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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Jungle Exploration (Doctor Who)


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This a Doctor Who fanfiction with the Eleventh Doctor that was co-written between MoonDuck and I! This story mostly has Amy sneezing, but there is some Rory sneezing in the last half. Sorry there's not much sneezing in the first part, there will be lots more to come. We also decided to write it so that different parts focus more on each of the characters, so the A, R, and D stands for Amy, Rory, and the Doctor.


Part I


“So what should we do today? Thousands of planets, all unexplored by humans.” The Doctor asked as he stepped into the TARDIS, Amy and Rory following close behind. “How about somewhere random? I can set the TARDIS to take us anywhere in time and space,” he proposed.

Rory and Amy grinned their approval, and the Doctor pushed some buttons and flipped some switches on the TARDIS, and soon they take off.

“Hang on tight!” The Doctor hollered as the TARDIS started shaking and spinning out of control. However, his warning came too late as his companions fell down and were swung to opposite corners of the TARDIS.


The TARDIS continued to spiral around, until they eventually crash landed on whatever planet the TARDIS decided to take them to.

The Doctor, who managed to stay standing, clinging to the TARDIS console the whole time, called out “Is everyone alright?”

“Yeah, I am” Rory called as he stood to his feet.

“Me too” Amy said as she stood up. Her stomach was churning from the rough landing, and her legs were a little shaky, but that’s to be expected after being bounced around like a ball.

“You alright, Amy? You look a little pale.” Rory commented as he grabbed her arm to help keep her upright.

“Yeah, I’m fine, my head hurts a little, though, must be from the landing.” Amy groaned while rubbing her forehead.

Rory gives her a once over glance to make sure she didn’t injure herself.

“Everyone good and ready? Yes? Let’s go!” The Doctor said, rushing out the door.

Rory and his wife exchanged a quick glance before running after the Doctor.


“Woah, this place is amazing! Where are we?” Rory asked, looking around in awe.

The Doctor whipped out his sonic screwdriver and did a quick scan of the area. “Bendramyther! I’ve been here before, not too long ago, actually. The plants grow quickly here, always changing. This place is covered mostly by thick jungle. Full of some of the universe’s most beautiful plants. There’s a town up ahead; why don’t we go check it out?”

They headed up towards the town on a narrow, stone path. They spent the walk ooking around with wide eyes, in awe of beauty they saw. The jungle was full of amazing trees, but the most fascinating part was all the flowers. There were beautifully bright flowers in all different colors and sizes covering the ground.

He’xchoo!” Amy turned to the side and sneezed into her hands.

“Bless you!” Rory said offhandedly, and they begin their walk through the thick jungle on a small, winding path.


The Doctor began to talk animatedly about all the different species of flowers and the aliens living on the planet. Soon, they are close enough to the village to see all of the buildings. The buildings themselves were magnificent. There were tall, grey, stone buildings with vines growing up the sides. The vines even have beautiful splotches of colorful flowers growing on them, and what little space between the buildings is taken up by trees. The only space to walk is on the narrow, stone path on the ground. The Doctor and Rory are awestruck by the sights, and Amy took this as an opportunity to discreetly rub her aching head.

They entered the town and were immediately greeted by a Bendramite. She was tall enough that the three of them have to look up to her, but not tall enough that that they had to look straight up at her. She had branchy arms and legs, but her face had an elvish appearance with a green tint to it.

“Would you like a drink? This is a Bendresean tea. It contains some of the juices from our flowers and some other natural herbs grown here.” The creature held out a tray of exotic drinks.

“Ooh, yum!” The Doctor exclaimed as he took a glass of the bright, greenish colored tea.

Rory picked up one in each hand, offering one to Amy. She held up a finger and turned to the side, sneezing a quick “Eh choo!” into her hand before taking the drink.

The Doctor swallows his drink in one gulp, and seeing that the Doctor appeared to like it, Amy and Rory gulp theirs down too. It tasted... different. Not a bad kind of different, actually kind of good. It’s sweet and a little tangy, but it still holds consistency of the tea they love. They handed the glasses back to the friendly alien and began to explore.


Comments, tips, etc. are welcome. MoonDuck will be posting part 2 tonight. :)

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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Here’s part 2! It's kind of long. We already have it written out, and we’re going to post more even if no one comments anything :P

Part II



The Doctor took them down the road a little until they reach a store. When they entered the store, they saw that it was full of food grown specially on Bendramyther. Lots of strange looking plants, were grown along specially designed shelves. The Doctor continued to ramble on and on about the types of fruit and the flavours each of them hold, and Amy and Rory wandered away in opposite directions as the Doctor continues to speak.

