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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Typhoid Becky (SPN)


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Oh my god, WOW!! Definitely worth the wait!!! I liked the one paragraph that kind of compared Dean's features to Sam's, and also all of the references to Chuck's writing... makes Becky's POV really clear and smooth. I can't believe how good you are at this! Also... I really liked Sam trying to talk through the sneezing fit, and then those two softer, crisper sneezes at the tail end of it. Mmmm. And talking about Dean's illnesses as well!!! You always explore their history in a really thoughtful way. So awesome! Thank you!!!

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Omg how have I not commented on this before now?! I've been stalking this thread for ages (in the least creepy way possible).

Oddity I adore your writing sooooo much! The way that you write in things about their childhood and all the talk about how Dean always is with fevers and everything...It's so great and it gives your stories a lot of depth! Also, your spellings. And those fits that Sam had!!! The perspective is very unique and interesting and the storyline is really engaging! I love all of your stories and this one is no exception.

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I checked this thinking no way there will be an update and then EEEEEEEK *jumps around excitedly. Just one problem... I want mooooooooorrrree.

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So... it's been ages and I don't have a decent excuse. Better late than never? Maybe?

Definitely better late than never smile.png I'm still in awe with the story... Poor Becky can never get her break. She gets Sam, Dean's in the way. She gets Dean out of the way, Sam calls Bobby to the rescue tonguesmiley.gif

“I swear to God, the higher the fever, the worse he gets.” Sam sniffs, and wipes his nose against the base of his thumb. “Right about when anyone else would be passing out, Dean is ready to pick a fight with the damn wallpaper.

I couldn't stop myself from imaging this smile.png Awwww Dean! Pretty sure he would win thou, even sick!

And now I can't stop hoping to see such an epic scene in the next chapter...

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Okay, I just read all parts in one go and it was *amazing*! This story is so different from other SPN stories! I mean, like I said, not a big fan of Becky, but the way you're writing it, it's so easy to relate! Her thoughts give the story a lot of depth, as did the references to Sam and Dean's childhood. (I have a thing for mono in fiction haha... I liked that part...!)

Your descriptions are incredibly vivid. You're really good with describing Sam's symptoms in a non-repetitive way. That's so impressive! The sneezing fits were really great, too! And I loved Dean's casual comment on how Sam always sneezes and it's "his throat you need to worry about"! <3

The way Sam talked about how Dean gets when he has a fever was also extremely lovely and enjoyable and ahhh... this story is sooo good!! I hope you continue at some point! I'd love to see what happens next!

PS: Random thought: Maybe reading about sick!Sammy from Becky's perspective is so good because she thinks he's attractive no matter what, even when he's sick, and we think he's especially attractive when he's sick, so even though Becky's not a fetishist, it comes close to a fetishists perspective? Idk... anyway, this story is brilliant! (:

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Wow don't know how I haven't read this earlier, it's amazing! I never particularly cared for Becky, but I am LOVING this- such a clever idea! Please continue?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys are so lovely with your commenting. Thank you. Full credit for the idea goes to NorthernLady though, I'm just filling her amazing prompt - which I'll share at the end. :)


“Rise and shine!” Becky announces, as she heads through the motel room door, waving a Walgreens bag in the air. “It’s medicine time.”

Dean, who is apparently up already and sat at the desk with a phone to his ear, just rolls his eyes and look away. Sam, who seems to be just waking, pokes an unruly head of hair out from under the covers and sniffles. She opts for the path of least resistance (and most handsomely defined cheek bones).

“Okay.” She sets herself on Dean’s mattress and rifles through her bag. “Wanna start with lozenges? I picked you up some more.”

Sam takes hold of the packet eagerly, trying to thumb it open one-handed while the other rubs hurriedly at his nose. After a moment, he gives up, letting the pack drop into his lap as he squints at the ceiling, (broad, broad, sexy) chest hefting up and down as he breathes in and out repeatedly. More than familiar with this routine, Becky pulls a handful of Kleenex from the box and presses them into Sam’s palm.


“Jesus.” Dean comments from across the room. “Startindg early today kiddo.”

