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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Why is it so hard for us to say the word?


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I have no problem typing out or writing the word, but I have to force myself to say it out loud in front of anyone.

I also can't bring myself to say "bless you." One reason is because I agree that feels unnesseacary. I mean, no one says anything special when somebody coughs. I guess it'd be cute to bless someone you cared a lot about though, as a way of showing your affection.

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Used to try and avoid that word. Now I just say it quickly and very awkwardly... But I'm an awkward person so nobody really bats an eye. I think it's your own personal connection to this fetish I suppose, because it means more to you then it does "normal" people... Kinda like a secret joy, and if you say it out loud, some how people will just know...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many people complain about the word 'moist'. Honestly, saying 'moist' feels better than saying sneeze. To me, saying 'sneeze' is like stripping in public. *shudders*

I even avoid reading it when I have to read aloud in class.

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I can have a conversation with someone about sneezing, but I just can't physically say the word. I have before, and it doesn't bother me, but like a few people said I think it's the connotation of the word that if I talk about it, questions arise, and who knows what pieces could be put together about me.

Which sounds strange because it's a word, and as others have pointed out, it means nothing to your everyday person but so much to us.

But at the same time, even though it's strange we're afraid, it also makes complete rational sense somehow. It's weird, but certainly not weird enough that tomorrow I'll just be saying the word sneeze to everyone I see hahaha.

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