Heh’choo!” The sudden sneeze takes Amy by surprise and she just manages to get a hand over her mouth. She sniffles and rubs at her nose with the back of her hand.

“Bless you!” Rory called to her from across the store.

Amy heard the Doctor calling his companions to hurry up so they can go back to exploring. She picked a few plants before going to meet the Doctor and Rory at checkout and purchase her finds. Amy rubbed her head again; her headache was getting worse.

Rory watched her, but he doesn’t have time to ask her anything as the Doctor led them into another store. This one was full of handmade furniture, decorations, and crafts made from the Bendramites. The walls were adorned with beautiful frames and paintings. Rory soon spotted a beautifully handmade necklace of a tree and decided to get it for Amy as a surprise. The Doctor is chatted on excitedly, describing everything in sight, until he spotted a hand woven basket, made out of a rare tree found on this planet.

“Look! It’s a basket woven out of the branches on a Beneser tree, the kind of trees growing on this planet.” The Doctor was talking loudly.

“Yeah, so they’re all over the place around here.” Rory said nonchalantly as he headed over to the cash registers with the Doctor to purchase the necklace and basket.

Amy, who is feeling worse by the minute, headed back up to where the Doctor and Rory were waiting, and they headed out.

Heh’schoo! Eh-choo!” Amy sneezed again, causing her head to hurt. Ow.

“Bless you!” The Doctor and Rory echoed simultaneously.

“You ‘kay?” Rory asked in concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine, don’t know why I keep sneezing, though,” Amy responded, a hint of congestion creeping into her voice. She didn’t want to tell them about her sore throat and headache. They were having fun and if she were sick, they would have to stop.

“Maybe, you’re allergic to Beneser trees or the flowers here?” The Doctor suggested helpfully as they walked on the stone path.

“Yeah, must be.”


The Doctor continued to lead them around the large and puzzling town busy with Bendramites. Soon they step off the narrow path and carefully step around the jungle, looking at the breathtaking wildlife.

As they travelled deeper and deeper into the jungle, it seemed that Amy had begun to sneeze more. “Heh’kshoo! Eh’choo!

“Amy, if your allergies are bothering you so much, I think it would be better for us to leave and get back to town, where there’s less pollen.” Rory’s eyes showed concern.

“I suppose it would be best if we head back,” the Doctor sighed.

“I’m fine, it’s just a bit of... of sneezing, that’s... heh... all.... Heh... heh’choo! Eh’chOO!” She bent over at the waist, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Amy, are you sure? We--”

“I told you, it’s alright!” She argued back stubbornly.

Rory decided it would be better to drop it than try to argue. He looked closer at her face; she didn’t look as well as she said she was. They started to walk on, following the trampled path the Doctor had left as he walked ahead. Before they could go anywhere, a group of wild, less peaceful Bendramites suddenly appeared brandishing what appears to be brown, viney whips in their hands, hissing.

“Doctor...I think we have a problem over here!” Rory hollered.

The Bendramites crack their whips in a warning and the Doctor calls out, “Run!”

They took off running. Amy lagged slightly behind the Doctor and Rory, which was shocking, seeing as Rory was usually the slowest of the three of them. They ran for what seemed like only a short time before they finally reach an unfamiliar, small clearing in the thick jungle.

“I think we lost them” The Doctor scanned the area.

Amy turned and coughed harshly into the crook of her arm.

“You okay, love?” Rory asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine” She said hoarsely while she clenched her eyes shut and rubbed her head.

“Are you sure?” Rory looks closely at her. Her eyes and nose were bright red, and he could hear congestion creeping into her voice. Judging by the look on her face, she had a painful headache, too.

“I’m fine!” She said exasperatedly, and the Doctor led them to back to explore the jungle, as they had made their way to a different part of the forest.

“So what did you do, Rory, that made the Bendramites start to attack?”

“Um, nothing. Maybe we were making a mess of their plants?”

The Doctor hit his head with the palm of his hand. “Stupid, stupid! Of course that’s why they attacked! Bendramites are extremely protective of their wildlife!”

Heh’choo! Hexchoo!” Amy sneezed. She sniffled wetly, swiping at her nose with the back of her hand.

“Bless you!” The Doctor and Rory said in perfect unison.

Amy coughed harshly into her arm again.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Rory asked. She seemed much worse than she let on, and he was getting worried.