“Ehh…H’SSSHew! UhhTSHH’ew! Ugh. Sniff. You kdnow mbe…”

There’s a plastic thunk! as Dean tosses his phone onto the table. “Ndo andswer fromb Bobby.”

Sam pauses mid-gasp, as his rapidly accelerating sniffles stop, and the sneeze that was so apparently heading for lift-off, seems to dissolve completely into a worried frown. Becky watches the process with interest, wondering whether she could replicate it later when he’s sneezing and suffering.

“Whadt did you say?” Sam asks, his voice rough and cracking.

“Cand’t get through to Bobby. Guess he’s ond the cand.”

Sam’s frown deepens. “I randg himb… last ndight and he didnd’t andswer. I was gondda… Did I fall asleep?”

Somewhere between the adorable picture Sam makes, all confused with sleep in his eyes and hair flopping all over his face, and the memory of tucking his blanket around his shoulders the night before, Becky’s throat tightens and her voice gets all trapped up inside her. The best she can do is nod.

“Mbaybe he randg back while you were asleebp.” Dean suggests. “What?” he presses, not giving in to Sam’s dubious expression. “You’re sick, you could have slepbt through it.”

Sam leans over to grab his phone.

“Ndo mbissed calls.”

Dean’s head slumps into his hands. “Jesus, Bobby…”

“But I’m here!” Becky interjects, trying to supply a little optimism. “I can…”

The look Dean gives her makes her stomach flip, and not in the Sam-just-brushed-his-hair-back-just-like-he-does-in-the-books kinda way.

“Really?” He asks her through gritted teeth.

“It’s jusdt,” Sam jumps in, trying to smooth things over. “You dond’t understand. Bobby… He doesnd’t mbiss his calls.”

“Hurt.” Dean concludes, standing. “Gotta be.”

“You thindk… ond a job?”

“Dambdnit.” Dean slams a hand against the desk. “I’bm dnot gondda be able to drive downd there.”


“You cand’t either Sambby, so dond’t be stupid.”

“Ndo. Ndot mbe. I was thinkindg mbaybe… Becky.”

Becky starts at the mention of her name. She’d been so caught up in just watching their reactions (Just like reading the books) that she’d forgotten where she was. (Just like reading the books… but REAL).

She has a thrill of excitement and its all that she can do to keep from bouncing on her toes. That’s SAM WINCHESTER. Looking right at her. With those big, sad, hazel eyes. A little droopy and sick-looking maybe, but hopeful and pleading and needing her.

It comes out a bit of a garbled stammer.


A thought occurs to her.

“Does this mean I get to drive the Impala?”

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I can't believe I haven't commented on this yet...

Gah, Becky, she's doing pretty much exactly what I'd really, really love to do. It caters to the dark, evil parts of me evilsmiley03.png Also, I love how she's so fangirl-y the whole time, it's just awesome.

And, on top of that, SAAAAAMMMM and DEEEAAANNN. They're so adorable...and sick, which makes them even more adorable.

Plus your sneeze spellings. I'm just done.blowup.gif

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Another great update! I can't say how much I love this! This line in particular was awesome:

So glad this is being continued.

I can totally relate to Becky in this story, which I know was the intention of the spn writers when they created her character, but I never really felt the connection until reading this. Seriously, AWESOME! :D

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Not sure what happened there, meant to quote this:

The look Dean gives her makes her stomach flip, and not in the Sam-just-brushed-his-hair-back-just-like-he-does-in-the-books kinda way.

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Dean erupts into what starts out like an indignant splutter and turns quickly into a hack-up-a-lung kind of coughing fit. But hunched over, one supporting hand on his thigh and the other at his face, his face is reddening in a way that she’s not entirely sure is just about struggling for breath. He gives her a look that makes her tongue turn to leather and she mumbles a whole string of words that she thinks includes ‘squashed’, ‘six-foot tall’ and ‘three-door hatchback’.

Sam slumps, head into his hands and clears his throat.

“He’s a little protective over the car,” Sam explains. It’s not as if she didn’t know that already (I mean, please…) but his tone is so kind and conciliatory that it could be a reassuring hand around her shoulders and she remembers instantly why this is her favourite brother. “but Deand. If idt’s the ondly way to gedt to Bobby...”

