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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Admit It (Once Upon a Time; Swan Queen)


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This isn't my first fanfic, but it is my first time posting here, so I'm a bit apprehensive. I know this is short, but I figured I'd put it up and see what people think. Feel free to comment and I'll post part 2 very soon. =D

This is set somewhere in S1 if you're wondering.


Heh-itschoo! Excuse me.”

“Bless you,” Emma said.

“Thank you,” Regina replied. She sniffled quietly and turned back to the papers in front of her. “As I was saying…”

But Emma wasn’t paying attention anymore. That was the fourth time Regina had sneezed since their little meeting had started ten minutes ago. Emma scanned the brunette’s face and noticed a bit of red around her nose and hints of dark circles under her tired brown eyes. Something was wrong with her. Then Emma remembered that Henry had been home sick for the past few days. Maybe the mayor had picked up whatever he had. Regina sick? No way. Then again…

“Miss Swan, are you listening to a word I’m saying?” Regina asked. Her words snapped Emma out of her reverie.

“Yeah. Budget stuff. I’m listening.” Emma crossed her legs and looked down at the sheets Regina was sliding over to her.

“Yes. ‘Budget stuff.’ I just need your signature on these and we can—“ Regina paused suddenly. She frowned, sniffed, and turned to look at the light.

“Are you okay?” Emma asked.

Regina held up one hand and brought the other up to rub at the bridge of her nose. Instead of relieving the tickle in her sinuses, though, that only made it worse. Her eyes fluttered shut and her mouth opened. “Heh-itschoo! Heh-choo! Hehe-itschoo!”

“Wow. Bless you,” Emma said. She mentally ticked the sneezes off: five, six, seven. “Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m fine,” Regina insisted, grabbing a tissue from the box on her desk and dabbing at her nose.

“You’re sick.”

“I am not.”

“Yes you are,” Emma said. “You’ve been home with Henry and you caught his cold.”

“It doesn’t matter. Can we just get back to this?” Regina asked, gesturing at the paperwork.

“Not until you admit you’re sick.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Admit it.”

“Miss Swan, I…”

“I can see it in your face.”

Heh-itchoo!” Regina’s retort was lost when she sneezed into her elbow, so she settled for shooting a glare at Emma through now-watery eyes.

“That’s eight times you’ve sneezed in less than fifteen minutes.”

“You’re counting my sneezes?” Regina asked incredulously.

“Yeah. I mean, they’re kinda hard to miss.” Emma said with a shrug.

"Sneezing isn't always a sign of being sick."

“Well, the pollen count’s low today and your office is freaky clean, so it can’t be allergies. Just admit it.”

“Will you let it go if I say yes?”


“Then yes,” Regina said. “I caught Henry’s cold. Are you happy now?”

“Very,” Emma said with a smirk. “Now get up.”

“What?” Regina narrowed her eyes. That was the wrong move as it caused her to sneeze again.

“Get up. You’re in no condition to be working. I’m taking you home.”

“Miss Swan, I’m fine. Now can we please—“

“You kept Henry out of school with this thing. How is this any different?”

If Regina was being completely honest with herself, she did feel awful. The idea of getting to go home and rest was tempting, even if it meant showing weakness to Emma Swan of all people. She felt a headache starting to press at her temples and groaned. “Fine,” she spat bitterly.

Emma almost didn’t believe she had heard it. Regina Mills accepting help? Maybe the world was coming to an end. She didn’t question it though. She just headed outside before the mayor had a chance to change her mind.

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I love this, and it makes me so happy to see more of my OTP on here that I've actually broken my massive several year site silence (after changing a lot of settings just in case) so that I could come on here and tell you how much I look forward to you continuing this lovely story. I love Emma counting Regina's sneezes.

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I seriously think we need more OUAT fics in this forum. This show has so many beautiful women in it there's just so many options to choose from. Looking forward to the next parts.

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