“I said I’m fine!” Amy snaps. “Heh choo!” Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the timing.

Rory sighed before speaking in a gentle voice, “Look, if you’re sick, we should head back to the TARDIS, so you can get some rest. “

Amy merely nodded in agreement. The Doctor seemed slightly disappointed that their adventure was coming to an end, but seeing how awful Amy looked, he agreed with wanting to get her back to the TARDIS as soon as possible.


Let us know what you think! Feedback is greatly appreciated :)

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How lovely to see Amy having a really good sneeze; she is so seldom allowed to in fics. I hope this goes further.

I have to admit I am a bit confused by the constant alternation between narrative tenses and indeed the use of capitals to identify the three characters , which seems to be irrelevant to the story. But that's just me.

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Thank you Locke, matilda3948, and count de tisza for the feedback!!! @count de tisza : I can never seem to find a good Amy sick fic, so MoonDuck and I were excited to write one together. We tried to keep the story in past tense, although the dialogue is in present tense. The story is written in 3rd person ominescent, the thing with the letters just show what character is being focused on during that point of the story. You can ignore them if you would like, I don't think it would make much difference to the soty. If you have any questions, or if I didn't answer them clearly, feel free to message MoonDuck or I. :)Here's part 3!

Part III



“Right then, back to the TARDIS.” He spun around, trying to discern which way they came from. He pointed towards a more trampled looking section of trees and bushes. “This way!” He commanded uncertainly.

“Wait. How do we know that she doesn’t have some sort of strange, alien disease?” Rory questioned anxiously.

The Doctor stopped dead in his tracks. He hadn’t thought of that, but seeing as they hadn’t been on Earth in a few days, there was a good chance that it was an alien disease. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver, and scanned Amy, who looked tired and was leaning heavily on Rory. Extending the top part, he read what it said. “It’s--”

He was suddenly cut off. “Eh’chOO!

“Bless you. As I was saying, It’s just a normal, human, flu virus. Nothing alien to be worried about,” he reassured his companions.

After trampling around in the jungle for a good half hour, they found their way back to the Bendramite town. The Doctor could tell Rory and Amy especially were tired, as they had spent a large part of the day hiking through the woods.

Rory glanced around at the unfamiliar part of the city. “Where’s the TARDIS?”

“I have absolutely no idea.” The Doctor looked around at the tall buildings and trees, and realized that they were lost.

“Woah.” Amy stumbled.

Rory held onto her firmly. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just a bit dizzy.” She steadied herself and leaned against her husband. “Heh’tchoo! Hexchoo!” She sneezed into her hands again and groaned.

“Doctor, we really need to stop. She needs to get some rest.”

The Doctor cast a worried glance back at Amy, “Yeah...alright. Looks like you could use a break, too.” Looking around, he spotted a Bendramite a few feet away. “Ah, yes!” He walked over to a Bendramite. “Excuse me, but do you know where I could find a hotel?”

“Just over there,” the tall alien said and pointed to a building a little bit to their right.

“Thank you. Come along Ponds. Let’s go get a room.”

They entered a tall, stone building. The inside looked like a tall tree house, and the lobby was fully decorated in stuff made from the Beneser trees. The Doctor immediately strolled up to the front desk while Amy was led by Rory to sit on a soft sofa in the lobby.

The Doctor pulls out his psychic paper paper and shows it to the receptionist. “Ah, we’ll need a room please. Just for tonight.”

“Your room is the VIP suite on the fourth floor, room 406.” Bendramite handed the Doctor the room keys.

“Great, thank you! Can you please point me in the direction of the elevators?”

“Actually sir, we don’t have elevators. This planet uses all natural energy. The stairs are just around the corner though.”

The Doctor glanced back at Amy, who was sitting with her head resting against Rory’s shoulder. “Ok, well thank you.” He said before heading over to where they were.

“What did they say? Do they have a room for us?” Rory questioned.

“Yes, they gave us one of the VIP suites on the fourth floor.” The Doctor said while grinning.

“Great!” He quickly looked around the room. “Where are the elevators?”

“Um, well, actually, Rory, you see, theres a bit of a problem…”

“Yeah, go on, spit it out already.”

“There’s no elevators...but there are stairs just around that corner!”

“No elevators! But our room is on the fourth floor! Amy can’t walk up all those steps! She’s sick!”

“I can walk, really guys, it’s no big deal.” Amy drowsily chimed in.