Dean only turns his glare on Sam now, in response, but he breathes deep between coughing and looks as if he’s going to say something, when there’s a low vibrating hum of the phone against the table.

“He’s…Cough! Cough! Gasp! He’s callindg mbe.” Dean manages, breathless, and he stumbles into the bathroom with the phone, holding a hand against the wall to steady himself.

Becky sags, physically as well as emotionally, she thinks. She decides not to wonder about what Dean obviously doesn’t want her to hear. And why he doesn’t want her to hear it. I mean… she can be trustworthy! Mostly. She tucks one arm under the other across her chest so that she can hide the ring in the folds of her sweater.

But… God… the Impala. To have come so close to driving it. No one would believe that she’d done it on the message boards, but she’d know. Man… just imagine, to twist those keys in the ignition and turn up the music just like Dean has done a million times. She’s not even sure that she likes Classic Rock (she’s tried to, of course, for the sake of the boys), but she’d make allowances for the situation. And… and… Oh wow… Sam was that car! She laughed so hard at that chapter. She can picture herself behind the wheel, running hands across the speakers, imagining Sam’s voice thrumming out electronically.

“Okay, he’s ndot hurt.” Dean announces, bringing Becky hurtling back to the present. “He’s sick. Beend up all ndight throwindg his guts up apparendtly.”

“He’s sick?” Sam sniffs and rubs at his nose.

Dean shrugs. “That’s what he said.”

Sam frowns, and speeds up the rubbing, attacking the tip of his nose in circles as he breathes shallow and fast.

“Sndeeze already kiddo.” Dean tells him, “S’goddna happened evendtually andyway; you’ll ondly mbake it worse.”

Sam does. Loudly and painfully and over and over again.

“You take sombe mbedicinde this mbordning Sambby?” Dean asks when he starts to slow.

“Ahh… ASCHHHhh! HahAHSCHHhh! HahhHASHHSHYEW! I uhhh… We’d… TSCHH’SHYEW! We’d started…”

Dean sits down on his own bed, next to Becky.

“Okay, show mbe,” he says to Sam.

Sensing her cue, Becky pulls her backpack onto her knee. “Okay, so, I’ve given him…”

Dean turns slowly where he’s sat, looking at her with tired eyes. “Why are you still here Becky?”


“I hhh-HHHhh UhhESCHH’SHyew! HeSHHH’yew! HuhESCHHH! Ughhhh.” Sam massages the top of his nose. “Hu’TESCHH! I wandt her here.”

“I got your back kiddo.”

Sam blows his nose. “Ndot for mbe. For you.”

“For mbe? Are you serious?”

Sam nods. “I’mb gondda ndeed her if your fever goes up.”

Becky swells up with pride.

“Are you kiddindg mbe? Samb, you’re the onde sndeezindg too mbuch to strindg two sendtendces together.”

He just shakes his head. “Give mbe a box of kleednex and sombethindg for mby throat, and I’ll combe through this just finde.” He coughs. “You’re the flight risk and you kndow it.”

Dean looks at first as though he’s about to protest, but in the end he just scowls at Becky. “Well dond’t you have that wrapped up ind a ndice little bow.” He pulls the bag of medicines from her and passes her a laptop. “Earnd your keep. We’re lookindg for sombethindg that breaks indto houses and cand rip apart a humban ribcage.”

Becky tries to hide a grin, squeezes the laptop to her chest and scuttles across to set up at the desk.

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So I finally read this (cuz now I know who Becky is.. heh) and it's still not done omg this is amazing why did I wait so long. I see how far apart the updates are and I don't want to wait.

Anywayy I love how worried Sam is about Dean. And I like how Becky has been able to follow them and stick with them up to this point (way to stalk!) And then there's the plot that is so amazing and what is happening. I also like how Sam sneezes a lot especially when he's sick :)

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AAHHHHHHH YOU UPDATED!!! :yay: I got so excited when I saw this! :laugh: This fic is the best. The dynamic between Sam and Dean is great and Becky too. And I love how reluctant Dean is to have her around and things, it's really in character.

