gratefully.

Sam finds some old bunched up napkins in the glove box as well and hands those over as well.

Dean groans in pleasure before using half of them.

"Why didn't you wake me and just roll up the damn window, Dean?" Sam asks finally, after listening to honk after congested honk released into those scratchy diner napkins.

"You just slept for six hours straight, Sammy," Dean says, his voice sounding a little clearer. "And for once, no nightmares. I wasn't about to...tuh.. H'knnxt! Nnxt!...hih..." Dean clamps the wad of used napkins to his nose and sneezes so hard that Sam can feel it rock the bench seat.


Dean can't help but groan in the aftermath and all Sam can think of is six hours. Dean spent six hours suffering quietly so Sam could get a few hours of good sleep.

"You...uh...you want me to drive for a while?" Sam asks, knowing that Dean will say no and is absolutely floored when Dean wearily nods and pulls over to the shoulder.

"Pills make me drowsy," he explains, "and we stil got get to--k'shhsh!--get to Utica before morning." It's too soon for the pills to be kicking in, but Dean does look exhausted when he gives Sam a weak grin and a shove. Sam thinks that maybe his nightmares have been taking their toll on them both.

Sam gets out and Dean slides over the bench but the puff of night air when Sam opens the driver's side door is enough to send his older brother into pained stifles al lover again. Dean sneezes ten times, curled in on himself, before he can breathe again without his breath hitching.

"Fuck," he moans and scrubs at his eyes. For a while, it's quiet except for Dean blowing his nose resignedly into already used napkins.

"Dean," Sam says suddenly, "thanks."

Dean blinks at him before shrugging.

"You don't get enough sleep," he murmurs and yawns. "You needed it, Cinderella."

"You mean Sleeping Beauty," Sam replies but Dean's head is already dipping towards the window. He sniffles and stifles for another ten minutes before he starts a round of impressive snoring. Sam doesn't care about the noise. He promises himself he won't wake Dean. He'll drive for the rest of the night if he has to, because Dean deserves a few good hours, too.

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Oh my god. This is insanely hot. So many things I love about it. Like season one (my FAVORITE!!!!) and Dean trying to stifle all of those sneezes even though they just keep coming, and the few that escape... oh my god...

And of course all of the banter and Dean still trying to look out for Sam and Sam being so surprised/impressed by all of Dean's sneezes, mmm, and your spellings... wow... you are incredible.

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Whoa this is a really nice Supernatural allergy fic!!! I love your sneeze spellings and they're very in character!! :)

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Oh my flapjacks... That was amazing... I think I'm going to into shock from an overload of awesomeness. :P you should continue it!!! :D

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This is the first fic I've read in ages, and it's fantastic! Season one Dean is my favourite Dean, and you wrote him so nicely. And I love Sam pretending to still be asleep, and how you kept them in character. :)

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Commented once but had to come back just to say that this fic has been haunting me since i first read it. It is so good and for so many reasons - definitely hits all my buttons. :)

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Uweeeee~! You have their brotherly bond down pat! <3

Very, very sweet and well characterized~

Also, hooray for some season one love <3

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yay first season Sam and Dean, good job on the brotherly bonding. Wonderful characterization on Dean, he is just so gahhhhhh awesomeness, thank you. :)

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Ohhhhh my god. This is pretty... pretty sexy. It's actually just really damn amazing and I love it. I can't stop reading it. The persistence of his sneezes and he's just so allergic and Sam just wants to help but they're both just SO casual about it, because it's still season one and they're still just a LITTLE unsure of where the line is... Yeah. Perfection. Basically.

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Love the boys! So in character, so much...feeling things out, like Zwee said. Awesomeness!

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I rarely get to watch Super Natural and when I do I have negative zero clue as to whats going on, but this fic was so hot I may just have to find the time for a new show! clapping.gif

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amazing:) absolutely adorable! Sam and Dean's relationship is just adorable.

poor dean though :) keep up the good work :)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

I loved this! I JUST got into Supernatural so I am loving all of these allergy fics. Great work!

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