“You sure, love? I can carry you if you want?” Rory said and then gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You’re really hot, Amy” Rory said with a frown upon his face.

“Mmm thanks, I know I am” Amy said with a weak grin on her face, which was wiped off with a distant look, and she brought her hands over her face. “Heh’tchoo! Heh... Eh choo!”

“Bless you. And not like that! Well, yes like that, but you know what I mean,” Rory sighed.

“Alright, you two, enough of the mushy, gushy, lovey-dovey stuff! Let’s get to our room.”


End of Part 3. There will be 7 parts total, and there will be one part posted each day! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

P.S. Be prepared for lots of fluffiness and cuddling in the next chapter ;)

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@count de tisza, it'll make more sense later on. It's just, as Seniorstatus14 said, the character we tried to focus on more.

Here's part 4! There isn't too much sneezing in this chapter.

Part IV



Rory grabbed Amy’s arm as she stood up to keep her from losing her balance. They walked over to where the steps where. They were steep, wooden steps, with little landings every fifteen steps with a door to show where each floor was. Amy made it up almost two flights of steps before she had to pause and take a break to cough and to catch her breath. Rory, seeing the exhausted look on his wife’s face, walked back down the steps, swooped her up bridal style, and carried her the last two flights of stairs.

“You okay to walk now? Or do you want me to carry you?” Rory asked gently.

Amy shivered and looked up at him tiredly before croaking out in a congested voice, “I cad walk.”

Rory looked at her, and although she might’ve been able to, she didn’t look well at all, and he thought it would be best to carry her until they got to their room. He continued to carry her as they walked down a hallway and past a few doors until they reached the door labelled 406.

The Doctor inserted the room key and opened the door to reveal a bright, spacious room, with a beautiful view of the planet outside their window. There were two queen sized beds next to each other, and a couch and coffee table to the left, a kitchen that contained an array of plants and herbal medication, and a large bathroom off to the side.

Rory carried Amy over to the closer of the two beds and carefully set her down. He took off her shoes and tucked her in tightly before quickly turning his head to the side. “Eh-nggt!” Rory stifled a sneeze into his fist. Amy had always complained about how loud his sneezes were, so he stifled them.

“Bless you!” The Doctor called over from the pantry in the kitchen.

Rory kissed Amy on the forehead to feel how warm she was. “Doctor, do they have any thermometers over there?” He called worriedly; he could feel she was burning up.

“No, but I can take her temperature with this.” The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned Amy. “39.8 degrees celsius. Sore throat, slight cough, a bad headache, congestion, sneezing, and high fever.”

Amy curled up on her side, shivering in response and closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep.

“Not yet, my sweet Amelia. I’m trying to find you some medicine.” The Doctor said as he searched the pantry of potions and herb mixtures. “Aha! Here, Rory give her this. It should help her until I can get back.” He handed the small vial he had pulled out to Rory and walked to the door.

“Get back? Where are you going?” Rory asked, confused.

“I’m going to find the TARDIS. Sooner we get back to the TARDIS, the sooner Amy can get better!” The Doctor called over his shoulder as he left.


“Here, the Doctor said this should help you feel a bit better.” He uncorked the vial of medicine, and his nose scrunched up in disgust as the smell hit him. He handed it to Amy, who luckily was too congested to smell the foul concoction. She dumped the whole thing in her mouth and almost spit it back out; it tasted terrible, but she felt a hand cover her mouth before she could do so. “Swallow. The Doctor said this’ll make you feel better”

Amy grimaced and tried not to gag as she did so. “Water, please?”

“Yeah, I’ll get that,” Rory said. He found a stack of paper cups made of recycled material, then went into the bathroom sink and filled it up with water for Amy. He helped her take a drink and then lie down comfortably.

Amy soon fell asleep and Rory got up to look around the spacious room and see what he could find.


Back out in town, the Doctor wandered around, and tried to find someone to ask about the TARDIS. He soon spotted a group of Bendramites sitting on a bench on the side of the street.

He strolled casually up to them. “Ah, hello! I was wondering if you’ve seen a tall, blue box anywhere around here? I seemed to have misplaced it.”

“Yes, I remember seeing one down there a ways away.” One of the Bendramites pointed to a part of the jungle to the right of him.

“Thank you!” He shouted as he took off running.

He ran for a few minutes before coming to a small, unfamiliar clearing. He circled the area, but the TARDIS is no where to be seen. He did, however, see a shorter Bendramite, probably a young child, writing in a journal of some sort underneath a tree.