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Becky is shaking as she’s flicking through webpages, her eyes scanning the screen faster than her brain can keep up with. She’s in. She’s on the team. She’s sitting in a crappy motel room, discussing gruesome murders and pouring through Supernatural lore. This is straight out of her actual dreams. She has to nip herself surreptitiously and breathe long and slow through pursed lips to settle her heartbeat enough so that she can be useful.

Sam cranes his neck around the side of the laptop. “What are you loo-huh… Huh-H’TCHHhew! Sniff! … lookindg at?”

She has to check his face to make sure he isn’t making fun of her. “You’ve never seen this before?”

He shakes his head, face blank before it crumples and he sneezes a bunch of times into the tissue he’s clutching between two hands. Then he sniffs and looks up at her expectantly. He’s adorable. Like a little confused hamster.

She turns the laptop to face him, unable to keep a smile from her face at the surrealism of it all. Imagine explaining this stuff to Sam Winchester.

“Supernaturalhunterhub.net,” she announces. “It has everything you need to know about the books. This part’s the database of all the ghosts and demons and creepy crawlies you guys have come across. Plus, probably, a few you haven’t. People add to it all the time: local legends; stuff they find on the net... I can’t believe you didn’t know about it. I mean,” she touches the side of his thigh, meaningfully, “you’re the centre of it all.”

“HHKkHh!” Sam explodes, trying to bring his Kleenex up to his face at the same time as he jerks away and generally making a mess of it. “Oh God! I’bm s’uh-sorry. EKkKuh’shuh! HuSHHhh! Heh’USHhhuh! It’s just…Ugh, bad sinduses. Ahh…H’USHHH’SHyew! HuUSHHSHyew! Kinda sensditive...”

“Yeah I thindk she got that kiddo.” Dean grumbles, head in his hands and staring down at his Dad’s journal.

Sam wipes his nose and leans back in to the laptop. “You mbind if I take a look?”

Becky hands it over, gladly.

He clicks on the filter tool on the sidebar.

“Oh yeah. That. That’s pretty great. See, after the convention, people thought it’d be pretty useful… you know, for LARPING… It’s so we can search the database. See here,” She leans over to get to the mouse mat, biting her lip when her shoulder brushes his arm, “you can put in some of the things you’ve observed… say for example coldspots and flickering lights and ectoplasm… Bam! You’ve got Ghost Possession!”


“I helped put it together you know,” she tells him, trying not to sound too proud. “I’m a moderator.”

Sam reaches for a pen. “What’s the address?”

Dean finally looks up at this. “You have to be kiddindg mbe?” His voice is starting to go now, as well.

“A searchable directory, sniff! I dunddo, could combe in useful.”

“Fromb the guys who brought us ‘Rockindg the Imbpala: A Windcesteral History.’ I thindk I’ll pass.”

Becky flushes hot. “That’s… it’s kind of an artistic interpretation… the directory… probably more of a practical use…”



Becky jumps when she gets the noise this time in stereo, and turns, along with Sam, to find Dean slumped over the desk, face buried in his cupped hands.

“Bless you.” Sam tells him, and pushes the Kleenex box across the table. Dean pulls out a few sheets, his face already pinched, mouth hanging open.

“AhH’Ushhhhh! HAH’USHhhhAh! Hah’HAhRhUSHhhhSHuew!” Each time he throws himself into the Kleenex, emptying his lungs entirely with every breath. When he’s finished he lets himself flop forward, forehead forming condensation on the tabletop.

“You’re shiverindg againd Deand…” Sam observes, mouth twisted in an uncomfortable frown.

“Tylendol?” Dean suggests.

Sam glances at Becky, but she hesitates.

“This is the last dose, okay?” Sam tells him. “Mbuch mbore and you’re gondda be a whole different kind of sick.”

Dean just sniffs and shivers while Becky goes for the medicine bag.

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Oh Good God Sam as a hamster! I agree with the others, almost lost it when I read that. I continue to absolutely love the ridiculousness of Becky, all her internal commentary. I love how Dean can't stand her and wants her just gone already. It's like getting a present when you update.

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