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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Why is it so hard for us to say the word?


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I think to me the weird thing about saying the word, is the connotation I give it when I say it out loud. I think as if someone will know I have some bizarre, sexual, primal attraction to even the thought of sneezing just from me saying the word. Sure, I don't like to censor myself, in any way, shape, or form, so I will naturally still use the word in everyday language.

Sometimes if I'm really knotted-up, I'll try and ease the conversation into "sneeze" territory. I've kinda become a ninja about it.

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I have a problem with it for sure, but it's not AS bad now~

For me personally, I associate the word "sneeze" or "cold" or "sniffles" to sexual words. So I treat them as delicately and avoid them about as often as I do with names of genitals, or sexual terms. It also explains why I can more easily say "sneeze" to my boyfriend than I can to my parents. Geez. The moment they start talking about colds, I'm OUT.

This, exactly. Saying the word for me is basically the equivalent of saying, "I'm so horny. You make my BLEEP so BLEEP and I want to BLEEP your BLEEP and watch you BLEEP...." and so on and so forth bleep x1000. So, saying that infront of friends, family, strangers? Yeah, no. No way. With my boyfriend I can kind of say it though. It helps that I don't have to use my mother tongue for that. But even with him it feels like dirty talk so I don't do it unless I'm feeling in that mood.

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I had to say that I can type the word sneeze as much as I want, but saying it , is more difficult, I would have to say it is like talking about something sexual, and would just leave me feeling wierd

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Alright, I just tried to say the word in my mother tongue, here by myself. No. I don't like the sound of my voice saying it. Without exaggerating, my very core screamed and I revolved in my bed at how AWKWARD it felt. I avoid the word like the plague with people I know, even more so with my family. Ughhhh.

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Uh, it's just generally awkward for me. I don't think I've had enough practice saying it.

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I have such a hard time avoiding saying sneeze as much as possible. I can type it all day long but for the word "sneeze" to leave my mouth is not very likely! I also worry that I am going to put too much emphasis on it.. or make it obvious somehow I think... I also melt just hearing people say it so maybe thats another issue. :)

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It's weird, on here, with people who "understand", I don't have a problem typing it, but when I was talking to my online penpal, (btw, she's the only person I have ever told about it) I couldn't bring myself to type the word even once after the original "de-closeting" confession.

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I can't say it either, in fact, I don't like talking about anything sneeze related unless it is on here. On closer introspection, I feel embarrassed when I have to say it, like people are just going to know that I have a fetish for it >_>

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate saying it! I literally cannot bring myself to do it, even when it just happens to come up in a conversation. I'll do pretty much anything to move the conversation on and not have to talk about it. I think it's because I don't want everyone knowing and I feel like somehow saying "sneeze" gives me away as a fetishist...ridiculous right!!! laughingsmiley.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Confession time: I have never said the word. Not exaggerating. It has never passed through my lips. :blushing:

I vividly remember in kindergarten fighting this mental block when I was on the playground with one of my friends. For god knows what ever reason, I decided to try and explain to her that there was a word I just "couldn't say". Of course she demanded to know what said word was so there I was, struggling with myself to say it. I think I eventually said some inaudible slur of the word and then cringed to the depths of my soul and wanted to wipe my brain of that occurance, even though she never actually heard what I said.

But that was the only time I have ever come close to saying it. xD.... Never again...*shudders*

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I hate saying it! I literally cannot bring myself to do it, even when it just happens to come up in a conversation. I'll do pretty much anything to move the conversation on and not have to talk about it. I think it's because I don't want everyone knowing and I feel like somehow saying "sneeze" gives me away as a fetishist...ridiculous right!!! laughingsmiley.gif

I'm totally with you on that. It's just a touchy subject in my mind I guess! (and apparently a lot of other people's)

I just find it strange that it's something that so many people seem to have (thus this whole forum) but yet nobody can talk about it in real life......

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  • 3 months later...

I can't say it either, in fact, I don't like talking about anything sneeze related unless it is on here. On closer introspection, I feel embarrassed when I have to say it, like people are just going to know that I have a fetish for it >_>

I think that's it's pretty amazing that I have never said "sneeze" in my life before. I've gotten into situations where it's almost impossible for me to avoid the word "sneeze" yet I've managed. I love hearing the word sneeze specially when I was younger and my classmates would say it.
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Maybe because somewhere deep in our embarrassed, paranoid minds we feel like somehow the word 'sneeze' will lead to a conversation about sneezing and the person we're talking to might wonder why we're talking about sneezes, think it's weird, and gather the assumption that we secretly get turned on by sneezes. :P

Could be.