“Excuse me, but have you seen a big, blue box?”

The child shyly looked up at him with his big, brown eyes. In a small voice, he answered, “I saw something like that over there a ways back.” and pointed to his left.

“Thank you so much!” He jogged off in the direction the young Bendramite pointed him.


Part 5 is coming in another day or two. Please let us know what you think!

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Here's part 5! Part 6 will be coming in a day or two!

Part V



Amy woke up a few hours later feeling slightly better, but she still couldn’t remember a time in the past when she felt worse than she did now. Looking around, he saw Rory sitting on the other bed next to her reading a book.

“Where’s the Doctor?” She asked hoarsely.

Rory hopped up and rushed over to his wife’s side. Her cheeks were pale and flushed, and dark circles had started to form underneath her eyes. “He’s not back yet. How are you feeling?” He asked, placing the back of his hand on her forehead, trying to gauge her temperature.

“I’b ok, I thidk the bedicid is helpig, but by dose is all stuffed up.”

“I think your temperature went down some, too. Do you want some more water?”

Amy nodded and Rory walked away to get her a drink. She saw him quickly turn his head to the side and sneeze into his shoulder. “Nggt!” He filled the cup and returned to Amy’s bedside. “Here you... heh... go....” He handed her the cup quickly before he sneezed. “Heh ngxxt!

“Bless you. Are you okay?”

His nose tickled so badly. “Yeah, I’m fine, must be allergic to the flowers in the room... nggt’choo! Heh’ngt-CHOO!” Rory was unable to hold the last sneeze in; his nose tickled too much. He sat down at the side of her bed and stroked her hair.

“You dow, Rory, there’s adother bed. Why dod’t you sleep udtil the Doctor gets back ad get sobe rest?”

“No, I’m fine, really. Go back to sleep.”

Amy sighed, rolled back over, and fell asleep almost instantly. Rory could tell how sick she was just by the fact that she had barely tried to argue. Rory put his head in his hands. His head had began to ache, and he told himself it was probably nothing, if anything, a small cold. That wasn’t good; he needed to look after Amy, and she was much worse than he felt. Although, a quick nap and some of that disgusting medicine wouldn’t hurt, and if he felt better he would be able to take care of her better. He got up and took another identical vial from the kitchen, pinched his nose and swallowed it in one quick gulp. Rory walked back over to the other bed and lay down on top of the sheets, not even bothering to take his shoes off.


The Doctor walked about a half-mile in the direction the alien child pointed him in, but he still was unable to find his beloved time machine. He contemplated abandoning his search and going back to the hotel to look after Amy until she gets better, but he knew that he had better supplies and medicines on the TARDIS that he could give her. He stopped, taking in his surroundings, he saw a familiar looking store. He suddenly recognized where he was, and began to run up the path to the edge of the city and the start of the thick, wild jungle. After jogging a ways more, he sees the same clearing at which they landed, and a big, blue box sitting in the middle.

“Yes! I found you!” He exclaims as he opens the door to the TARDIS. He runs to the console, flips some switches, and the TARDIS starts it’s journey to Amy and Rory’s hotel room.


In Amy’s dream, she was riding in the TARDIS, and the familiar wheezing sound was heard as it landed. She quickly realized that the sound was too clearly heard to be in her dream. She bolted upright, piecing together the fact that she was hearing the TARDIS for real. Another hour had passed since she last fell asleep.

“Rory!” She hoarsely exclaimed, leading to a coughing fit. She spotted him lying on the bed next to her, snoring. She clambered out of the bed, groaning at the sudden movement, but quickly went to put her shoes on and woke Rory up, shaking his shoulder. He sat up and quickly covered his mouth with a fist as he suddenly sneezed. “Ngxt! Heh’ngxt!

The doors to the TARDIS flew open and the Doctor burst out, grinning from ear to ear. “I found her!”

“Good, because I’b ready to go” Amy smiled as she stumbled towards the TARDIS.

“Rory, why don’t you take Amy to your bedroom while I check us out?”

“Yeah, come on Amy,” he took her hand in his and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with the other. Amy covered her mouth with her free hand. “Eh’tchoo!”

Together they walked to their room in the ship, and Rory tucked Amy into his bed, the bottom of the two bunk beds. Amy usually slept on top, but it would be harder for her to climb the ladder and harder for Rory to care for her if she were up there. He kissed her forehead and sat down on a cushy chair, reading a magazine.


End of part 5! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated :)

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And here's part 6, the last part.

