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Sneeze Fetish Forum

~ The Mortal Instruments . AlecxJace. Cold. *Request for Melody*~


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Hahaha... Jace: "Cover your mouth, dipshit!" Alec: "Look who's talking!" Best part! :D

I like this...! (: Also, I like how they both insist on training, even though they're sick. That's hot...lol.

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Hahaha... Jace: "Cover your mouth, dipshit!" Alec: "Look who's talking!" Best part! :D

I like this...! (: Also, I like how they both insist on training, even though they're sick. That's hot...lol.

. Haha thanks xD . I really try to put playfulness and humour into this since I could never write something serious. Thanks so much Sophie, considering you're one of my favorite author's on the forum :) . I might put a next part.
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Thanks all of you for the support.

Prologue for this chapter : Jace is fully recovered. a few sneeze from him here and there still .

tonguesmiley.gif can't leave him without sneezes. I've tortured Alec enough in the cold department. Alec is just barely getting over his cold but pretend's he's fine. Jace belives him until they go in the garden on the roof for a picnic.. causing pollen allergy's for Alec.

Insperation and other : Ah. the thing's I think of in math class. as well i'll head over to the obs section and post an obs . So yeh. lots of material today. Procrastanating on homework...hum hum.

So yeh. onto torture !



Jace woke up with a tickle in his nose, caused by the dust dancing in his nostrils. He sneezed uncovered.. on Alec "Ashoo Ashoo".

Alec groaned and mumbled "Didn't you just tell be to cover by bouth, jergk?. Still sick? Bless you"

The blonde rolled his eyes then said "But im only half awake. That dosen't count. and dno dot sicgk .Thanks"

Alec replied with "No problem, parabatai".

The blonde asked "Do you want to go for a picnic on the garden roof?"

The blue eyed one bit his lip then replied "Of course" he would try to hide his allergies from Jace.

Jace went to the kitchen and gathered sandwiches,apples and water bottles then put them in a basket.

He took Alec's left hand then carried the basket in his right hand (Jace's p.o.v.. if confused)

They walked up the stairs to the roof then settled down on the grass.

Alec then raised a fist to his face then stifled several sneezes "Ichii Ichiii Ichiii Ichiii".The pollen from the plants surrounding him were making his allergy's act up.

The blonde chuckled at how adorable Alec's sneezes are then said "You finished cutie?" he tapped Alec's nose playfully.

The dark haired one replied with "Im not cute" he pouted.

The blonde chuckled then gave Alec's an apple.

The dark haired one took a few bites then put the apple on the basket.

Alec's breath hitched then he sneezed on his sweater sleeve "Itchiii Itchiii Itchiii Itchiiii", he sniffled miserebly.

The blonde said "Stop being so adorable" he kissed Alec on the lips gently. then pulled back and said "Bless you"

Alexander blushed then said "Thanks".

Jace asked him "Sick? or allergy's?"

Alec blushed then asked "how do you know I have allergies?"

The blonde smirked and said "Alexander i've known you since I was ten. You are my parabatai, how could I not know your weaknesses?"

The dark haired one replied with "But sir Wayland, you have a weakness with cats. I'd use this information against you. and it seems dust as well makes you sneezy"

The blonde snapped "If you dare tell anyone a mere kitten brings down I, Jace Wayland then you will regret it , Alexander ! " he gave Alec a death glare.

The blue eyed one glared back and said "Oh but you musn't tell anyone about my allergies. deal? Wouldn't want to ruin your tuff guy image."

The blonde smirked "It's a deal then." to say he won.. he blew pollen from a flower onto Alec's face.

Alec sneezed against his wrist "Itchii Itchiii Itchiii Itchiii Itchieww". He rubbed his itchy eyes.

The blonde doubled over with laughter then said "You are so vunarable, Alexander and cute at that". He kissed the other one's sensitive nose.

Alec kissed Jace on the lips then smiled.

The dark haired one had a plan forming in his head of how to get Jace back... hum how to embaress Jace Wayland? Perhaps bring a kitten to the intitute and make Clary see how weak he is? That is what it shall be , my plan. Alec thought.

They went downstairs in Jace's room and fell asleep cuddled against eachother in Jace's bed.

Tommrow Alec's plan will be put into place.


Notes : Fluff is good right? I love Jalec <3 I ship it. oopsie. Someone tell me if you don't like them in a relashinship thing and i'll stop them kissing. Other than that. I will make Alec embaress sir Wayland


Enjoy.. I hope

smile.png Also it's really long so sorry for lack of seperation of paragraph's.