I agree 100%! Great idea! :)
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I don't have a problem with saying "sneeze," but I do have a problem saying "ahchoo." :lol: No, really! A few days ago, I was reading a book to my niece and the main character had a cold. Of course, they has spelled out "AHCHOO!" in the book a bunch of times and I just couldn't say it. It was like some horrible form of torture. My niece kept staring at me all expectantly and I was just like, "Ummm...."

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We are taught to repress sex words. For us, "sneeze" is just not a word that is used in polite conversation.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if anyone made a topic like this yet, but I was just curious to see your opinions. It's really hard for me to say the word sneeze out loud, and I know this is the case for some people. Why do you guys think it's so challenging? I can't really figure out an explanation for it.

I also want to explain to my best friend, who does know I have the fetish, why it's so hard for us to say it. I can't seem how to explain it very well...

So what do you guys think?

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I also find it very hard to say the word but dont have a problem writing it. If someones talking about sneezing i dont get involved and dismiss the conversation as i think people might find out especially women and work mates

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Hi everyone! I'm not sure if anyone made a topic like this yet, but I was just curious to see your opinions. It's really hard for me to say the word sneeze out loud, and I know this is the case for some people. Why do you guys think it's so challenging? I can't really figure out an explanation for it.

I also want to explain to my best friend, who does know I have the fetish, why it's so hard for us to say it. I can't seem how to explain it very well...

So what do you guys think?

I don't know, really. Personally, I've never had a hard time saying this kind of stuff. I get sort of awkward if there's a conversation about it, but saying it out loud doesn't bother me in particular.


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I really only have a problem saying the words in Dutch. Whenever I talk fetishy stuff with my boyfriend, I almost automatically revert to English, because in my own language it's just, I don't know . . . too close to home, or something. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally agree with Maru-chan - its difficult and awkward to say because, to many of us, its a sex word! Its the same as talking about 'regular' sexual acts. Although I know its just my fetish-point-of-view, I'm often slightly shocked when non-fetishists seem so comfortable talking it in public! Especially about how loud/big/multiple/satisfying it was! I feel awkward saying it, but when I say the word noone seems to 'find me out' so I get bolder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find this really interesting!! I can say the word "sneeze" without even thinking about it, but I have never said the word "sick" before. It's impossible.

I used to not be able to type the word "sick," either. But when I was 12, I made some online friends and I forced myself to use the word with them a few times, and I've gradually been getting more comfortable with the word. I know that one day in the future I'm gonna be stuck using the word, so I'm trying to get as comfortable as I can with it!

Also, I find it interesting how some of you guys can't say "bless you." It's weird because similarly, I'm unable to say "feel better!"

I really only have a problem saying the words in Dutch. Whenever I talk fetishy stuff with my boyfriend, I almost automatically revert to English, because in my own language it's just, I don't know . . . too close to home, or something. XD

And it's definitely easier for me to talk about being sick in Italian (I take it in school) than it is in English. Because it doesn't sound "sexual" to me in Italian!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I was the only one like this!!

I feel so uncomfortable saying "sneeze" and "allergy". And I refuse to say "bless you", it's just not happening. I used to say it when I was really little, not anymore since I developed the fetish.

And when you think about it, saying bless you is pretty stupid. At least in my opinion. That's another reason why I don't say it. I don't care if it's polite or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Confession time: I have never said the word. Not exaggerating. It has never passed through my lips. blushing.gif

I vividly remember in kindergarten fighting this mental block when I was on the playground with one of my friends. For god knows what ever reason, I decided to try and explain to her that there was a word I just "couldn't say". Of course she demanded to know what said word was so there I was, struggling with myself to say it. I think I eventually said some inaudible slur of the word and then cringed to the depths of my soul and wanted to wipe my brain of that occurance, even though she never actually heard what I said.

But that was the only time I have ever come close to saying it. xD.... Never again...*shudders*

I had a really similar experience with a friend of mine when I was about 6 or 7 years old. She somehow found out there was a word that made me uncomfortable, and then she said she had a word like that too. We decided to write them down and read each other's words. Hers was "love" (pretty sure she just made it up to find out my word) and mine was, obviously, sneeze. It's been over 20 years and I'm still embarrassed thinking about that moment. First and last person I told. I don't like saying the word, even typing it up there felt strange. I don't like hearing anybody else say it either. It's just the word itself, I can certainly listen to the action all day! It just makes me feel so uncomfortable!

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Wow, I genuinely thought it was just me, haha... I haven't actually said the word in years, seriously. I had no problem saying it when I was younger - but then, back then I didn't know it was a fetish. XD

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I only get weird about saying it around family, otherwise there's a total disconnect (probably because I work in a medical field and use it in one of my canned patient check-in questions on a daily basis) and I don't think twice about it. Same with blessing people, no matter the familiarity. Total stranger? No problem? Family? Would rather gargle battery acid.

Brains are weird.

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