Part VI



The Doctor hurried back downstairs and quickly walked up to the receptionist’s desk.

“Hello, how can I be of assistance?”

“Hi, I need to check out.”

“But sir, you didn’t even stay the night. Was everything okay with your room?”

“Yes, yes, everything was perfect. It’s just...” He tried to think of an excuse. “Something came up and we have to go home.”

“Okay sir, one moment please.” The Bendramite filled out some paperwork and then handed it over to the Doctor. “Sign here please, and then you’ll be all checked out.”

The Doctor signed the paper with a messy “John Smith” and handed it back to the Bendramite. “Thank you very much for the room!” He called over his shoulder as he ran back up to the room.

He made it back up to the room and to the TARDIS in record time. He flew his spaceship off of Bendramyther, but just set it to float idly in space; flying through the time vortex would be an uncomfortable ride for Amy. He then headed down the hall until he found the medicine closet. He sorted through the cabinet until he found what he’s was looking for: flavoured medicine for flu and cold symptoms. Even though nobody had found a cure for the flu, this stuff is extremely helpful in treating the symptoms.


The door banged open just as Rory started to doze off to reveal the Doctor standing in the doorway.

“Shush!” He whispered. “Amy’s sleeping.”

“Well, then wake her up! I got her some medicine!”

Rory sighed and then gently shook Amy awake.

“Ames, the Doctor brought you some medicine.” He said softly as to not aggravate hers or his headache.

“Okay. Hope it tastes bedder thad the wod at the hotel.”

“It does!” The Doctor chimed in, handing her the small medicine cup full of pastel yellow, medicine.

She gulped down the sweet concoction in one gulp. Almost immediately, she began to feel some of the pain melt away. Not all of it, but enough to where she didn’t feel like death warmed over. She handed the cup back over to the Doctor. “Badada flavoured?”

“What else would it taste like?” The Doctor exclaimed.

Amy put on a dazed look and turned to the side away from the Doctor and Rory as best as she could sitting in bed and doubled over, sneezing into her hands. “Eh’choo! Heh... eh choo!

“Bless you. How are you feeling now?” Rory asked, feeling her forehead. “You still have a fever, but you’re much cooler.

“Buch bedder, thadks. My throat isd’t sore ad by head doesd’t hurt as buch, but by dose is still stuffed up. That bedicid is like bagic.”

“How do you know it isn’t?” The Doctor put on a small grin. “Now get some more rest, I’ll bring you up some soup or something later.”

Amy obeyed, curling up under the covers and closing her eyes.

Ngxxt!” Rory stifled another sneeze as quietly as he could.

“How about you, Rory, how are you feeling? You don’t look too well.”

“Me? I’m fine, it’s probably just a little cold, nothing too bad. Besides, I need to watch over Amy.”

“Amy is sound asleep, and I’m here now. She’ll be fine if you take a little nap” He whipped out his sonic screwdriver and scanned him before he could argue.

“Aha! You are definitely sick! You have a fever of 38.2 degrees celsius. You’ve got the same thing as Amy. Get to bed. I’ll give you some medicine, too. It should bring down your fever, but you might still have a few small symptoms, such as sneezing and a runny nose.”

The Doctor poured more of the banana flavoured medicine into the medicine cup and handed it to Rory to take.

Rory took it with a small grimace. “Blech, that’s really sweet! Why on Earth would you get banana flavoured medicine?”

“Because bananas are cool! Now get some rest.”

“Fine.” Rory said. He contemplated climbing to the top bunk, but he was so tired he just took off his shoes and climbed in bed next to Amy underneath the covers.

The Doctor, who wanted to be there in case his companions woke up and needed something, picked up a thick book of Gallifreyan fairytales off of the floor, sat down, and began to read.


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Hey guys, here's the last little part. Sorry it so short :P

Part VII (Epilogue)



Amy woke up with a warm body cuddled next to her. She rolled over and saw that it was Rory, facing away from her, trying to stifle his sneezes as to not wake her up.

“Heh...heh...heh’nggxt! Ngxxt! Heh.. heh choo!” Rory’s sneeze was muffled since the blanket was pressed up against his face. He rolled back over and realized he had woken Amy up.

“Bless you” Amy murmured.

“I’b sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Rory said apologetically.

“It’s fide, let’s just go back to sleep, okay?”

“Yeah.” Rory snuggled closer to Amy.

They soon fell back asleep, warm and comfortable, with the Doctor still sitting in the corner reading his storybook.


The end! Hope you enjoyed our story! :)

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