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Thanks Arty


Since i'm going to be the nice guy. I'll put up a second part tonight.. right now !



Today Clary was coming over for tea with Jace and the Lightwood siblings. It was time for the eldest Lightwood to put his plan into action.

Alec got up early, trying not to wake up Jace.

The dark haired one tip toed then went outside in the warm summer morning.

The blue eyed one walked some streets then found a pet store.

Alec entered then went to see the kitten's. small and cute.

Alexander made sure to not go near the dogs, because he was allergic to them.

The dark haired one picked up a small orange kitten then smiled at how embaressed Jace will be.

Alec payed for the kitten at the cash register, handing money to the blonde cashier.

He said "Have a good day , m'am." out of politness then left the store.

Alec put the kitten in his jacket then ran to the intitute.

When the eldest Lightwood arrived at the institute he made the kitten walk on the furniture, halls and everywhere's Jace was too be found . Leaving kitten dander everywhere's.

The doorbell rang then Alex went to get the door. He opened the door to find Clary. He said "Come in. let's go get Jace and Isa then let's go to the kitchen for tea".

Alec walked down the hall, followed by Clary. They tapped on Jace's door.

The blonde went downstair's to the kitchen with them.

Isabelle had already set tea on the table.

They sat down at the seats at the table.

Jace felt a sharp tickle in his nose and tryed to not sneeze but at last he sneezed uncovered "Ashoo Ashoo Ashoo"

Isabelle said sharply "Jace Wayland. cover your mouth, don't sneeze in other people's tea , Jerk!"

The blonde sniffled and rubbed at his itchy eyes then said " Excuse be. I dont dow why ib sdneezing"

Clary looked at him in digust and Alec looked at him in a bit of sympathy but was smirking.

They continued drinking their tea until Alec let the kitten walk on the floor. The small orange ball of fur rubbed itself against Jace's leg.

The blonde felt a tickle in his nose. he sneezed un-covered once again "Ashoo Ashoo Ashooo Ashooo Ah-Ashooo Ashooo Ashoooo"

Isabelle glared at him and said " Did I not tell you? Cover your mouth, brat. Jace Wayland, such lack of manners".

Clary mumered "Bless you"

The blonde rubbed his nose then said "Thangks. I dont dow what's wrong wid be. and the sdneezes take be by surprise."

Isa nodded.

The kitten decided to jump on Jace's lap then hop on the table. It climbed onto the blonde's shoulder's and rubbed itself against his face.

The blonde's eyes widdened then he put the kitten away from him, on the floor.

Jace cupped his hands over his face and sneezed messily.. going into a full blown allergy sneeze attack.

"Ashooo Ashooo Ashoo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooo Ashooooo" Jace panted for breath then pinched his nose.

Clary stared at him in shock then burst into giggles.

Isa said " So a small kitten bringing down the tuff Jace Wayland? I hadn't a clue of this."

Clary said "Bless you Jace. You're so cute and vunarable"

Jace glared at them with alllergic tear rimmed eyes and said "Dno i'b dot cute and d'no kidden can'd bring be down" .

Alec picked up the kitty then brought it close to Jace.

the reaction was fast. The blonde sneezed twice "Ashoo Ashoo" on Alec.

Alexander said "Jeez Jace, cover your damn mouth. bless you, parabatai"

Jace glared at him and replied with " Alecgk dont acgt iddocent. I d'know it'ds you that broughd the kidden here"

Alec said "Oh but of course. you're so cute my parabatai" He kissed Jace softly then said "Forgive me?"

Isabelle said "Get a room gentlemen. gross."

The parabatai's chuckled then Jace said "For- Ashoo Forgivend"

Alec handed the blonde a tissue and got the kitten out of Jace's sight.

Jace blew his nose loudly then went to nap in his room.


Notes : Aye sneezy Jace is hot

;) . Any requests for a next part? I do not have any other ideas.

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Alec sneezing but he has the flu and gets really sick and he tries to down play it from Jace as a little cold until he passes out from a fever of 103.0 but he doesn't need to go to the hospital Jace calls him out on it and tells Alec from now on to tell him how sick he really no matter how small or serious.

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Alec sneezing but he has the flu and gets really sick and he tries to down play it from Jace as a little cold until he passes out from a fever of 103.0 but he doesn't need to go to the hospital Jace calls him out on it and tells Alec from now on to tell him how sick he really no matter how small or serious.

I might start a drabble thread haha :)

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Still so amazing haha

A side note: what did you think of the film?

Thank you miss.





k i'll get to writting drabbles now.

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